        public DataSet GetCustomerRTDetails(int CustomerID)
            DataSet dsGetCustomerRTDetails = new DataSet();
            CustomerGoalSetupDao RTDetails = new CustomerGoalSetupDao();

                dsGetCustomerRTDetails = RTDetails.GetCustomerRTDetails(CustomerID);
            catch (BaseApplicationException Ex)
                throw Ex;
            catch (Exception Ex)
                BaseApplicationException exBase       = new BaseApplicationException(Ex.Message, Ex);
                NameValueCollection      FunctionInfo = new NameValueCollection();

                FunctionInfo.Add("Method", "CustomerGoalSetupBo.cs:GetCustomerRTDetails()");

                object[] objects = new object[0];
                FunctionInfo = exBase.AddObject(FunctionInfo, objects);
                exBase.AdditionalInformation = FunctionInfo;
                throw exBase;
        /// <summary>
        /// It retuns Customer Retirement Goal description paragrapgh
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="CustomerID"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string RTGoalDescriptionText(int CustomerID)
            string  GoalDescription        = "";
            DataSet dsGetCustomerRTDetails = new DataSet();
            CustomerGoalSetupDao RTDetails = new CustomerGoalSetupDao();

                string futureValueOncurrentInvestment  = null;
                string futureValueOncurrentInvestment2 = null;
                string yearlySavingRequired            = null;
                string gapvalues = null;
                dsGetCustomerRTDetails = RTDetails.GetCustomerRTDetails(CustomerID);
                if (dsGetCustomerRTDetails.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dsGetCustomerRTDetails.Tables[0].Rows[0]["CG_FutureValueOnCurrentInvest"].ToString()))
                        futureValueOncurrentInvestment = "0";
                        futureValueOncurrentInvestment = Math.Round(double.Parse(dsGetCustomerRTDetails.Tables[0].Rows[0]["CG_FutureValueOnCurrentInvest"].ToString()), 2).ToString();

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dsGetCustomerRTDetails.Tables[0].Rows[0]["CG_LumpsumInvestmentRequired"].ToString()))
                        futureValueOncurrentInvestment2 = "0";
                        futureValueOncurrentInvestment2 = Math.Round(double.Parse(dsGetCustomerRTDetails.Tables[0].Rows[0]["CG_LumpsumInvestmentRequired"].ToString()), 2).ToString();

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dsGetCustomerRTDetails.Tables[0].Rows[0]["CG_YearlySavingsRequired"].ToString()))
                        yearlySavingRequired = "0";
                        yearlySavingRequired = Math.Round(double.Parse(dsGetCustomerRTDetails.Tables[0].Rows[0]["CG_YearlySavingsRequired"].ToString()), 2).ToString();

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dsGetCustomerRTDetails.Tables[0].Rows[0]["CG_GapValues"].ToString()))
                        gapvalues = "0";
                        gapvalues = Math.Round(double.Parse(dsGetCustomerRTDetails.Tables[0].Rows[0]["CG_GapValues"].ToString()), 2).ToString();

                    if (dsGetCustomerRTDetails.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                        double fvCostOfToday          = 0;
                        double currentInvestment      = 0;
                        double roiEarned              = 0;
                        double monthlySavingsRequired = 0;
                        double.TryParse(dsGetCustomerRTDetails.Tables[0].Rows[0]["CG_FVofCostToday"].ToString(), out fvCostOfToday);
                        double.TryParse(dsGetCustomerRTDetails.Tables[0].Rows[0]["CG_CurrentInvestment"].ToString(), out currentInvestment);
                        double.TryParse(dsGetCustomerRTDetails.Tables[0].Rows[0]["CG_ROIEarned"].ToString(), out roiEarned);
                        double.TryParse(dsGetCustomerRTDetails.Tables[0].Rows[0]["CG_MonthlySavingsRequired"].ToString(), out monthlySavingsRequired);

                        string StrRT1 = "We have done an extensive analysis of your" +
                                        " retirement goal needs and savings required per month to meet those " +
                                        "needs.Based on the inputs provided by you we have calculated that at " +
                                        "the time of your retirement you'll need a corpus of Rs." + Math.Round(fvCostOfToday, 2).ToString() +
                                        " to lead a financialy stable retired life.";

                        string StrRT2 = "To meet the retirement goal you have already invested Rs." + Math.Round(currentInvestment, 2).ToString() +
                                        " which will grow at " + Math.Round(roiEarned, 2).ToString() + " % " +
                                        " and it's value at the time of your retirement will be Rs." + futureValueOncurrentInvestment + ".";

                        string StrRT3 = "You have no investmensts attached to your retirement.";

                        string StrRT4 = "For the gap of Rs." + gapvalues +
                                        " for your retirement goal, you need to start planning soon." +
                                        "You can opt for any of the following saving options to meet your retirement goal." +
                                        " Monthly savings required to meet the goal is Rs." + Math.Round(monthlySavingsRequired, 2).ToString() +
                                        ".Yearly savings required to meet the goal is Rs." + yearlySavingRequired + ".Lumpsum investment required is Rs." + futureValueOncurrentInvestment2 +
                                        ".We recommend you to start saving as per the retirement plan provided by us.";

                        if (currentInvestment == 0)
                            GoalDescription = StrRT1 + StrRT3 + StrRT4;
                            GoalDescription = StrRT1 + StrRT2 + StrRT4;
                        GoalDescription = "";
                    GoalDescription = "";
            catch (BaseApplicationException Ex)
                throw Ex;
            catch (Exception Ex)
                BaseApplicationException exBase       = new BaseApplicationException(Ex.Message, Ex);
                NameValueCollection      FunctionInfo = new NameValueCollection();

                FunctionInfo.Add("Method", "CustomerGoalSetupBo.cs:GetCustomerRTDetails()");

                object[] objects = new object[0];
                FunctionInfo = exBase.AddObject(FunctionInfo, objects);
                exBase.AdditionalInformation = FunctionInfo;
                throw exBase;
