//LoadItems comes from Parent Class
        public override ObservableCollection <CustomDay> LoadItems()
                CustomMonth cm = MonthHelper.CreateMonth(DateTime.Now);
                ObservableCollection <CustomDay> dayList = new ObservableCollection <CustomDay>();

                foreach (var item in cm.Days)
        //Add a month to the current date and refresh the displayed calendar
        private void Next()
            SessionManager.CurrentDate = SessionManager.CurrentDate.AddMonths(1);
            CustomMonth cm = (customMonthList.Where(x => x.Month == SessionManager.CurrentDate.Month && x.Year == SessionManager.CurrentDate.Year).FirstOrDefault());

            if (cm == null)
                cm = MonthHelper.CreateMonth(SessionManager.CurrentDate);
            ObservableCollection <CustomDay> dayList = new ObservableCollection <CustomDay>();

            foreach (var item in cm.Days)
            Items = dayList;
            //RaisePropertyChanged is here to update the label along with the dates themselves

            dayList.Where(x => x.DayInMonth == 1).FirstOrDefault().SelectedEvent.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
        public static CustomMonth CreateMonth(DateTime d)
            const int maxcustomDays = 42;

            CustomMonth cm = new CustomMonth();

            cm.Year  = d.Year;
            cm.Month = d.Month;

            int allCreatedDays = 0;

            int dayInMonth;
            int month;
            int year;

            // Get Max day from the current month
            int maxDays = DicoMonthAndMaxDay.MonthMaxDay.Where(x => x.Key == d.Month).FirstOrDefault().Value;

            // Set maxDay to 29 if leap year and month is February
            if (DateTime.IsLeapYear(d.Year) && d.Month == 2)
                maxDays = 29;
            // Maximum number of days in the month before the month from datetime parameter.
            int maxDaysLastMonth;

            //Condition for january only to prevent nullreferenceExcepetion
            if (d.Month == 1)
                maxDaysLastMonth = DicoMonthAndMaxDay.MonthMaxDay.Where(x => x.Key == d.Month).FirstOrDefault().Value;
            //see maxdays above
                maxDaysLastMonth = DicoMonthAndMaxDay.MonthMaxDay.Where(x => x.Key == d.Month - 1).FirstOrDefault().Value;

                //Set maxDaysLastMonth to 29 if leap year and last month is February
                if (DateTime.IsLeapYear(d.Year) && d.Month == 3)
                    maxDaysLastMonth = 29;

            //cast to get the number from the enum DayOfweek see DayOfWeekSearch for more infos
            int dow = (int)DayOfWeekSearch(d);

            // if dow is sunday set it to 7 not 0 to prevent skipping the next loop
            if (dow == 0)
                dow = 7;
            // set dayofweek in the customday
            int count = 0;

            //Fill the first week of the customMonth with the last days from the last month(e.g. mon26, tue27, wed28...)
            //(Exemple March 2018)
            //Loop 1
            for (int i = dow; i > 1; i--)
                // +2 because we want the last itteration assign maxDaysLastMonth to cd.DayInMonth
                dayInMonth = maxDaysLastMonth - i + 2;
                // add cd.month to get the month in the view (ComboBox event Date)
                month = d.Month - 1;

                year = d.Year;

                if (month == 0)
                    month = 12;
                    year  = d.Year - 1;

                CustomDay cd = new CustomDay(dayInMonth, month, year);

                cd.DayInWeek = count + 1;

                // add customday in the right column



            //Represents the day of the real month (similar to "Day" in the DateTime class)
            int currentDay = 1;

            //Fill the customMonth starting where the "Loop 1" ended until the end of the real month (e.g. thu1, fri2... => fri30, sat31)
            //Loop 2
            for (int i = dow; i <= (maxDays + dow) - 1; i++)
                int resultDow = i % 7;

                if (resultDow == 0)
                    resultDow = 7;

                month = d.Month;

                year = d.Year;

                dayInMonth = currentDay;

                CustomDay cd = new CustomDay(dayInMonth, month, year);

                cd.DayInWeek = resultDow;




            //Reset count to assign dayInWeek to all remaining customsDays
            count = 1;

            //Fill the rest of the custom month (until 42 customDays created)
            //Loop 3
            for (int i = allCreatedDays; i < maxcustomDays; i++)
                int resultDow = allCreatedDays + 1 % 7;

                if (resultDow == 0)
                    resultDow = 7;

                year = d.Year;

                month = d.Month + 1;
                if (month == 13)
                    month = 1;
                    year  = d.Year + 1;

                dayInMonth = count;

                CustomDay cd = new CustomDay(dayInMonth, month, year);

                cd.DayInWeek = resultDow;




