/// <summary>
        /// Return list of all donors whose codes are
        /// in our file list.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <Donor> DonorsInFileList()
            List <Donor> retList = new List <Donor>();
            // For each file, if it's of the proper type,
            // (ie if it's not a type for which donor
            // is irrelevant), add its donor to our
            // return list.
            List <string> codes = new List <string>();

            foreach (HllFileInfo hfi in RegularHllFiles)
                if (hfi.HasDonor)
            // remove dupes:
            codes = codes.Distinct().ToList();
            // Now add donors to our retList, using the codes we found:
            foreach (string c in codes)
                Donor d = context.FindDonorByCode(c);
                if (d == null) // Uh-oh! This is a new donor.
                    // add it to datastore as well as to our return list
                    d = new Donor(c, c);
            // Sort the list by donor name:
            return(retList.OrderBy(d => d.name).Distinct().ToList());
        protected override object ObjectFromVestaRow(DBWrapper context, ExcelRow row, int year)
            object        retObj = null;
            string        donor_name;
            GiftLabelInfo workObj = new GiftLabelInfo();

            workObj.year = year;
            // If there's anything in the spreadsheet's "Donor ID"
            // column, use that to identify this row's donor.
            // Otherwise, use the "Donor Name" column.
            donor_name = row[this.field_indices["Donor Name"]];
            // We know the donor name, but not code. If there's already
            // a Donor with this name, we're set -- just use that Donor
            // along with whatever code it has. Otherwise, make a Donor
            // from the name and add that to the database.
            Donor d = context.FindDonorByName(donor_name);

            if (d == null)
                d = new Donor(donor_name);
            workObj.donor_code = d.code;
            workObj.donor_name = d.name;
            int  child_age;
            bool parsed_ok = int.TryParse(row[this.field_indices["Age"]],
                                          out child_age);

            if (!parsed_ok)
                child_age = -1;
            workObj.child_age = child_age;
            string scratch = (row[this.field_indices["Gender"]]).Substring(0, 1).ToUpper();

            if (scratch != "M" && scratch != "F")
                scratch = "NotSpecified";
            workObj.child_gender   = scratch;
            workObj.child_name     = row[this.field_indices["Family Member First Name"]];
            workObj.family_id      = row[this.field_indices["Family ID"]];
            workObj.family_name    = row[this.field_indices["Family Name"]];
            workObj.request_detail = row[this.field_indices["Request Detail"]];
            workObj.request_type   = row[this.field_indices["Request Type"]];
            retObj = workObj;
        protected override object ObjectFromVestaRow(DBWrapper context, ExcelRow row, int year)
            string       donor_name;
            BagLabelInfo workObj = new BagLabelInfo();

            workObj.year = year;
            donor_name   = row[this.field_indices["Donor Name"]];
            Donor d = context.FindDonorByName(donor_name);

            if (d == null)
                d = new Donor(donor_name);
            workObj.donor_code     = d.code;
            workObj.donor_name     = d.name;
            workObj.family_id      = row[this.field_indices["Family ID"]];
            workObj.family_name    = row[this.field_indices["Family Name"]];
            workObj.family_members = row[this.field_indices["Family Members"]];
            // next line is probably redundant -- we got request type in constructor:
            workObj.request_type = row[this.field_indices["Request Type"]];