private IEnumerable <DB_Rankings> GetSearchSpace(short type) { //short.TryParse(pmType.Value, out type); List <int> selected = GetSelectedNpcs(m_EncounterVal); var query = App.m_Rankings.Where(x => x.Type == type && selected.Contains(x.NpcID) && x.CharID >= 301000); if (pmRealm.Value != "0") { short id = 0; if (short.TryParse(pmRealm.Value, out id) && id != 0) { query = query.Where(x => App.GetChar(x.CharID).ServerID == id); } } if (pmFaction.Value != "0") { short id = 0; if (short.TryParse(pmFaction.Value, out id) && id != 0) { query = query.Where(x => App.GetChar(x.CharID).Faction == id); } } if (pmClass.Value != "0") { short id = 0; if (short.TryParse(pmClass.Value, out id) && id != 0) { query = query.Where(x => App.GetChar(x.CharID).RefMisc.Class == id - 1); // This might not be changed everywhere xD } } if (pmSelection.Value == "0") { query = query.Where(x => x.Average.Count(y => y.Time > 0) >= 5); } if (selected.Count <= 1) { return(query); } List <DB_Rankings> newList = new List <DB_Rankings>(); foreach (var grp in query.GroupBy(x => new{ x.CharID, x.Type })) // Is that correct grouping? { DB_Rankings temp = new DB_Rankings(); int value, time, attempt; uint killed = 0; value = time = attempt = 0; int count = grp.Count(); temp.Average = new List <DB_Ranking>(); // Checking if all selected bosses have been killed by this character if ((grp.Count() < selected.Count) && (grp.FirstOrDefault().InstanceID != 0) ) { if (grp.FirstOrDefault().InstanceID == 19) { if (grp.Count() < selected.Count - 3) { continue; } } else { continue; } } foreach (var item in grp) { temp.CharID = item.CharID; temp.InstanceID = item.InstanceID; temp.NpcID = item.NpcID; temp.Type = item.Type; temp.Average.Add(new DB_Ranking() { Value = (int)item.Average.Average(x => x.Value), Time = (int)item.Average.Average(x => x.Time), Killed = item.Average[0].Killed, Attempt = item.Average[0].Attempt }); value += item.Best.Value; time += item.Best.Time; if (killed >= item.Best.Killed) { continue; } killed = item.Best.Killed; attempt = item.Best.Attempt; } value /= count; time /= count; temp.Best = new DB_Ranking() { Attempt = attempt, Killed = killed, Time = time, Value = value, }; newList.Add(temp); } return(newList); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!App.loaded && !Server.MapPath(".").ToLower().Contains("loading")) { try { Response.Redirect("/Loading/", false); Context.ApplicationInstance.CompleteRequest(); } catch (System.Threading.ThreadAbortException) { } return; } this.Title = "LegacyPlayers | Bosses"; //App.UpdateRaidSpecificData(); //App.GetChar(0, true); //App.GetGuild(0, true); Utility.GetClassList(ref pmClass); Utility.GetFactionList(ref pmFaction); Utility.GetExpansionList(ref pmExpansion); if (IsPostBack) { Utility.SetCookie(Response, Request, "Bosses_Class", pmClass.Value); Utility.SetCookie(Response, Request, "Bosses_Faction", pmFaction.Value); Utility.SetCookie(Response, Request, "Bosses_Realm", pmRealm.Value); Utility.SetCookie(Response, Request, "Bosses_Expansion", pmExpansion.Value); } else { pmClass.Value = Utility.GetCookie(Request, "Bosses_Class", "0"); pmFaction.Value = Utility.GetCookie(Request, "Bosses_Faction", "0"); pmRealm.Value = Utility.GetCookie(Request, "Bosses_Realm", "0"); pmExpansion.Value = Utility.GetCookie(Request, "Bosses_Expansion", "0"); } int expansion = Int32.Parse(pmExpansion.Value); Utility.GetRealmList(ref pmRealm, false, expansion); var db = App.GetDB(expansion + 1); // TODO improve query MySqlDataReader dr = db.Query("SELECT a.npcid, c.instanceid, MIN((a.end-a.start)), MAX(, COUNT( FROM rs_attempts a JOIN rs_instance_uploader b ON a.uploaderid = JOIN rs_instances c ON b.instanceid = WHERE a.killed=1 GROUP BY a.npcid ORDER BY c.instanceid, a.npcid").ExecuteReaderRpll(); var query = App.m_Rankings.AsQueryable(); var skQuery = App.m_SpeedkillRankings.AsQueryable(); if (pmRealm.Value != "0") { short id = 0; if (short.TryParse(pmRealm.Value, out id) && id != 0) { query = query.Where(x => App.GetChar(x.CharID, false).ServerID == id); skQuery = skQuery.Where(x => App.GetGuild(x.GuildID, false).ServerID == id); } } if (pmFaction.Value != "0") { short id = 0; if (short.TryParse(pmFaction.Value, out id) && id != 0) { query = query.Where(x => App.GetChar(x.CharID, false).Faction == id); skQuery = skQuery.Where(x => App.GetGuild(x.GuildID, false).Faction == id); } } if (pmClass.Value != "0") { short id = 0; if (short.TryParse(pmClass.Value, out id) && id != 0) { query = query.Where(x => App.GetChar(x.CharID, false).RefMisc.Class == id - 1); } } var npcspecific = query.GroupBy(x => x.NpcID).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.ToArray()); var spkillspecifc = skQuery.GroupBy(x => x.NpcID).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.OrderBy(y => y.Best.Time).ToArray()); while (dr.Read()) { try { var _id = dr.GetInt32(0); if (!npcspecific.ContainsKey(_id)) { continue; } var dpsArr = npcspecific[_id].Where(x => x.Type == 0) .OrderByDescending(x => 1000.0 * x.Best.Value / x.Best.Time); var hpsArr = npcspecific[_id].Where(x => x.Type == 1) .OrderByDescending(x => 1000.0 * x.Best.Value / x.Best.Time); DB_Rankings dps = dpsArr.Any() ? dpsArr.First() : App.m_Rankings[0]; DB_Rankings hps = hpsArr.Any() ? hpsArr.First() : App.m_Rankings[0]; DB_SpeedkillRankings sk = spkillspecifc.ContainsKey(_id) ? spkillspecifc[_id].First() : App.m_SpeedkillRankings[0]; var imgType = Utility.GetImageType(Request, "png"); m_Table.Append( "<tr><td><div class=\"sp bbdesign\" style=\"background-image:url(/Assets/raids/" + dr.GetInt16(1) + "." + imgType + ")\"><div>" + App.m_Instances[dr.GetInt16(1)].Name + "</div></div></td><td>" + App.GetNpc(dr.GetInt32(0), expansion).Name + "</td>" + "<td><a href=\"/Raids/Viewer/?atmt=" + dps.Best.Attempt + "&exp=" + expansion + "\" onmouseover=\"tt_show(this, 5, " + dps.CharID + ", [])\" class=\"color-c" + App.GetChar(dps.CharID, false).RefMisc.Class + "\">" + App.GetChar(dps.CharID, false).Name + " (" + Math.Round(1000.0 * dps.Best.Value / dps.Best.Time, 1) + ")</a></td><td><a href=\"/Raids/Viewer/?atmt=" + hps.Best.Attempt + "&exp=" + expansion + "\" onmouseover=\"tt_show(this, 5, " + hps.CharID + ", [])\" class=\"color-c" + App.GetChar(hps.CharID, false).RefMisc.Class + "\">" + App.GetChar(hps.CharID, false).Name + " (" + Math.Round(1000.0 * hps.Best.Value / hps.Best.Time, 1) + ")</a></td>" + "<td><a href=\"/Raids/Viewer/?atmt=" + sk.Best.Attempt + "&exp=" + expansion + "\">" + Math.Round(sk.Best.Time / 1000.0, 2) + " seconds</a></td><td><a href=\"/Raids/?atmt=" + dr.GetInt32(3) + "&exp=" + expansion + "\">" + dr.GetInt32(4) + "</a></td></tr>"); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException ee) { Response.Write(ee.Message + "<br /><br />"); } } dr.CloseRpll(); }