        protected virtual void Update()
            // Required key is down?
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(Requires) == true)
                // Main camera exists?
                var mainCamera = Camera.main;

                if (mainCamera != null)
                    // World position of the mouse
                    var position = D2dHelper.ScreenToWorldPosition(Input.mousePosition, Intercept, mainCamera);

                    // Read the destructible and alpha at this position
                    var destructible = default(D2dDestructible);
                    var alpha        = default(Color32);

                    if (D2dDestructible.TrySampleAlphaAll(position, ref destructible, ref alpha) == true)
                        Debug.Log("Read " + destructible + " with alpha: " + alpha);
                        Debug.Log("Read nothing.");
        protected virtual void Update()
            // Touching the screen?

            if (inputManager.Fingers.Count > 0)
                // Main camera exists?
                var mainCamera = Camera.main;

                if (mainCamera != null)
                    // World position of the mouse
                    var position = D2dHelper.ScreenToWorldPosition(inputManager.Fingers[0].PositionA, Intercept, mainCamera);

                    // Read the destructible and alpha at this position
                    var destructible = default(D2dDestructible);
                    var alpha        = default(Color32);

                    if (D2dDestructible.TrySampleAlphaAll(position, ref destructible, ref alpha) == true)
                        Debug.Log("Read " + destructible + " with alpha: " + alpha);
                        Debug.Log("Read nothing.");
 // Update is called once per frame
 void Update()
     if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Mouse0))
         var mainCamera = Camera.main;
         var startPos   = D2dHelper.ScreenToWorldPosition(Input.mousePosition, 0, mainCamera);
        protected virtual void Update()
            // Update input

            // Make sure the camera exists
            var camera = D2dHelper.GetCamera(null);

            if (camera != null)
                // Loop through all non-gui fingers
                foreach (var finger in inputManager.Fingers)
                    if (finger.StartedOverGui == false)
                        // Grab extra finger data and position
                        var link     = D2dInputManager.Link.FindOrCreate(ref links, finger);
                        var position = D2dHelper.ScreenToWorldPosition(finger.PositionA, Intercept, camera);

                        // Create indiactor?
                        if (finger.Down == true)
                            link.Start = position;

                            if (IndicatorPrefab != null)
                                link.Visual = Instantiate(IndicatorPrefab);


                        // Update indicator?
                        if (finger.Set == true && link.Visual != null)
                            var scale = Vector3.Distance(position, link.Start);
                            var angle = D2dHelper.Atan2(position - link.Start) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;

                            link.Visual.transform.position   = link.Start;
                            link.Visual.transform.rotation   = Quaternion.Euler(0.0f, 0.0f, -angle);
                            link.Visual.transform.localScale = new Vector3(Thickness, scale, scale);

                        // Slice scene then clear link?
                        if (finger.Up == true)
                            D2dSlice.All(Paint, link.Start, position, Thickness, Shape, Color, Layers);

        protected virtual void Update()
            // Get the main camera
            var mainCamera = Camera.main;

            // Begin dragging
            if (Input.GetKey(Requires) == true && down == false)
                down = true;
                startMousePosition = Input.mousePosition;

            // End dragging
            if (Input.GetKey(Requires) == false && down == true)
                down = false;

                // Main camera exists?
                if (mainCamera != null)
                    var endMousePosition = Input.mousePosition;
                    var startPos         = D2dHelper.ScreenToWorldPosition(startMousePosition, Intercept, mainCamera);
                    var endPos           = D2dHelper.ScreenToWorldPosition(endMousePosition, Intercept, mainCamera);

                    D2dSlice.All(Paint, startPos, endPos, Thickness, Shape, Color, Layers);

            // Update indicator?
            if (down == true && mainCamera != null && IndicatorPrefab != null)
                if (indicatorInstance == null)
                    indicatorInstance = Instantiate(IndicatorPrefab);

                var startPos   = D2dHelper.ScreenToWorldPosition(startMousePosition, Intercept, mainCamera);
                var currentPos = D2dHelper.ScreenToWorldPosition(Input.mousePosition, Intercept, mainCamera);
                var scale      = Vector3.Distance(currentPos, startPos);
                var angle      = D2dHelper.Atan2(currentPos - startPos) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;

                // Transform the indicator so it lines up with the slice
                indicatorInstance.transform.position   = startPos;
                indicatorInstance.transform.rotation   = Quaternion.Euler(0.0f, 0.0f, -angle);
                indicatorInstance.transform.localScale = new Vector3(Thickness, scale, scale);
            // Destroy indicator?
            else if (indicatorInstance != null)
        protected virtual void FixedUpdate()
            if (Target != null)
                // Get the main camera
                var mainCamera = Camera.main;

                // Begin dragging
                if (Input.GetKey(Requires) == true)
                    var position = D2dHelper.ScreenToWorldPosition(Input.mousePosition, Intercept, mainCamera);
                    var factor   = D2dHelper.DampenFactor(Dampening, Time.fixedDeltaTime);

                    Target.velocity += (Vector2)(position - Target.transform.position) * factor;
    void Playing_Update()
        // Required key is down?
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Mouse0) == true)
            // Get screen ray of mouse position
            explosionPosition = D2dHelper.ScreenToWorldPosition(Input.mousePosition, Intercept, mainCam);

            var collider = Physics2D.OverlapPoint(explosionPosition);

            if (collider != null)
                var commonBox = collider.GetComponentInParent <CommonBox>();
                if (commonBox != null)

                //var destructible = collider.GetComponentInParent<D2dDestructible>();

                //if (destructible != null)
                //    // Register split event
                //    destructible.OnEndSplit.AddListener(OnEndSplit);

                //    // Split via fracture
                //    D2dQuadFracturer.Fracture(destructible, FractureCount, 0.5f);

                //    // Unregister split event
                //    destructible.OnEndSplit.RemoveListener(OnEndSplit);

                //    // Spawn explosion prefab?
                //    if (ExplosionPrefab != null)
                //    {
                //        var worldRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0.0f, 0.0f, UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.0f, 360.0f)); // Random rotation around Z axis

                //        Instantiate(ExplosionPrefab, explosionPosition, worldRotation);
                //    }
        protected virtual void FixedUpdate()
            if (inputManager.Fingers.Count > 0)
                // Make sure the camera exists
                var camera = D2dHelper.GetCamera(null);

                if (camera != null)
                    // Make sure the target exists
                    if (Target != null)
                        // Grab world position and transition there
                        var center   = inputManager.GetAveragePosition(true);
                        var position = D2dHelper.ScreenToWorldPosition(center, Intercept, camera);
                        var factor   = D2dHelper.DampenFactor(Dampening, Time.fixedDeltaTime);

                        Target.velocity += (Vector2)(position - Target.transform.position) * factor;
        private void SpawnNow()
            // Prefab exists?
            if (Prefab != null)
                // Main camera exists?
                var camera = D2dHelper.GetCamera(Camera);

                if (camera != null)
                    // World position of the mouse
                    var position = D2dHelper.ScreenToWorldPosition(Input.mousePosition, Intercept, camera);

                    // Get a random rotation around the Z axis
                    var rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0.0f, 0.0f, Random.Range(0.0f, 360.0f));

                    // Spawn prefab here
                    var clone = Instantiate(Prefab, position, rotation);

        protected virtual void Update()
            // Main camera exists?
            var mainCamera = Camera.main;

            if (mainCamera != null)
                // World position of the mouse
                var position = D2dHelper.ScreenToWorldPosition(Input.mousePosition, Intercept, mainCamera);

                // Begin dragging
                if (Input.GetKey(Requires) == true && down == false)
                    down = true;

                // End dragging
                if (Input.GetKey(Requires) == false && down == true)
                    down = false;

                    // Stamp everything at this point?
                    if (Hit == HitType.All)
                        D2dStamp.All(Paint, position, Size, Angle, Shape, Color, Layers);

                    // Stamp the first thing at this point?
                    if (Hit == HitType.First)
                        var destructible = default(D2dDestructible);

                        if (D2dDestructible.TrySampleThrough(position, ref destructible) == true)
                            destructible.Paint(Paint, D2dStamp.CalculateMatrix(position, Size, Angle), Shape, Color);

                // Update indicator?
                if (down == true && IndicatorPrefab != null)
                    if (indicatorInstance == null)
                        indicatorInstance = Instantiate(IndicatorPrefab);

                        indicatorScale = indicatorInstance.transform.localScale;


                    indicatorInstance.transform.position = position;

                    indicatorInstance.transform.localScale = Vector3.Scale(indicatorScale, new Vector3(Size.x, Size.y, 1.0f));
                // Destroy indicator?
                else if (indicatorInstance != null)
        protected virtual void Update()
            // Update input

            // Make sure the camera exists
            var camera = D2dHelper.GetCamera(null);

            if (camera != null)
                // Loop through all non-gui fingers
                foreach (var finger in inputManager.Fingers)
                    if (finger.StartedOverGui == false)
                        // Grab extra finger data and position
                        var link     = D2dInputManager.Link.FindOrCreate(ref links, finger);
                        var position = D2dHelper.ScreenToWorldPosition(finger.PositionA, Intercept, camera);

                        // Create indiactor?
                        if (finger.Down == true && IndicatorPrefab != null)
                            link.Visual = Instantiate(IndicatorPrefab);
                            link.Scale  = link.Visual.transform.localScale;


                        // Update indicator?
                        if (finger.Set == true && link.Visual != null)
                            link.Visual.transform.position = position;

                            link.Visual.transform.localScale = Vector3.Scale(link.Scale, new Vector3(Size.x, Size.y, 1.0f));

                        // Clear indicator then stamp?
                        if (finger.Up == true)
                            // Stamp everything at this point?
                            if (Hit == HitType.All)
                                D2dStamp.All(Paint, position, Size, Angle, Shape, Color, Layers);

                            // Stamp the first thing at this point?
                            if (Hit == HitType.First)
                                var destructible = default(D2dDestructible);

                                if (D2dDestructible.TrySampleThrough(position, ref destructible) == true)
                                    destructible.Paint(Paint, D2dStamp.CalculateMatrix(position, Size, Angle), Shape, Color);

                            // Destroy indicator
        protected virtual void Update()
            // Update input

            // Make sure the camera exists
            var camera = D2dHelper.GetCamera(null);

            if (camera != null)
                // Loop through all non-gui fingers
                foreach (var finger in inputManager.Fingers)
                    if (finger.StartedOverGui == false)
                        // Grab extra finger data and position
                        var link     = D2dInputManager.Link.FindOrCreate(ref links, finger);
                        var position = D2dHelper.ScreenToWorldPosition(finger.PositionA, Intercept, camera);

                        // Create indiactor?
                        if (finger.Down == true)
                            link.Start = position;

                            if (IndicatorPrefab != null)
                                link.Visual = Instantiate(IndicatorPrefab);


                        // Update indicator?
                        if (finger.Set == true && link.Visual != null)
                            var angle = GetAngleAndClampCurrentPos(link.Start, ref position);
                            var scale = Vector3.Distance(position, link.Start) * Scale;

                            link.Visual.transform.position   = link.Start;
                            link.Visual.transform.rotation   = Quaternion.Euler(0.0f, 0.0f, -angle);
                            link.Visual.transform.localScale = new Vector3(scale, scale, scale);

                        // Slice scene then clear link?
                        if (finger.Up == true)
                            var angle = GetAngleAndClampCurrentPos(link.Start, ref position) + ProjectileAngle + Random.Range(-ProjectileSpread, ProjectileSpread);

                            // Spawn
                            var projectile = Instantiate(ProjectilePrefab, link.Start, Quaternion.Euler(0.0f, 0.0f, -angle));


                            // Apply velocity?
                            var rigidbody2D = projectile.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>();

                            if (rigidbody2D != null)
                                rigidbody2D.velocity = (position - link.Start) * ProjectileSpeed;

        protected virtual void Update()
            // Get the main camera
            var mainCamera = Camera.main;

            // Begin dragging
            if (Input.GetKey(Requires) == true && down == false)
                down = true;
                startMousePosition = Input.mousePosition;

            // End dragging
            if (Input.GetKey(Requires) == false && down == true)
                down = false;

                // Throw prefab?
                if (mainCamera != null && ProjectilePrefab != null)
                    // Calc values
                    var startPos   = D2dHelper.ScreenToWorldPosition(startMousePosition, Intercept, mainCamera);
                    var currentPos = D2dHelper.ScreenToWorldPosition(Input.mousePosition, Intercept, mainCamera);
                    var angle      = GetAngleAndClampCurrentPos(startPos, ref currentPos) + ProjectileAngle + Random.Range(-ProjectileSpread, ProjectileSpread);

                    // Spawn
                    var projectile = Instantiate(ProjectilePrefab, startPos, Quaternion.Euler(0.0f, 0.0f, -angle));


                    // Apply velocity?
                    var rigidbody2D = projectile.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>();

                    if (rigidbody2D != null)
                        rigidbody2D.velocity = (currentPos - startPos) * ProjectileSpeed;

            // Update indicator?
            if (down == true && mainCamera != null && IndicatorPrefab != null)
                if (indicatorInstance == null)
                    indicatorInstance = Instantiate(IndicatorPrefab);


                var startPos   = D2dHelper.ScreenToWorldPosition(startMousePosition, Intercept, mainCamera);
                var currentPos = D2dHelper.ScreenToWorldPosition(Input.mousePosition, Intercept, mainCamera);
                var angle      = GetAngleAndClampCurrentPos(startPos, ref currentPos);
                var scale      = Vector3.Distance(currentPos, startPos) * Scale;

                // Transform the indicator so it lines up with the slice
                indicatorInstance.transform.position   = startPos;
                indicatorInstance.transform.rotation   = Quaternion.Euler(0.0f, 0.0f, -angle);
                indicatorInstance.transform.localScale = new Vector3(scale, scale, scale);
            // Destroy indicator?
            else if (indicatorInstance != null)