public override void initState() { base.initState(); StatusBarManager.statusBarStyle(false); this._selectedIndex = 1; this._tabController = new CustomTabController(2, this, initialIndex: this._selectedIndex); this._navBarHeight = CustomAppBarUtil.appBarHeight; this._isRefresh = false; this._recommendArticlePixels = 0; this._followArticlePixels = 0; this._loginSubId = EventBus.subscribe(sName: EventBusConstant.login_success, args => { if (this._selectedIndex != 1) { this._selectedIndex = 1; this._tabController.animateTo(value: this._selectedIndex); } }); this._logoutSubId = EventBus.subscribe(sName: EventBusConstant.logout_success, args => { if (this._selectedIndex != 1) { this._selectedIndex = 1; this._tabController.animateTo(value: this._selectedIndex); } }); }
public override void initState() { base.initState(); this._emojiTabController = new CustomTabController( (emojiList.Count - 1) / emojiBoardPageSize + 1, this ); }
Widget _buildTabIndicator( int tabIndex, CustomTabController tabController, ColorTween selectedColorTween, ColorTween previousColorTween) { Color background; if (tabController.indexIsChanging) { float t = 1.0f - CustomTabsUtils._indexChangeProgress(controller: tabController); if (tabController.index == tabIndex) { background = selectedColorTween.lerp(t: t); } else if (tabController.previousIndex == tabIndex) { background = previousColorTween.lerp(t: t); } else { background = selectedColorTween.begin; } } else { float offset = tabController.offset; if (tabController.index == tabIndex) { background = selectedColorTween.lerp(1.0f - offset.abs()); } else if (tabController.index == tabIndex - 1 && offset > 0.0) { background = selectedColorTween.lerp(t: offset); } else if (tabController.index == tabIndex + 1 && offset < 0.0) { background = selectedColorTween.lerp(t: -offset); } else { background = selectedColorTween.begin; } } return(new CustomTabPageSelectorIndicator( backgroundColor: background, borderColor: background, size: this.indicatorSize )); }
public override Widget build(BuildContext context) { Color fixColor = this.color ?? CColors.Transparent; Color fixSelectedColor = this.selectedColor ?? CColors.PrimaryBlue; ColorTween selectedColorTween = new ColorTween(begin: fixColor, end: fixSelectedColor); ColorTween previousColorTween = new ColorTween(begin: fixSelectedColor, end: fixColor); CustomTabController tabController = this.controller; D.assert(() => { if (tabController == null) { throw new UIWidgetsError( "No TabController for " + this.GetType() + ".\n" + "When creating a " + this.GetType() + ", you must either provide an explicit TabController " + "using the \"controller\" property, or you must ensure that there is a " + "DefaultTabController above the " + this.GetType() + ".\n" + "In this case, there was neither an explicit controller nor a default controller." ); } return(true); }); Animation <float> animation = new CurvedAnimation( parent: tabController.animation, curve: Curves.fastOutSlowIn ); return(new AnimatedBuilder( animation: animation, builder: (subContext, child) => { List <Widget> children = new List <Widget>(); for (int tabIndex = 0; tabIndex < tabController.length; tabIndex++) { children.Add(this._buildTabIndicator( tabIndex: tabIndex, tabController: tabController, selectedColorTween: selectedColorTween, previousColorTween: previousColorTween) ); } return new Row( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, children: children ); } )); }
public CustomTabPageSelector( Key key = null, CustomTabController controller = null, float indicatorSize = 12.0f, Color color = null, Color selectedColor = null ) : base(key: key) { D.assert(indicatorSize > 0.0f); this.controller = controller; this.indicatorSize = indicatorSize; this.color = color; this.selectedColor = selectedColor; }
public override void initState() { base.initState(); this._currentIndex = this.widget.currentIndex; this._controller = this.widget.controller ?? new CustomTabController(length: this.widget.children.Count, this); this._controller.addListener(() => { if (this._controller.index != this._currentIndex) { this._currentIndex = this._controller.index; this.widget.onValueChanged?.Invoke(value: this._currentIndex); } }); this._controller.index = this.widget.currentIndex; }
public override void initState() { base.initState(); StatusBarManager.statusBarStyle(true); this._selectedIndex = this.widget.viewModel.initIndex; this._tabController = new CustomTabController( length: this.tabTitles.Count, this, initialIndex: this._selectedIndex ); this._scrollController = new ScrollController(); this._isHaveTitle = true; this._tabController.addListener(() => { if (this._tabController.index != this._selectedIndex) { this.setState(() => this._selectedIndex = this._tabController.index); } }); LocalDataManager.markLeaderBoardUpdatedTime(); }
public override void initState() { base.initState(); StatusBarManager.statusBarStyle(false); this._selectedIndex = 1; this._tabController = new CustomTabController(2, this, initialIndex: this._selectedIndex); this._titleFontSize = _maxTitleFontSize; this._navBarHeight = _maxNavBarHeight; this._loginSubId = EventBus.subscribe(sName: EventBusConstant.login_success, args => { if (this._selectedIndex != 1) { this._selectedIndex = 1; this._tabController.animateTo(value: this._selectedIndex); } }); this._logoutSubId = EventBus.subscribe(sName: EventBusConstant.logout_success, args => { if (this._selectedIndex != 1) { this._selectedIndex = 1; this._tabController.animateTo(value: this._selectedIndex); } }); }
public CustomSegmentedControl( List <object> items, List <Widget> children, ValueChanged <int> onValueChanged = null, int currentIndex = 0, float headerHeight = 44, Widget trailing = null, Decoration headerDecoration = null, Decoration indicator = null, EdgeInsets headerPadding = null, EdgeInsets labelPadding = null, float?indicatorWidth = null, Color unselectedColor = null, Color selectedColor = null, TextStyle unselectedTextStyle = null, TextStyle selectedTextStyle = null, CustomTabController controller = null, ScrollPhysics physics = null, ValueChanged <int> onTap = null, Key key = null ) : base(key: key) { D.assert(items != null); D.assert(items.Count >= 2); D.assert(children != null); D.assert(children.Count >= 2); D.assert(children.Count == items.Count); D.assert(currentIndex < children.Count); this.items = items; this.children = children; this.onValueChanged = onValueChanged; this.unselectedColor = unselectedColor ?? CColors.TextTitle; this.selectedColor = selectedColor ?? CColors.PrimaryBlue; this.currentIndex = currentIndex; this.headerHeight = headerHeight; this.trailing = trailing; this.headerDecoration = headerDecoration ?? new BoxDecoration( color: CColors.White, border: new Border(bottom: new BorderSide(color: CColors.Separator2)) ); this.indicator = indicator ?? new CustomUnderlineTabIndicator( insets:, borderSide: new BorderSide(width: 2, color: CColors.PrimaryBlue) ); this.headerPadding = headerPadding ??; this.labelPadding = labelPadding ?? EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 16, vertical: 10); this.indicatorWidth = indicatorWidth; this.unselectedTextStyle = unselectedTextStyle ?? new TextStyle( fontSize: 16, fontFamily: "Roboto-Regular", color: this.unselectedColor ); this.selectedTextStyle = selectedTextStyle ?? new TextStyle( fontSize: 16, fontFamily: "Roboto-Medium", color: this.unselectedColor ); this.controller = controller; this.physics = physics; this.onTap = onTap; }