/// <summary> /// Allows you to populate the current order package object using a OrderPackageDTO instance /// </summary> /// <param name="dto">An instance of the order package from the REST API</param> public void FromDto(OrderPackageDTO dto) { if (dto == null) { return; } if (dto.CustomProperties != null) { CustomProperties.Clear(); foreach (var prop in dto.CustomProperties) { var p = new CustomProperty(); p.FromDto(prop); CustomProperties.Add(p); } } Description = dto.Description ?? string.Empty; EstimatedShippingCost = dto.EstimatedShippingCost; HasShipped = dto.HasShipped; Height = dto.Height; Id = dto.Id; if (dto.Items != null) { Items.Clear(); foreach (var item in dto.Items) { var pak = new OrderPackageItem(); pak.FromDto(item); Items.Add(pak); } } LastUpdatedUtc = dto.LastUpdatedUtc; Length = dto.Length; OrderId = dto.OrderId ?? string.Empty; ShipDateUtc = dto.ShipDateUtc; ShippingMethodId = dto.ShippingMethodId ?? string.Empty; ShippingProviderId = dto.ShippingProviderId ?? string.Empty; ShippingProviderServiceCode = dto.ShippingProviderServiceCode ?? string.Empty; SizeUnits = (LengthType)(int)dto.SizeUnits; StoreId = dto.StoreId; TrackingNumber = dto.TrackingNumber ?? string.Empty; Weight = dto.Weight; WeightUnits = (WeightType)(int)dto.WeightUnits; Width = dto.Width; }
public void FromDto(OrderPackageDTO dto) { if (dto == null) { return; } if (dto.CustomProperties != null) { this.CustomProperties.Clear(); foreach (CustomPropertyDTO prop in dto.CustomProperties) { CustomProperty p = new CustomProperty(); p.FromDto(prop); this.CustomProperties.Add(p); } } this.Description = dto.Description ?? string.Empty; this.EstimatedShippingCost = dto.EstimatedShippingCost; this.HasShipped = dto.HasShipped; this.Height = dto.Height; this.Id = dto.Id; if (dto.Items != null) { this.Items.Clear(); foreach (OrderPackageItemDTO item in dto.Items) { OrderPackageItem pak = new OrderPackageItem(); pak.FromDto(item); this.Items.Add(pak); } } this.LastUpdatedUtc = dto.LastUpdatedUtc; this.Length = dto.Length; this.OrderId = dto.OrderId ?? string.Empty; this.ShipDateUtc = dto.ShipDateUtc; this.ShippingMethodId = dto.ShippingMethodId ?? string.Empty; this.ShippingProviderId = dto.ShippingProviderId ?? string.Empty; this.ShippingProviderServiceCode = dto.ShippingProviderServiceCode ?? string.Empty; this.SizeUnits = (MerchantTribe.Shipping.LengthType)((int)dto.SizeUnits); this.StoreId = dto.StoreId; this.TrackingNumber = dto.TrackingNumber ?? string.Empty; this.Weight = dto.Weight; this.WeightUnits = (MerchantTribe.Shipping.WeightType)((int)dto.WeightUnits); this.Width = dto.Width; }
public void FromDto(LineItemDTO dto) { if (dto == null) { return; } this.Id = dto.Id; this.StoreId = dto.StoreId; this.LastUpdatedUtc = dto.LastUpdatedUtc; this.BasePricePerItem = dto.BasePricePerItem; this.DiscountDetails.Clear(); if (dto.DiscountDetails != null) { foreach (DiscountDetailDTO detail in dto.DiscountDetails) { DiscountDetail d = new DiscountDetail(); d.FromDto(detail); this.DiscountDetails.Add(d); } } this.OrderBvin = dto.OrderBvin ?? string.Empty; this.ProductId = dto.ProductId ?? string.Empty; this.VariantId = dto.VariantId ?? string.Empty; this.ProductName = dto.ProductName ?? string.Empty; this.ProductSku = dto.ProductSku ?? string.Empty; this.ProductShortDescription = dto.ProductShortDescription ?? string.Empty; this.Quantity = dto.Quantity; this.QuantityReturned = dto.QuantityReturned; this.QuantityShipped = dto.QuantityShipped; this.ShippingPortion = dto.ShippingPortion; this.StatusCode = dto.StatusCode ?? string.Empty; this.StatusName = dto.StatusName ?? string.Empty; this.TaxPortion = dto.TaxPortion; this.SelectionData.Clear(); if (dto.SelectionData != null) { foreach (OptionSelectionDTO op in dto.SelectionData) { Catalog.OptionSelection o = new Catalog.OptionSelection(); o.FromDto(op); this.SelectionData.Add(o); } } this.ShippingSchedule = dto.ShippingSchedule; this.TaxSchedule = dto.TaxSchedule; this.ProductShippingHeight = dto.ProductShippingHeight; this.ProductShippingLength = dto.ProductShippingLength; this.ProductShippingWeight = dto.ProductShippingWeight; this.ProductShippingWidth = dto.ProductShippingWidth; this.CustomProperties.Clear(); if (dto.CustomProperties != null) { foreach (CustomPropertyDTO cpd in dto.CustomProperties) { CustomProperty prop = new CustomProperty(); prop.FromDto(cpd); this.CustomProperties.Add(prop); } } this.ShipFromAddress.FromDto(dto.ShipFromAddress); this.ShipFromMode = (Shipping.ShippingMode)((int)dto.ShipFromMode); this.ShipFromNotificationId = dto.ShipFromNotificationId ?? string.Empty; this.ShipSeparately = dto.ShipSeparately; this.ExtraShipCharge = dto.ExtraShipCharge; }
public void FromDto(OrderPackageDTO dto) { if (dto == null) return; if (dto.CustomProperties != null) { this.CustomProperties.Clear(); foreach (CustomPropertyDTO prop in dto.CustomProperties) { CustomProperty p = new CustomProperty(); p.FromDto(prop); this.CustomProperties.Add(p); } } this.Description = dto.Description ?? string.Empty; this.EstimatedShippingCost = dto.EstimatedShippingCost; this.HasShipped = dto.HasShipped; this.Height = dto.Height; this.Id = dto.Id; if (dto.Items != null) { this.Items.Clear(); foreach (OrderPackageItemDTO item in dto.Items) { OrderPackageItem pak = new OrderPackageItem(); pak.FromDto(item); this.Items.Add(pak); } } this.LastUpdatedUtc = dto.LastUpdatedUtc; this.Length = dto.Length; this.OrderId = dto.OrderId ?? string.Empty; this.ShipDateUtc = dto.ShipDateUtc; this.ShippingMethodId = dto.ShippingMethodId ?? string.Empty; this.ShippingProviderId = dto.ShippingProviderId ?? string.Empty; this.ShippingProviderServiceCode = dto.ShippingProviderServiceCode ?? string.Empty; this.SizeUnits = (MerchantTribe.Shipping.LengthType)((int)dto.SizeUnits); this.StoreId = dto.StoreId; this.TrackingNumber = dto.TrackingNumber ?? string.Empty; this.Weight = dto.Weight; this.WeightUnits = (MerchantTribe.Shipping.WeightType)((int)dto.WeightUnits); this.Width = dto.Width; }
/// <summary> /// Allows you to populate the current line item object using a LineItemDTO instance /// </summary> /// <param name="dto">An instance of the line item from the REST API</param> public void FromDto(LineItemDTO dto) { if (dto == null) { return; } Id = dto.Id; StoreId = dto.StoreId; LastUpdatedUtc = dto.LastUpdatedUtc; BasePricePerItem = dto.BasePricePerItem; LineTotal = dto.LineTotal; AdjustedPricePerItem = dto.AdjustedPricePerItem; IsUserSuppliedPrice = dto.IsUserSuppliedPrice; IsBundle = dto.IsBundle; IsGiftCard = dto.IsGiftCard; PromotionIds = dto.PromotionIds; FreeQuantity = dto.FreeQuantity; DiscountDetails.Clear(); if (dto.DiscountDetails != null) { foreach (var detail in dto.DiscountDetails) { var d = new DiscountDetail(); d.FromDto(detail); DiscountDetails.Add(d); } } OrderBvin = dto.OrderBvin ?? string.Empty; ProductId = dto.ProductId ?? string.Empty; VariantId = dto.VariantId ?? string.Empty; ProductName = dto.ProductName ?? string.Empty; ProductSku = dto.ProductSku ?? string.Empty; ProductShortDescription = dto.ProductShortDescription ?? string.Empty; Quantity = dto.Quantity; QuantityReturned = dto.QuantityReturned; QuantityShipped = dto.QuantityShipped; ShippingPortion = dto.ShippingPortion; TaxRate = dto.TaxRate; TaxPortion = dto.TaxPortion; StatusCode = dto.StatusCode ?? string.Empty; StatusName = dto.StatusName ?? string.Empty; SelectionData.Clear(); if (dto.SelectionData != null) { foreach (var op in dto.SelectionData) { var o = new OptionSelection(); o.FromDto(op); SelectionData.OptionSelectionList.Add(o); } } IsNonShipping = dto.IsNonShipping; TaxSchedule = dto.TaxSchedule; ProductShippingHeight = dto.ProductShippingHeight; ProductShippingLength = dto.ProductShippingLength; ProductShippingWeight = dto.ProductShippingWeight; ProductShippingWidth = dto.ProductShippingWidth; CustomProperties.Clear(); if (dto.CustomProperties != null) { foreach (var cpd in dto.CustomProperties) { var prop = new CustomProperty(); prop.FromDto(cpd); CustomProperties.Add(prop); } } ShipFromAddress.FromDto(dto.ShipFromAddress); ShipFromMode = (ShippingMode)(int)dto.ShipFromMode; ShipFromNotificationId = dto.ShipFromNotificationId ?? string.Empty; ShipSeparately = dto.ShipSeparately; ExtraShipCharge = dto.ExtraShipCharge; ShippingCharge = (ShippingChargeType)(int)dto.ShippingCharge; }
public void FromDTO(OrderDTO dto) { if (dto == null) return; this.AffiliateID = dto.AffiliateID ?? string.Empty; this.BillingAddress.FromDto(dto.BillingAddress); this.bvin = dto.Bvin ?? string.Empty; this.Coupons.Clear(); if (dto.Coupons != null) { foreach (OrderCouponDTO c in dto.Coupons) { OrderCoupon cp = new OrderCoupon(); cp.FromDto(c); this.Coupons.Add(cp); } } this.CustomProperties.Clear(); if (dto.CustomProperties != null) { foreach (CustomPropertyDTO prop in dto.CustomProperties) { CustomProperty p = new CustomProperty(); p.FromDto(prop); this.CustomProperties.Add(p); } } this.FraudScore = dto.FraudScore; this.Id = dto.Id; this.Instructions = dto.Instructions ?? string.Empty; this.IsPlaced = dto.IsPlaced; this.Items.Clear(); if (dto.Items != null) { foreach (LineItemDTO li in dto.Items) { LineItem l = new LineItem(); l.FromDto(li); this.Items.Add(l); } } this.LastUpdatedUtc = dto.LastUpdatedUtc; this.Notes.Clear(); if (dto.Notes != null) { foreach (OrderNoteDTO n in dto.Notes) { OrderNote nn = new OrderNote(); nn.FromDto(n); this.Notes.Add(nn); } } this.OrderDiscountDetails.Clear(); if (dto.OrderDiscountDetails != null) { foreach (DiscountDetailDTO d in dto.OrderDiscountDetails) { Marketing.DiscountDetail m = new Marketing.DiscountDetail(); m.FromDto(d); this.OrderDiscountDetails.Add(m); } } this.OrderNumber = dto.OrderNumber ?? string.Empty; this.Packages.Clear(); if (dto.Packages != null) { foreach (OrderPackageDTO pak in dto.Packages) { OrderPackage pak2 = new OrderPackage(); pak2.FromDto(pak); this.Packages.Add(pak2); } } this.PaymentStatus = (OrderPaymentStatus)((int)dto.PaymentStatus); this.ShippingAddress.FromDto(dto.ShippingAddress); this.ShippingDiscountDetails.Clear(); if (dto.ShippingDiscountDetails != null) { foreach (DiscountDetailDTO sd in dto.ShippingDiscountDetails) { Marketing.DiscountDetail sdd = new Marketing.DiscountDetail(); sdd.FromDto(sd); this.ShippingDiscountDetails.Add(sdd); } } this.ShippingMethodDisplayName = dto.ShippingMethodDisplayName ?? string.Empty; this.ShippingMethodId = dto.ShippingMethodId ?? string.Empty; this.ShippingProviderId = dto.ShippingProviderId ?? string.Empty; this.ShippingProviderServiceCode = dto.ShippingProviderServiceCode ?? string.Empty; this.ShippingStatus = (OrderShippingStatus)((int)dto.ShippingStatus); this.StatusCode = dto.StatusCode ?? string.Empty; this.StatusName = dto.StatusName ?? string.Empty; this.StoreId = dto.StoreId; this.ThirdPartyOrderId = dto.ThirdPartyOrderId ?? string.Empty; this.TimeOfOrderUtc = dto.TimeOfOrderUtc; this.TotalHandling = dto.TotalHandling; this.TotalShippingBeforeDiscounts = dto.TotalShippingBeforeDiscounts; this.TotalTax = dto.TotalTax; this.TotalTax2 = dto.TotalTax2; this.UserEmail = dto.UserEmail ?? string.Empty; this.UserID = dto.UserID ?? string.Empty; }