        public override string DBObjectExistsQuery(string name, DBObjectTypeEnum objectType, string schema = null)
            if (schema == null)
                schema = DEFAULTSCHEMA;

            string query = string.Empty;

            if (objectType == DBObjectTypeEnum.Database)
                query = $"SELECT 1 FROM sys.databases WHERE name='{name}'";
            else if (objectType == DBObjectTypeEnum.Schema)
                query = $"SELECT 1 FROM sys.schemas WHERE name='{name}'";
            else if (objectType == DBObjectTypeEnum.Table)
                query = $"SELECT 1 FROM sys.tables WHERE name='{name}' AND schema_id=SCHEMA_ID('{schema}')";
            else if (objectType == DBObjectTypeEnum.View)
                query = $"SELECT 1 FROM sys.views WHERE name='{name}' AND schema_id=SCHEMA_ID('{schema}')";
            else if (objectType == DBObjectTypeEnum.Function)
                query = $"SELECT 1 FROM Information_schema.Routines WHERE specific_name='{name}' AND SPECIFIC_SCHEMA='{schema}' AND routine_type='FUNCTION'";
            else if (objectType == DBObjectTypeEnum.Procedure)
                query = $"SELECT 1 FROM Information_schema.Routines WHERE specific_name='{name}' AND SPECIFIC_SCHEMA='{schema}' AND routine_type='PROCEDURE'";

        public override string DBObjectExistsQuery(string name, DBObjectTypeEnum objectType, string schema = null)
            if (schema == null)
                schema = DEFAULTSCHEMA;

            string query = string.Empty;

            if (objectType == DBObjectTypeEnum.Database)
                query = $"SELECT 1 FROM pg_database WHERE datname ILIKE '{name}'";
            else if (objectType == DBObjectTypeEnum.Schema)
                query = $"SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.schemata WHERE schema_name = '{name}'";
            else if (objectType == DBObjectTypeEnum.Table)
                query = $"SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = '{schema}' AND table_name ILIKE '{name}'";
            else if (objectType == DBObjectTypeEnum.View)
                query = $"SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.views WHERE table_schema = '{schema}' AND table_name ILIKE '{name}'";
            else if (objectType == DBObjectTypeEnum.Function)
                query = $"SELECT 1 FROM pg_proc a JOIN pg_namespace b ON a.pronamespace=b.oid WHERE a.proname ILIKE '{name}' AND b.nspname='{schema}'";
            else if (objectType == DBObjectTypeEnum.Procedure)
                query = $"SELECT 1 FROM pg_proc a JOIN pg_namespace b ON a.pronamespace=b.oid WHERE a.proname ILIKE '{name}' AND b.nspname='{schema}'";

        public override string DBObjectExistsQuery(string name, DBObjectTypeEnum objectType, string schema = null)
            if (schema == null)
                schema = DEFAULTSCHEMA;

            string query = string.Empty;

            if (objectType == DBObjectTypeEnum.Database)
                throw new NotSupportedException();
            else if (objectType == DBObjectTypeEnum.Schema)
                throw new NotSupportedException();
            else if (objectType == DBObjectTypeEnum.Table)
                query = $"SELECT 1 FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table' AND name = '{name}'";
            else if (objectType == DBObjectTypeEnum.View)
                query = $"SELECT 1 FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'view' AND name = '{name}'";
            else if (objectType == DBObjectTypeEnum.Function)
                throw new NotSupportedException();
            else if (objectType == DBObjectTypeEnum.Procedure)
                throw new NotSupportedException();

 public abstract string DBObjectExistsQuery(string name, DBObjectTypeEnum objectType, string schema = null);