        public void SetBackBuffer(D3DResourceType backBufferType, IntPtr backBuffer, bool enableSoftwareFallback)

            if (_lockCount == 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.Image_MustBeLocked));

            // In case the user passed in something like "(D3DResourceType)-1"
            if (backBufferType != D3DResourceType.IDirect3DSurface9)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("backBufferType");

            // Early-out if the current back buffer equals the new one. If the front buffer
            // is not available and software fallback is not enabled, _pUserSurfaceUnsafe 
            // will be null and this check will fail. We don't want a null backBuffer to 
            // early-out when the front buffer isn't available.
            if (backBuffer != IntPtr.Zero && backBuffer == _pUserSurfaceUnsafe)
            SafeMILHandle newBitmap = null;
            uint newPixelWidth = 0;
            uint newPixelHeight = 0;

            // Create a new CInteropDeviceBitmap. Note that a null backBuffer will result 
            // in a null _pInteropDeviceBitmap at the end
            if (backBuffer != IntPtr.Zero)
                    out newBitmap,
                    out newPixelWidth,
                    out newPixelHeight

            // We need to completely disassociate with the old interop bitmap if it
            // exists because it won't be deleted until the composition thread is done 
            // with it or until the garbage collector runs.
            if (_pInteropDeviceBitmap != null)
                // 1. Tell the old bitmap to stop sending front buffer messages because
                //    our new back buffer may be on a different adapter. Plus, tell the
                //    bitmap to release the back buffer in case the user wants to delete
                //    it immediately.

                // 2. If we were waiting for a present, unhook from commit
                // 3. We are no longer dirty
                _isDirty = false;

                // Note: We don't need to do anything to the event because we're under
                //       the protection of Lock

            // If anything about the new surface were unacceptible, we would have recieved
            // a bad HRESULT from Create() so everything must be good
            _pInteropDeviceBitmap = newBitmap;
            _pUserSurfaceUnsafe = backBuffer;
            _pixelWidth = newPixelWidth;
            _pixelHeight = newPixelHeight;
            _isSoftwareFallbackEnabled = enableSoftwareFallback;

            // AddDirtyRect is usually what triggers Changed, but AddDirtyRect isn't allowed with
            // no back buffer so we mark for Changed here
            if (_pInteropDeviceBitmap == null)
                _isChangePending = true;

            _waitingForUpdateResourceBecauseBitmapChanged = true;

            // WritePostscript will happen at Unlock
 public void SetBackBuffer(D3DResourceType backBufferType, IntPtr backBuffer)
 /// <summary>
 ///     Sets a back buffer source for this D3DImage. See the 2nd overload for details.
 /// </summary>
 public void SetBackBuffer(D3DResourceType backBufferType, IntPtr backBuffer)
     SetBackBuffer(backBufferType, backBuffer, false);
 public void SetBackBuffer(D3DResourceType backBufferType, IntPtr backBuffer)