private bool CheckForPreviousCompeletedRecords()
            MProfitLoss   PL   = new MProfitLoss(GetCtx(), GetC_ProfitLoss_ID(), null);
            MProfitLoss   prof = new MProfitLoss(GetCtx(), GetC_ProfitLoss_ID(), Get_TrxName());
            StringBuilder sql  = new StringBuilder();

            sql.Append("SELECT distinct CP.* FROM C_ProfitLoss CP INNER JOIN Fact_Acct ft ON ft.C_AcctSchema_ID = Cp.C_AcctSchema_ID                             "
                       + " INNER JOIN c_elementvalue ev ON ft.account_id         = ev.c_elementvalue_id                                                           "
                       + " WHERE CP.ad_client_id    = " + +GetAD_Client_ID());

            if (prof.Get_Value("PostingType") != null)
                sql.Append(" and CP.PostingType = '" + prof.Get_Value("PostingType") + "' ");
            sql.Append(" AND (( " + GlobalVariable.TO_DATE(prof.GetDateFrom(), true) + " >= CP.DateFrom "
                       + " AND " + GlobalVariable.TO_DATE(prof.GetDateFrom(), true) + " <= CP.DateTo "
                       + " OR " + GlobalVariable.TO_DATE(prof.GetDateTo(), true) + " <= CP.DateFrom "
                       + " AND " + GlobalVariable.TO_DATE(prof.GetDateTo(), true) + " <= CP.DateTo ))  "
                       + " AND (ev.accounttype      ='E' OR ev.accounttype        ='R')     "
                       + " AND ev.isintermediatecode='N' AND CP.AD_Org_ID        IN (    (SELECT Ad_Org_ID   FROM AD_Org   WHERE isactive      = 'Y'             "
                       + " AND (" + DBFunctionCollection.TypecastColumnAsInt("legalentityorg") + " =" + PL.GetAD_Org_ID() + "  OR Ad_Org_ID = " + PL.GetAD_Org_ID() + ")  )) AND DOCstatus in ('CO', 'CL') ");

            if (Util.GetValueOfInt(PL.Get_Value("C_AcctSchema_ID")) > 0)
                sql.Append(" AND Cp.C_AcctSchema_ID=" + Util.GetValueOfInt(PL.Get_Value("C_AcctSchema_ID")));

            DataSet ds1 = DB.ExecuteDataset(sql.ToString(), null, Get_TrxName());

            if (ds1 != null && ds1.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                /// _processMsg =  "Record(s) for defined criteria has already been generated";
                _processMsg = Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "VIS_RecordsAlreadyGenerated", true);
        protected override string DoIt()
            MProfitLoss PL = new MProfitLoss(GetCtx(), GetRecord_ID(), null);

            prof = new MProfitLoss(GetCtx(), GetRecord_ID(), Get_Trx());

            stDate = Util.GetValueOfDateTime(DB.ExecuteScalar("select p.startdate from c_period p  inner join c_year y on p.c_year_id=y.c_year_id where p.periodno='1' and p.c_year_id= " + prof.GetC_Year_ID() + " and y.ad_client_id= " + GetAD_Client_ID(), null, null));
            eDate  = Util.GetValueOfDateTime(DB.ExecuteScalar("select p.enddate from c_period p  inner join c_year y on p.c_year_id=y.c_year_id where p.periodno='12' and p.c_year_id= " + prof.GetC_Year_ID() + " and y.ad_client_id= " + GetAD_Client_ID(), null, null));

            // lock record
            lock (lockRecord)
                sql.Append("SELECT distinct CP.* FROM C_ProfitLoss CP INNER JOIN Fact_Acct ft ON ft.C_AcctSchema_ID = Cp.C_AcctSchema_ID                             "
                           + " INNER JOIN c_elementvalue ev ON ft.account_id         =ev.c_elementvalue_id                                                           "
                           + " WHERE CP.ad_client_id    = " + GetAD_Client_ID());

                if (prof.Get_Value("PostingType") != null)
                    sql.Append(" and CP.PostingType = '" + prof.Get_Value("PostingType") + "' ");
                sql.Append(" AND (( " + GlobalVariable.TO_DATE(prof.GetDateFrom(), true) + " >= CP.DateFrom "
                           + " AND " + GlobalVariable.TO_DATE(prof.GetDateFrom(), true) + " <= CP.DateTo "
                           + " OR " + GlobalVariable.TO_DATE(prof.GetDateTo(), true) + " <= CP.DateFrom "
                           + " AND " + GlobalVariable.TO_DATE(prof.GetDateTo(), true) + " <= CP.DateTo ))  "
                           + " AND (ev.accounttype      ='E' OR ev.accounttype        ='R')     "
                           + " AND ev.isintermediatecode='N' AND CP.AD_Org_ID        IN (    (SELECT Ad_Org_ID   FROM AD_Org   WHERE isactive      = 'Y'             "
                           + " AND ( " + DBFunctionCollection.TypecastColumnAsInt("legalentityorg") + " =" + PL.GetAD_Org_ID() + "  OR Ad_Org_ID = " + PL.GetAD_Org_ID() + ")  )) AND DOCstatus in ('CO', 'CL') ");

                if (Util.GetValueOfInt(PL.Get_Value("C_AcctSchema_ID")) > 0)
                    sql.Append(" AND Cp.C_AcctSchema_ID=" + Util.GetValueOfInt(PL.Get_Value("C_AcctSchema_ID")));
                ds1 = DB.ExecuteDataset(sql.ToString(), null, Get_Trx());
                if (ds1 != null && ds1.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    return(Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "VIS_RecordsAlreadyGenerated"));

                // Get currentNext for generating key
                C_ProfitLossLines_ID  = MSequence.GetNextID(GetAD_Client_ID(), "C_ProfitLossLines", Get_Trx());
                C_ProfitLossLines_ID -= 1;

                // Delete All Record from line
                DB.ExecuteQuery("DELETE FROM C_ProfitLossLines WHERE C_ProfitLoss_ID=" + GetRecord_ID());

                insert.Append(@"INSERT INTO C_ProfitLossLines (C_ProfitLossLines_ID , AD_Client_ID , AD_Org_ID , C_ProfitLoss_ID , C_ProfitAndLoss_ID , C_AcctSchema_ID , PostingType ,
                            AccountCredit ,AccountDebit,Account_ID, C_SubAcct_ID,  C_BPartner_ID , M_Product_ID , C_Project_ID , C_SalesRegion_ID ,  C_Campaign_ID , AD_OrgTrx_ID ,
                           C_LocFrom_ID , C_LocTo_ID , C_Activity_ID, User1_ID , User2_ID , UserElement1_ID, UserElement2_ID, UserElement3_ID, UserElement4_ID,
                          UserElement5_ID, UserElement6_ID, UserElement7_ID, UserElement8_ID, UserElement9_ID , GL_Budget_ID, C_ProjectPhase_ID, C_ProjectTask_ID, LedgerCode,LedgerName, Line ) ");

                qry.Append(@"select " + (!DB.IsPostgreSQL() ? "MAX" : "") + "(" + C_ProfitLossLines_ID + " + " + DBFunctionCollection.RowNumAggregation("rownum") + ") AS C_ProfitLossLines_id, ft.AD_Client_ID , ft.AD_Org_ID , " + PL.GetC_ProfitLoss_ID() + " , " + prof.GetC_ProfitAndLoss_ID() + ",  ft.C_AcctSchema_ID,ft.PostingType, SUM(NVL(ft.AmtAcctDr, 0)),SUM(NVL(ft.AmtAcctCr, 0)),ft.Account_ID,ft.C_SubAcct_ID,ft.C_BPartner_ID,ft.M_Product_ID,ft.C_Project_ID,ft.C_SalesRegion_ID,ft.C_Campaign_ID,ft.AD_OrgTrx_ID,ft.C_LocFrom_ID,ft.C_LocTo_ID,ft.C_Activity_ID,ft.User1_ID,ft.User2_ID,ft.UserElement1_ID,ft.UserElement2_ID,"
                           + " ft.UserElement3_ID,ft.UserElement4_ID, ft.UserElement5_ID, ft.UserElement6_ID, ft.UserElement7_ID,ft.UserElement8_ID, ft.UserElement9_ID,ft.GL_Budget_ID,ft.C_ProjectPhase_ID,ft.C_ProjectTask_ID,"
                           + @" ev.Value as LedgerCode,ev.Name as LedgerName , " + (!DB.IsPostgreSQL() ? "MAX" : "") + @"((SELECT NVL(MAX(Line), 0) FROM C_ProfitLossLines   WHERE C_ProfitLoss_ID = " + PL.GetC_ProfitLoss_ID() + ") + (" + DBFunctionCollection.RowNumAggregation("rownum") + " * 10)) AS lineno from Fact_Acct ft inner join c_elementvalue ev on ft.account_id = ev.c_elementvalue_id where ft.ad_client_id = " + GetAD_Client_ID());

                // Added by SUkhwinder on 27 Nov 2017, for filtering query on the basis of postingtype. And string variable converted to stringBuilder also.
                if (prof.Get_Value("PostingType") != null)
                    qry.Append(" and ft.PostingType = '" + prof.Get_Value("PostingType") + "'");

                qry.Append(" and ft.DateAcct >=" + GlobalVariable.TO_DATE(prof.GetDateFrom(), true) + " AND ft.DateAcct <= " + GlobalVariable.TO_DATE(prof.GetDateTo(), true) + " AND (ev.accounttype='E' OR ev.accounttype='R') and ev.isintermediatecode='N'"
                           + "   AND ft.AD_Org_ID IN ( (SELECT Ad_Org_ID FROM AD_Org WHERE isactive = 'Y' AND (" + DBFunctionCollection.TypecastColumnAsInt("legalentityorg") + " =" + PL.GetAD_Org_ID() + " OR Ad_Org_ID = " + PL.GetAD_Org_ID() + ")))");

                if (Util.GetValueOfInt(PL.Get_Value("C_AcctSchema_ID")) > 0)
                    qry.Append(" AND ft.C_AcctSchema_ID=" + Util.GetValueOfInt(PL.Get_Value("C_AcctSchema_ID")));

                // group by the records, so that we can reduce the no of entry
                qry.Append(@" GROUP BY ft.AD_Client_ID , ft.AD_Org_ID  , ft.C_AcctSchema_ID,ft.PostingType ,
                           ft.User2_ID,ft.UserElement1_ID,ft.UserElement2_ID, ft.UserElement3_ID,ft.UserElement4_ID, 
                           ft.UserElement5_ID, ft.UserElement6_ID, ft.UserElement7_ID,ft.UserElement8_ID, 
                           ft.UserElement9_ID,ft.GL_Budget_ID,ft.C_ProjectPhase_ID,ft.C_ProjectTask_ID, ev.Value,ev.Name");
                int no = Util.GetValueOfInt(DB.ExecuteQuery(insert.ToString(), null, Get_Trx()));
                if (no > 0)
                    // Update curentNext in AD_Sequence
                    C_ProfitLossLines_ID += (no + 1);
                    String updateSQL = "UPDATE AD_Sequence SET  CurrentNext = " + C_ProfitLossLines_ID + ", CurrentNextSys = " + C_ProfitLossLines_ID + " "
                                       + " WHERE Upper(Name)=Upper('C_ProfitLossLines')"
                                       + " AND IsActive='Y' AND IsTableID='Y' AND IsAutoSequence='Y' ";
                    DB.ExecuteQuery(updateSQL, null, Get_Trx());

                    // Update Profit Before tax on Header
                    ProfitBeforeTax = Util.GetValueOfDecimal(DB.ExecuteScalar("SELECT SUM(AccountDebit) - SUM(AccountCredit) FROM C_ProfitLossLines WHERE  C_ProfitAndLoss_ID > 0 AND  IsActive='Y' AND C_ProfitLoss_ID=" + GetRecord_ID(), null, Get_Trx()));
                    if (!prof.Save(Get_Trx()))
                        // return GetReterivedError(prof, "ProfitNotSaved");
                        return(Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "ProfitNotSaved"));

                        // insert record against Income summary acct
                    return(Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "LinesGenerated"));
                    return(Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "RecordNoFound"));