 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor. Protected because we don't want anyone creating a base class instance.
 /// </summary>
 protected BaseCommand()
     DG200FileLogger.Log("BaseCommand constructor.", 3);
     this._session          = null;
     this._currentResult    = null;
     this._serialConnection = null;
 /// <summary>
 /// Executes a command through the serial connection.
 /// </summary>
 public void Execute()
     if (this._currentCommand != null)
         DG200FileLogger.Log("DG200SerialConnection Execute method sending message.", 3);
         if (this.SendMessage(this._currentCommand.getCommandData()))
                 // Not sure if I should declare this on every iteration, but I guess it's ok.
                 byte[] newReceivedData = new byte[128];
                 // Get data from the COM port.
                 Int32 BytesRead = this._prt.Read(newReceivedData, 0, newReceivedData.Length);
                 DG200FileLogger.Log("DG200SerialConnection Execute method read this many bytes: " + BytesRead + " from com. Passing to command.", 3);
                 // Put in the buffer.
                 this._currentCommand.addCommandResultData(newReceivedData, BytesRead);
             } while (this._currentCommand.continueReading());
         // throw?
         DG200FileLogger.Log("DG200SerialConnection Execute method called without a command. Doing nothing instead.", 1);
        /// <summary>
        /// Process our local buffer.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void processBuffer()
            this.getCurrentBuffer().Position = BaseCommandResult.PAYLOAD_START;
            byte[] tmpArr = new byte[2];

            this.getCurrentBuffer().Read(tmpArr, 0, tmpArr.Length);
            int sessionHeaderCount = bigEndianArrayToInt16(tmpArr);

            // If the session said no track headers remain, don't parse and set the start val to false.
            if (sessionHeaderCount != 0)
                this._headerCount += sessionHeaderCount;
                DG200FileLogger.Log("GetDGTrackHeadersCommandResult found " + sessionHeaderCount + " track headers this iteration. Total now: " + this._headerCount, 3);
                this.getCurrentBuffer().Read(tmpArr, 0, tmpArr.Length);
                this._nextTrackId = bigEndianArrayToInt16(tmpArr);
                DG200FileLogger.Log("GetDGTrackHeadersCommandResult reading next track ID " + this._nextTrackId + ".", 3);
                this._additionalSession = true;

                for (int inx = 0; inx < sessionHeaderCount; inx++)
                    byte[] headerBuf = new byte[GetDGTrackHeadersCommandResult.HEADERSIZE];

                    this.getCurrentBuffer().Read(headerBuf, 0, headerBuf.Length);

                    this._trackHeaders.Add(new DGTrackHeader(headerBuf));
                //this._nextTrackId = 0;
                DG200FileLogger.Log("GetDGTrackHeadersCommandResult no additional headers found.", 3);
                this._additionalSession = false;
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="resultBuf">The buffer with the result of the command.</param>
 public GetDGTrackHeadersCommandResult() : base()
     DG200FileLogger.Log("GetDGTrackHeadersCommandResult constructor.", 3);
     this._headerCount       = 0;
     this._additionalSession = true; // We always do at least two.
     this._trackHeaders      = new List <DGTrackHeader>();
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor. Requires the name of the port where the DG200 is connected.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="portName">Where to find the DG200.</param>
 public DG200SerialConnection(string portName)
     DG200FileLogger.Log("DG200SerialConnection constructor. Port: " + portName, 3);
     _portName            = portName;
     _status              = ConnectionStatus.UNKNOWN;
     this._outputter      = null;
     this._currentCommand = null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Run the command.
        /// </summary>
        public void execute()
            DG200FileLogger.Log("BaseCommand execute method.", 3);

        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor. Calls the parent to initialize.
        /// </summary>
        public GetDGTrackHeadersCommand() : base()
            DG200FileLogger.Log("GetDGTrackHeadersCommand constructor.", 3);
            this._startingTrackIndex = 0;

            this._locResult = new GetDGTrackHeadersCommandResult();
            this._session   = new GetDGTrackHeadersSession();
            this._currentResult = this._locResult;
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate a list of track header start times, formatted in UTC.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A newline-delimited list of track header start times.</returns>
        public override string ToString()
            string headers = "";

            DG200FileLogger.Log("Writing to string. trackheader count is: " + this._trackHeaders.Count, 3);
            foreach (DGTrackHeader th in this._trackHeaders)
                headers += th.ToString() + "\n";

        public MainWindow()
            DataContext = this;


            this._ports = new PortScanner();


 /// <summary>
 /// Read the payload size data and store the result internally.
 /// </summary>
 protected void evaluatePayloadSizeData()
     // Once we get enough data in the buffer, evaluate the payload size.
     if (!this._sizeDataEvaluated && this.getCurrentBuffer().Length > 3)
         this._sizeDataEvaluated = true;
         byte[] sizeArr = new byte[2];
         this.getCurrentBuffer().Position = 2;
         this.getCurrentBuffer().Read(sizeArr, 0, 2);
         this.getCurrentBuffer().Position = this.getCurrentBuffer().Length;
         this._expectedByteCount          = this.calculateExpectedBytes(sizeArr);
         DG200FileLogger.Log("BaseSession calculated payload size: " + this._expectedByteCount, 3);
        /// <summary>
        /// Override the save-to-buffer method. Because we do sneaky math before passing to the result.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bytes">The array of incoming bytes</param>
        /// <param name="byteCount">The number of useful bytes in the incoming array (not all of the array is always useful)</param>
        public override void Write(byte[] bytes, Int32 byteCount)
            int bytesCopiedFromFirstSession = 0,
                newInputOffset = 0;

            // First, do we have enough bytes to start copying the second payload?
            // We only want to do this once.
            if (!this._movedSessionPointer && this.getCurrentBuffer().Length + byteCount >= GetDGTrackFileSession.SECOND_SESSION_PAYLOAD_START)
                DG200FileLogger.Log("GetDGTrackFileSession evaluating data merge criteria.", 2);
                // If so, see if we need to copy any remaining data from the first session.
                if (this.getCurrentBuffer().Length < GetDGTrackFileSession.FIRST_PAYLOAD_END)
                    DG200FileLogger.Log("GetDGTrackFileSession: First payload not saved, doing that now.", 2);
                    // Do the math and write with a custom offset. Casting, ugh.
                    bytesCopiedFromFirstSession = unchecked ((int)(GetDGTrackFileSession.FIRST_PAYLOAD_END - this.getCurrentBuffer().Length));

                    this.getCurrentBuffer().Write(bytes, 0, bytesCopiedFromFirstSession);

                    // The new starting offset for the second read.
                    newInputOffset = bytesCopiedFromFirstSession + GetDGTrackFileSession.SPACE_BETWEEN_PAYLOADS;
                    DG200FileLogger.Log("GetDGTrackFileSession: First payload saved, changing buffer pointer and copying.", 2);
                    // Calculate how many extraneous bytes were copied into the buffer on the last pass.
                    bytesCopiedFromFirstSession = unchecked ((int)(this.getCurrentBuffer().Length - GetDGTrackFileSession.FIRST_PAYLOAD_END));
                    newInputOffset = GetDGTrackFileSession.SPACE_BETWEEN_PAYLOADS - bytesCopiedFromFirstSession;

                    // Move the pointer to the end of the first buffer
                    this.getCurrentBuffer().Position = GetDGTrackFileSession.FIRST_PAYLOAD_END;

                DG200FileLogger.Log("GetDGTrackFileSession: Writing with modified buffer.", 2);
                this.getCurrentBuffer().Write(bytes, newInputOffset, byteCount - newInputOffset);

                this._movedSessionPointer = true;
                DG200FileLogger.Log("GetDGTrackFileSession doing regular write.", 2);
                this.getCurrentBuffer().Write(bytes, 0, byteCount);

            // Figure out what we have.
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates the track points from the internal buffer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Yields track points that are stored.</returns>
        public IEnumerable <IDGTrackPoint> getTrackPoints()
            DG200FileLogger.Log("DGTrackPointFactory: Starting processing.", 3);
            // Send back the first one.
            yield return(this._firstTrack);

            byte[] readArr = new byte[this._expectedBytes];

            this._buf.Read(readArr, 0, readArr.Length);

            // Then move through the buffer and start building tracks.
            while (this._buf.Position != this._buf.Length && !this.endingBytes(readArr))
                yield return(this.getTrackPoint(readArr));

                this._buf.Read(readArr, 0, readArr.Length);

            DG200FileLogger.Log("DGTrackPointFactory: Completed processing.", 3);
        protected override void processDateTime()
            // time is bytes 8-11, date is bytes 12-15.
            ArraySegment <byte> timeSeg = new ArraySegment <byte>(this._rawData, 8, 4);
            string t = this.intToSixDigitString(DG200Utils.bigEndianArrayToInt32(timeSeg));

            ArraySegment <byte> dateSeg = new ArraySegment <byte>(this._rawData, 12, 4);
            string d = this.intToSixDigitString(DG200Utils.bigEndianArrayToInt32(dateSeg));

                this._dt = new DateTime(this.getYear(d), Int32.Parse(d.Substring(2, 2)), Int32.Parse(d.Substring(0, 2)),
                                        Int32.Parse(t.Substring(0, 2)), Int32.Parse(t.Substring(2, 2)), Int32.Parse(t.Substring(4, 2)), DateTimeKind.Utc);
            catch (Exception e)
                DG200FileLogger.Log("DGPositionDateTimeTrackPoint: Unable to process date value (" + t + "). Setting to GPS epoch.", 2);
        public virtual bool continueReading()
            // If we haven't even seen the payload size data, say yes.
            if (!this._sizeDataEvaluated)
                DG200FileLogger.Log("BaseSession has not received enough bytes to evaluate size.", 3);
                DG200FileLogger.Log("BaseSession comparing bytes read (" + this.getCurrentBuffer().Length + ") to expected (" + this._expectedByteCount + ").", 3);
                bool _continue = this.getCurrentBuffer().Length < this._expectedByteCount;
                if (!_continue)
                    DG200FileLogger.Log("BaseSession has read expected amount data and is starting the result processing.", 3);
                    // Initialize the result and save the value on requesting an additional session.

        public bool serialize()
            string firstTrackHeaderTime = "";
            ISet <GetDGTrackFileCommandResult> tfResults = new HashSet <GetDGTrackFileCommandResult>();

            // open file
            XmlWriter wr = XmlWriter.Create(this._outputPath);

            // write processing instruction and required intro data
            wr.WriteProcessingInstruction("xml", "version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'");

            //<gpx version="1.1" creator="DG-200 ToolBox v1.1.20.237" xmlns="http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/1"
            //xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/1 http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/1/gpx.xsd">
            wr.WriteStartElement("gpx", "http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/1");
            wr.WriteAttributeString("version", "1.1");
            wr.WriteAttributeString("creator", "DG-200");
            wr.WriteAttributeString("xsi", "schemaLocation",
                                    "http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/1  http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/1/gpx.xsd");

            wr.WriteElementString("name", firstTrackHeaderTime);
            wr.WriteElementString("src", "DG-200");


            DG200FileLogger.Log("Starting loop through track header entries.", 3);

            foreach (TrackHeaderEntry the in this._trackHeaderEntries)
                DG200FileLogger.Log("Working on track header entry.", 3);
                if (firstTrackHeaderTime == "")
                    firstTrackHeaderTime = the.DateTimeString;

                DG200FileLogger.Log("Going to do the retrieving. This many trackids expected: " + the.getTrackIds().Count, 3);
                foreach (int tfId in the.getTrackIds())
                    DG200FileLogger.Log("Starting on track id: " + tfId, 3);
                    GetDGTrackFileCommandResult res = this.getTrackFile(tfId);

                    DG200FileLogger.Log("Got a track file. Going to write the entries.", 3);

                    foreach (IDGTrackPoint tp in res.getTrackPoints())
                        if (!tp.isWayPoint())
                            this.writeTrackPoint(tp, wr, "trkpt");

                    DG200FileLogger.Log("Done writing entries. Moving to the next track file.", 3);

             * foreach(GetDGTrackFileCommandResult res in tfResults)
             * {
             *  foreach(IDGTrackPoint tp in res.getTrackPoints())
             *  {
             *      this.writeTrackPoint(tp, wr);
             *  }
             * }*/

            wr.WriteEndElement(); // trkseg
            wr.WriteEndElement(); // trk


            wr.WriteEndElement(); // gpx

            // loop through entries
            // if a waypoint, copy that entry to the waypoints set
            // else, serialize

            // close trkseg

            // write waypoints

            // write closing tag

            // close file


 /// <summary>
 /// We override the byte count since the DG200 sends two sessions in response to one command request.
 /// </summary>
 protected override void overrideExpectedByteCount()
     // The track file command sends two sessions at once.
     this._expectedByteCount = GetDGTrackFileSession.ACTUAL_PAYLOAD_BYTE_COUNT;
     DG200FileLogger.Log("GetDGTrackFileSession overriding expected byte count: " + this._expectedByteCount, 2);
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes the command. Since commands can be reused, this method resets the command for reuse.
 /// </summary>
 public void initialize()
     DG200FileLogger.Log("BaseCommand initialize.", 3);
 protected BaseCommandResult()
     DG200FileLogger.Log("BaseCommandResult constructor.", 3);
     this._buffers = new List <CommandBuffer>();
 /// <summary>
 /// This command requires a manual override on the data size value b/c it comes back wrong.
 /// </summary>
 protected override void overrideExpectedByteCount()
     this._expectedByteCount += 4;
     DG200FileLogger.Log("SetDGIDSession overriding expected byte count: " + this._expectedByteCount, 2);