private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { User.DataBase = "cook"; User.Username = usernameTB.Text; User.Password = passwordTB.Text; File.WriteAllLines(User.Path, new string[] { User.DataBase, User.Username, User.Password }); DDB ddb = new DDB(User.DataBase, User.Username, User.Password); //ddb.Command("drop database cook;"); //ddb.Command($"create database cook;"); string[] create = File.ReadAllLines("creation.sql"); foreach (string line in create) //Excute the sql script { ddb.Command(line); //creation of the table } string[] fill = File.ReadAllLines("peuplement.sql"); foreach (string line in fill) { ddb.Command(line); //fill the table } ddb.SelectRecipe().ForEach(x => Stock.UpdateMinMaxQuantities(x)); //a rajouter a moment des commandes ddb.SelectRecipe().ForEach(x => Stock.ManageOrder(x)); Stock.RottenProducts(); ddb.Close(); MainWindow mainWindow = Application.Current.Windows.OfType <MainWindow>().FirstOrDefault(); mainWindow.DataContext = new MainMenu(); }