        public void Get_UserInformation(string deviceId, string token)
            VideoEntities     ve    = DBContextFactory.GetDbContext();
            Device_user       du    = new Device_user();
            List <WeChatUser> wlist = ve.WeChatUser.Where(x => x.DeviceId == deviceId).ToList();

            if (wlist.Count == 0)
            foreach (var item in wlist)
                item.Token = token;
            Dictionary <string, List <Dictionary <string, string> > > dic2 = new Dictionary <string, List <Dictionary <string, string> > >();
            List <Dictionary <string, string> > list2 = new List <Dictionary <string, string> >();

            foreach (var item in wlist)
                Dictionary <string, string> dic3 = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                dic3.Add("openid", item.OpenId);
                dic3.Add("lang", "zh_CN");
            dic2.Add("user_list", list2);
            string data2 = du.GetUserInformation2(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dic2), GetToken());

        public static async Task PopulateDummyCars(int NumberOfCars)
            // Ask the DBContextFactory to create the desired DbContext object for use for database access
            DSuiteContext db = DBContextFactory.GetDbContext <DSuiteContext>();

            for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfCars; ++i)
                Car NewCar = GenerateCar();
                await EFCrud.Create(db, NewCar);
        public async Task CRUDUsingHelperClass()
            Car newCar = GenerateCar();

            // Demonstrate basic CRUD
            DSuiteContext db = DBContextFactory.GetDbContext <DSuiteContext>();
            await EFCrud.Create(db, newCar);

            Car found = await EFCrud.GetByKey(db, newCar);

            EFCrud.Delete(db, found);
        public void FindMultipleUsingLINQ()
            DSuiteContext dSuiteContext = DBContextFactory.GetDbContext <DSuiteContext>();

            // Demonstrate the deferred execution POWER of IQueryable!
            // Find a small list of cars that we don't need to page through.
            IQueryable <Car> linqFordBunnies = (from c in dSuiteContext.Cars where c.Make == "Ford" && c.Model == "Bunny" && c.Year < 2006 select c);

            // But I DO want to sort them too. Still no DB call here!
            linqFordBunnies = linqFordBunnies.OrderBy(bunny => bunny.Mileage);

            // NOW, go ahead and execute the query against the database
        /// <summary>
        /// All tests/work are performed here
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal async Task DoWork()
            // Create DSuite dummy data to play with
            await PopulateDummyCars(500);

            // Demonstrate the deferred execution POWER of IQueryable!
            // Find a small list of cars that we don't need to page through.

            //------- Same query using pure LINQ -----------------

            // Ask the DBContextFactory to create the desired DbContext object for use for database access
            await CRUDUsingHelperClass();

            // Equivalent CRUD using just linq
            await CRUDUsingLINQ();

            // Demonstrate data PAGING! Construct a pager that specifies the where clause, page size and column order criteria
            EFPager <Car> pager = new EFPager <Car>(x => x.Mileage > 50000, 50, x => x.Make, x => x.Model, x => x.Mileage);

                // Note: The database will NOT be accessed during this call.
                IQueryable <Car> resultQuery = await EFHelper.QueryEntities <Car, DSuiteContext>(pager);

                // Physically realize the data from the database. The act of enumeration causes the current thread
                // to block while data is retrieved from the database. To perform this asynchronously, use the RealizeData extension.
                resultQuery.DumpData($"\r\n\r\n==============Page {pager.PageIndex} of Car data==============================");
            } while (pager.HasNextPage);
            Console.WriteLine($"Query {pager}:: {pager.TotalRowCount} total rows in {pager.TotalPages} pages were displayed\r\n\r\n");

            // Delete all play data
            EFCrud.DeleteAll <Car, DSuiteContext>();

            //-------------------- Use Code First ----------------------
            // Ask the DBContextFactory to create the desired DbContext object for use for database access.
            // NOTE: This is for demo purposes only! The DbContexts for this application were injected
            //       in the constructor, and this is how you would "USUALLY" access the DbContext to work with.
            SchoolContext schoolContext = DBContextFactory.GetDbContext <SchoolContext>();


            IQueryable <Student> studentList = schoolContext.FindMultiple <Student, SchoolContext>((x) => x.LastName.StartsWith("A"), (x) => x.LastName, false);


            // Demonstrate basic CRUD with related tables
            Student newStudent = new Student {
                FirstMidName = "Tony", LastName = "Franklin", EnrollmentDate = DateTime.Parse("2009-09-09")
            await schoolContext.Create(newStudent);

            Course newCourse = new Course {
                CourseID = 5022, Title = "Advanced C#", Credits = 4
            await schoolContext.Create(newCourse);

            Enrollment newEnrollment = new Enrollment {
                StudentID = newStudent.Id, CourseID = newCourse.CourseID, Grade = Grade.A
            await schoolContext.Create(newEnrollment);

            // Now find a specific enrollment.
            Enrollment enrollmentFound = schoolContext.FindSingle <Enrollment, SchoolContext>(x => x.EnrollmentID == newEnrollment.EnrollmentID);
            string     grade           = enrollmentFound?.Grade.ToString() ?? "??";

            Console.WriteLine($"Student({enrollmentFound.Student.FirstMidName} {enrollmentFound.Student.LastName}) Course({enrollmentFound.Course.Title}) Grade({grade})");

            // Delete the student that was just added

            // Find all classes a student is enrolled into. NOTE:!!!! DbContextFactory uses "UseLazyLoadingProxies"
            // to ensure that properties "Student" and "Course" are lazy loaded when their properties are accessed.
            // If that were not the case, then you've have to manually load the data based on ID values.
            newStudent = schoolContext.FindSingle <Student, SchoolContext>(x => x.LastName == "Alonso" && x.FirstMidName == "Meredith");
            IQueryable <Enrollment> enrolledList = schoolContext.FindMultiple <Enrollment, SchoolContext>(x => x.StudentID == newStudent.Id);

            Console.WriteLine("\r\nMeredith Alonso was inrolled in the following courses:");
            foreach (Enrollment enrolled in enrolledList.ToList())
                Console.WriteLine($"{enrolled.Course.Title} enrolled on {enrolled.Student.EnrollmentDate}");

            // Use the DbContext classes that were passed in using Dependency Injection
            Car myCar = GenerateCar();

            myCar.TraceInformation("Using DI created context");
            Car foundMyCar = (from c in _dSuite.Cars where c.CarId == myCar.CarId select c).FirstOrDefault();

            foundMyCar.TraceInformation("Example of how to use LINQ to find an entity");

            // Use generic repository pattern (using dependency injection)
            foundMyCar = _cars.GetById(myCar.CarId);
            foundMyCar.TraceInformation("Found using generic repository");

            // Remove the car to clean up the DB

            // Use the open generic type provided by dependency injection for the "school" repo
            Student Bobby = new Student {
                FirstMidName = "Bobby", LastName = "Simpson", EnrollmentDate = DateTime.Parse("2010-08-01")

            Bobby.TraceInformation("New student inserted using dependency injection open generic");
            Student foundStudent = _genericStudentDataRepository.GetById(Bobby.Id);

            foundStudent.TraceInformation("Found student using dependency injection open generic");
            foundStudent = _genericStudentDataRepository.GetById(Bobby.Id);
            if (foundStudent == null)
                Bobby.TraceInformation("Successfully deleted student");
                Bobby.TraceInformation("Failed to deleted student");

            // Perform the same action with the IStudentRepository
            Bobby = new Student {
                FirstMidName = "Bobby", LastName = "Simpson", EnrollmentDate = DateTime.Parse("2010-08-01")
            Bobby.TraceInformation("New student inserted using dependency injection open generic");
            foundStudent = _students.GetById(Bobby.Id);
            foundStudent.TraceInformation("Found student using dependency injection open generic");
            foundStudent = _students.GetById(Bobby.Id);
            if (foundStudent == null)
                Bobby.TraceInformation("Successfully deleted student");
                Bobby.TraceInformation("Failed to deleted student");