//private void GetDatabases()
        //    //Retrieve the available Databases.
        //    List<string> objDBNames = DBSettings.GetDatabases(cmbServers.SelectedItem.ToString(), txtUser.Text, txtPassword.Text);
        //    if (objDBNames != null)
        //    {
        //        for (int i = 0; i < objDBNames.Count; i++)
        //        {
        //            cmbDatabases.Items.Add(objDBNames[i]);
        //        }
        //    }

        //    if (this.cmbDatabases.Items.Count > 0)
        //        this.cmbDatabases.SelectedIndex = 0;
        //    else
        //        this.cmbDatabases.Text = "NorthWind";

        private void btnRestore_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                bool bResult = false;
                btnRestore.Enabled = false;
                string strDataBase = string.Empty;
                Dictionary <string, string> objServer = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                objServer.Add("SERVER", cmbServers.SelectedItem.ToString());
                objServer.Add("UID", txtUser.Text);
                objServer.Add("PASSWORD", txtPassword.Text);

                strDataBase = txtDataBases.Text;
                objServer.Add("DATABASE", strDataBase);
                if (ConfigManager.Read("Startuppath") != null)
                    txtDBFile.Text = ConfigManager.Read("Startuppath");
                objServer.Add("LOCATION", txtDBFile.Text);
                LogManager.WriteLog("LOCATION:" + txtDBFile.Text.ToString(), LogManager.enumLogLevel.Debug);
                bool   bDBExists         = false;
                string sSQLServerDetails = GetConnectionString();
                bDBExists = DBSettings.CheckDBExists(sSQLServerDetails, strDataBase, 60);
                if (bDBExists == true)
                    MessageBox.Show(strDataBase + " has not been restored. The DB already exists!", "Restore DB", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                    LogManager.WriteLog(strDataBase + " has not been restored. The DB already exists!", LogManager.enumLogLevel.Info);
                    MessageBox.Show("The Restore Process Running for " + strDataBase + "." + " Wait for the success dialog before doing anything else!", "Restore DB", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                    bResult = DBSettings.RestoreDB(strType, objServer);

                    if (bResult)
                        //MessageBox.Show("The database " + strDataBase + " has been restored.", "Restore DB", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                        LogManager.WriteLog("The database " + strDataBase + " has been restored.", LogManager.enumLogLevel.Info);
                        MessageBox.Show("The Restore Process failed for " + strDataBase + ".", "Restore DB", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                        LogManager.WriteLog("The Restore Process failed for " + strDataBase + ".", LogManager.enumLogLevel.Info);
            catch (Exception ex)
                LogManager.WriteLog("btnRestore_Click:" + ex.Message + ex.Source.ToString(), LogManager.enumLogLevel.Error);
                btnRestore.Enabled = true;
        private void btnRestore_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            string blankDBFile          = string.Empty;
            string dbScriptsDefaultPath = string.Empty;
            string backupFileName       = string.Empty;
            string sSQLServerDetails    = string.Empty;
            bool   bDBExists            = false;

                Cursor = System.Windows.Input.Cursors.Wait;

                sSQLServerDetails = GetConnectionString();
                bDBExists         = DBSettings.CheckDBExists(sSQLServerDetails, txtDataBases.Text, 60);

                if (bDBExists == true)
                    MessageBox.ShowText(string.Format("{0} {1}", txtDataBases.Text, FindResource("MessageID50")), BMC_Icon.Information);
                    LogManager.WriteLog(string.Format("{0} {1}", txtDataBases.Text, FindResource("MessageID50")), LogManager.enumLogLevel.Info);
                    dbScriptsDefaultPath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("DBScriptsDefaultPath");

                    if (this.strType.ToUpper() == "EXCHANGE")
                        blankDBFile = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("ExchangeBlankDB");
                    if (this.strType.ToUpper() == "TICKETING")
                        blankDBFile = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("TicketingBlankDB");
                    if (this.strType.ToUpper() == "EXTSYSMSG")
                        blankDBFile = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("EXTSYSMSGBlankDB");

                    backupFileName = string.Format("{0}\\{1}", dbScriptsDefaultPath, blankDBFile);

                    // Create a new connection to the Server
                    ServerConnection serverConnection = new ServerConnection(cmbServers.SelectedItem.ToString());

                    // Log in using SQL authentication instead of Windows authentication
                    serverConnection.LoginSecure = false;

                    // Give the login username
                    serverConnection.Login = txtUsername.Text;

                    // Give the login password
                    serverConnection.Password = txtPassword.Password;

                    // Create a new SQL Server object using the connection we created
                    Server server = new Server(serverConnection);

                    // Create a new database restore operation
                    Restore rstDatabase = new Restore();

                    // Set the restore type to a database restore
                    rstDatabase.Action = RestoreActionType.Database;

                    // Set the database that we want to perform the restore on
                    rstDatabase.Database = txtDataBases.Text;

                    // Set the backup device from which we want to restore the db
                    BackupDeviceItem bkpDevice = new BackupDeviceItem(backupFileName, DeviceType.File);

                    // Add the backup device to the restore type

                    // Optional. ReplaceDatabase property ensures that any existing copy of the database is overwritten.
                    rstDatabase.ReplaceDatabase = true;

                    // Perform the restore

                    LogManager.WriteLog(string.Format("{0} - {1}", "Database Restore Complete. Running Updgrade Scripts for database", txtDataBases.Text), LogManager.enumLogLevel.Info);

                    if (this.strType.ToUpper() == "EXCHANGE" | this.strType.ToUpper() == "TICKETING")
                        if (Convert.ToBoolean(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("AutoRunUpgradeScriptAfterDBRestore")))
                            catch (Exception ex)

                                if (this.strType.ToUpper() == "EXCHANGE")
                                    MessageBox.ShowBox("MessageID106", BMC_Icon.Error);
                                if (this.strType.ToUpper() == "TICKETING")
                                    MessageBox.ShowBox("MessageID107", BMC_Icon.Error);

                        LogManager.WriteLog(string.Format("{0} - {1}", "Updgrade Scripts run successfully for database", txtDataBases.Text), LogManager.enumLogLevel.Info);

                    MessageBox.ShowText(string.Format("{0} {1} {2}.", FindResource("MessageID53"), txtDataBases.Text, FindResource("MessageID54")), BMC_Icon.Information);
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.ShowBox("MessageID74", BMC_Icon.Error);
                btnRestore.IsEnabled = true;
                Cursor = System.Windows.Input.Cursors.Arrow;