public void OpenDatabase() { //Status.UpdateStatus(); if (IsInitialized && (IsConnectedCheck || IsConnecting)) { return; } // check for settings from text file // force the configuration file through try { switch (_dbType) { case ClsDAL.DBTypes.MYSQL: if (DBserver.Trim() != "" && DBdatabase.Trim() != "" && DBuser.Trim() != "" && DBpassword.Trim() != "") { string strUSR = Crypto.Decrypt(DBuser); string strPWD = Crypto.Decrypt(DBpassword); strUSR = (strUSR == "") ? DBuser : strUSR; strPWD = (strPWD == "") ? DBpassword : strPWD; DAL.OpenConnection(DBserver, DBdatabase, strUSR, strPWD, DBport); _blnInitialized = true; if (DAL.IsConnectedCheck) { //Debug.Log("MySQL服务器链接成功"); } } else { Debug.Log("缺少数据库链接信息"); //没有数据库链接信息 } break; } } catch { Debug.Log("Unable to Connect to the Database"); //Unable to Connect to the Database."; //_blnClientCanUse = false; } //Status.UpdateStatus(); }
public void OpenDatabase(bool blnReadSettingsFile = true) { #if USES_STATUSMANAGER Status.UpdateStatus(); #endif if (!IsServer && !ClientsCanUse) { return; } if (IsInitialized && (IsConnectedCheck || IsConnecting)) { return; } // CHECK FOR SETTINGS FROM TEXT FILE bool blnOkayToProcessTextFile = false; bool blnCouldClientLogIn = _blnClientCanUse; string[] strLines = null; // FORCE THE CONFIGURATION FILE THROUGH if (blnReadSettingsFile) { DBsettingsFile = ""; if (DBtextFile != null) { DBsettingsFile = + ".txt"; } if (!_blnDBisReadIn && DBsettingsFile != "") { if (!Util.FileExists("", DBsettingsFile)) { #if USES_STATUSMANAGER Status.Status = "Unable to find file \"" + DBsettingsFile + "\"."; #endif _blnClientCanUse = false; } else { strLines = Util.ReadTextFile("", DBsettingsFile).Split('\n'); blnOkayToProcessTextFile = strLines != null && strLines.Length > 0; #if USES_STATUSMANAGER Status.Status = DBsettingsFile + " found. " + strLines.Length.ToString() + " lines Read In."; #endif } if (DBtextFile != null && !blnOkayToProcessTextFile) { strLines = DBtextFile.text.Split('\n'); blnOkayToProcessTextFile = strLines.Length > 0; } if (blnOkayToProcessTextFile) { DBport = 0; if (strLines.Length > 0) { foreach (string st in strLines) { if (!st.StartsWith("//") && st.Trim() != "" && st.Contains("=")) { string[] s = st.Trim().Split('='); if (s.Length > 2) { for (int i = 2; i < s.Length; i++) { s[1] += "=" + s[i]; } } switch (s[0].Trim().ToLower()) { case "server": DBserver = s[1].Trim(); break; case "database": DBdatabase = s[1].Trim(); break; case "username": DBuser = Crypto.Decrypt(s[1].Trim()); if (DBuser == "") { DBuser = s[1].Trim(); } break; case "password": DBpassword = Crypto.Decrypt(s[1].Trim()); if (DBpassword == "") { DBpassword = s[1].Trim(); } break; case "port": try { DBport = int.Parse(s[1].Trim()); } catch { DBport = 0; } break; case "retries": try { MAX_SQL_RETRIES = int.Parse(s[1].Trim()); } catch { MAX_SQL_RETRIES = 0; } break; case "cmdcount": try { MAX_SQL_SAVE_CMDS = int.Parse(s[1].Trim()); } catch { MAX_SQL_SAVE_CMDS = 0; } break; case "charcount": try { MAX_SQL_CHAR_COUNT = int.Parse(s[1].Trim()); } catch { MAX_SQL_CHAR_COUNT = 0; } break; case "savedelay": try { SQL_SAVE_DELAY = float.Parse(s[1].Trim()); } catch { SQL_SAVE_DELAY = 0; } break; case "sqlitedbfile": try { SQLiteDBfileLocation = s[1].Trim(); } catch { SQLiteDBfileLocation = ""; } break; } } } } DBuseWindowsAccount = (DBuser == "" && DBpassword == ""); } _blnDBisReadIn = true; } } try { switch (_dbType) { case ClsDAL.DBtypes.MSSQL: if (DBserver.Trim() != "" && DBdatabase.Trim() != "" && ((DBuser.Trim() != "" && DBpassword.Trim() != "") || DBuseWindowsAccount)) { if (!_blnClientCanUse) { _blnClientCanUse = blnCouldClientLogIn; } if (DBuseWindowsAccount) { DAL.OpenConnection(DBserver, DBdatabase, DBport); } else { string strUSR = Crypto.Decrypt(DBuser); string strPWD = Crypto.Decrypt(DBpassword); strUSR = (strUSR == "") ? DBuser : strUSR; strPWD = (strPWD == "") ? DBpassword : strPWD; DAL.OpenConnection(DBserver, DBdatabase, strUSR, strPWD, DBport); } _blnInitialized = true; if (DAL.IsConnectedCheck) { #if USES_STATUSMANAGER Status.Status = "Unable to Connect to the Database."; Status.UpdateStatus(); #endif _blnClientCanUse = false; } } else { #if IS_DEBUGGING #if USES_APPLICATIONMANAGER App.AddToDebugLog("-- Missing Database Connection Information."); #endif #endif } break; case ClsDAL.DBtypes.MYSQL: if (DBserver.Trim() != "" && DBdatabase.Trim() != "" && DBuser.Trim() != "" && DBpassword.Trim() != "") { if (!_blnClientCanUse) { _blnClientCanUse = blnCouldClientLogIn; } string strUSR = Crypto.Decrypt(DBuser); string strPWD = Crypto.Decrypt(DBpassword); strUSR = (strUSR == "") ? DBuser : strUSR; strPWD = (strPWD == "") ? DBpassword : strPWD; DAL.OpenConnection(DBserver, DBdatabase, strUSR, strPWD, DBport); _blnInitialized = true; if (DAL.IsConnectedCheck) { #if USES_STATUSMANAGER Status.Status = "Unable to Connect to the Database."; Status.UpdateStatus(); #endif _blnClientCanUse = false; } } else { #if IS_DEBUGGING #if USES_APPLICATIONMANAGER App.AddToDebugLog("-- Missing Database Connection Information."); #endif #endif } break; case ClsDAL.DBtypes.SQLITE: if (SQLiteDBfileLocation.Trim() != "") { DAL.OpenConnection(SQLiteDBfileLocation); _blnInitialized = true; if (DAL.IsConnectedCheck) { #if USES_STATUSMANAGER Status.Status = "Unable to Connect to the Database."; Status.UpdateStatus(); #endif _blnClientCanUse = false; } } else { #if IS_DEBUGGING #if USES_APPLICATIONMANAGER App.AddToDebugLog("-- Missing Database Flie Location Information."); #endif #endif } break; } } catch { #if USES_STATUSMANAGER Status.Status = "Unable to Connect to the Database."; Status.UpdateStatus(); #endif _blnClientCanUse = false; } #if USES_STATUSMANAGER Status.UpdateStatus(); #endif }