public void ChangeUserPassword(int userId, string password) { User user = this.SearchUser(userId); user.Password = CypherService.CypherContentNoSalt(password); this.context.SaveChanges(); }
public IActionResult CifradoHash (String contenido, String resultado, String accion) { String res = CypherService.EncriptarTextoBasico(contenido); //SOLAMENTE SI ESCRIBIMOS EL MISMO CONTENIDO //TENDRIAMOS LA MISMA SECUENCIA DE SALIDA if (accion.ToLower() == "cifrar") { ViewData["RESULTADO"] = res; } else if (accion.ToLower() == "comparar") { //COMPARAMOS LA CAJA DE TEXTO resultado //CON EL DATO YA CIFRADO DE NUEVO res //contenido = 12345 --> resultado = 243rea //comparar: //contenido = 1234556 --> res = 243redsaa, resultado = 243rea if (resultado != res) { ViewData["MENSAJE"] = "<h1 style='color:red'>No son iguales</h1>"; } else { ViewData["MENSAJE"] = "<h1 style='color:blue'>Iguales</h1>"; } } return(View()); }
public Usuario UserLogIn(string username, String password) { //PARA VALIDAR, NOSOTROS SOLO PODEMOS BUSCAR POR USERNAME Usuario user = this.context.Usuarios.Where(z => z.UserName == username) .FirstOrDefault(); if (user == null) { return(null); } else { String salt = user.Salt; byte[] passbbdd = user.Password; byte[] passtemporal = CypherService.CifrarContenido(password, salt); //COMPARAR ARRAY BYTES[] bool respuesta = ToolkitService.CompararArrayBytes(passbbdd, passtemporal); if (respuesta == true) { return(user); } else { return(null); } } }
public Usuario Login(String username, String password) { Usuario user = this.context.Usuarios.Where(z => z.UserName == username) .FirstOrDefault(); if (user == null) { return(null); } else { String salt = user.Salt; byte[] passbbdd = user.Password; byte[] passform = CypherService.CifrarContenido(password, salt); bool resp = HelperToolKit.CompararArrayBytes(passbbdd, passform); if (resp == true) { return(user); } else { return(null); } } }
public IActionResult CifradoHashEficiente(String contenido , int iteraciones, String salt, String resultado, String accion) { String cifrado = CypherService.CifrarContenido(contenido, iteraciones, salt); if (accion.ToLower() == "cifrar") { ViewData["RESULTADO"] = cifrado; } else if (accion.ToLower() == "comparar") { if (resultado == cifrado) { ViewData["MENSAJE"] = "<h1 style='color:blue'>Son Iguales!!!</h1>"; } else { ViewData["MENSAJE"] = "<h1 style='color:red'>Resultado Incorrecto</h1>"; } } return(View()); }
public Usuario LoginUsuario(String username, String password) { if (this.UserNameExists(username)) { Usuario user = this.context.Usuarios.Where(z => z.UserName.ToUpper() == username.ToUpper()).FirstOrDefault(); if (user == null) { return(null); } else if (!user.Validado) { return(null); } else { String salt = user.Salt; byte[] passbbdd = user.Password; byte[] passtemporal = CypherService.CifrarContenido(password, salt); bool respuesta = ToolkitService.CompararArrayBytes(passbbdd, passtemporal); if (respuesta) { return(user); } else { return(null); } } } else { return(null); } }
public void CreateUser(User user) { user.UserId = this.GetNextId("user"); //user.Salt = CypherService.GetSalt(); user.Password = CypherService.CypherContentNoSalt(user.PasswordString /*, user.Salt*/); user.Role = "NormalUser"; this.context.User.Add(user); this.context.SaveChanges(); }
public void CambiarContraseña(int idusuario, String password) { Usuario user = this.BuscarUsuario(idusuario); String salt = CypherService.GetSalt(); user.Salt = salt; user.Password = CypherService.CifrarContenido(password, salt); this.context.SaveChanges(); }
public void InsertarUsuario(int idusuario, string nombre, string username, string password) { Usuario user = new Usuario(); user.IdUsuario = idusuario; user.Nombre = nombre; user.UserName = username; string salt = CypherService.GetSalt(); user.Salt = salt; byte[] respuesta = CypherService.CifrarContenido(password, salt); user.Password = respuesta; this.context.Usuarios.Add(user); this.context.SaveChanges(); }
public void InsertUser(string nombre, string username, string password) { Usuario user = new Usuario(); //user.idUser = GetMaxIdUser(); //en el 1º registro estamos obligados a meterle el //valor a cañon para que no nos falle el codigo en //el metodo incremental user.idUser = 1; = nombre; user.user = username; String salt = CypherService.GetSalt(); user.salt = salt; byte[] respuesta = CypherService.CypherHashefficent(password, salt); user.pswd = respuesta; this.context.Usuarios.Add(user); this.context.SaveChanges(); }
public User ExisteUsuario(string username, string password) { User user = this.context.User.Where(x => x.Username == username).FirstOrDefault(); //String salt = user.Salt; byte[] passbbdd = user.Password; byte[] passtemporal = CypherService.CypherContentNoSalt(password /*, salt*/); //COMPARAR ARRAY BYTES[] bool respuesta = HelperToolkit.CompararArrayBytes(passbbdd, passtemporal); if (respuesta == true) { return(user); } else { return(null); } }
public IActionResult CifradoHashEficiente(string contenido, int iteraciones, string salt, string resultado, string accion) { var res = CypherService.CifrarContenido(contenido, iteraciones, salt); if (accion.ToLower() == "cifrar") { ViewBag.Resultado = res; } else if (accion.ToLower() == "comparar") { if (resultado != res) { ViewBag.Mensaje = "Resultados NO iguales"; } else { ViewBag.Mensaje = "Resultados iguales"; } } return(View()); }
public IActionResult CifradoHash(string contenido, string resultado, string accion) { var res = CypherService.EncriptarTextoBasico(contenido); if (accion.ToLower() == "cifrar") { ViewBag.Resultado = res; } else if (accion.ToLower() == "comparar") { if (resultado != res) { ViewBag.Mensaje = "Resultados NO iguales"; } else { ViewBag.Mensaje = "Resultados iguales"; } } return(View()); }
public Usuario UserLogin(string username, string password) { Usuario user = this.context.Usuarios.Where(x => x.UserName == username).FirstOrDefault(); if (user == null) { return(null); } string salt = user.Salt; byte[] passddbb = user.Password; byte[] passuser = CypherService.CifrarContenido(password, salt); bool respuesta = HelperToolkit.CompararArrayBytes(passddbb, passuser); if (respuesta) { return(user); } else { return(null); } }
public void InsertarUsuario(String username, String nombre, String correo, String password, String direccion, String telefono) { if (!this.UserNameExists(username)) { Usuario user = new Usuario(); user.IdUsuario = this.GetMaxId(Tablas.Usuarios); user.UserName = username; user.Nombre = nombre; user.Correo = correo; user.Direccion = direccion; user.Telefono = telefono; String salt = CypherService.GetSalt(); user.Salt = salt; user.Password = CypherService.CifrarContenido(password, salt); user.Validado = true; user.Rol = 0; this.context.Usuarios.Add(user); this.context.SaveChanges(); } }
public void Insert(String nombre, String username, String password) { Usuario user = new Usuario(); user.IdUsuario = this.GetMaxIdUsuario(); user.Nombre = nombre; user.UserName = username; String salt = CypherService.GetSalt(); user.Salt = salt; byte[] respuesta = CypherService.CifrarContenido(password, salt); user.Password = respuesta; this.context.Usuarios.Add(user); this.context.SaveChanges(); //CON PROCEDIMIENTO //String sql = "insertarusuario @username, @pass, @nombre, @salt"; //SqlParameter parusername = new SqlParameter("@username", username); //SqlParameter parnombre = new SqlParameter("@nombre", nombre); //String salt = CypherService.GetSalt(); //SqlParameter parsalt = new SqlParameter("@salt", salt); //byte[] passcifrada = CypherService.CifrarContenido(password, salt); //SqlParameter parpass = new SqlParameter("@pass", passcifrada); //this.context.Database.ExecuteSqlRaw(sql, parusername, parpass, parnombre, parsalt); }
//Comparative credentials public Usuario UserLogin(string UserName, string pswd) { Usuario user = this.context.Usuarios.Where(z => z.user == UserName).FirstOrDefault(); if (user == null) { return(null); } else { string salt = user.salt; byte[] Pswdbbdd = user.pswd; byte[] PswdTemporal = CypherService.CypherHashefficent(pswd, salt); bool answer = ToolKit.ArraysComparative(Pswdbbdd, PswdTemporal); if (answer == true) { return(user); } else { return(null); } } }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: 'final' parameters are ignored unless the option to convert to C# 7.2 'in' parameters is selected: //ORIGINAL LINE: public void dispatch(Object o, final com.sun.jersey.api.core.HttpContext httpContext) public override void Dispatch(object o, HttpContext httpContext) { RepresentationWriteHandler representationWriteHandler = DO_NOTHING; LoginContext loginContext = AuthorizedRequestWrapper.getLoginContextFromHttpContext(httpContext); //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: The original Java variable was marked 'final': //ORIGINAL LINE: final org.neo4j.kernel.impl.factory.GraphDatabaseFacade graph = database.getGraph(); GraphDatabaseFacade graph = _database.Graph; if (o is RestfulGraphDatabase) { RestfulGraphDatabase restfulGraphDatabase = ( RestfulGraphDatabase )o; //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: The original Java variable was marked 'final': //ORIGINAL LINE: final org.neo4j.graphdb.Transaction transaction = graph.beginTransaction(org.neo4j.kernel.api.KernelTransaction.Type.implicit, loginContext); Transaction transaction = graph.BeginTransaction(KernelTransaction.Type.@implicit, loginContext); restfulGraphDatabase.OutputFormat.RepresentationWriteHandler = representationWriteHandler = new CommitOnSuccessfulStatusCodeRepresentationWriteHandler(httpContext, transaction); } else if (o is BatchOperationService) { BatchOperationService batchOperationService = ( BatchOperationService )o; //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: The original Java variable was marked 'final': //ORIGINAL LINE: final org.neo4j.graphdb.Transaction transaction = graph.beginTransaction(org.neo4j.kernel.api.KernelTransaction.Type.explicit, loginContext); Transaction transaction = graph.BeginTransaction(KernelTransaction.Type.@explicit, loginContext); batchOperationService.RepresentationWriteHandler = representationWriteHandler = new CommitOnSuccessfulStatusCodeRepresentationWriteHandler(httpContext, transaction); } else if (o is CypherService) { CypherService cypherService = ( CypherService )o; //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: The original Java variable was marked 'final': //ORIGINAL LINE: final org.neo4j.graphdb.Transaction transaction = graph.beginTransaction(org.neo4j.kernel.api.KernelTransaction.Type.explicit, loginContext); Transaction transaction = graph.BeginTransaction(KernelTransaction.Type.@explicit, loginContext); cypherService.OutputFormat.RepresentationWriteHandler = representationWriteHandler = new CommitOnSuccessfulStatusCodeRepresentationWriteHandler(httpContext, transaction); } else if (o is DatabaseMetadataService) { DatabaseMetadataService databaseMetadataService = ( DatabaseMetadataService )o; //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: The original Java variable was marked 'final': //ORIGINAL LINE: final org.neo4j.graphdb.Transaction transaction = graph.beginTransaction(org.neo4j.kernel.api.KernelTransaction.Type.implicit, loginContext); Transaction transaction = graph.BeginTransaction(KernelTransaction.Type.@implicit, loginContext); databaseMetadataService.RepresentationWriteHandler = representationWriteHandler = new RepresentationWriteHandlerAnonymousInnerClass(this, transaction); } else if (o is ExtensionService) { ExtensionService extensionService = ( ExtensionService )o; extensionService.OutputFormat.RepresentationWriteHandler = representationWriteHandler = new RepresentationWriteHandlerAnonymousInnerClass2(this, loginContext, graph); } try { _requestDispatcher.dispatch(o, httpContext); } catch (Exception e) { representationWriteHandler.OnRepresentationFinal(); throw e; } }