    public static bool Generate(D2D_Destructible destructible, D2D_SpriteSplitOrder splitOrder)

        if (destructible != null && destructible.AlphaTex != null)
            target = destructible;
            tex    = target.AlphaTex;
            width  = tex.width;
            height = tex.height;
            total  = width * height;
            pixels = tex.GetPixels32();

            if (cells.Capacity < total)
                cells.Capacity = total;

            var threshold = (byte)(target.SplitThreshold * 255.0f);

            for (var i = 0; i < total; i++)
                cells.Add(pixels[i].a >= threshold);


            var validFillCount = 0;

            for (var i = 0; i < total; i++)
                if (cells[i] == true)
                    currentFill = new Fill(); fills.Add(currentFill);

                    currentFill.XMin = currentFill.XMax = i % width;
                    currentFill.YMin = currentFill.YMax = i / width;

                    BeginFloodFill(i, currentFill.XMin, currentFill.YMin);

                    // Skip the first floodfill
                    if (currentFill.Count >= target.SplitMinPixels)
                        currentFill.Valid = true; validFillCount += 1;

            // Can we split?
            if (validFillCount > 1)
                var firstSet = false;

                switch (splitOrder)
                case D2D_SpriteSplitOrder.KeepLargest:  fills.Sort((a, b) => b.Count.CompareTo(a.Count)); break;

                case D2D_SpriteSplitOrder.KeepSmallest: fills.Sort((a, b) => a.Count.CompareTo(b.Count)); break;

                foreach (var fill in fills)
                    if (fill.Valid == true)
                        if (firstSet == false)
                            firstSet = true;

                            Split(destructible, fill, false);
                            var clonedGameObject   = D2D_Helper.CloneGameObject(destructible.gameObject, destructible.transform.parent);
                            var clonedDestructible = clonedGameObject.GetComponent <D2D_Destructible>();

                            Split(clonedDestructible, fill, true);


            if (validFillCount == 0)

	public static bool Generate(D2D_Destructible destructible, D2D_SpriteSplitOrder splitOrder)
		if (destructible != null && destructible.AlphaTex != null)
			target = destructible;
			tex    = target.AlphaTex;
			width  = tex.width;
			height = tex.height;
			total  = width * height;
			pixels = tex.GetPixels32();
			if (cells.Capacity < total)
				cells.Capacity = total;
			var threshold = (byte)(target.SplitThreshold * 255.0f);
			for (var i = 0; i < total; i++)
				cells.Add(pixels[i].a >= threshold);
			var validFillCount = 0;
			for (var i = 0; i < total; i++)
				if (cells[i] == true)
					currentFill = new Fill(); fills.Add(currentFill);
					currentFill.XMin = currentFill.XMax = i % width;
					currentFill.YMin = currentFill.YMax = i / width;
					BeginFloodFill(i, currentFill.XMin, currentFill.YMin);
					// Skip the first floodfill
					if (currentFill.Count >= target.SplitMinPixels)
						currentFill.Valid = true; validFillCount += 1;
			// Can we split?
			if (validFillCount > 1)
				var firstSet = false;
				switch (splitOrder)
					case D2D_SpriteSplitOrder.KeepLargest:  fills.Sort((a, b) => b.Count.CompareTo(a.Count)); break;
					case D2D_SpriteSplitOrder.KeepSmallest: fills.Sort((a, b) => a.Count.CompareTo(b.Count)); break;
				foreach (var fill in fills)
					if (fill.Valid == true)
						if (firstSet == false)
							firstSet = true;
							Split(destructible, fill, false);
							var clonedGameObject   = D2D_Helper.CloneGameObject(destructible.gameObject, destructible.transform.parent);
							var clonedDestructible = clonedGameObject.GetComponent<D2D_Destructible>();
							Split(clonedDestructible, fill, true);
				return true;
			if (validFillCount == 0)
		return false;