public override void OnInspectorGUI() { EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); base.OnInspectorGUI(); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { CustomUIText customUiText = (CustomUIText)target; customUiText.RefreshOnInspector(); } }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { targetText.text = CustomUIText.TextColor("This Color text", + "\n" + CustomUIText.TextSize("Change size Text", 200) + "\n" + CustomUIText.B_I_U_Text("this Bold", CustomUIText.TextType.bold) + "\n" + CustomUIText.B_I_U_Text("this Italic", CustomUIText.TextType.italic) + "\n" + CustomUIText.B_I_U_Text("this UnderLine", CustomUIText.TextType.underline) + "\n\n" + CustomUIText.ChangeText("this ALGERIAN Text", "ALGER SDF") + "\n" + CustomUIText.ChangeText("this ITECDSCR", "ITCEDSCR SDF") + "\n"; }
public ShrineUIPanel(float scale = 1f, float opacity = 1f) : base(scale, opacity) { Instance = this; Width.Set(width, 0); Height.Set(height, 0); Left.Set(Main.screenWidth / 2 - width, 0); Top.Set(Main.screenHeight / 2 - height, 0); SetPadding(0); BorderColor = Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color.Transparent; BackgroundColor = Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color.Transparent; #region UI Initialization //Background CustomUIImage background = new CustomUIImage(GetTexture("LivingWorldMod/Textures/UIElements/ShrineMenu/Background"), 1f); background.Width.Set(0, 0); background.Height.Set(0f, 0); background.Left.Set(-12f, 0); background.Top.Set(-12f, 0); Append(background); //Cross to Close Menu CustomUIImage closeMenuCross = new CustomUIImage(GetTexture("LivingWorldMod/Textures/UIElements/ShrineMenu/CloseCross"), 1f); closeMenuCross.Width.Set(19f, 0); closeMenuCross.Height.Set(19f, 0); closeMenuCross.Left.Set(width - 35f, 0); closeMenuCross.Top.Set(-7f, 0); closeMenuCross.OnClick += (__, _) => Hide(); Append(closeMenuCross); #region Item in itemSlot info //Gift Item Image CustomUIImage giftItem = new CustomUIImage(Main.itemTexture[0], 1f); giftItem.SetScaleToFit(true); giftItem.Left.Set(165f, 0); giftItem.Top.Set(35f, 0); Append(giftItem); giftItem.Hide(); //Undiscovered Gift CustomUIText undiscoveredGift = new CustomUIText("?", 1f); undiscoveredGift.TextColor = Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color.LightGray; undiscoveredGift.Left.Set(195f, 0); undiscoveredGift.Top.Set(40f, 0); Append(undiscoveredGift); undiscoveredGift.Hide(); //Amount gifted CustomUIText giftAmount = new CustomUIText("", 0.9f); giftAmount.Left.Set(110f, 0); giftAmount.Top.Set(30f, 0); Append(giftAmount); giftAmount.Hide(); //Liking Neutral CustomUIText giftLiking = new CustomUIText("", 0.9f); giftLiking.Left.Set(110f, 0); giftLiking.Top.Set(50f, 0); Append(giftLiking); giftLiking.Hide(); #endregion //ItemSlot itemSlot = new CustomItemSlot(); itemSlot.Width.Set(54f, 0); itemSlot.Height.Set(54f, 0); itemSlot.Left.Set(5f, 0); itemSlot.Top.Set(25f, 0); itemSlot.OnItemEquipped += _ => ShowItemSlotInfo(); itemSlot.OnItemRemoved += _ => HideItemSlotInfo(); itemSlot.SetBackgroundTexture(GetTexture("LivingWorldMod/Textures/UIElements/ShrineMenu/ItemSlot")); Append(itemSlot); //Gift Texture2D giftTexture = GetTexture("LivingWorldMod/Textures/UIElements/ShrineMenu/Gift"); Texture2D giftTexture2 = GetTexture("LivingWorldMod/Textures/UIElements/ShrineMenu/Gift2"); UIImageButton gift = new UIImageButton(giftTexture); gift.Width.Set(26f, 0); gift.Height.Set(26f, 0); gift.Left.Set(66f, 0); gift.Top.Set(38f, 0); gift.SetVisibility(1f, 1f); gift.OnMouseOver += (__, _) => { gift.SetImage(giftTexture2); }; gift.OnMouseOut += (__, _) => { gift.SetImage(giftTexture); }; gift.OnMouseDown += (__, _) => { gift.Top.Set(gift.Top.Pixels + 1f, 0); GiftItem(); HideItemSlotInfo(); }; gift.OnMouseUp += (__, _) => { gift.Top.Set(gift.Top.Pixels - 1f, 0); }; Append(gift); //Gifts Text CustomUIText repText = new CustomUIText("Gifts: ", 0.8f); repText.Left.Set(8f, 0); repText.Top.Set(95f, 0); Append(repText); //Gifts ProgressBar Color Color = new Color(63, 113, 169); ShrineProgressBar repFrame = new ShrineProgressBar(true, 100, Color); repFrame.Width.Set(170f, 0); repFrame.Height.Set(16f, 0); repFrame.Left.Set(48f, 0); repFrame.Top.Set(95f, 0); repFrame.Activate(); Append(repFrame); //Stage Text CustomUIText stageText = new CustomUIText("Stage: ", 0.8f); stageText.Left.Set(5f, 0); stageText.Top.Set(120f, 0); Append(stageText); //Stage ProgressBar ShrineProgressBar stageFrame = new ShrineProgressBar(false, 5, Color); stageFrame.Width.Set(170f, 0); stageFrame.Height.Set(16f, 0); stageFrame.Left.Set(48f, 0); stageFrame.Top.Set(120f, 0); stageFrame.Activate(); Append(stageFrame); #region Methods void GiftItem() { int itemType = itemSlot.Item.type; LWMWorld.AddGiftToProgress(shrineType, itemType); itemSlot.Item.TurnToAir(); } void ShowItemSlotInfo() { giftItem.SetImage(Main.itemTexture[itemSlot.Item.type]); giftItem.SetSize(24f, 24f); Color color; if (LWMWorld.GetGiftAmount(shrineType, itemSlot.Item.type) == 0) { color = new Color(66, 66, 66); giftItem.Show(); undiscoveredGift.Show(); } else { color = Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color.White; } giftItem.SetOverlayColor(color); //Update Amount Gifted int amount = LWMWorld.GetGiftAmount(shrineType, itemSlot.Item.type); string amountText = "Gifted: " + (amount == 0 ? "" : amount.ToString()); giftAmount.SetText(amountText); //Update Gift Liking int liking = LivingWorldMod.GetGiftValue(shrineType, itemSlot.Item.type); string likingText = "Liking: "; if (amount != 0 && Math.Abs(liking) == 3) { likingText += liking > 0 ? "Good" : "Bad"; } else if (amount != 0 && Math.Abs(liking) == 5) { likingText += liking > 0 ? "Great" : "Awful"; } else if (amount != 0 && liking == 0) { likingText += "Neutral"; } giftLiking.SetText(likingText); giftAmount.Show(); giftLiking.Show(); } void HideItemSlotInfo() { giftItem.Hide(); giftAmount.Hide(); giftLiking.Hide(); undiscoveredGift.Hide(); } #endregion #endregion }