public AddPet() { InitializeComponent(); imgChoosen.Source = null; services = new DBFirebase(); // Next Page button disabled until everything filled out -- logic still isn't thought through //btnAddPet.IsEnabled = false; // initialize the UI dogButton.BackgroundColor = Color.White; dogButton.BorderColor = Color.LightGray; dogButton.TextColor = Color.Black; catButton.BackgroundColor = Color.White; catButton.BorderColor = Color.LightGray; catButton.TextColor = Color.Black; exoticButton.BackgroundColor = Color.White; exoticButton.BorderColor = Color.LightGray; exoticButton.TextColor = Color.Black; maleButton.BackgroundColor = Color.White; maleButton.BorderColor = Color.LightGray; maleButton.TextColor = Color.Black; femaleButton.BackgroundColor = Color.White; femaleButton.BorderColor = Color.LightGray; femaleButton.TextColor = Color.Black; imgChoosen.HeightRequest = 0; }
public AddCommentPage(Pet _pet) { services = new DBFirebase(); pet = _pet; InitializeComponent(); Title = "Leave a comment for " + pet.Name; Intro.Text = "How was your interaction with " + pet.Name + "?"; Comment.Placeholder = pet.Name + " was energetic, loved to play, scared of other dogs, ..."; }
public AddMediaPage(Pet _pet) { InitializeComponent(); Title = "Select photos of " + _pet.Name; pet = _pet; service = new DBFirebase(); _imgStreams = new List <Stream>(); urls = new List <string>(); Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(async() => await AskForPermissions()); }
public UsersViewModel() { auth = DependencyService.Get <IAuth>(); _firebaseStorageHelper = new FirebaseStorageHelper(); _services = new DBFirebase(); AddUserCommand = new Command(async() => await auth.AddUser(Name, Age, City, Description, Gender, OppositeGender, ImageUrl = await UploadPhoto(ImageUrl))); RefreshMessages = new Command(async() => await RefreshUserMessages()); DownloadPhoto(); SelectPhotoCommand = new Command(async() => await SelectPhoto()); var test = auth.GetUserProfile(); }
public AddPet2(string _petType, string _name, int _age, string _sex, MediaFile _file) { InitializeComponent(); services = new DBFirebase(); petName.Text = "Tell us a little bit about " + _name + "'s personality "; // Pass over previous page's info petType = _petType; name = _name; age = _age; sex = _sex; file = _file; // initialize the button colors smallBtn.BackgroundColor = Color.White; smallBtn.BorderColor = Color.LightGray; smallBtn.TextColor = Color.Black; mediumBtn.BackgroundColor = Color.White; mediumBtn.BorderColor = Color.LightGray; mediumBtn.TextColor = Color.Black; largeBtn.BackgroundColor = Color.White; largeBtn.BorderColor = Color.LightGray; largeBtn.TextColor = Color.Black; yesMedBtn.BackgroundColor = Color.White; yesMedBtn.BorderColor = Color.LightGray; yesMedBtn.TextColor = Color.Black; noMedBtn.BackgroundColor = Color.White; noMedBtn.BorderColor = Color.LightGray; noMedBtn.TextColor = Color.Black; medicalConditionDetails.IsVisible = false; medicalConditionDetails.HeightRequest = 0; pottyTrained.BackgroundColor = Color.White; pottyTrained.BorderColor = Color.LightGray; pottyTrained.TextColor = Color.Black; apartmentFriendly.BackgroundColor = Color.White; apartmentFriendly.BorderColor = Color.LightGray; apartmentFriendly.TextColor = Color.Black; }
public CharityHomeViewModel() { firebase = new DBFirebase(); LoadUsers(); }
public SupermarketChatViewModel() { firebase = new DBFirebase(); ChatCollection = new ObservableCollection <Chat>(); }
public SuperMarkeHometViewModel() { firebase = new DBFirebase(); UserCollcetion = new ObservableCollection <UserData>(); LoadUsers(); }
public PetsViewModel() { services = new DBFirebase(); Pets = services.getPets(); }
public HouseHoldHomeViewMdoel() { firebase = new DBFirebase(); LoadUsers(); }
public CharityChatViewModel() { firebase = new DBFirebase(); ChatCollection = new ObservableCollection <Chat>(); }
public PetDetailsPage(Pet _pet, ObservableCollection <Pet> petList) { InitializeComponent(); pet = _pet; if (petList != null) { allPets = petList; } else { // Came from AddPet logic, so need to remove the two "Add Pet Details" pages for (var counter = 0; counter < 2; counter++) { Application.Current.MainPage.Navigation.RemovePage(Application.Current.MainPage.Navigation.NavigationStack[Application.Current.MainPage.Navigation.NavigationStack.Count - 1]); } } // Page UI components: BindingContext = pet; Title = pet.Name + " - " + pet.Affiliation; shelteredWithLabel.Text = "See who else is sheltered with " + pet.Name + "..."; // var comments = pet.Comments; //var topComments = comments.Take(6).ToList(); // limits to only the top five comments //topComments.RemoveAt(0); // bc first is blank //lstComments.ItemsSource = topComments; if (pet.Comments.Count == 1 && pet.Comments[0].Equals("")) { Console.WriteLine("comments count = 1 and is blank"); hasNoComments.IsVisible = true; lstComments.IsVisible = false; SeeComments.IsVisible = false; } else { hasNoComments.IsVisible = false; lstComments.IsVisible = true; if (pet.Comments.Count > 4) { SeeComments.IsVisible = true; } else { SeeComments.IsVisible = false; } lstComments.ItemsSource = pet.Comments; } // NOTE - isENabled = false makes it not scrollable (but not sure what our desired behavior is) //else lstComments.ItemsSource = pet.Comments; // size wise this is fine, but need to remove the first blank!! // TODO - have to check user data if they've already favorited this pet or not faveImage.Source = "@drawable/star_empty.png"; // Get filtered list of pets for shared affiliation services = new DBFirebase(); if (petList != null) { lstSharedPets.ItemsSource = services.GetAffiliatedPets(petList, pet); } }
private void TapGestureRecognizer_Tapped(object sender, EventArgs e) { DBFirebase dBFirebase = new DBFirebase(); dBFirebase.OnUploadFile(cmaera); }
public HouseHoldChatViewModel() { firebase = new DBFirebase(); ChatCollection = new ObservableCollection <Chat>(); }