        public override void Register()
            Instance = this;

            AddConfig(new ConfigSetting("hmd_doubledrop_time", 0.25f, SettingType.FLOAT, true, "Time that a player must double right click in order to toggle overcharge."));

            AddConfig(new ConfigSetting("hmd_role_spawns", new int[0], SettingType.NUMERIC_LIST, true, "Role spawn locations where the HMD should spawn."));
            AddConfig(new ConfigSetting("hmd_item_spawns", new[]
            }, SettingType.NUMERIC_LIST, true, "Item spawn locations where the HMD should spawn."));

            AddConfig(new ConfigSetting("hmd_body_damage", 80f, SettingType.FLOAT, true, "Damage per shot of the rifle on bodies."));
            AddConfig(new ConfigSetting("hmd_head_damage", 105f, SettingType.FLOAT, true, "Damage per shot of the rifle on heads."));
            AddConfig(new ConfigSetting("hmd_leg_damage", 60f, SettingType.FLOAT, true, "Damage per shot of the rifle on legs."));
            AddConfig(new ConfigSetting("hmd_106_damage", 12f, SettingType.FLOAT, true, "Damage per shot of the rifle on SCP-106."));
            AddConfig(new ConfigSetting("hmd_tag_damage", 10f, SettingType.FLOAT, true, "Damage per shot of the rifle when overcharged."));

            AddConfig(new ConfigSetting("hmd_fire_rate", 2f, SettingType.FLOAT, true, "Time (in seconds) between each shot."));
            AddConfig(new ConfigSetting("hmd_magazine", 5, SettingType.NUMERIC, true, "Amount of shots per magazine."));
            AddConfig(new ConfigSetting("hmd_reserve_ammo", 15, SettingType.NUMERIC, true, "Amount of HMD masses in reserve. Refreshed on server restart."));

            AddConfig(new ConfigSetting("hmd_krakatoa", 15, SettingType.NUMERIC, true, "Additional shot sounds per HMD shot."));
            AddConfig(new ConfigSetting("hmd_suppressed_krakatoa", 7, SettingType.NUMERIC, true, "Additional shot sounds pre suppressed HMD shot."));

            AddConfig(new ConfigSetting("hmd_overchargeable", true, SettingType.BOOL, true, "Allows toggling of overcharge mode."));
            AddConfig(new ConfigSetting("hmd_overcharge_radius", 15f, SettingType.FLOAT, true, "Radius of the overcharge device's bodyDamage."));
            AddConfig(new ConfigSetting("hmd_overcharge_damage", 30f, SettingType.FLOAT, true, "Damage of the overcharge device per person."));
            AddConfig(new ConfigSetting("hmd_overcharge_glitch", true, SettingType.BOOL, true, "Whether or not to apply the glitchy (nuke) effect to players hit by the overcharge device."));

            AddConfig(new ConfigSetting("hmd_tag_time", 5f, SettingType.FLOAT, true, "Time after tagging someone with overcharge to detonation."));
            AddConfig(new ConfigSetting("hmd_tag_glitches", 2, SettingType.NUMERIC, true, "Additional glitch effects to play when an overcharge device detonates on the tagged player."));

            AddConfig(new ConfigSetting("hmd_chaos_count", 0, SettingType.NUMERIC, true, "Amount of HMDs given to Chaos Insurgency respawns."));
            AddConfig(new ConfigSetting("hmd_mtf_count", 1, SettingType.NUMERIC, true, "Amount of HMDs given to MTF respawns."));
            AddConfig(new ConfigSetting("hmd_mtf_roles", new[]
            }, SettingType.NUMERIC_LIST, true, "MTF roles that can receive HMDs."));

            Handler = new CustomWeaponHandler <Hmd>(102)
                AmmoName         = "Heavy Masses",
                DroppedAmmoCount = 5,
                DefaultType      = ItemType.E11_STANDARD_RIFLE
            AddEventHandlers(new EventHandlers(this), Priority.Low);
        public override void Register()
            AddEventHandlers(new EventHandler(this));

            Functions = new Methods(this);

            Shell   = ConfigManager.Manager.Config.GetIntValue("glauncher_shell", 24);
            Handler = new CustomWeaponHandler <GrenadeLauncher>(LauncherId)
                DefaultType        = GetItemTypeFromId(Shell),
                AmmoName           = "Launchable Grenades",
                DefaultReserveAmmo = ReserveAmmo
            Info("Shell ID: " + Shell + " Type From Shell: " + GetItemTypeFromId(Shell) + " Selected Type: " + Handler.DefaultType);

            Items.AddRecipe(new Id914Recipe(KnobSetting.FINE, Shell, LauncherId, 1));