        /// <summary>
        /// Store the metadata identifier and the generalized results of a measurement into the database.
        /// Creates a unique entry for a new measurement.
        /// Creates an entry for the traditional INCC5 results table for the summary results.
        /// Detailed measurement results (e.g. cycles, param methods and results), are saved by other methods.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Unique database id of the measurement</returns>
        public long Persist()
            logger.TraceEvent(LogLevels.Verbose, 34001, "Preserving measurement ...");
            DB.Measurements dbm = new DB.Measurements();
            long            mid = dbm.Add(name: Detector.Id.DetectorName,
                                          date: MeasDate,                   // NEXT: file-based ops use the file date, but we want to replace with current time stamp
                                          mtype: MeasOption.PrintName(),
                                          filename: MeasurementId.FileName, // the file names are generated at the end of the process, in GenerateReports, subsequently the database entry is updated with the new file names
                                          notes: "2016");

            if (mid < 0)
                logger.TraceEvent(LogLevels.Warning, 34001, "Measurement not saved");
            logger.TraceEvent(LogLevels.Verbose, 34001, "Preserved measurement id {0}", mid);

            DB.Results dbres = new DB.Results();
            // save results with mid as foreign key
            long rid = dbres.Create(mid, INCCAnalysisResults.TradResultsRec.ToDBElementList());

            logger.TraceEvent(LogLevels.Verbose, 34045, "Preserved summary results with id {0}", rid);

            long c = dbm.CountOf(name: Detector.Id.DetectorName,
                                 dt: MeasDate,
                                 type: MeasOption.PrintName());

            dbm.UpdateNote(c.ToString(), mid);
            MeasurementId.UniqueId = mid;

        /// <summary>
        /// Store the metadata identfier and the generalized results of a measurement into the database.
        /// Creates a unique entry for a new measurement.
        /// Creates an entry for the traditional INCC5 results table for the summary results.
        /// Detailed measurement results (e.g. cycles, param methods and results), are saved by other methods.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Unique database id of the measurement</returns>
        public long Persist()
            logger.TraceEvent(LogLevels.Verbose, 34001, "Preserving measurement ...");
            DB.Measurements dbm = new DB.Measurements();
            long            mid = dbm.Add(name: Detectors[0].Id.DetectorName,
                                          date: MeasDate,                   // NEXT: file-based ops use the file date, but we want to replace with current time stamp
                                          mtype: MeasOption.PrintName(),
                                          filename: MeasurementId.FileName, // the file names are generated at the end of the process, GenerateReports, update the database at the end
                                          notes: "2015");

            logger.TraceEvent(LogLevels.Verbose, 34001, "Preserved measurement id {0}", mid);

            DB.Results dbres = new DB.Results();
            // save results with mid as foreign key
            long rid = dbres.Create(mid, this.INCCAnalysisResults.TradResultsRec.ToDBElementList());

            logger.TraceEvent(LogLevels.Verbose, 34045, "Preserved summary results with id {0}", rid);
