        int serviceId = 0; // Convert.ToInt16(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ServiceID"]);
        //  EtlTimer sync = new EtlTimer();
        ///  **************************************************************************************
        ///  Replaced in Version 3.0
        ///  Perform Directory File search process when task time is due
        ///  Look for existing files in the new files folder
        ///  Same method is used in the WindowsService version....
        ///  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        ///public void FileSearch(object e, EtlTimer sync)
        //    if (serviceId == 0)
        //    {
        //        //serviceId = Convert.ToInt16(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ServiceID"]); ;
        //        //sync = wtf.getImportControl(serviceId);
        //        serviceId = sync.MwEtlTimerId;
        //    }
        //    List<string> li = new List<string>();
        //    //
        //    wtf.writeSyncLog(1, serviceId, 1, sync.ServiceName, " > (GK FileSearch) Start Directory scanning. for " + sync.ServiceName + ".");
        //    //
        //    //li.Add(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["NewFilesDirectory"].ToString());   //  C:\\AppData
        //    li.Add(sync.InputFileFolder);
        //    if (li.Count == 0)
        //    {
        //        wtf.writeSyncLog(1, serviceId, 1, sync.ServiceName, " > (GK FileSearch) No Folder to process. for " + sync.ServiceName);
        //    }
        //    foreach (string path in li)
        //    {
        //        if (File.Exists(path))
        //        {
        //            // This path is a file
        //            ProcessFile(path, sync);
        //        }
        //        else if (Directory.Exists(path))
        //        {
        //            // This path is a directory
        //            ProcessDirectory(path, sync);
        //        }
        //        else
        //        {
        //            //  Invalid File or Directory exit
        //            wtf.writeSyncLog(1, serviceId, 1, sync.ServiceName, "(GK FileSearch) <" + path + " > is not a valid file or directory.");
        //        }
        //    }
        //    /// *******************************************************************************
        //    /// Back to Service SchedularCallback Function
        //    /// When FileSearch is completed process flow return to Service1.SchedularCallback.
        //    /// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        ////  ************************************************************************
        ////  Process all files in the directory passed in, recurse on any directories
        ////  that are found, and process the files they contain.
        ////  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
        //public void ProcessDirectory(string targetDirectory, EtlTimer sync)
        //    ///
        //    string[] fileEntries = Directory.GetFiles(targetDirectory);
        //    foreach (string fileName in fileEntries)
        //    {
        //        ProcessFile(fileName, sync);
        //    }
        //    // Recurse into subdirectories of this directory.
        //    string[] subdirectoryEntries = Directory.GetDirectories(targetDirectory);
        //    foreach (string subdirectory in subdirectoryEntries)
        //        ProcessDirectory(subdirectory, sync);

        /// *****************************************************************************************
        /// Version 3.0
        /// General files process - Only Text valid Files are processed here:
        ///     (1) - Select files to process depending on file extension and/or file name.
        ///     (2) - Route process to the corresponding file types import process using delegates.
        ///     (3) - Unrecognized file types and Service reading errors are detected here.
        ///     (4) - Errors are logged in service log and reported through web services.
        /// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        private void ProcessFile(string path, EtlTimer sync)
            int dirLen = (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["NewFilesDirectory"].ToString()).Length + 1;
            string extension = (Path.GetExtension(path)).ToString();
            string fileName  = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path);
            /// Initialize Error messages object basic information
            ServiceResponse errMsg = new ServiceResponse();

            errMsg.FileType   = "5";
            errMsg.FileName   = fileName + extension;
            errMsg.NISOrderId = "0";
            errMsg.Status     = "Not Processed";
            errMsg.Message    = string.Empty;
                /// *********************************************************************************
                /// Select files acceptable to be process, all other file types (extension) will not
                /// be processed (they stay in the newFiles folder) and an error message is generated
                /// to the WebServices.
                /// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                if (extension == ".txt")
                    /// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
                    ///     Process all txt files here, they must belong to WE or G&K
                    ///  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    DelTxt handler = null;
                    // Declare a class instance txt:
                    ImportProcedure_GK_PO.TextFiles.ImportProcess txt = new ImportProcedure_GK_PO.TextFiles.ImportProcess();
                    /// Declare an interface instance txtFile:
                    ITextFiles txtfile = (ITextFiles)txt;

                    if (fileName.Substring(0, 6) == "WE XML")
                    {   //  WE - XML Order Files
                        handler = txtfile.ProcessWEFiles;
                    {   // G&K Text files
                        handler = txtfile.ProcessGKFiles;
                    /// =========== >
                    ProcessTxt(path, fileName, handler, sync);
                    /// < ===========
                {   /// Unrecognized file type
                    errMsg.NISOrderId = fileName;
                    errMsg.Message    = "GK ProcessFile) File <" + fileName + extension + ">, unrecognized file type.";
                    wtf.writeSyncLog(1, sync.MwEtlTimerId, 1, sync.ServiceName, errMsg.Message);
                    /// Move file to problem directory
                    icr.SaveProcessedFile(path, false, sync, "GK");
            catch (Exception fle)
                int res = wtf.updImportControl(sync.MwEtlTimerId, 0);     //  set EtlTimer for this service to not Running (isRunning = false)
                errMsg.Message = "((GK_PO ProcessFile) txt reading error - File in " + errMsg.FileName + ". " + fle;
                wtf.writeSyncLog(1, sync.MwEtlTimerId, 1, sync.ServiceName, errMsg.Message);
        /// *****************************************************************************************
        /// General Tables process - Only Web/convert orders rows are processed here:
        ///     (1) - Select order type process depending on order type.
        ///     (2) - Route process to the corresponding order types import process using delegates.
        ///     (3) - Unrecognized data types and Service reading errors are detected here.
        ///     (4) - Errors are logged in service log and reported through web services.
        /// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public void ProcessOrder(string order, EtlTimer sync)
            /// Initialize Error messages object basic information
            string          OrdNumber = "";
            ServiceResponse errMsg    = new ServiceResponse();

            errMsg.FileType   = "1";
            errMsg.FileName   = "Catalog Design Request: " + order.ToString();
            errMsg.NISOrderId = "0";
            errMsg.Status     = "Not Processed";
            errMsg.Message    = string.Empty;
                /// *********************************************************************************
                /// Select files acceptable to be process, all other file types (extension) will not
                /// be processed (they stay in the newFiles folder) and an error message is generated
                /// to the WebServices.
                /// Only Catalog Web Order (1) row are processed by entry.
                /// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                //  access catalog convert orders list
                if (sync.OrderType == 0)
                {   /// ======== >
                    DesignRequest designRequest = new DesignRequest();
                    designRequest = idr.getDesignRequest(order);
                    /// <=========
                    OrdNumber = designRequest.DesignId;
                    /// Instanciate NBI Tables methods delegate
                    Del handler = null;
                    // Declare a class instance:
                    ImportProcedure_DesignRequest.DesignRequestJson.ImportProcess table = new ImportProcedure_DesignRequest.DesignRequestJson.ImportProcess();
                    /// Declare an interface instance Table:
                    ImportProcedure_DesignRequest.DesignRequestJson.IDesignRequestTables designClass = (ImportProcedure_DesignRequest.DesignRequestJson.IDesignRequestTables)table;
                    /// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
                    /// Identify Catalog Web order table and route them to the corresponding import procedure
                    ///  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    //  Catalog Web Order table process
                    handler = designClass.ProcessDesignRequestOrder;
                    //    /// =========== >
                    bool ok = false;
                    ok = handler(designRequest, order, sync);                 //  Process file and WebService
                    OrdNumber = (designRequest.DesignId).ToString();
                {   //  update error order - set imported on and import problem on
                    ikr.writeSyncLog(1, sync.MwEtlTimerId, 1, sync.ServiceName, "Table reading error order header not found or no items in file, order " + OrdNumber);
            catch (Exception fle)
                int res = ikr.updImportControl(sync.MwEtlTimerId, 0);     //  set EtlTimer for this service to not Running (isRunning = false)
                errMsg.Message = "(Catalog Design request Process) Table reading error - in order " + errMsg.FileName + ". " + fle;
                ikr.writeSyncLog(1, sync.MwEtlTimerId, 1, sync.ServiceName, errMsg.Message);
        /// *****************************************************************************************
        /// General files process - Only NIS XML valid Files are processed here:
        ///     (1) - Select orders to process depending on WasImported status.
        ///     (2) - Route process to the corresponding import process using delegates.
        ///     (3) - NIS table reading errors are detected here.
        ///     (4) - Errors are logged in service log and reported through web services.
        /// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public void ProcessOrder(int order, EtlTimer sync)
            /// Initialize Error messages object basic information
            ServiceResponse errMsg = new ServiceResponse();

            errMsg.FileType   = "1";
            errMsg.FileName   = "Order: " + order.ToString();
            errMsg.NISOrderId = "0";
            errMsg.Status     = "Not Processed";
            errMsg.Message    = string.Empty;
                /// *********************************************************************************
                /// Select files acceptable to be process, all other file types (extension) will not
                /// be processed (they stay in the newFiles folder) and an error message is generated
                /// to the WebServices.
                /// Only NIS (1) row are processed by entry.
                /// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                NisTables NisOrder = new NisTables();
                NisOrder = Inr.getNisOrder(order);

                if (NisOrder != null && NisOrder.items != null)
                    /// Instanciate NBI Tables methods delegate
                    Del handler = null;
                    // Declare a class instance xml:
                    ImportProcedure_NIS_V2.BuildJason.ImportProcess table = new ImportProcedure_NIS_V2.BuildJason.ImportProcess();
                    /// Declare an interface instance Table:
                    ImportProcedure_NIS_V2.BuildJason.INISTables orderClass = (ImportProcedure_NIS_V2.BuildJason.INISTables)table;
                    /// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
                    /// Route to the corresponding NIS import procedure
                    ///  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    handler = orderClass.ProcessNisOrder;
                    bool ok = false;
                    ok = handler(NisOrder, order, sync);                  //  Process file and WebService
                {   //  update error order - set imported on and import problem on
                    int ret = Inr.updNisOrder(order, 0, 1, 0);
                    icr.writeSyncLog(1, sync.MwEtlTimerId, 1, sync.ServiceName, "Table reading error order header or no items found, order " + order);
            catch (Exception fle)
                int res = icr.updImportControl(sync.MwEtlTimerId, 0);     //  set EtlTimer for this service to not Running (isRunning = false)
                errMsg.Message = "(NIS ProcessFile) Table reading error - in order " + errMsg.FileName + ". " + fle;
                icr.writeSyncLog(1, sync.MwEtlTimerId, 1, sync.ServiceName, errMsg.Message);
                int resp = Inr.updNisOrder(Convert.ToInt32(errMsg.FileName), 0, 1, 0);
        /// *****************************************************************************************
        /// General files process - Only NIS XML valid Files are processed here:
        ///     (1) - Select orders to process depending on Imported conditions.
        ///     (2) - Route process to the corresponding late orders process using delegates.
        ///     (3) - NIS table reading errors are detected here.
        ///     (4) - Errors are logged in service log and reported through web services.
        /// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public void ProcessOrder(NISLateOrders order, EtlTimer sync)
            /// Initialize Error messages object basic information
            ServiceResponse errMsg = new ServiceResponse();

            errMsg.FileType   = "1";
            errMsg.FileName   = "Late Order: " + order.ToString();
            errMsg.NISOrderId = "0";
            errMsg.Status     = "Not Processed";
            errMsg.Message    = string.Empty;
                /// *********************************************************************************
                /// Select files acceptable to be process, all other file types (extension) will not
                /// be processed (they stay in the newFiles folder) and an error message is generated
                /// to the WebServices.
                /// Only NIS (1) row are processed by entry.
                /// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                if (order != null)
                    /// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
                    /// Route to the corresponding NIS procedure
                    ///  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    int res = Inr.insertNisLateOrder(order);
                    icr.writeSyncLog(1, sync.MwEtlTimerId, 1, sync.ServiceName, "late order inserted: " + order.ID);
                {   //  update error order - set imported on and import problem on
                    int ret = Inr.updNisOrder(order.ID, 0, 1, 0);
                    icr.writeSyncLog(1, sync.MwEtlTimerId, 1, sync.ServiceName, "Table reading error Late orders, order " + order);
            catch (Exception fle)
                int res = icr.updImportControl(sync.MwEtlTimerId, 0);     //  set EtlTimer for this service to not Running (isRunning = false)
                errMsg.Message = "(NIS LateOrders) Table reading error - in order " + errMsg.FileName + ". " + fle;
                icr.writeSyncLog(1, sync.MwEtlTimerId, 1, sync.ServiceName, errMsg.Message);
                int resp = Inr.updNisOrder(Convert.ToInt32(errMsg.FileName), 0, 1, 0);
        ///  **************************************************************************************
        ///  Version 2.0
        ///  Perform Directory File search process when task time is due
        ///  Look for existing files in the new files folder
        ///  Same method is used in the WindowsService version....
        ///  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        //public void FileSearch(object e, EtlTimer sync)
        //    if (serviceId == 0)
        //    {
        //        //serviceId = Convert.ToInt16(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ServiceID"]); ;
        //        //sync = wtf.getImportControl(serviceId);
        //        serviceId = sync.MwEtlTimerId;
        //    }
        //    List<string> li = new List<string>();
        //    //
        //    wtf.writeSyncLog(1, serviceId, 1, sync.ServiceName, " > (FileSearch) Start Directory scanning. for " + sync.ServiceName + ".");
        //    //
        //    //li.Add(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["NewFilesDirectory"].ToString());   //  C:\\AppData
        //    li.Add(sync.InputFileFolder);
        //    if (li.Count == 0)
        //    {
        //        wtf.writeSyncLog(1, serviceId, 1, sync.ServiceName, " > (FileSearch) No Folder to process. for " + sync.ServiceName);
        //    }
        //    foreach (string path in li)
        //    {
        //        if (File.Exists(path))
        //        {   // This path is a file
        //            ProcessFile(path, sync);
        //        }
        //        else if (Directory.Exists(path))
        //        {   // This path is a directory
        //            ProcessDirectory(path, sync);
        //        }
        //        else
        //        {   //  Invalid File or Directory exit
        //            wtf.writeSyncLog(1, serviceId, 1, sync.ServiceName, "(FileSearch) <" + path + " > is not a valid file or directory.");
        //        }
        //    }
        //    wtf.writeSyncLog(1, serviceId, 1, sync.ServiceName, " > (FileSearch) " + sync.ServiceName + " Files read: " + FilesRead);
        //    /// *******************************************************************************
        //    /// Back to Service SchedularCallback Function
        //    /// When FileSearch is completed process flow return to Service1.SchedularCallback.
        //    /// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        //  ************************************************************************
        //  Process all files in the directory passed in, recurse on any directories
        //  that are found, and process the files they contain.
        //  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
        //public void ProcessDirectory(string targetDirectory, EtlTimer sync)
        //    ///
        //    string[] fileEntries = Directory.GetFiles(targetDirectory);
        //    foreach (string fileName in fileEntries)
        //    {
        //        ProcessFile(fileName, sync);
        //    }
        //    // Recurse into subdirectories of this directory.
        //    string[] subdirectoryEntries = Directory.GetDirectories(targetDirectory);
        //    foreach (string subdirectory in subdirectoryEntries)
        //        ProcessDirectory(subdirectory, sync);

        /// *****************************************************************************************
        /// General files process - Only NIS XML valid Files are processed here:
        ///     (1) - Select files to process depending on file extension and/or file name.
        ///     (2) - Route process to the corresponding file types import process using delegates.
        ///     (3) - Unrecognized file types and Service reading errors are detected here.
        ///     (4) - Errors are logged in service log and reported through web services.
        /// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public void ProcessFile(string path, EtlTimer sync)
            string extension = (Path.GetExtension(path)).ToString();
            string fileName  = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path);
            /// Initialize Error messages object basic information
            ServiceResponse errMsg = new ServiceResponse();

            errMsg.FileType   = "1";
            errMsg.FileName   = fileName + extension;
            errMsg.NISOrderId = "0";
            errMsg.Status     = "Not Processed";
            errMsg.Message    = string.Empty;
                /// *********************************************************************************
                /// Select files acceptable to be process, all other file types (extension) will not
                /// be processed (they stay in the newFiles folder) and an error message is generated
                /// to the WebServices.
                /// Only NIS (1) files are allowed in this directory.
                /// They have .xml and or sent extension.
                /// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                string prefix = fileName;
                ///  Validate if this file was already processed - May 16 - 2017
                int serviceId = Convert.ToInt16(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ServiceID"]);
                int dupFile   = wtf.getImportLog(serviceId, "NIS", fileName + extension);

                //if (((extension == ".xml") || (extension == ".sent") || (extension == ".Sent")))    //   && (prefix != "Acc" && prefix != "Dsn" && prefix != "Ord"))
                if (dupFile == 0 && ((extension == ".xml") || (extension == ".sent")))
                    XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
                    //  Read / Load selected file content as xml
                    /// Instanciate Xml methods delegate
                    Del handler = null;
                    // Declare a class instance xml:
                    ImportProcedure_NIS.XmlFiles.ImportProcess xml = new ImportProcedure_NIS.XmlFiles.ImportProcess();
                    /// Declare an interface instance xmlFile:
                    ImportProcedure_NIS.XmlFiles.IXmlFiles xmlfile = (ImportProcedure_NIS.XmlFiles.IXmlFiles)xml;
                    /// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
                    /// Identify NIS xml files and route them to the corresponding import procedure
                    ///  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    //  NIS Files process
                    handler = xmlfile.ProcessNisFiles;
                    /// =========== >
                    ProcessXml(path, doc, fileName, handler, sync);
                    /// < ===========
                {   /// Unrecognized file type
                    errMsg.NISOrderId = fileName;
                    errMsg.Message    = "(NIS ProcessFile) File <" + fileName + extension + ">, unrecognized file type.";
                    wtf.writeSyncLog(1, sync.MwEtlTimerId, 1, sync.ServiceName, errMsg.Message);
                    /// Move file to problem directory
                    //DAL.ImportControl.ImportControlRepository icr = new DAL.ImportControl.ImportControlRepository();
                    //icr.SaveProcessedFile(path, false, sync);
                    /// Duplicate files contrl - May16-2017
                    if (dupFile == 0)
                        icr.SaveProcessedFile(path, false, sync, "NIS");
                        File.Delete(path);          //  delete duplicate file May16-2017
            catch (Exception fle)
                int res = wtf.updImportControl(sync.MwEtlTimerId, 0);     //  set EtlTimer for this service to not Running (isRunning = false)
                errMsg.Message = "(NIS ProcessFile) Xml reading error - File in " + errMsg.FileName + ". " + fle;
                wtf.writeSyncLog(1, sync.MwEtlTimerId, 1, sync.ServiceName, errMsg.Message);