public void QueryUsingAccountInfo() { using (ISession s = OpenSession()) { CustomerFinder finder = new CustomerFinder(); finder.AccountActive = true; finder.AccountSizeMin = 10000d; log.Debug("--- Run the query with IsActive and Size are taken into account ---"); IList <Customer> list = finder.Find(s); Assert.AreEqual(2, list.Count); log.Debug("--- Run the query with IsActive, Size and Opened are taken into account ---"); finder.AccountOpenedStart = DateTime.Parse("1/1/1983"); finder.AccountOpenedEnd = DateTime.Parse("1/1/1984"); IList <Customer> list2 = finder.Find(s); Assert.AreEqual(1, list2.Count); } }
public void QueryAndTheResultHasNotDistinct() { using (ISession s = OpenSession()) { CustomerFinder finder = new CustomerFinder(); finder.AccountMoney = MoneyType.Dollar; IList <Customer> list = finder.Find(s); Assert.AreEqual(4, list.Count); } }
public void FirstName() { using (ISession s = OpenSession()) { CustomerFinder finder = new CustomerFinder(); finder.FirstName = "Jo"; finder.AccountMoney = MoneyType.Euro; IList <Customer> list = finder.Find(s); Assert.AreEqual(2, list.Count); } }