public WrappedJsonResult EditAjax(tDeal dealData) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { ArrangeCityData(dealData); ArrangeImages(dealData); _dealRepository.InsertOrUpdate(dealData); return(new WrappedJsonResult { Data = new { objectAddedName = "", valid = true, Message = CustomMessages.SuccessMessage("tDeal Updated Succesfully") } }); } else { return(new WrappedJsonResult { Data = new { objectAddedName = "", valid = false, Message = CustomMessages.ErrorMessage("Fill All Fields please") } }); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> OnPostSave([FromBody] SavePlanCommand command) { try { List <SearchedPlan> dbResult = await Mediator.Send(command); if (dbResult.Any()) { int ModuleID = HttpContext.Session.GetInt32("ModuleID").Value; int ProcessID = HttpContext.Session.GetInt32("ProcessID").Value; await Mediator.Send(new SaveProcessTracksCommand() { ModuleId = ModuleID, ProcessId = ProcessID, RecordId = dbResult.FirstOrDefault().Id }); } return(new JsonResult(new UIResult() { Data = new { list = dbResult }, Status = UIStatus.Success, Text = "تشکیل موفقانه ثبت سیستم شد", Description = string.Empty })); } catch (Exception ex) { return(new JsonResult(CustomMessages.FabricateException(ex))); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> OnPostRemove([FromBody] DeletePositionCommand command) { try { List <SearchedPosition> theParentOfDeletedPosition = new List <SearchedPosition>(); theParentOfDeletedPosition = await Mediator.Send(command); return(new JsonResult(new UIResult() { Data = new { list = theParentOfDeletedPosition }, Status = UIStatus.Success, Text = "بست انتخاب شده موفقانه حذف گردید", Description = string.Empty })); } catch (Exception ex) { return(new JsonResult(new UIResult() { Data = new { }, Status = UIStatus.Failure, Text = CustomMessages.StateExceptionTitle(ex), Description = CustomMessages.DescribeException(ex) })); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> OnPostSave([FromBody] SaveOrgPositionCommand command) { try { List <SearchedOrgPositionModel> dbResult = new List <SearchedOrgPositionModel>(); dbResult = await Mediator.Send(command); return(new JsonResult(new UIResult() { Data = new { list = dbResult }, Status = UIStatus.Success, Text = "معلومات موفقانه ثبت سیستم شد", Description = string.Empty })); } catch (Exception ex) { return(new JsonResult(new UIResult() { Data = null, Status = UIStatus.Failure, Text = CustomMessages.StateExceptionTitle(ex), Description = CustomMessages.DescribeException(ex) })); } }
private void resetSubjectsToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (CustomMessages.YesNoReset(this)) { new SubjectController().DeleteAll(); } }
void Start() { //Links the gameObject for the label to the current object // to be able to easily show and hide it at runtime //label = transform.GetChild(0).FindChild("Canvas").gameObject; while (customMessages == null) { Debug.Log("CustomMessages was null"); customMessages = CustomMessages.Instance; } customMessages.MessageHandlers[CustomMessages.TestMessageID.ToggleHighLight] = this.ToggleMessageReceived; modelNameToTransform = new Dictionary <string, Transform>(); foreach (Transform child in this.transform) { try { string name =; Debug.Log("Adding child to dictionary: " + name); modelNameToTransform.Add(name, child); } catch (System.ArgumentException e) { Debug.Log("The child could not be added because the string was already used as a key for the dictionary"); } } }
public async Task <IActionResult> OnPostSave([FromBody] SavePersonAddressCommand command) { try { command.CreatedBy = 10; // UNTILL : applicatio nof identity command.CreatedOn = DateTime.Now; command.ModifiedBy = "Test"; command.ModifiedOn = DateTime.Now; List <SearchedPersonAdress> dbResult = new List <SearchedPersonAdress>(); dbResult = await Mediator.Send(command); return(new JsonResult(new UIResult() { Data = new { list = dbResult }, Status = UIStatus.Success, Text = "آدرس فرد موفقانه ثبت سیستم گردید", Description = string.Empty })); } catch (Exception ex) { return(new JsonResult(new UIResult() { Data = null, Status = UIStatus.Failure, Text = CustomMessages.StateExceptionTitle(ex), Description = CustomMessages.DescribeException(ex) })); } }
private void deleteLecturerToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!CustomMessages.YesNoDelete(this)) { return; } int index = LecturersGridView.CurrentCell.RowIndex, id = (int)LecturersGridView["Id", index].Value; //delete from database new LecturerController().Delete(new Lecturer() { Id = id, Name = LecturersGridView["Name", index].Value.ToString() }); //remove from datatable foreach (DataRow row in all_lecturers.Rows) { if (Convert.ToInt32(row["Id"]) == id) { all_lecturers.Rows.Remove(row); break; } } }
private void AcceptButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (New) //creating new subject { if (controller.Insert(subject) > 0) { InsertedSubjects.Add(subject); if (CustomMessages.YesNoNext(this, "subject")) { SetSubject(new Subject()); } else { Close(); } } } else //updating existed subject { if (controller.Update(subject)) { CustomMessages.Updated(this, "subject"); SetSubject(subject); } } }
private void AcceptButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (New) { if (controller.Insert(hall) > 0) { InsertedHalls.Add(hall); if (CustomMessages.YesNoNext(this, "lecture hall")) { SetHall(new LectureHall()); } else { Close(); } } } else { if (controller.Update(hall)) { CustomMessages.Updated(this, "lecture hall"); SetHall(hall); } } }
public async Task <ActionResult> Edit(ContactVM vm) { try { if (ModelState.IsValid) { bool IsSuccess = await _contactService.Update(vm); if (IsSuccess) { TempData["SuccessMessage"] = "Record Updated Successfully!!!"; CustomMessages msg = new CustomMessages(); msg.Message = "Record Updated Successfully!!!"; await _publisher.PublishMessage(msg); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } } } catch { ViewBag.ErrorMessage = "There was some error while updating the record."; } return(View(vm)); }
private void AcceptButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (New) { if (controller.Insert(lecturer) > 0) { InsertedLecturers.Add(lecturer); if (CustomMessages.YesNoNext(this, "lecturer")) { SetLecturer(new Lecturer()); } else { Close(); } } } else { if (controller.Update(lecturer)) { CustomMessages.Updated(this, "lecturer"); SetLecturer(lecturer); } } }
public JsonResult DeleteMultiple(int[] array) { if (array == null) { return(Json(new { valid = false, Message = CustomMessages.ErrorMessage("Please provide coupons to be deleted"), redirect = "none" })); } if (array.Length == 0) { return(Json(new { valid = false, Message = CustomMessages.ErrorMessage("Please provide coupons to be deleted"), redirect = "none" })); } int deleted = _couponRepository.Delete(array); if (deleted == 0) { return(Json(new { valid = false, Message = CustomMessages.ErrorMessage("Coupons couldn't be deleted"), redirect = "none" })); } return(Json(new { valid = true, Message = CustomMessages.SuccessMessage(array.Length + " coupons were deleted succesfully"), redirect = "/Coupon/AdminIndex" })); }
public async Task <IActionResult> OnPostSave([FromBody] SavePersonPublicationCommand command) { try { command.CreatedBy = 10; command.ModifiedBy = "Test"; command.CreatedOn = DateTime.Now; command.ModifiedOn = DateTime.Now; List <SearchedPersonPublication> result = new List <SearchedPersonPublication>(); result = await Mediator.Send(command); return(new JsonResult(new UIResult() { Data = new { list = result }, Status = UIStatus.Success, Text = "انتشار کارمند موفقانه ثبت سیستم شد", Description = string.Empty })); } catch (Exception ex) { return(new JsonResult(new UIResult() { Data = null, Status = UIStatus.Failure, Text = CustomMessages.StateExceptionTitle(ex), Description = CustomMessages.DescribeException(ex) })); } }
private void SelectionDeclineButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (New) //reset { //reset SetSelection(new SubjectSelection()); //reset all lecturers for (int i = 0; i < LecturersGridView.Rows.Count; ++i) { if (LecturersGridView["Select", i].Value != null && (bool)LecturersGridView["Select", i].Value) { LecturersGridView["Select", i].Value = false; } } checked_lecturers_id.Clear(); TimetableControl.ResetLectureTimes(); } else if (CustomMessages.YesNoDelete(this)) { Deleted = controller.Delete(selection); Close(); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> OnPostSave([FromBody] CreatePersonCommand command) { try { // Untill application of Identity command.ModifiedBy = "TEST USER"; command.CreatedBy = 10; command.CreatedOn = DateTime.Now; command.ModuleID = HttpContext.Session.GetInt32("ModuleID").Value; command.ProcessID = HttpContext.Session.GetInt32("ProcessID").Value; command.OrganizationId = await _currentUser.GetUserOrganizationID(); List <SearchedPersonModel> SaveResult = new List <SearchedPersonModel>(); SaveResult = await Mediator.Send(command); return(new JsonResult(new UIResult() { Data = new { list = SaveResult }, Status = UIStatus.Success, Text = "اطلاعات مستخدم موفقانه ثبت سیستم شد", Description = string.Empty })); } catch (Exception ex) { return(new JsonResult(CustomMessages.FabricateException(ex))); } }
private async Task PageHasCertificate(string url) { // if site has certificate than it will load by https:// url = url.Replace("http://", "https://"); try { if (WebRequest.Create(url) is HttpWebRequest request) { request.Method = "HEAD"; HttpWebResponse response = await request.GetResponseAsync() as HttpWebResponse; response?.Close(); } siteAddress.Text = url; pageHasCerificate = true; } catch (NullReferenceException exception) { CustomMessages.DisplayCustomErrorMsg("NullReferenceException", exception.Message); pageHasCerificate = false; } catch (Exception exception) { CustomMessages.DisplayCustomErrorMsg("UnrecognizedException", exception.Message); pageHasCerificate = false; } // TODO: Obsługa poszczególnych wyjątków, tak aby poinformować użytkownika nie tylko o tym, że nie udało się nawiązać połączenia, ale również czemu to się nie udało }
void Start() { customMessages = CustomMessages.Instance; stateAccessor = StateAccessor.Instance; if (customMessages != null) { customMessages.MessageHandlers[CustomMessages.TestMessageID.InitiateIsolateMessage] = InitiateIsolateMessageReceived; customMessages.MessageHandlers[CustomMessages.TestMessageID.TryToIsolateStructure] = TryToIsolateStructureMessageReceived; customMessages.MessageHandlers[CustomMessages.TestMessageID.TryToReturnIsolatedStructure] = TryToReturnIsolatedStructureMessageReceived; customMessages.MessageHandlers[CustomMessages.TestMessageID.ConcludeIsolate] = ConcludeIsolateMessageReceived; } structuresList = new List <Transform>(); foreach (GameObject current in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Structure")) { structuresList.Add(current.GetComponent <Transform>()); } isolatedStructures = new List <Transform>(); movingStructures = new List <MovingStructureWithDirection>(); CalculateDefaultAndFinalPositionsScalesAndRotations(); currentlyInIsolatedMode = false; //cortexBoxCollider = GameObject.Find(CORTEX_OBJECT_NAME).GetComponentInChildren<BoxCollider>(); brain = GameObject.Find(BRAIN_PARTS_GAMEOBJECT_NAME); ventricles = GameObject.Find(VENTRICLE_OBJECT_NAME); cortex = GameObject.Find(CORTEX_OBJECT_NAME); }
public JsonResult CreateAjax(tCoupon user, int Count) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { user.DateAdded = DateTime.Now; if (user.DateBegin < DateTime.Now) { return(Json(new { objectAddedName = user.Code, valid = false, Message = CustomMessages.ErrorMessage("Beginning date must be greater than now...") })); } if (user.DateEnd < DateTime.Now) { return(Json(new { objectAddedName = user.Code, valid = false, Message = CustomMessages.ErrorMessage("Expiration date must be greater than now...") })); } if (user.DateEnd <= user.DateBegin) { return(Json(new { objectAddedName = user.Code, valid = false, Message = CustomMessages.ErrorMessage("Expiration date must follow Beginning Date") })); } if (Count <= 0) { return(Json(new { objectAddedName = user.Code, valid = false, Message = CustomMessages.ErrorMessage("Count Must be greater than 0") })); } if (Count > 200) { return(Json(new { objectAddedName = user.Code, valid = false, Message = CustomMessages.ErrorMessage("Count must be less than 200") })); } List <tCoupon> res = CreateCouponsMultiple(user, Count); _couponRepository.Insert(res); return(Json(new { objectAddedName = user.Code, valid = true, Message = CustomMessages.SuccessMessage("Coupons were added Succesfully") })); } return(Json(new { objectAddedName = "", valid = false, Message = CustomMessages.ErrorMessage("Fill All Fields please") })); }
void Start() { customMessages = CustomMessages.Instance; customMessages.MessageHandlers[CustomMessages.TestMessageID.HeadTransform] = this.UpdateHeadTransform; customMessages.MessageHandlers[CustomMessages.TestMessageID.UserAvatar] = this.UpdateUserAvatar; customMessages.MessageHandlers[CustomMessages.TestMessageID.UserHit] = this.ProcessUserHit; }
void Start() { customMessages = CustomMessages.Instance; customMessages.MessageHandlers[CustomMessages.TestMessageID.HeadTransform] = this.UpdateHeadTransform; SharingSessionTracker.Instance.SessionJoined += Instance_SessionJoined; SharingSessionTracker.Instance.SessionLeft += Instance_SessionLeft; }
public WrappedJsonResult CreateAjax(tDeal dealData) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { ArrangeCityData(dealData); ArrangeImages(dealData); dealData.DateAdded = DateTime.Now; if (dealData.DateStarting < DateTime.Now) { return new WrappedJsonResult { Data = new { objectAddedName = dealData.DealTitle, valid = false, Message = CustomMessages.ErrorMessage("DateStarting must be greater than now...") } } } ; if (dealData.DateEnding < DateTime.Now) { return new WrappedJsonResult { Data = new { objectAddedName = dealData.DealTitle, valid = false, Message = CustomMessages.ErrorMessage("DateEnding must be greater than now...") } } } ; if (dealData.DateEnding <= dealData.DateStarting) { return new WrappedJsonResult { Data = new { objectAddedName = dealData.DealTitle, valid = false, Message = CustomMessages.ErrorMessage("DateEnding must follow Beginning Date") } } } ; _dealRepository.InsertOrUpdate(dealData); return(new WrappedJsonResult { Data = new { objectAddedName = dealData.DealTitle, valid = true, Message = CustomMessages.SuccessMessage("Deal was added Succesfully") } }); } return(new WrappedJsonResult { Data = new { objectAddedName = "", valid = false, Message = CustomMessages.ErrorMessage("Fill All Fields please") } }); }
static void SubscriberActionMethod(CustomMessages msg) { var Clients = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext <ContactHub>().Clients; Clients.All.broadcastMessage(msg.Message); //ContactHub hub = new ContactHub(); //hub.GenerateNotification(msg); }
private async Task AskChoice(IDialogContext context, string name) { _profile.Name = name; context.UserData.SetValue("profile", _profile); string[] options = { Constants.ConstantStrings.YesGoToMuse, Constants.ConstantStrings.AlreadyWentThere }; CustomMessages cm = WebApiApplication.BotStrings["welcome.message"]; cm.text = String.Format(cm.text, _profile.Name); await context.PostAsync(cm.getActivityFromMessage(context)); }
void Start() { customMessages = CustomMessages.Instance; customMessages.MessageHandlers[CustomMessages.GameMessageID.UserHeadTransform] = this.UpdateHeadTransform; customMessages.MessageHandlers[CustomMessages.GameMessageID.UserAvatar] = this.UpdateUserAvatar; customMessages.MessageHandlers[CustomMessages.GameMessageID.UserHealthUpdated] = this.ProcessUserHit; SharingSessionTracker.Instance.SessionJoined += Instance_SessionJoined; SharingSessionTracker.Instance.SessionLeft += Instance_SessionLeft; }
private void OkayButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { preferred_times = TimetableControl.GetLectureTimes(TimetableControl.IsPreferredCell); denied_times = TimetableControl.GetLectureTimes(TimetableControl.IsDeniedCell); if (preferred_times.Count > 0 || denied_times.Count > 0) { CustomMessages.OptionsSaved(this); } Hide(); }
private void DeclineButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (New) { NameTextbox.Text = ""; } else if (CustomMessages.YesNoDelete(this)) { Deleted = controller.Delete(lecturer); Close(); } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { customMessages = CustomMessages.Instance; // Assign the ToggleZoomMessageReceived() function to be a message handler for ToggleZoom messages // MessageHandlers is a dictionary with TestMessageID's as keys and MessageCalback's as values customMessages.MessageHandlers[CustomMessages.TestMessageID.scaleChange] = this.ToggleZoomMessageReceived; brain = GameObject.Find("BrainParts"); defaultScale = brain.transform.localScale; currentZoom = Scale.Default; soundFX = gameObject.GetComponent <AudioSource>(); }
private void GenerateButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (checked_subjects_id.Count == 0) { CustomMessages.SelectFail(this); return; } manipulator.AllSelections = new SubjectSelectionController().GetAll(); manipulator.Halls_Height_Preference = floorsHeightPreferenceToolStripMenuItem.Checked; manipulator.Preferred_Lecturers.Clear(); manipulator.Denied_Lecturers.Clear(); foreach (int id in lecturers_option_form.preferred_lecturers_id) { manipulator.Preferred_Lecturers.Add(lecturer_controller.Get(id)); } foreach (int id in lecturers_option_form.denied_lecturers_id) { manipulator.Denied_Lecturers.Add(lecturer_controller.Get(id)); } if (times_option_form.preferred_times != null) { manipulator.Preferred_Lecture_Times = times_option_form.preferred_times; } if (times_option_form.denied_times != null) { manipulator.Denied_Lecture_Times = times_option_form.denied_times; } manipulator.Selected_Subjects.Clear(); foreach (int id in checked_subjects_id) { manipulator.Selected_Subjects.Add(subject_controller.Get(id)); } optimized_selections = manipulator.GetOptimizedSelections(); if (optimized_selections.Count == 0 || optimized_selections[0].Count == 0) { CustomMessages.NoSelectionAvailable(this); } else { CurrentSelection = 0; } }
private void UpdateButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (SelectionsGridView.Rows.Count == 0) { CustomMessages.ChooseBeforeCarryOn(this, "a selection"); return; } int index = SelectionsGridView.CurrentCell.RowIndex, id = Int32.Parse(SelectionsGridView["Id", index].Value.ToString()); SelectionFormPopup(controller.Get(id)); }