private void LoadMultiLineStrings() { // This query returns values that DO NOT EXIST in the MULTILINE GEOMETRY table // in case the user presses the Define MultiLine geometries button more than once. //string query = "SELECT * FROM NETWORK_DEFINITION WHERE ID_ NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT FACILITY_ID AS ID_ FROM MULTILINE_GEOMETRIES_JOIN)"; //DataSet doesNotExistInMultiLineGeometry = DBMgr.ExecuteQuery(query); string query = "SELECT * FROM NETWORK_DEFINITION"; DataSet doesNotExistInMultiLineGeometry = DBMgr.ExecuteQuery(query); string clearMSGTable = "DELETE FROM MULTILINE_GEOMETRIES_JOIN"; DBMgr.ExecuteNonQuery(clearMSGTable); string strOutFile = GlobalDatabaseOperations.CreateBulkLoaderPath("MULTILINE_GEOMS", "txt"); TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(strOutFile); foreach (DataRow multiGeomRow in doesNotExistInMultiLineGeometry.Tables[0].Rows) { Geometry geo = Geometry.GeomFromText(multiGeomRow["GEOMETRY"].ToString()); if (geo is MultiLineString) { MultiLineString multiLineGeom = (MultiLineString)geo; foreach (LineString ls in multiLineGeom.LineStrings) { tw.WriteLine("\t" + multiGeomRow["ID_"].ToString() + "\t" + ls.ToString() + "\t"); } } } tw.Close(); DBMgr.SQLBulkLoad("MULTILINE_GEOMETRIES_JOIN", strOutFile, '\t'); }
private void tsbUpdateJoinedLineStrings_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { foreach (DataGridViewRow facilityRow in dgvJoinedLineStrings.Rows) { if (facilityRow.Cells["FACILITY_ID"].Value != null && facilityRow.Cells["FACILITY_ID"].Value.ToString() != "" && facilityRow.Cells["LINESTRING"].Value != null && facilityRow.Cells["LINESTRING"].Value.ToString() != "") { string facilityID = facilityRow.Cells["FACILITY_ID"].Value.ToString(); string lineString = facilityRow.Cells["LINESTRING"].Value.ToString(); string update = "UPDATE NETWORK_DEFINITION SET GEOMETRY = '" + lineString + "' " + "WHERE ID_ = " + facilityID; try { DBMgr.ExecuteNonQuery(update); } catch (Exception exc) { Global.WriteOutput("Error: Could not update NETWORK_DEFINITION table with new LineStrings. " + exc.Message); } } } if (dgvMultiLineString.Rows.Count > 1) { LoadMultiLineStrings(); LoadMultiLineDGV(); } }
/// <summary> /// 保存更新数据 /// </summary> /// <param name="formdata"></param> public void save(string formdata) { parentid = Request["parentid"]; string response = ""; string repeat = ""; JObject json = (JObject)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(formdata); WEB_PAGECONFIG_DETAIL en = JsonToEntity(json); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(parentid)) { en.PARENTID = Convert.ToInt32(parentid); } if (en != null) { if (en.ID < 0) { //新增 string sqlStr = @"insert into web_pageconfig_detail (id,parentid,orderno,name,controltype,isselect,selectcontent,configtype,tablecode,fieldcode,tablename,fieldname,createtime,userid,username,enabled) values (web_pageconfig_detail_id.nextval,'{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','0','{4}','{5}','{6}','{7}','{8}','{9}', sysdate,'{10}','{11}','{12}')"; sqlStr = string.Format(sqlStr, en.PARENTID, en.ORDERNO, en.NAME, en.CONTROLTYPE, en.SELECTCONTENT, en.CONFIGTYPE, en.TABLECODE, en.FIELDCODE, en.TABLENAME, en.FIELDNAME, en.USERID, en.USERNAME, en.ENABLED); int i = DBMgr.ExecuteNonQuery(sqlStr); if (i > 0) { repeat = "5"; } else { repeat = "新增配置失败"; } } else { //更新 string sqlStr = @"update web_pageconfig_detail set name='{0}',controltype='{1}',selectcontent='{2}',configtype='{3}',tablecode='{4}',fieldcode='{5}',tablename='{6}',fieldname='{7}', userid='{8}',username='******',enabled='{10}' where id='{11}'"; sqlStr = string.Format(sqlStr, en.NAME, en.CONTROLTYPE, en.SELECTCONTENT, en.CONFIGTYPE, en.TABLECODE, en.FIELDCODE, en.TABLENAME, en.FIELDNAME, en.USERID, en.USERNAME, en.ENABLED, en.ID); int i = DBMgr.ExecuteNonQuery(sqlStr); if (i > 0) { repeat = "5"; } else { repeat = "更新配置失败"; } } } else { repeat = "json转换出错"; } response = "{\"success\":\"" + repeat + "\"}"; Response.Write(response); Response.End(); }
public void MoveUp() { string repeat = ""; string response = ""; string id = Request["deleterecord"]; parentid = Request["parentid"]; string sqlStr = "select * from web_pageconfig_detail t1 where t1.parentid='{0}' and'{1}'"; sqlStr = string.Format(sqlStr, parentid, id); DataTable dt = DBMgr.GetDataTable(sqlStr); if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { string orderNo = dt.Rows[0]["orderno"].ToString(); string updateMinStr = "update web_pageconfig_detail set orderno='" + orderNo + "' where parentid='" + parentid + "' and orderno='" + (Convert.ToInt32(orderNo) - 1) + "'"; DBMgr.ExecuteNonQuery(updateMinStr); string updateStr = "update web_pageconfig_detail set orderno='" + (Convert.ToInt32(orderNo) - 1) + "' where id='" + id + "'"; DBMgr.ExecuteNonQuery(updateStr); repeat = "5"; } else { repeat = "异常,无法上移"; } response = "{\"success\":\"" + repeat + "\"}"; Response.Write(response); Response.End(); }
private void buttonAddAttribute_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { FormAddAssetToAttribute form = new FormAddAssetToAttribute(); if (form.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { try { int nIndex = dataGridViewAssetToAttribute.Rows.Add("", "", form.Attribute); DataGridViewComboBoxCell dgvComboAsset; dgvComboAsset = (DataGridViewComboBoxCell)dataGridViewAssetToAttribute[0, nIndex]; dataGridViewAssetToAttribute[2, nIndex].ReadOnly = true; foreach (AssetObject assetTable in m_listAsset) { dgvComboAsset.Items.Add(assetTable.Asset); } String strInsert = "INSERT INTO ATTRIBUTES_ (ATTRIBUTE_,NATIVE_,PROVIDER,CALCULATED) VALUES('" + form.Attribute + "','True','MSSQL','True')"; DBMgr.ExecuteNonQuery(strInsert); } catch (Exception exception) { Global.WriteOutput("Error: Creating new Asset to Attribute. " + exception.Message); } } }
private void textBoxDiscount_Validated(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!m_bUpdate) { return; } String strDiscount = textBoxDiscount.Text; strDiscount = strDiscount.Replace("%", ""); String strUpdate = "UPDATE INVESTMENTS SET DISCOUNTRATE='" + strDiscount + "' WHERE SIMULATIONID='" + m_strSimID + "'"; try { DBMgr.ExecuteNonQuery(strUpdate); } catch (Exception except) { m_bUpdate = false; textBoxDiscount.Text = m_strDiscout; m_bUpdate = true; Global.WriteOutput("Error updating discount: " + except.Message); } }
public string create_save(string name, string originalname) { string sql = ""; string resultmsg = "{success:false}"; try { JObject json_user = Extension.Get_UserInfo(HttpContext.User.Identity.Name); sql = @"INSERT INTO LIST_FILERECOGINZE (ID ,FILEPATH,FILENAME,USERID,USERNAME,TIMES,STATUS,CUSTOMERCODE ,CUSTOMERNAME ) VALUES (LIST_FILERECOGINZE_ID.Nextval ,'{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}',sysdate,'{4}','{5}' ,'{6}' )"; sql = string.Format(sql, "/FileUpload/filereconginze/" + name, originalname, json_user.Value <string>("ID"), json_user.Value <string>("REALNAME"), "未关联", json_user.Value <string>("CUSTOMERCODE") , json_user.Value <string>("CUSTOMERNAME")); int i = DBMgr.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); if (i > 0) { resultmsg = "{success:true}"; } } catch (Exception ex) { } return(resultmsg); }
private void GetRecursive(TreeNode treeNode) { if (treeNode.Nodes.Count > 0) { foreach (TreeNode tn in treeNode.Nodes) { GetRecursive(tn); } } else { // For nodes iterate until no parents. String strNodes = treeNode.Text; TreeNode parent = treeNode.Parent; while (parent != null) { strNodes = strNodes.Insert(0, parent.Text + "|"); parent = parent.Parent; } String strInsert = "INSERT INTO NETWORK_TREE (NETWORKID,NODES) VALUES ('" + m_strNetworkID + "','" + strNodes + "')"; try { DBMgr.ExecuteNonQuery(strInsert); } catch (Exception exception) { String strError = "Error: Inserting network tree on edit tree with SQL exception -" + exception.Message; Global.WriteOutput(strError); MessageBox.Show(strError); return; } } }
private void textBoxInflation_Validated(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!m_bUpdate) { return; } String strInflation = textBoxInflation.Text; strInflation = strInflation.Replace("%", ""); String strUpdate = "UPDATE INVESTMENTS SET INFLATIONRATE='" + strInflation + "' WHERE SIMULATIONID='" + m_strSimID + "'"; try { DBMgr.ExecuteNonQuery(strUpdate); } catch (Exception except) { m_bUpdate = false; textBoxInflation.Text = m_strInflation; m_bUpdate = true; Global.WriteOutput("Error updating Inflation rate: " + except.Message); } }
private void SaveNetworkTree() { this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; //Delete existing information; String strDelete = "DELETE FROM NETWORK_TREE WHERE NETWORKID='" + m_strNetworkID + "'"; try { DBMgr.ExecuteNonQuery(strDelete); } catch (Exception exception) { String strError = "Error: Deleting existing network tree on save with SQL exception -" + exception.Message; Global.WriteOutput(strError); MessageBox.Show(strError); return; } //Save tree information. //Iterate through tree. foreach (TreeNode tn in tvNetwork.Nodes) { GetRecursive(tn); } this.Cursor = Cursors.Default; }
public string DeleteOrderM() { string ordercodes = Request["ordercodes"]; string result = "{success:true}"; string sql = @"select SUBMITTIME from list_order where code in(" + ordercodes + ")"; DataTable dt = DBMgr.GetDataTable(sql); bool bf = false; foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { if (dr["SUBMITTIME"].ToString() != "") { bf = true; break; } } if (bf) { return("{success:false,flag:'E'}"); } sql = @"delete list_order where code in(" + ordercodes + ")"; DBMgr.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); return(result); }
public string ManageNews() { string sql = string.Empty; string action = Request["act"] + ""; JObject json_user = Extension.Get_UserInfo(HttpContext.User.Identity.Name); string rid = Request["RID"] + ""; if (action == "add") { string sql_query = "select * from list_collect_infor_BYUSER where TYPE='news' and RID='" + rid + "'"; DataTable dt = DBMgr.GetDataTable(sql_query); if (dt.Rows.Count != 0) { return("{success:false}"); } sql = "insert into list_collect_infor_BYUSER(ID,SYSUSERID,TYPE,CREATEID,CREATEDATE,RID) values(LIST_COLLECT_INFOR_BYUSER_ID.Nextval,'{0}','news','{1}',sysdate,'{2}')"; sql = string.Format(sql, json_user.Value <string>("ID"), json_user.Value <string>("ID"), rid); } else { sql = "delete from list_collect_infor_BYUSER where TYPE='news' and RID in (" + rid + ") and SYSUSERID='" + json_user.Value <string>("ID") + "'"; } DBMgr.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); return("{success:true}"); }
public string Save() { JObject json_user = Extension.Get_UserInfo(HttpContext.User.Identity.Name); string sql = string.Empty; string formdata = Request["json"]; JObject json = (JObject)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(formdata); DataTable dt_valid_name = new DataTable(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["ID"])) { sql = @"insert into sys_user (ID,NAME,PASSWORD,REALNAME,EMAIL,TELEPHONE,MOBILEPHONE,ENABLED,SEX,PARENTID,REMARK,CREATETIME,CUSTOMERID,TYPE) values(sys_user_id.nextval,'{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}','{6}','{7}','{8}','{9}',sysdate,'{10}',2)"; sql = string.Format(sql, json.Value <string>("NAME"), json.Value <string>("NAME").ToSHA1(), json.Value <string>("REALNAME"), json.Value <string>("EMAIL"), json.Value <string>("TELEPHONE"), json.Value <string>("MOBILEPHONE"), json.Value <string>("ENABLED"), json.Value <string>("SEX"), json_user.GetValue("ID"), json.Value <string>("REMARK"), json_user.GetValue("CUSTOMERID")); dt_valid_name = DBMgr.GetDataTable("select * from sys_user where NAME='" + json.Value <string>("NAME") + "'"); } else { sql = @"update sys_user set REALNAME = '{0}',EMAIL = '{1}',TELEPHONE = '{2}',MOBILEPHONE = '{3}',ENABLED = '{4}',SEX = '{5}',REMARK = '{6}' where id = '{7}'"; sql = string.Format(sql, json.Value <string>("REALNAME"), json.Value <string>("EMAIL"), json.Value <string>("TELEPHONE"), json.Value <string>("MOBILEPHONE"), json.Value <string>("ENABLED"), json.Value <string>("SEX"), json.Value <string>("REMARK"), Request["ID"]); } //验证用户是否重复 if (dt_valid_name != null && dt_valid_name.Rows.Count != 0) { return("{result:false}"); } else { DBMgr.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); return("{result:true}"); } }
private void save(JObject json, string id) { string str = "false"; string enabled = "1", position = "0"; if (json.Value <string>("ENABLED") == "否" || json.Value <string>("ENABLED") == "0") { enabled = "1"; } if (json.Value <string>("POSITIONID") == "前端管理" || json.Value <string>("POSITIONID") == "1") { position = "1"; } else if (json.Value <string>("POSITIONID") == "后台管理" || json.Value <string>("POSITIONID") == "2") { position = "2"; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(id)) { string sql = @"insert into sys_user(id,name,realname,telephone,mobilephone,email,customerid,companyids,positionid,enabled,remark,createtime,type,password) values(sys_user_id.nextval,'{0}','{1}','{2}', '{3}','{4}',{5},{6},'{7}','{8}','{9}',sysdate,1,'{10}')"; sql = string.Format(sql, json.Value <string>("NAME"), json.Value <string>("REALNAME"), json.Value <string>("TELEPHONE"), json.Value <string>("MOBILEPHONE"), json.Value <string>("EMAIL"), json.Value <string>("CUSTOMERID"), "(select NAME from cusdoc.sys_customer where code='" + json.Value <string>("CUSTOMERID") + "')", position, enabled, json.Value <string>("REMARK"), "000000".ToSHA1()); int i = DBMgr.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); str = i > 0 ? "true" : "false"; } else { string sql = @"update sys_user set name='{0}',realname='{1}',telephone='{2}',mobilephone='{3}',email='{4}',customerid={5},companyids='{6}', positionid='{7}',enabled='{8}',remark='{9}' where id={10}"; sql = string.Format(sql, json.Value <string>("NAME"), json.Value <string>("REALNAME"), json.Value <string>("TELEPHONE"), json.Value <string>("MOBILEPHONE"), json.Value <string>("EMAIL"), json.Value <string>("CUSTOMERID"), "(select id from cusdoc.sys_customer where code='" + json.Value <string>("CUSTOMERID") + "')", position, enabled, json.Value <string>("REMARK"), id); int i = DBMgr.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); str = i > 0 ? "true" : "false"; } string response = "{\"success\":" + str + "}"; Response.Write(response); Response.End(); }
private void saveMenuConfig() { string companyid = Request["roleid"]; string moduleids = Request["moduleids"]; string sql = "delete from t_rolemenu where companyid='" + companyid + "'"; DBMgr.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); string flag = "true"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(moduleids)) { string[] ids = moduleids.Split(','); List <string> sqls = new List <string>(); foreach (string id in ids) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(id) && id != "-1") { sql = "insert into t_rolemenu(menuid,companyid) values('{0}','{1}')"; sqls.Add(string.Format(sql, id, companyid)); } } flag = DBMgr.ExecuteNonQuery(sqls) > 0 ? "true" : "false"; } Response.Write("{\"success\":" + flag + "}"); Response.End(); }
public void DeleteFromImageView() { // First call the FormManager and have it close all open tabs, except NETWORK_DEFINITION, ASSETS, CONSTRUCTION_HISTORY // other ATTRIBUTE (RAW) tabs and Calculated fields. ConnectionParameters cp = DBMgr.GetAttributeConnectionObject(m_strAttributeToDelete); List <String> listCommandText = new List <String>(); m_strAttributeToDelete = m_strAttributeToDelete.Replace("_", "!_"); String strDelete = "DELETE FROM ATTRIBUTES_ WHERE ATTRIBUTE_ = '" + m_strAttributeToDelete + "'"; listCommandText.Add(strDelete); DeleteFromNetworks(listCommandText); DBMgr.ExecuteBatchNonQuery(listCommandText); if (cp.IsNative) { strDelete = "DROP TABLE " + m_strAttributeToDelete; DBMgr.ExecuteNonQuery(strDelete); } else { String dropView = "DROP VIEW " + m_strAttributeToDelete; DBMgr.ExecuteNonQuery(dropView, cp); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string sql = ""; string action = Request["action"]; DataTable dt; switch (action) { case "select": sql = @"select ID,IMGURL,LINKURL,DESCRIPTION,STATUS,FILENAME,SORTINDEX from web_banner order by SORTINDEX"; dt = DBMgr.GetDataTable(sql); string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dt); Response.Write("{rows:" + json + "}"); Response.End(); break; case "delete": //先删除对应的本地文件 sql = "select * from web_banner where id='" + Request["id"] + "'"; dt = DBMgr.GetDataTable(sql); string path = Server.MapPath(dt.Rows[0]["IMGURL"] + ""); if (File.Exists(path)) { File.Delete(path); } sql = @"delete from web_banner where id = '" + Request["id"] + "'"; DBMgr.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); break; case "save": save(Request["formdata"]); break; } }
public string save_MANIFEST(string ORDERCODE, string MANIFEST) { string msg = "{success:false,msg:'未知错误'}"; try { if (MANIFEST == "on" || MANIFEST == "true" || MANIFEST == "1") { MANIFEST = "1"; } else { MANIFEST = "0"; } string strSql = "update RESIDENT_ORDER set MANIFEST='" + MANIFEST + "' where code='" + ORDERCODE + "'"; DBMgr.ExecuteNonQuery(strSql); msg = "{success:true}"; } catch (Exception ex) { msg = "{success:false,msg:'保存失败:" + ex.Message + "'}"; } return(msg); }
/// <summary> /// Updates the database each time a user completes a row in a property grid. /// </summary> public void UpdateDatabase(String strProperty, String strValue) { String strUpdate; switch (DBMgr.NativeConnectionParameters.Provider) { case "MSSQL": if (strValue.Trim() == "" || strValue.Trim().ToUpper() == "NULL") { strUpdate = "Update ATTRIBUTES_ Set " + Global.m_htFieldMapping[strProperty].ToString() + " = NULL Where ATTRIBUTE_ = '" + m_strPropertyName + "'"; } else { strUpdate = "Update ATTRIBUTES_ Set " + Global.m_htFieldMapping[strProperty].ToString() + " = '" + strValue + "' Where ATTRIBUTE_ = '" + m_strPropertyName + "'"; } break; case "ORACLE": if (strValue.Trim() == "" || strValue.Trim().ToUpper() == "NULL") { strUpdate = "Update ATTRIBUTES_ Set \"" + Global.m_htFieldMapping[strProperty].ToString() + "\" = NULL Where ATTRIBUTE_ = '" + m_strPropertyName + "'"; } else { if (strProperty.Trim().ToUpper() != "ASCENDING") { strUpdate = "Update ATTRIBUTES_ Set \"" + Global.m_htFieldMapping[strProperty].ToString() + "\" = '" + strValue + "' Where ATTRIBUTE_ = '" + m_strPropertyName + "'"; } else { if (strValue.Trim().ToUpper() == "TRUE") { strUpdate = "Update ATTRIBUTES_ Set \"" + Global.m_htFieldMapping[strProperty].ToString() + "\" = '1' Where ATTRIBUTE_ = '" + m_strPropertyName + "'"; } else if (strValue.Trim().ToUpper() == "FALSE") { strUpdate = "Update ATTRIBUTES_ Set \"" + Global.m_htFieldMapping[strProperty].ToString() + "\" = '0' Where ATTRIBUTE_ = '" + m_strPropertyName + "'"; } else { throw new Exception("Ascending set to unknown value."); } } } break; default: throw new NotImplementedException("TODO: Create ANSI implementation for XXXXXXXXXXXX"); //break; } try { DBMgr.ExecuteNonQuery(strUpdate); } catch (Exception sqlE) { Global.WriteOutput("Error: Unable to update ATTRIBUTES_ table with new properties. " + sqlE.Message); } }
private void deleteData() { string ids = Request["ids"]; string sql = "delete from config_filesplit where id in({0})"; string str = DBMgr.ExecuteNonQuery(string.Format(sql, ids)) > 0 ? "true" : "false"; Response.Write("{\"success\":" + str + "}"); Response.End(); }
public int AddConfig(WEB_CUSTOMSCONFIG en) { string sqlStr = @"insert into web_customsconfig (ID,busitypecode,busitypename,busiitemcode,busiitemname,createuserid,createusername,enable,starttime) values (web_customsconfig_id.nextval,'{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}','{6}',sysdate)"; sqlStr = string.Format(sqlStr, en.BUSITYPECODE, en.BUSITYPENAME, en.BUSIITEMCODE, en.BUSIITEMNAME, en.CREATEUSERID, en.CREATEUSERNAME, en.ENABLE); return(DBMgr.ExecuteNonQuery(sqlStr)); }
private void save(string formdata) { JObject json = (JObject)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(formdata); string sql = ""; DataTable dt_valid_name = new DataTable(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(json.Value <string>("ID"))) { sql = @"insert into cusdoc.sys_customer(id ,code,name,chineseabbreviation,chineseaddress,hscode,ciqcode ,englishname,englishaddress,iscustomer,isshipper,iscompany ,logicauditflag,docservicecompany,enabled,remark,SOCIALCREDITNO ,TOOLVERSION,isreceiver ) values(cusdoc.sys_customer_id.nextval ,'{0}','{1}','{2}', '{3}','{4}','{5}' ,'{6}','{7}','{8}','{9}','{10}' ,'{11}','{12}','{13}','{14}','{15}' ,'{16}','{17}')"; sql = string.Format(sql , json.Value <string>("CODE").ToUpper(), json.Value <string>("NAME"), json.Value <string>("CHINESEABBREVIATION"), json.Value <string>("CHINESEADDRESS"), json.Value <string>("HSCODE"), json.Value <string>("CIQCODE") , json.Value <string>("ENGLISHNAME"), json.Value <string>("ENGLISHADDRESS"), GetChk(json.Value <string>("ISCUSTOMER")), GetChk(json.Value <string>("ISSHIPPER")), GetChk(json.Value <string>("ISCOMPANY")) , GetChk(json.Value <string>("LOGICAUDITFLAG")), GetChk(json.Value <string>("DOCSERVICECOMPANY")), json.Value <string>("ENABLED"), json.Value <string>("REMARK"), json.Value <string>("SOCIALCREDITNO") , json.Value <string>("TOOLVERSION"), GetChk(json.Value <string>("ISRECEIVER")) ); dt_valid_name = DBMgr.GetDataTable("select * from cusdoc.sys_customer where lower(code)='" + json.Value <string>("CODE").ToLower() + "'"); } else { sql = @"update cusdoc.sys_customer set code='{0}',name='{1}',chineseabbreviation='{2}',chineseaddress='{3}',hscode='{4}',ciqcode='{5}' ,englishname='{6}',englishaddress='{7}',iscustomer='{8}',isshipper='{9}',iscompany='{10}' ,logicauditflag='{11}',docservicecompany='{12}',enabled='{13}',remark='{14}',SOCIALCREDITNO='{15}' ,TOOLVERSION='{16}',isreceiver='{17}' where id={18}"; sql = string.Format(sql , json.Value <string>("CODE").ToUpper(), json.Value <string>("NAME"), json.Value <string>("CHINESEABBREVIATION"), json.Value <string>("CHINESEADDRESS"), json.Value <string>("HSCODE"), json.Value <string>("CIQCODE") , json.Value <string>("ENGLISHNAME"), json.Value <string>("ENGLISHADDRESS"), GetChk(json.Value <string>("ISCUSTOMER")), GetChk(json.Value <string>("ISSHIPPER")), GetChk(json.Value <string>("ISCOMPANY")) , GetChk(json.Value <string>("LOGICAUDITFLAG")), GetChk(json.Value <string>("DOCSERVICECOMPANY")), json.Value <int>("ENABLED"), json.Value <string>("REMARK"), json.Value <string>("SOCIALCREDITNO") , json.Value <string>("TOOLVERSION"), GetChk(json.Value <string>("ISRECEIVER")), json.Value <string>("ID") ); dt_valid_name = DBMgr.GetDataTable("select * from cusdoc.sys_customer where lower(code)='" + json.Value <string>("CODE").ToLower() + "' and id!=" + json.Value <string>("ID")); } string response = ""; //验证用户是否重复 if (dt_valid_name != null && dt_valid_name.Rows.Count != 0) { response = "{\"success\":false,\"flag\":1}"; } else { int i = DBMgr.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); response = "{\"success\":" + (i > 0 ? "true" : "false") + "}"; } Response.Write(response); Response.End(); }
/// <summary> /// Delete all Segmentation Criteria for a given NETWORK. For image view. (USE TRY/CATCH) /// </summary> /// <param name="strNetworkID">NETWORKID for which to delete Dynamic Segmentation Criteria</param> public static void DeleteCriteriaSegmentForNetwork(String strNetworkID) { String strDelete = "DELETE FROM CRITERIA_SEGMENT WHERE NETWORKID ='" + strNetworkID + "'"; DBMgr.ExecuteNonQuery(strDelete); strDelete = "DELETE FROM NETWORK_TREE WHERE NETWORKID='" + strNetworkID + "'"; DBMgr.ExecuteNonQuery(strDelete); }
public int UpdateConfig(WEB_CUSTOMSCOST en) { string sqlStr = @"update WEB_CUSTOMSCOST set Busitypecode='{0}',Busitypename='{1}',Busiitemcode='{2}',Busiitemname='{3}',Originname='{4}',Configname='{5}',Createuserid='{6}',Createusername='******' where id='{8}'"; sqlStr = string.Format(sqlStr, en.BUSITYPECODE, en.BUSITYPENAME, en.BUSIITEMCODE, en.BUSIITEMNAME, en.ORIGINNAME, en.CONFIGNAME, en.CREATEUSERID, en.CREATEUSERNAME, en.ID); int i = DBMgr.ExecuteNonQuery(sqlStr); return(i); }
/// <summary> /// 删除数据 /// </summary> /// <param name="id"></param> private void deleteData() { string id = Request["ID"]; string sql = "delete from cusdoc.sys_customer where id='{0}'"; string str = DBMgr.ExecuteNonQuery(string.Format(sql, id)) > 0 ? "true" : "false"; Response.Write("{\"success\":" + str + "}"); Response.End(); }
public String SavePropertiesToDatabase(PropertyGridEx.PropertyGridEx pgProperties) { m_strNetworkName = pgProperties.Item[0].Value.ToString(); String strInsert; switch (DBMgr.NativeConnectionParameters.Provider) { case "MSSQL": //strInsert = "INSERT INTO NETWORKS (NETWORK_NAME,DESCRIPTION,DESIGNER_USERID,DESIGNER_NAME,DATE_CREATED,DATE_LAST_EDIT,NUMBER_SECTIONS,LOCK_,PRIVATE_) VALUES ('" strInsert = "INSERT INTO NETWORKS (NETWORK_NAME, DESCRIPTION, DESIGNER_USERID, DESIGNER_NAME, DATE_CREATED, DATE_LAST_EDIT, NUMBER_SECTIONS) VALUES ('" + pgProperties.Item[0].Value + "', '" + pgProperties.Item[1].Value + "', '" + pgProperties.Item[2].Value + "', '" + pgProperties.Item[3].Value + "', '" + pgProperties.Item[4].Value + "', '" + pgProperties.Item[5].Value + "', '" + pgProperties.Item[6].Value + "')"; break; case "ORACLE": //strInsert = "INSERT INTO NETWORKS (NETWORK_NAME,DESCRIPTION,DESIGNER_USERID,DESIGNER_NAME,DATE_CREATED,DATE_LAST_EDIT,NUMBER_SECTIONS,LOCK_,PRIVATE_) VALUES ("; strInsert = "INSERT INTO NETWORKS (NETWORK_NAME,DESCRIPTION,DESIGNER_USERID,DESIGNER_NAME,DATE_CREATED,DATE_LAST_EDIT,NUMBER_SECTIONS) VALUES ("; foreach (PropertyGridEx.CustomProperty networkProperty in pgProperties.Item) { if (networkProperty.Value.ToString().ToLower() == "true") { strInsert += "'1', "; } else if (networkProperty.Value.ToString().ToLower() == "false") { strInsert += "'0', "; } else { strInsert += "'" + networkProperty.Value.ToString() + "', "; } } strInsert = strInsert.Remove(strInsert.Length - 2); strInsert += ")"; break; default: throw new NotImplementedException("TODO: Create ANSI implementation for XXXXXXXXXXXX"); //break; } try { DBMgr.ExecuteNonQuery(strInsert); } catch (Exception sqlE) { Global.WriteOutput("Error: Insert new network into database failed with, " + sqlE.Message); return(""); } return(m_strNetworkName); }
//强制压缩 public string ForcedCompress(string fileid) { string msg = "{success:false}";//失败 string sql = ""; try { sql = "select * from list_attachment where id='" + fileid + "'"; DataTable dt = DBMgr.GetDataTable(sql); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { string filename = (dt.Rows[0]["FILENAME"] + "").Replace("/", @"\"); string filename_txt = @"d:\ftpserver\" + filename.Replace(".pdf", "").Replace(".PDF", "") + ".txt"; string dir = @"d:\ftpserver\" + filename.Substring(0, filename.LastIndexOf(@"\")); string SearchPattern = filename.Substring(filename.LastIndexOf(@"\") + 1).Replace(".pdf", "").Replace(".PDF", "") + "-web*"; var files = Directory.GetFiles(dir, SearchPattern); for (int i = 0; i < files.Length; i++) { File.Delete(files[i]); } //DirectoryInfo dif = new DirectoryInfo(dir); //FileInfo[] files2 = dif.GetFiles(SearchPattern); //foreach (FileInfo fi in dif.GetFiles(SearchPattern)) //{ // File.Delete(fi.FullName); //} //string pressfilename_pdf = @"d:\ftpserver\" + filename.Replace(".pdf", "").Replace(".PDF", "") + "-web.pdf"; //if (File.Exists(pressfilename_pdf))//删除压缩文件 //{ // File.Delete(pressfilename_pdf); //} if (!File.Exists(filename_txt))//保留TXT标记文件 { File.Create(filename_txt); } sql = "insert into pdfshrinklog (id,attachmentid) values (pdfshrinklog_id.nextval,'" + fileid + "')"; DBMgr.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); msg = "{success:true}"; } } catch (Exception ex) { return(msg); } return(msg); }
private void inipsd() { string id = Request["id"]; string name = Request["name"]; string sql = "update sys_user set points=0,PASSWORD='******' where id='{1}'"; sql = string.Format(sql, Extension.ToSHA1(name), id); Response.Write(DBMgr.ExecuteNonQuery(sql)); Response.End(); }
/// <summary> /// 启禁用 /// </summary> private void enabled() { string id = Request["id"]; string flag = Request["flag"]; string sql = "update sys_user set enabled='{0}' where id='{1}'"; string str = DBMgr.ExecuteNonQuery(string.Format(sql, flag, id)) > 0 ? "true" : "false"; Response.Write("{\"success\":" + str + "}"); Response.End(); }
/// <summary> /// 新增一笔记录 /// </summary> /// <param name="en"></param> /// <returns></returns> public int AddConfig(WEB_CUSTOMSCOST en) { string sqlStr = @"insert into WEB_CUSTOMSCOST (Id,Busitypecode,Busitypename,Busiitemcode,Busiitemname,Originname,Configname,Createuserid,Createusername) values(web_customsconfig_id.nextval,'{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}','{6}','{7}')"; sqlStr = string.Format(sqlStr, en.BUSITYPECODE, en.BUSITYPENAME, en.BUSIITEMCODE, en.BUSIITEMNAME, en.ORIGINNAME, en.CONFIGNAME, en.CREATEUSERID, en.CREATEUSERNAME); int i = DBMgr.ExecuteNonQuery(sqlStr); return(i); }