private void Data_Bind() { DataTable tb = DBase.GetDataTable(Config.DbGetBanList); oGrid.DataSource = tb.DefaultView; oGrid.DataBind(); }
private void GridBindVariant() { DataTable tb = DBase.GetDataTable(Config.DBGetBotChatVariantList, "@mapid", MapID); vGrid.DataSource = tb.DefaultView; vGrid.DataBind(); }
private void BindUserSession() { DataTable tb = DBase.GetDataTable(Config.DbGetClientSessionHistory, "@ID", nUserID); oGrid.DataSource = tb.DefaultView; oGrid.DataBind(); }
private void GridBind() { DataTable tb = DBase.GetDataTable(Config.DbGetForcedExitsList); oGrid.DataSource = tb.DefaultView; oGrid.DataBind(); }
protected override void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (Request["isProcess"] == "1") { ProcID = int.Parse(Request["ID"]); } else { GameID = int.Parse(Request["ID"]); } if (!IsPostBack) { hdnSelGame.Value = "0"; DataTable tb = DBase.GetDataTable("admGetGameProcessList2", "@TournID", ProcID, "@GameProcID", GameID); if (tb.Rows.Count > 0) { Core.SelectItemByValue(ddGames, tb.Rows[0]["ID"].ToString()); hdnSelGame.Value = tb.Rows[0]["ID"].ToString(); } Core.FillList(ddGames, tb); } if (hdnSelGame.Value == String.Empty) { Core.SelectItemByValue(ddGames, hdnSelGame.Value); } }
protected void BindGrid() { DataTable oDT = DBase.GetDataTable(Config.DbGetConfig); foreach (DataRow oDR in oDT.Rows) { //create table row TableRow oTR = new TableRow();; oTR.CssClass = "cssReportItemOdd"; //create table cell and populate it with text of config name TableCell oTC = new TableCell(); oTC.Text = GetObjectName(oDR); //GetObjectName prevents to show the same names several times (first time it will be name, next time it will be   instead the same name oTR.Cells.Add(oTC); //create table cell and populate it with text of config detail name oTC = new TableCell(); oTC.Text = oDR["PropertyName"].ToString(); oTR.Cells.Add(oTC); //create table cell and populate it with config detail value oTC = new TableCell(); int nID = Utils.GetInt(oDR["id"]); TextBox oTB = new TextBox(); oTB.MaxLength = 7000; oTB.Width = Unit.Percentage(100); oTB.ID = string.Format("edtVal_{0}", nID); oTB.Text = oDR["PropertyValue"].ToString(); oTC.Controls.Add(oTB); oTR.Cells.Add(oTC); //add rows to table tblMain.Rows.Add(oTR); } }
private void DoBindData() { DataTable oDT = DBase.GetDataTable(Config.DbGetActionDispatchersList); oGrid.DataSource = oDT.DefaultView; oGrid.DataBind(); }
void DoDataBind() { DataTable tb = DBase.GetDataTable(Config.DbGetPlayPeriod); dgPeriod.DataSource = tb.DefaultView; try { dgPeriod.DataBind(); } catch { if (dgPeriod.CurrentPageIndex < 0) { dgPeriod.CurrentPageIndex = 0; } else if (dgPeriod.CurrentPageIndex > dgPeriod.PageCount - 1) { if (dgPeriod.PageCount > 0) { dgPeriod.CurrentPageIndex = dgPeriod.PageCount - 1; } else { dgPeriod.CurrentPageIndex = 0; } } dgPeriod.DataBind(); } }
private void GridBind() { DataTable tb = DBase.GetDataTable(Config.DbGetPushingContentList); oGrid.DataSource = tb.DefaultView; oGrid.DataBind(); }
private void Bind_Grid() { DataTable tb = DBase.GetDataTable(Config.DbGetAvatarsList, "@StatusID", int.Parse(ddStatus.SelectedValue)); Session["Avatars_DT"] = tb.Copy(); DataView dv = tb.DefaultView; oGrid.DataSource = tb.DefaultView; oGrid.DataBind(); }
private void GridBind() { DataTable tb = DBase.GetDataTable(Config.DbGetPushingContentProcessesList, "@PushingContentID", ContentID); oGrid.DataSource = tb.DefaultView; oGrid.DataBind(); tb = DBase.GetDataTable(Config.DbGetProcessesForPushigContent, "@PushingContentID", ContentID); oGridForAdd.DataSource = tb.DefaultView; oGridForAdd.DataBind(); }
private void GridBindVariant() { DataTable tb; DropDownColumn DDC = null; DDC = (DropDownColumn)vGrid.Columns[4]; tb = DBase.GetDataTable(Config.DbGetPushingContentTypes); DDC.DataSource = tb.DefaultView; tb = DBase.GetDataTable(Config.DbGetPushingContentFilesList, "@Contentid", MapID); vGrid.DataSource = tb.DefaultView; vGrid.DataBind(); }
private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { int SK_ID = Utils.GetInt(Request["SkinsID"]); if (SK_ID > 0) { DataTable tb = DBase.GetDataTable(Config.DbGetSkinsDetails, "@ID", SK_ID); if (tb == null || tb.Rows.Count <= 0) { return; } m_skSuppEmail = tb.Rows[0]["EmailSupport"].ToString(); } }
public void btnSearch_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { lbInfo.Text = ""; oGrid.DataSource = null; DataTable tb = DBase.GetDataTable(Config.DbFindFinishedTournaments, "@TournName", txtTrnName.Text, "@CurrencyType", int.Parse(ddCurrency.SelectedValue), "@LoginName", txtLoginName.Text, "@dbFrom", Common.Utils.GetDbDate(txtStFrom.Text), "@dbTo", Common.Utils.GetDbDate(txtTo.Text), "@deFrom", Common.Utils.GetDbDate(txtEndFrom.Text), "@deTo", Common.Utils.GetDbDate(txtEndTo.Text)); oGrid.DataSource = tb.DefaultView; oGrid.DataBind(); }
private void BindData() { DataTable oDT = DBase.GetDataTable(Config.DbGetLoyalityPoints); foreach (DataRow oDR in oDT.Rows) { //create table row TableRow oTR = new TableRow();; oTR.CssClass = "cssReportItemOdd"; //create table cell and populate it with text of config name TableCell oTC = new TableCell(); oTC.Text = oDR["Name"].ToString(); oTR.Cells.Add(oTC); oTC = new TableCell(); int nID = Utils.GetInt(oDR["id"]); TextBox oTB = new TextBox(); oTB.MaxLength = 30; oTB.Width = Unit.Percentage(100); oTB.ID = string.Format("MinValueForPoint_{0}", nID); oTB.Text = oDR["MinValueForPoint"].ToString(); oTC.Controls.Add(oTB); oTR.Cells.Add(oTC); oTC = new TableCell(); nID = Utils.GetInt(oDR["id"]); oTB = new TextBox(); oTB.MaxLength = 30; oTB.Width = Unit.Percentage(100); oTB.ID = string.Format("PointsValue_{0}", nID); oTB.Text = oDR["PointsValue"].ToString(); oTC.Controls.Add(oTB); oTR.Cells.Add(oTC); oTC = new TableCell(); nID = Utils.GetInt(oDR["id"]); oTB = new TextBox(); oTB.MaxLength = 50; oTB.Width = Unit.Percentage(100); oTB.ID = string.Format("NameSQLProcedure_{0}", nID); oTB.Text = oDR["NameSQLProcedure"].ToString(); oTC.Controls.Add(oTB); oTR.Cells.Add(oTC); //add rows to table tblMain.Rows.Add(oTR); } }
private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (Session["AffiliateSignup_SkinsID"] == null) { return; } int skID = Utils.GetInt(Session["AffiliateSignup_SkinsID"]); DataTable tb = DBase.GetDataTable(Config.DbGetSkinsDetails, "@ID", skID); if (tb == null || tb.Rows.Count <= 0) { return; } m_skDomain = tb.Rows[0]["SkinsDomain"].ToString(); m_skSuppEmail = tb.Rows[0]["EmailSupport"].ToString(); }
protected void btnReport_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { DataTable tb = null; dgAllAffil.Visible = false; dgAffilPeriod.Visible = false; dgAffilPeriod.Columns[0].Visible = true; dgAffilPeriod.Columns[1].Visible = true; lbRakeSum.Text = "0"; lbRakeSum.Visible = false; lbSumCaption.Visible = false; if (!CheckDate(txtDateFrom.Text) || !CheckDate(txtDateTo.Text)) { lbMessage.Text = "Enter correct values for [Date] fields, please"; return; } if (chAllAffiliates.Checked && chSummary.Checked) { tb = DBase.GetDataTable(Config.DbGetAffiliateInfoForAll, new object[] { "@DateFrom", txtDateFrom.Text, "@DateTo", txtDateTo.Text }); dgAllAffil.Visible = true; dgAllAffil.DataSource = tb.DefaultView; dgAllAffil.DataBind(); } if (chAllAffiliates.Checked && !chSummary.Checked) { tb = DBase.GetDataTable(Config.DbGetAffiliateInfo, new object[] { "@DateFrom", txtDateFrom.Text, "@DateTo", txtDateTo.Text }); dgAffilPeriod.Visible = true; dgAffilPeriod.DataSource = tb.DefaultView; dgAffilPeriod.DataBind(); } if (!chAllAffiliates.Checked && !chSummary.Checked) { tb = DBase.GetDataTable(Config.DbGetAffiliateInfo, new object[] { "@AffiliateID", ddAffiliates.SelectedValue, "@DateFrom", txtDateFrom.Text, "@DateTo", txtDateTo.Text }); dgAffilPeriod.Columns[0].Visible = false; dgAffilPeriod.Columns[1].Visible = false; dgAffilPeriod.Visible = true; dgAffilPeriod.DataSource = tb.DefaultView; dgAffilPeriod.DataBind(); } lbRakeSum.Visible = true; lbSumCaption.Visible = true; Session["AffiliateReportData"] = tb; }
protected string GenerateXML() { string nodeRootName = PrizeTable.nodeRootName; string nodeColName = PrizeTable.nodeColName; string nodeRowName = PrizeTable.nodeRowName; string nodeValueName = PrizeTable.nodeValueName; string BetCount = ""; string Points = ""; string Rate = ""; string oldValue = ""; string retXml = ""; retXml = "<" + nodeRootName + ">"; DataTable oDT = DBase.GetDataTable(Config.DbGetCategoryTeaserList, "@CategoryID", nCategoryID); if (oDT.Rows.Count <= 0) { return(""); } foreach (DataRow oDR in oDT.Rows) { BetCount = "'" + oDR["BetCount"].ToString() + "'"; Points = "'" + oDR["Points"].ToString() + "'"; Rate = "'" + oDR["Rate"].ToString() + "'"; if (oldValue != Points) { if (oldValue != "") { retXml += "</" + nodeColName + ">"; } retXml += "<" + nodeColName + " from=" + Points + " to=" + Points + ">"; } retXml += "<" + nodeRowName + " from=" + BetCount + " to=" + BetCount + " " + nodeValueName + "=" + Rate + "/>"; oldValue = Points; } if (oldValue != "") { retXml += "</" + nodeColName + ">"; } retXml += "</" + nodeRootName + ">"; return(retXml); }
/* <!-- <asp:BoundColumn DataField="InitialMoneyUsersCount" HeaderText="Initial Money Users"></asp:BoundColumn> * <asp:BoundColumn DataField="QualifiedUsersCount" HeaderText="Qualified Users"></asp:BoundColumn>-->*/ protected void BindGrid() { nSexID = Utils.GetInt(comboSex.Items[comboSex.SelectedIndex].Value); // nQualificationID = Utils.GetInt(comboQualification.Items[comboQualification.SelectedIndex].Value); int nEmailVerified = Utils.GetInt(comboEmailVerified.Items[comboEmailVerified.SelectedIndex].Value); object objEmailVerified = nEmailVerified; if (nEmailVerified < -1) { objEmailVerified = System.DBNull.Value; } DataTable oDT = DBase.GetDataTable(Config.DbGetReportUserDetail, "@SexID", ToDBNull(nSexID), // "@QualificationID", ToDBNull(nQualificationID), "@IsEmailVerified", objEmailVerified); oSGridPager.DataSource = oDT; oSGridPager.BindGrid(oDT); }
private void btFill_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (ddTmpl.Items.Count <= 0) { return; } DataTable tb = DBase.GetDataTable(Config.DbGetEmailTemplateDetails, "@ID", int.Parse(ddTmpl.SelectedValue)); if (tb == null) { return; } if (tb.Rows.Count <= 0) { return; } txtSubject.Text = tb.Rows[0]["subject"].ToString(); txtmessage.Text = tb.Rows[0]["body"].ToString(); }
private void btReport_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { DataTable tb = null; dgAffilPeriod.Columns[0].Visible = true; dgAffilPeriod.Columns[1].Visible = true; lbRakeSum.Text = "0"; if (!CheckDate(txtDateFrom.Text) || !CheckDate(txtDateTo.Text)) { return; } tb = DBase.GetDataTable(Config.DbGetAffiliateInfo, new object[] { "@AffiliateID", Utils.GetInt(hdnAffID.Value), "@DateFrom", txtDateFrom.Text, "@DateTo", txtDateTo.Text }); dgAffilPeriod.Columns[0].Visible = false; dgAffilPeriod.Columns[1].Visible = false; dgAffilPeriod.DataSource = tb.DefaultView; dgAffilPeriod.DataBind(); Session["ReportData"] = tb; }
private void GridBind() { DropDownColumn DDC = null; DDC = (DropDownColumn)oGrid.Columns[3]; ArrayList AL = new ArrayList(); AL.Add("CHIT-CHAT"); AL.Add("BCP_JOIN_TABLE"); AL.Add("BCP_SIT_DOWN"); AL.Add("BCP_FOLDS"); AL.Add("BCP_GOES_ALL_IN"); AL.Add("BCP_SIT_OUT"); AL.Add("BCP_LEAVE_TABLE"); DDC.DataSource = AL; DataTable tb = DBase.GetDataTable(Config.DBGetBotChatListMap); oGrid.DataSource = tb.DefaultView; oGrid.DataBind(); }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { string tranName = "SaveAffiliate"; DBase.BeginTransaction(tranName); bool rez = false; lblInfo.Text = ""; lblInfo.ForeColor = Color.Red; try { if (chDeny.Checked) { DBase.Execute(Config.DbDeleteAffiliate, new object[] { "@IDs", nAffiliateID.ToString() }); btnReturn_Click(null, null); return; } //1. Save/Update affiliate in DB int nRes = DBase.ExecuteReturnInt(Config.DbSaveAffiliateDetails, "@ID", nAffiliateID, "@Name", txtName.Text, "@EmailFrom", txtEmail.Text, "@StatusID", int.Parse(ddStatus.SelectedValue), "@SkinsID", int.Parse(ddSkins.SelectedValue), "@Password", txtPassword.Text, "@BeneficiaryName", txtBeneficiaryName.Text, "@MailingAddress", txtAddress.Text, "@City", txtCity.Text, "@StateID", int.Parse(ddState.SelectedValue), "@Zip", txtZip.Text, "@CountryID", int.Parse(ddCountry.SelectedValue), "@FirstName", txtFirstName.Text, "@LastName", txtLastName.Text, "@Title", txtTitle.Text, "@Phone", txtPhone.Text, "@Fax", txtFax.Text); if (nRes <= 0) { switch (nRes) { case -1: lblInfo.Text = "Such Affiliate name already exists"; break; default: lblInfo.Text = "Database error occured"; break; } DBase.RollbackTransaction(tranName); return; } // Everything is Ok DBase.CommitTransaction(tranName); nAffiliateID = nRes; hdnAffiliateID.Value = nRes.ToString(); StoreBackID(nRes); lblInfo.Text = "Affiliate has been saved"; lblInfo.ForeColor = Color.Green; if (hdnState.Value != ddStatus.SelectedValue && ddStatus.SelectedValue == "4") { string val = Config.GetDbConfigValue(DBase, 18); //Template name for affiliates if (val == String.Empty) { rez = true; return; } DataTable tb = DBase.GetDataTable(Config.DbGetEmailTemplateDetailsByName, "@Name", val); if (tb == null) { rez = true; return; } if (tb.Rows.Count <= 0) { rez = true; return; } val = Config.GetDbConfigValue(DBase, 1); // Admin Email if (val == String.Empty) { rez = true; return; } CommonUse.CSentMail.Send(DBase, txtEmail.Text, val, tb.Rows[0]["subject"].ToString(), //Send message as autoresponder tb.Rows[0]["body"].ToString().Replace("<BR>", "\n").Replace("<br>", "\n").Replace(" ", " "), 3, MailFormat.Text); } } catch (Exception ex) { Common.Log.Write(this, ex); DBase.RollbackTransaction(tranName); lblInfo.Text = "Error occured"; lblInfo.ForeColor = Color.Red; } finally { if (rez) { lblInfo.Text += " Error send Email"; lblInfo.ForeColor = Color.Red; } if (lblInfo.ForeColor != Color.Red) { btnReturn_Click(null, null); } } }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { string tranName = "SaveAffiliate"; DBase.BeginTransaction(tranName); bool rez = false; lblInfo.Text = ""; lblInfo.ForeColor = Color.Red; try { if (chDeny.Checked) { DBase.Execute(Config.DbDeleteSkin, new object[] { "@IDs", nAffiliateID.ToString() }); btnReturn_Click(null, null); return; } //1. Save/Update affiliate in DB int nRes = DBase.ExecuteReturnInt(Config.DbSaveSkinsDetails, "@ID", nAffiliateID, "@Name", txtName.Text, "@EmailFrom", txtEmail.Text, "@StatusID", int.Parse(ddStatus.SelectedValue), "@SkinsDomain", txtDomain.Text, "@EmailSupport", txtSuppEmail.Text); if (nRes <= 0) { switch (nRes) { case -1: lblInfo.Text = "Such Skins name already exists"; break; default: lblInfo.Text = "Database error occured"; break; } DBase.RollbackTransaction(tranName); return; } /* * //2. Create installation files * Admin.CommonUse.Affiliate oAffiliate = new Admin.CommonUse.Affiliate(Page); * bool bRes = oAffiliate.CreateAffiliate(nRes); * if (!bRes) * { * lblInfo.Text = "Affiliate install shield error occured"; * DBase.RollbackTransaction(tranName); * return; * } */ // Everything is Ok DBase.CommitTransaction(tranName); nAffiliateID = nRes; hdnAffiliateID.Value = nRes.ToString(); StoreBackID(nRes); lblInfo.Text = "Skin has been saved"; lblInfo.ForeColor = Color.Green; if (hdnState.Value != ddStatus.SelectedValue && ddStatus.SelectedValue == "4") { string val = Config.GetDbConfigValue(DBase, 18); //Template name for affiliates if (val == String.Empty) { rez = true; return; } DataTable tb = DBase.GetDataTable(Config.DbGetEmailTemplateDetailsByName, "@Name", val); if (tb == null) { rez = true; return; } if (tb.Rows.Count <= 0) { rez = true; return; } val = Config.GetDbConfigValue(DBase, 1); // Admin Email if (val == String.Empty) { rez = true; return; } CommonUse.CSentMail.Send(DBase, txtEmail.Text, val, tb.Rows[0]["subject"].ToString(), //Send message as autoresponder tb.Rows[0]["body"].ToString().Replace("<BR>", "\n").Replace("<br>", "\n").Replace(" ", " "), 3, MailFormat.Text); } } catch (Exception ex) { Common.Log.Write(this, ex); DBase.RollbackTransaction(tranName); lblInfo.Text = "Error occured"; lblInfo.ForeColor = Color.Red; } finally { if (rez) { lblInfo.Text += " Error send Email"; lblInfo.ForeColor = Color.Red; } if (lblInfo.ForeColor != Color.Red) { btnReturn_Click(null, null); } } }