        public int SabrFunc(double[] p, double[] dy, IList <double>[] dvec, object vars)
            var b  = _initBeta;         // beta = 0.5
            var r  = p[0];              // rho
            var nv = p[1];              // nu
            var a  = _estimateAlpha     // alpha
                                ? p[2]
                                : FindAlpha(b, r, nv, MaturityInYears, _spotPrice, AtmVol);

            CustomUserVariable v = (CustomUserVariable)vars;

            double[] x, y, ey;
            x  = v.X;
            y  = v.Y;
            ey = v.Ey;

            for (var i = 0; i < dy.Length; i++)
                var estVol = SabrVolSurface.SABRVolFineTune(a, b, r, nv, _spotPrice, _strikes[i], MaturityInYears, _useFineTune);
                dy[i] = (Math.Abs(r) > 1 || nv < 0) ? 1e100 : estVol - _marketVols[i];              //Impose the constraint that -1<=rho <=1 and v>0

        public SabrCoeffOptimizer(
            double maturity,
            double spotPrice,
            double atmVol,
            IList <double> strikes,
            IList <double> marketVols,
            bool estimateAlpha,
            bool useFineTune,
            double initAlpha = 0.3,
            double initBeta  = 0.5,
            double initNu    = 0.3,
            double initRho   = 0.3)
            MaturityInYears = maturity;
            _spotPrice      = spotPrice;
            AtmVol          = atmVol;
            _strikes        = strikes;
            _marketVols     = marketVols;
            _estimateAlpha  = estimateAlpha;
            _useFineTune    = useFineTune;

            _initBeta = initBeta;

            if (strikes.Count != marketVols.Count)
                throw new PricingLibraryException("strikes and marketVols should have same number of elements!");

            double bestAlpha, bestBeta, bestRho, bestNu;
            var    nDataPoints = _marketVols.Count();

            double[] ey = new double[nDataPoints];
            for (int i = 0; i < nDataPoints; ++i)
                ey[i] = 0.1;                  // error for data points, we do not need to use this
            const int nParams = 3;

            mp_par[] pars = new mp_par[nParams] // parameter constraints
                new mp_par(),                   // no constraint
                new mp_par(),
                new mp_par()
            if (!estimateAlpha)             // fix alpha
                pars[2] = new mp_par()
                    isFixed = 1
            CustomUserVariable v = new CustomUserVariable()
                X = _strikes.ToArray(), Y = _marketVols.ToArray(), Ey = ey

            double[] p = new double[nParams] {
                initRho, initNu, initAlpha
            mp_result result = new mp_result(nParams);
            int       status = MPFit.Solve(SabrFunc, nDataPoints, nParams, p, pars, null, v, ref result);

            bestRho   = p[0];
            bestNu    = p[1];
            bestAlpha = estimateAlpha ? p[2] : FindAlpha(_initBeta, p[0], p[1], MaturityInYears, _spotPrice, AtmVol);
            bestBeta  = _initBeta;
            Result    = new SabrCoeffOptimizerResult(MaturityInYears, bestAlpha, bestBeta, bestRho, bestNu);