/// <summary>
        /// input/output for the process of displaying an customer's history with all
        /// the validation taking place along the way and finally displaying
        /// the history of the customer meeting the input parameters.
        /// </summary>
        public void DisplayCustomerHistory()
            CustomerQueries checkCustomer = new CustomerQueries();
            OrderCreation   checkNum      = new OrderCreation();

            // get and display all the customer info to pick from
            var customers = checkCustomer.GetCustomers();

            Console.WriteLine("ID\tFirst Name\tLast Name\tUsername");
            foreach (var c in customers)
                Console.WriteLine($"{c.CustomerID}\t{c.FirstName}" +

            Console.WriteLine("Please enter an ID from above for the customer you would like to see.");
            int customerID;

                string input = Console.ReadLine();
                if (input == "cancel")

                // check if input is an int
                while (!checkNum.IsValidNum(input))
                    Console.WriteLine("Invalid ID number, please enter another.");
                    input = Console.ReadLine();
                    if (input == "cancel")

                int id = checkNum.StringToInt(input);

                // check to see if there is a customer with the given ID
                if (checkCustomer.IsValidCustomerID(id))
                    customerID = id;
                    Console.WriteLine("There is no customer with this ID, please enter another.");
                    customerID = 0;
            } while (customerID == 0); // repeat if no customer with that ID

            var customerHistory = checkCustomer.GetCustomerHistory(customerID);
            var customer        = checkCustomer.GetCustomer(customerID);

            // get and display the order history of that customer if they have one
            if (customerHistory.Count() == 0)
                Console.WriteLine($"As of now, {customer.FirstName} {customer.LastName} has placed no orders.");
                Console.WriteLine($"Order history for {customer.FirstName} {customer.LastName}");
                Console.WriteLine("Location\tOrder ID\tProduct\t\tQuantity\tTotal\t\tTimestamp");
                foreach (var o in customerHistory)
                    double price = o.Product.Price * o.Quantity;
                    Console.WriteLine($"{o.Product.Store.Location}\t{o.OrderID}\t\t" +
                                      $"{o.Product.ProductName}\t" +

            Console.WriteLine("Press enter to return to the menu");