private static object GetCustomProperty(CustomPropertyCollection properties, string propertyName, object defaultValue)
     object result = defaultValue;
     if (properties != null && properties.Count > 0)
         CustomProperty prop = properties[propertyName];
         if (prop != null)
             if (prop.Value.IsExpression)
                 result = prop.Instance.Value;
                 result = prop.Value.Value;
     return result;
 public LineItem()
     Id                      = 0;
     StoreId                 = 0;
     LastUpdatedUtc          = DateTime.UtcNow;
     BasePricePerItem        = 0m;
     DiscountDetails         = new List <DiscountDetail>();
     OrderBvin               = string.Empty;
     ProductId               = string.Empty;
     VariantId               = string.Empty;
     ProductName             = string.Empty;
     ProductSku              = string.Empty;
     ProductShortDescription = string.Empty;
     Quantity                = 1;
     QuantityReserved        = 0;
     QuantityReturned        = 0;
     QuantityShipped         = 0;
     ShippingPortion         = 0m;
     StatusCode              = string.Empty;
     StatusName              = string.Empty;
     TaxRate                 = 0;
     TaxPortion              = 0m;
     SelectionData           = new OptionSelections();
     IsNonShipping           = false;
     TaxSchedule             = 0;
     ProductShippingHeight   = 0m;
     ProductShippingLength   = 0m;
     ProductShippingWeight   = 0m;
     ProductShippingWidth    = 0m;
     CustomProperties        = new CustomPropertyCollection();
     ShipFromAddress         = new Address();
     ShipFromMode            = ShippingMode.ShipFromSite;
     ShippingCharge          = ShippingChargeType.ChargeShippingAndHandling;
     ShipFromNotificationId  = string.Empty;
     ShipSeparately          = false;
     ExtraShipCharge         = 0;
     IsTaxExempt             = false;
     FreeShippingMethodIds   = new List <string>();
     RecurringBilling        = new RecurringBilling(this);
 protected override void CopyDataToModel(Data.EF.bvc_OrderPackage data, OrderPackage model)
     model.CustomProperties      = CustomPropertyCollection.FromXml(data.CustomProperties);
     model.Description           = data.Description;
     model.EstimatedShippingCost = data.EstimatedShippingCost;
     model.HasShipped            = data.HasShipped == 1;
     model.Height = data.Height;
     model.Id     = data.Id;
     model.LastUpdatedUtc              = data.LastUpdatedUtc;
     model.Length                      = data.Length;
     model.OrderId                     = data.OrderId;
     model.ShipDateUtc                 = data.ShipDateUtc;
     model.ShippingProviderId          = data.ShippingProviderId;
     model.ShippingProviderServiceCode = data.ShippingProviderServiceCode;
     model.SizeUnits                   = (LengthType)data.SizeUnits;
     model.StoreId                     = data.StoreId;
     model.TrackingNumber              = data.TrackingNumber;
     model.Weight                      = data.Weight;
     model.WeightUnits                 = (WeightType)data.WeightUnits;
     model.Width = data.Width;
 protected override void CopyDataToModel(hcc_Order data, Order model)
     model.AffiliateID = data.AffiliateId;
     model.bvin             = DataTypeHelper.GuidToBvin(data.bvin);
     model.CustomProperties = CustomPropertyCollection.FromXml(data.CustomProperties);
     model.FraudScore       = data.FraudScore;
     model.TotalHandling    = data.HandlingTotal;
     model.Id                      = data.Id;
     model.Instructions            = data.Instructions;
     model.IsPlaced                = data.IsPlaced == 1;
     model.LastUpdatedUtc          = data.LastUpdated;
     model.OrderDiscountDetails    = DiscountDetail.ListFromXml(data.OrderDiscountDetails);
     model.OrderNumber             = data.OrderNumber;
     model.PaymentStatus           = (OrderPaymentStatus)data.PaymentStatus;
     model.ShippingDiscountDetails = DiscountDetail.ListFromXml(data.ShippingDiscountDetails);
     model.ShippingMethodDisplayName   = data.ShippingMethodDisplayName;
     model.ShippingMethodId            = data.ShippingMethodId;
     model.ShippingProviderId          = data.ShippingProviderId;
     model.ShippingProviderServiceCode = data.ShippingProviderServiceCode;
     model.ShippingStatus = (OrderShippingStatus)data.ShippingStatus;
     model.TotalShippingBeforeDiscounts = data.ShippingTotal;
     model.TotalShippingAfterDiscounts  = data.AdjustedShippingTotal;
     model.StatusCode           = data.StatusCode;
     model.StatusName           = data.StatusName;
     model.StoreId              = data.StoreId;
     model.ItemsTax             = data.ItemsTax;
     model.ShippingTax          = data.ShippingTax;
     model.ShippingTaxRate      = data.ShippingTaxRate;
     model.TotalTax             = data.TaxTotal;
     model.ThirdPartyOrderId    = data.ThirdPartyOrderId;
     model.TimeOfOrderUtc       = data.TimeOfOrder;
     model.UserEmail            = data.UserEmail;
     model.UserID               = data.UserId;
     model.UserDeviceType       = (DeviceType)data.UserDeviceType;
     model.IsAbandonedEmailSent = data.IsAbandonedEmailSent;
     model.UsedCulture          = data.UsedCulture;
        public bool CustomPropertiesFromXml(string data)
            bool result = false;

                StringReader  tr = new StringReader(data);
                XmlSerializer xs = new XmlSerializer(CustomProperties.GetType());
                CustomProperties = (CustomPropertyCollection)xs.Deserialize(tr);
                if (CustomProperties != null)
                    result = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                CustomProperties = new CustomPropertyCollection();
                result           = false;
        /// <summary>
        /// The method can be called to clear all current property values from the vCard.  The version is left
        /// unchanged.
        /// </summary>
        public void ClearProperties()
            groupName = null;

            fn     = null;
            name   = null;
            title  = null;
            role   = null;
            mailer = null;
            url    = null;
            org    = null;
            uid    = null;
            bday   = null;
            rev    = null;
            tz     = null;
            geo    = null;
            key    = null;
            photo  = null;
            logo   = null;
            sound  = null;

            notes       = null;
            addrs       = null;
            labels      = null;
            phones      = null;
            email       = null;
            agents      = null;
            customProps = null;

            addProfile     = false;
            mimeName       = null;
            mimeSource     = null;
            prodId         = null;
            nickname       = null;
            sortString     = null;
            classification = null;
            categories     = null;
 public OrderPackage()
     Id                          = 0;
     StoreId                     = 0;
     LastUpdatedUtc              = DateTime.UtcNow;
     Items                       = new List <OrderPackageItem>();
     Description                 = string.Empty;
     OrderId                     = string.Empty;
     Width                       = 0m;
     Height                      = 0m;
     Length                      = 0m;
     SizeUnits                   = LengthType.Inches;
     Weight                      = 0m;
     WeightUnits                 = WeightType.Pounds;
     ShippingProviderId          = string.Empty;
     ShippingProviderServiceCode = string.Empty;
     ShippingMethodId            = string.Empty;
     TrackingNumber              = string.Empty;
     HasShipped                  = false;
     ShipDateUtc                 = DateTime.MinValue;
     EstimatedShippingCost       = 0m;
     CustomProperties            = new CustomPropertyCollection();
 public OrderPackage()
     this.Id                          = 0;
     this.StoreId                     = 0;
     this.LastUpdatedUtc              = DateTime.UtcNow;
     this.Items                       = new List <OrderPackageItem>();
     this.Description                 = string.Empty;
     this.OrderId                     = string.Empty;
     this.Width                       = 0m;
     this.Height                      = 0m;
     this.Length                      = 0m;
     this.SizeUnits                   = MerchantTribe.Shipping.LengthType.Inches;
     this.Weight                      = 0m;
     this.WeightUnits                 = MerchantTribe.Shipping.WeightType.Pounds;
     this.ShippingProviderId          = string.Empty;
     this.ShippingProviderServiceCode = string.Empty;
     this.ShippingMethodId            = string.Empty;
     this.TrackingNumber              = string.Empty;
     this.HasShipped                  = false;
     this.ShipDateUtc                 = DateTime.MinValue;
     this.EstimatedShippingCost       = 0m;
     this.CustomProperties            = new CustomPropertyCollection();
        /// <summary>
        /// The method can be called to clear all current property values from the event.  The version is left
        /// unchanged.
        /// </summary>
        public override void ClearProperties()
            classification = null;
            categories     = null;
            resources      = null;
            url            = null;
            uid            = null;
            geo            = null;
            lastMod        = null;
            dateCreated    = null;
            startDate      = null;
            endDate        = null;
            dateStamp      = null;
            summary        = null;
            desc           = null;
            location       = null;
            priority       = null;
            sequence       = null;
            transp         = null;
            rNum           = null;
            comment        = null;
            organizer      = null;
            recurId        = null;
            status         = null;
            duration       = null;

            contacts    = null;
            attendees   = null;
            relatedTo   = null;
            attachments = null;
            reqStats    = null;
            alarms      = null;

            customProps = null;

文件: VEvent.cs 项目: modulexcite/PDI
        /// <summary>
        /// The method can be called to clear all current property values from the event.  The version is left
        /// unchanged.
        /// </summary>
        public override void ClearProperties()
            classification = null;
            categories = null;
            resources = null;
            url = null;
            uid = null;
            geo = null;
            lastMod = null;
            dateCreated = null;
            startDate = null;
            endDate = null;
            dateStamp = null;
            summary = null;
            desc = null;
            location = null;
            priority = null;
            sequence = null;
            transp = null;
            rNum = null;
            comment = null;
            organizer = null;
            recurId = null;
            status = null;
            duration = null;

            contacts = null;
            attendees = null;
            relatedTo = null;
            attachments = null;
            reqStats = null;
            alarms = null;

            customProps = null;

文件: VCard.cs 项目: modulexcite/PDI
        /// <summary>
        /// The method can be called to clear all current property values from the vCard.  The version is left
        /// unchanged.
        /// </summary>
        public void ClearProperties()
            groupName = null;

            fn = null;
            name = null;
            title = null;
            role = null;
            mailer = null;
            url = null;
            org = null;
            uid = null;
            bday = null;
            rev = null;
            tz = null;
            geo = null;
            key = null;
            photo = null;
            logo = null;
            sound = null;

            notes = null;
            addrs = null;
            labels = null;
            phones = null;
            email = null;
            agents = null;
            customProps = null;

            addProfile = false;
            mimeName = null;
            mimeSource = null;
            prodId = null;
            nickname = null;
            sortString = null;
            classification = null;
            categories = null;
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the CustomProperties class.
 /// </summary>
 public CustomProperties()
     defaultProperty = null;
     properties      = new CustomPropertyCollection();
文件: VAlarm.cs 项目: modulexcite/PDI
        /// <summary>
        /// The method can be called to clear all current property values from the alarm.  The version is left
        /// unchanged.
        /// </summary>
        public override void ClearProperties()
            action = null;
            trigger = null;
            repeat = null;
            duration = null;
            summary = null;
            desc = null;

            attendees = null;
            attachments = null;
            customProps = null;
        /// <summary>
        /// The method can be called to clear all current property values from the time zone.  The version is
        /// left unchanged.
        /// </summary>
        public override void ClearProperties()
            if(timeZoneId != null)
                timeZoneId.TimeZoneIdChanged -= tzid_TimeZoneIdChanged;
                timeZoneId = null;

            timeZoneUrl = null;
            lastMod = null;

            rules = null;
            customProps = null;
        /// <summary>
        /// The method can be called to clear all current property values from the observance.  The version and
        /// rule type are left unchanged.
        /// </summary>
        public override void ClearProperties()
            startDate = null;
            offsetFrom = null;
            offsetTo = null;
            comment = null;

            rRules = null;
            rDates = null;
            tzNames = null;

            customProps = null;
文件: VNote.cs 项目: modulexcite/PDI
        /// <summary>
        /// The method can be called to clear all current property values from the vNote.  The version is left
        /// unchanged.
        /// </summary>
        public void ClearProperties()
            uid = null;
            summary = null;
            body = null;
            classification = null;
            categories = null;
            dateCreated = null;
            lastModified = null;

            customProps = null;
        /// <summary>
        /// The method can be called to clear all current property values in the calendar.  The version is left
        /// unchanged.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>Because time zone information is shared amongst all calendars, the <see cref="TimeZones"/>
        /// collection will not be cleared.  If you want it cleared, you must do it manually.</remarks>
        public override void ClearProperties()
            prodId = null;
            calScale = null;
            method = null;
            geo = null;
            tz = null;
            daylight = null;

            events = null;
            todos = null;
            journals = null;
            freebusy = null;

            customProps = null;
        public virtual CustomPropertyCollection GetProperties( XPathNavigator model, bool useCachedInformation = true )
            CustomPropertyCollection properties = new CustomPropertyCollection();

              foreach ( string productPropertyAlias in StoreService.Get( GetStoreId( model, useCachedInformation ) ).ProductSettings.ProductPropertyAliases ) {
            properties.Add( new CustomProperty( productPropertyAlias, GetPropertyValue( model, productPropertyAlias, useCachedInformation: useCachedInformation ) ) { IsReadOnly = true } );

              return properties;
        /// <summary>
        /// The method can be called to clear all current property values from the free/busy object.  The version
        /// is left unchanged.
        /// </summary>
        public override void ClearProperties()
            url = null;
            uid = null;
            startDate = null;
            endDate = null;
            timeStamp = null;
            comment = null;
            organizer = null;
            duration = null;
            contact = null;

            attendees = null;
            reqstats = null;
            freebusy = null;
            customProps = null;
        // Utility method to return custom report item properties from the collection
        private object LookupCustomProperty(CustomPropertyCollection customProperties, string name, object defaultValue)
            object customPropertyValue = defaultValue;

            if (customProperties == null || customProperties.Count == 0)
                return defaultValue;

            CustomProperty customProperty = customProperties[name];

            if (customProperty != null)
                // If the property exists check to see if it is an expression
                // if it is an expression return the evaluated instance
                // otherwise the definition value can be returned
                if (customProperty.Value.IsExpression)
                    customPropertyValue = customProperty.Instance.Value;
                    customPropertyValue = customProperty.Value.Value;

            return customPropertyValue;