private void ListHistoryVersion() { string VersionIDURL = "<a href='WikiHistory.aspx?PageName={0}&VID={1}'>{1}</a>"; string strSQL = string.Format("select pagehistoryid,modifydate,modifiedby from wiki_pagehistory where pagename='{0}' order by modifydate desc", m_PageName);; //DBInterface.ConnectDB(); IDataReader result = DBInterface.QuerySQL(strSQL); int i = 0; if (result != null) { while (result.Read()) { TableRow trCaption = new TableRow(); TableCell tcVersion = new TableCell(); tcVersion.Text = string.Format(VersionIDURL, m_PageName, result.GetValue(0).ToString()); tcVersion.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Left; trCaption.Cells.Add(tcVersion); TableCell tcVersionTime = new TableCell(); tcVersionTime.Text = result.GetDateTime(1).ToString("MM/dd/yy H:mm:ss zzz"); tcVersionTime.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Left; trCaption.Cells.Add(tcVersionTime); TableCell tcEditor = new TableCell(); tcEditor.Text = result.GetString(2); tcEditor.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Left; trCaption.Cells.Add(tcEditor); if (i == 0 && m_VersionID == "") { m_VersionID = result.GetValue(0).ToString(); trCaption.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightBlue; } else if (m_VersionID == result.GetValue(0).ToString()) { trCaption.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightBlue; } tbVersionList.Rows.Add(trCaption); i += 1; } result.Close(); } DBInterface.CloseDB(); }
private void LoadVersionContent() { string strSQL = string.Format("select pagecontent from wiki_pagehistory where pagehistoryid='{0}' ", m_VersionID);; //DBInterface.ConnectDB(); IDataReader result = DBInterface.QuerySQL(strSQL); if (result != null) { while (result.Read()) { WikiTextFormatter wf = new WikiTextFormatter(); litContent.Text = wf.FormatPageForDisplay(result.GetString(0)); } result.Close(); } DBInterface.CloseDB(); }
private void GetPeptideFamily(string PeptideSeq) { string PepIDURL = "<a href='PeptideInfo.aspx?QType=Peptide+ID&QValue={0}'>{1}</a>"; string strSQL = string.Format("select p.peptide_cop_id,p.peptide_sequence,p.molecular_weight, t.score from peptide_tbl p,TABLE(blastp_match('{0}',cursor(select peptide_cop_id, peptide_sequence from peptide_tbl))) t where p.peptide_cop_id = t.T_SEQ_ID", PeptideSeq); //DBInterface.ConnectDB(); IDataReader result = DBInterface.QuerySQL(strSQL); int i = 0; if (result != null) { while (result.Read()) { TableRow trCaption = new TableRow(); TableCell tcPepID = new TableCell(); tcPepID.Text = string.Format(PepIDURL, result.GetString(0), result.GetString(0)); tcPepID.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Left; trCaption.Cells.Add(tcPepID); TableCell tcSequence = new TableCell(); tcSequence.Text = result.GetString(1); tcSequence.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Left; trCaption.Cells.Add(tcSequence); TableCell tcMW = new TableCell(); tcMW.Text = result.GetDouble(2).ToString(); tcMW.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right; trCaption.Cells.Add(tcMW); TableCell tcScore = new TableCell(); tcScore.Text = result.GetValue(3).ToString(); tcScore.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right; trCaption.Cells.Add(tcScore); tbPeptides.Rows.Add(trCaption); i += 1; } result.Close(); } DBInterface.CloseDB(); }
private void LoadNewPages() { string PageNameURL = "<a href='COPaWikiDefault.aspx?PageName={0}'>{0}</a>"; //string strSQL = "select * from (select a.pagename,a.lastmodified,a.modifiedby from wiki_pages a where ((a.pagename like '%%') order by lastmodified desc) where rownum<10"; string strSQL = "select * from (select a.pagename, a.lastmodified, a.modifiedby from wiki_pages a where not regexp_like(a.pagename, '^([A-Z0-9]{6}(-[0-9]+)?|[0-9]+|[A-Z]+)$') order by a.lastmodified desc) where rownum < 10"; if (DBInterface.DbType == "MySql") { strSQL = "select a.pagename,a.lastmodified,a.modifiedby from wiki_pages a where not ((a.pagename like 'CoPro%' or a.pagename like 'CoPep%' ) and length(a.pagename)=13) order by lastmodified desc limit 10"; } //DBInterface.ConnectDB(); IDataReader result = DBInterface.QuerySQL(strSQL); int i = 0; if (result != null) { while (result.Read()) { TableRow trCaption = new TableRow(); TableCell tcPagename = new TableCell(); tcPagename.Text = string.Format(PageNameURL, result.GetString(0)); tcPagename.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Left; trCaption.Cells.Add(tcPagename); TableCell tcLastModifiedTime = new TableCell(); tcLastModifiedTime.Text = result.GetDateTime(1).ToLongDateString(); tcLastModifiedTime.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right; trCaption.Cells.Add(tcLastModifiedTime); TableCell tcEditor = new TableCell(); tcEditor.Text = result.GetString(2); tcEditor.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right; trCaption.Cells.Add(tcEditor); tbNewPages.Rows.Add(trCaption); i += 1; } result.Close(); } string ProteinIDURL = "<a href='ProteinInfo.aspx?QType=Protein+ID&QValue={0}'>{1}</a>"; strSQL = "select * from (select a.pagename,b.protein_name,a.lastmodified,a.modifiedby from wiki_pages a, protein_tbl b where trim(b.protein_cop_id) = trim(a.pagename) order by lastmodified desc) where rownum<10"; if (DBInterface.DbType == "MySql") { strSQL = "select a.pagename,b.protein_name,a.lastmodified,a.modifiedby from wiki_pages a, protein_tbl b where a.pagename like 'IPI%' and trim(b.protein_cop_id) = trim(a.pagename) order by lastmodified desc limit 10"; } //DBInterface.ConnectDB(); result = DBInterface.QuerySQL(strSQL); if (result != null) { while (result.Read()) { TableRow trCaption = new TableRow(); TableCell tcPagename = new TableCell(); tcPagename.Text = string.Format(ProteinIDURL, result.GetString(0), result.GetString(0)); tcPagename.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Left; trCaption.Cells.Add(tcPagename); TableCell tcLastModifiedTime = new TableCell(); tcLastModifiedTime.Text = result.GetDateTime(2).ToLongDateString(); tcLastModifiedTime.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right; trCaption.Cells.Add(tcLastModifiedTime); TableCell tcEditor = new TableCell(); tcEditor.Text = result.GetString(3); tcEditor.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right; trCaption.Cells.Add(tcEditor); tbProteinPages.Rows.Add(trCaption); } result.Close(); } string PeptideIDURL = "<a href='PeptideInfo.aspx?QType=Peptide+ID&QValue={0}'>{1}</a>"; strSQL = "select * from (select a.pagename,b.peptide_sequence,a.lastmodified,a.modifiedby from wiki_pages a, peptide_tbl b where trim(b.peptide_sequence) = trim(a.pagename) order by lastmodified desc) where rownum<10"; if (DBInterface.DbType == "MySql") { strSQL = "select a.pagename,b.peptide_sequence,a.lastmodified,a.modifiedby from wiki_pages a, peptide_tbl b where a.pagename like 'CoPep%' and trim(b.peptide_cop_id) = trim(a.pagename) order by lastmodified desc limit 10"; } result = DBInterface.QuerySQL(strSQL); if (result != null) { while (result.Read()) { TableRow trCaption = new TableRow(); TableCell tcPagename = new TableCell(); tcPagename.Text = string.Format(PeptideIDURL, result.GetString(0), result.GetString(0)); tcPagename.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Left; trCaption.Cells.Add(tcPagename); TableCell tcLastModifiedTime = new TableCell(); tcLastModifiedTime.Text = result.GetDateTime(2).ToLongDateString(); tcLastModifiedTime.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right; trCaption.Cells.Add(tcLastModifiedTime); TableCell tcEditor = new TableCell(); tcEditor.Text = result.GetString(3); tcEditor.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right; trCaption.Cells.Add(tcEditor); tbPeptidePages.Rows.Add(trCaption); } result.Close(); } string SpectrumURL = "<a href='SpectrumInfo.aspx?QValue={0}' Target='_blank'>{0}</a>"; strSQL = "select a.pagename,b.instrumentation,a.lastmodified,a.modifiedby from wiki_pages a, spectrum_tbl b where to_char(b.spectrum_seq) = a.pagename and rownum < 10 order by lastmodified desc"; if (DBInterface.DbType == "MySql") { strSQL = "select a.pagename,b.instrumentation,a.lastmodified,a.modifiedby from wiki_pages a, spectrum_tbl b where to_char(b.spectrum_seq) = a.pagename order by lastmodified desc limit 10"; } result = DBInterface.QuerySQL(strSQL); if (result != null) { while (result.Read()) { TableRow trCaption = new TableRow(); TableCell tcPagename = new TableCell(); tcPagename.Text = string.Format(SpectrumURL, result.GetString(0)); tcPagename.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Left; trCaption.Cells.Add(tcPagename); TableCell tcLastModifiedTime = new TableCell(); tcLastModifiedTime.Text = result.GetDateTime(2).ToLongDateString(); tcLastModifiedTime.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right; trCaption.Cells.Add(tcLastModifiedTime); TableCell tcEditor = new TableCell(); tcEditor.Text = result.GetString(3); tcEditor.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right; trCaption.Cells.Add(tcEditor); tbSpectrumPages.Rows.Add(trCaption); } result.Close(); } DBInterface.CloseDB(); }
protected void btUpload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //if (this.tbUserID.Text == "") //{ // this.lbEmailMessage1.Text = "Required field."; // return; //} //else // this.lbEmailMessage1.Text = "*"; if (!this.RegularExpressionValidator2.IsValid || !this.RegularExpressionValidator1.IsValid) { return; //validation group for mzMl or raw file } if (!cbUseURL.Checked && !this.InputFile1.HasFile) { return; } if (cbUseURL.Checked && this.tbURL.Text == "") { this.lbMessage.Text = "You need to upload a local file or provide the URL of a file in the web."; return; } string FileName = ""; string SingleFileName = ""; if (cbUseURL.Checked) { FileName = this.tbURL.Text; SingleFileName = FileName.Substring(FileName.LastIndexOf("/") + 1); } else { FileName = this.InputFile1.FileName; SingleFileName = FileName; } string strSQL = "insert into search_task (task_user,upload_filename,search_model,report_filename) values ('{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}')"; string strReportName = SingleFileName.Substring(0, SingleFileName.LastIndexOf(".")) + ".txt"; strSQL = string.Format(strSQL, DBInterface.SQLValidString(this.tbUserID.Text), DBInterface.SQLValidString(FileName), this.ddlModels.Text, DBInterface.SQLValidString(strReportName)); //DBInterface.ConnectDB(); string taskID = ""; if (DBInterface.UpdateSQL(strSQL) > 0) { strSQL = "select task_seq from search_task where task_user='******' and upload_filename = '{1}' order by task_seq desc"; strSQL = string.Format(strSQL, DBInterface.SQLValidString(this.tbUserID.Text), DBInterface.SQLValidString(FileName)); IDataReader result = DBInterface.QuerySQL(strSQL); if (result != null) { result.Read(); taskID = result.GetValue(0).ToString(); } DBInterface.CloseDB(); string UploadPath = WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["UploadPath"].ConnectionString + taskID + "\\"; DirectoryInfo newpath = new DirectoryInfo(UploadPath); if (!newpath.Exists) { newpath.Create(); } if (!cbUseURL.Checked) { string TargeFile = UploadPath + FileName; this.InputFile1.MoveTo(TargeFile, Brettle.Web.NeatUpload.MoveToOptions.Overwrite); } //***save the searching conditions in files*** SearchingParameters mySP = new SearchingParameters(); if (cbUseDefault.Checked) { mySP.ConfidenceLevel = 0.95F; mySP.DistinctPeptide = 1; mySP.LibraryModule = this.ddlModels.Text; mySP.OnlyTop1 = true; mySP.Peptidetolerance = 2; mySP.PTMShift = 0; mySP.SlideSize = 1; mySP.ScoreCriteria = "|0;-1"; mySP.UseNoiseLibrary = true; mySP.UseStatisticalMode = true; mySP.HighResolution = false; mySP.PeptideToleranceHR = 20; mySP.IsotopePeaks = 2; mySP.BonusDetaMz = false; mySP.CustomizedLibraryFDR = false; mySP.UniquePeptide = 0; mySP.UsePTMModule = false; } else { try { mySP.ConfidenceLevel = float.Parse(this.ddl_Threshold.Text.Substring(0, this.ddl_Threshold.Text.Length - 1)) / 100; if (mySP.ConfidenceLevel >= 1 || mySP.ConfidenceLevel <= 0) { lbMessage.Text = "The peptide confidence should be set in the range 0%-100%."; return; } } catch { lbMessage.Text = "The peptide confidence setting is out of range."; return; } mySP.DistinctPeptide = int.Parse(this.ddl_DistinctPepties.Text); // sc.DistinctPeptide; mySP.UniquePeptide = int.Parse(this.ddl_UniquePeptides.Text); mySP.LibraryModule = this.ddlModels.Text; // GetModuleName(sc.searchModule); mySP.OnlyTop1 = true; // sc.bOnlyTop1; mySP.Peptidetolerance = float.Parse(this.ddl_PrecursorTolerance.Text); //sc.fPrecursorWindow; mySP.PTMShift = float.Parse(this.ddl_PTMshift.Text); // sc.fPTMShift; string Criterias = "|0;-1"; //foreach (SearchingThreadPair stp in sc.NormalSearchCondition) //{ // Criterias += string.Format("|{0};{1}", stp.MatchScore, stp.DetaDecoyScore); //} mySP.ScoreCriteria = Criterias; mySP.SlideSize = int.Parse(this.ddl_SlideSize.Text); // sc.iSlideSize; mySP.UseNoiseLibrary = this.cbUseNDP.Checked; // sc.bUseNoiseLibrary; mySP.UseStatisticalMode = true; // sc.bStatisticSearching; mySP.HighResolution = this.cbHighResolution.Checked; mySP.PeptideToleranceHR = float.Parse(this.ddlHRPrecursorTolerance.Text); mySP.IsotopePeaks = int.Parse(this.ddlIsotopePeaks.Text); mySP.BonusDetaMz = this.cbBonusMS.Checked; mySP.CustomizedLibraryFDR = false; mySP.UsePTMModule = false; } string sclocation = UploadPath + "searchcondition.xml"; mySP.SaveSettings(sclocation); //***************************************** strSQL = "update search_task set task_status=1 where task_seq=" + taskID; if (DBInterface.UpdateSQL(strSQL) > 0) { if (cbUseURL.Checked) { informationShow.Text = @"<div id='helpNote' class='collapse'>"; informationBtn.Text = @"<button type='button' class='close button collapsed' data-toggle='collapse' data-target='#helpNote'>×</button>"; lbMessage.Text = "You URL resource has been submitted. The task ID is <a href=\"SearchReport.aspx?QType=" + this.tbUserID.Text + "&QValue=" + taskID + "\" style=\"font-size: large; color: #FF0000\" >" + taskID + "</a>."; //this.cbUseURL.Checked = false; } else { lbMessage.Text = "You mzML file has been successfully uploaded. The task ID is <a href=\"SearchReport.aspx?QType=" + this.tbUserID.Text + "&QValue=" + taskID + "\" style=\"font-size: large; color: #FF0000\" >" + taskID + "</a>."; } } } }