private void cell_MenuItemClicked(object sender, CustomMenuItemClickedEventArgs e)
            // e.EventKey: 0 = Select All, 1 = Clear All
            var shouldCheck = e.EventKey == 0;

            foreach (var row in e.Column.DataGridView.Rows.Cast <DataGridViewRow>().Where(row => !row.IsNewRow))
                row.Cells[e.Column.Index].Value = shouldCheck;
                CheckCorrespondingCell(row.Index, e.Column.Index, e.Column.DataGridView);
        private void cell_MenuItemClicked(object sender, CustomMenuItemClickedEventArgs e)
            var grid = e.Column.DataGridView;
            // e.EventKey: 0 = Select All, 1 = Clear All
            var shouldCheck  = e.EventKey == 0;
            var rowsToChange = grid.Rows.Cast <DataGridViewRow>().Where(row => !row.IsNewRow && row.Visible &&
                                                                        (bool)row.Cells[e.Column.Index].Value != shouldCheck).ToList();

            if (shouldCheck && m_project.IsLiveParatextProject)

                var booksToChange          = new HashSet <string>(rowsToChange.Select(r => (string)r.Cells[m_colNTBookCode.Index].Value));
                var booksWithFailingChecks = m_paratextScrTextWrapper.FailedChecksBooks.Where(b => booksToChange.Contains(b)).ToList();
                if (booksWithFailingChecks.Any())
                    var msg = Format(LocalizationManager.GetString("DialogBoxes.ScriptureRangeSelectionDlg.ExcludedParatextBookExplanation",
                                                                   "{0} is not reporting a current successful status for the following books for all the basic checks that {1} usually requires to pass:"******"\r\n{2}\r\n\r\n" +
                                                                   "Although you can ignore this warning and proceed to include these books, {1} might fail to process the data " +
                                                                   "properly, which could give the appearance of data loss or corruption and could even cause {1} to stop responding. " +
                                                                   "Therefore, you should get these checks to pass in {0} project {3} before including them:\r\n" +
                                                                   "   {4}\r\n\r\n" +
                                                                   "Do you want {1} to select all the {5} books to include them in the {6} project script anyway?",
                                                                   "Param 0: \"Paratext\" (product name); " +
                                                                   "Param 1: \"Glyssen\" (product name); " +
                                                                   "Param 2: list of 3-letter codes of Scripture books that did not pass basic checks; " +
                                                                   "Param 3: Paratext project short name (unique project identifier); " +
                                                                   "Param 4: List of names of Paratext checks; " +
                                                                   "Param 5: \"Old Testament\" or \"New Testament\" (as localized); " +
                                                                   "Param 6: Glyssen recording project name"),
                                     Join(LocalizationManager.GetString("Common.SimpleListSeparator", ", "), booksWithFailingChecks),
                                     grid == m_otBooksGrid ? BookSetUtils.OldTestamentLocalizedString : BookSetUtils.NewTestamentLocalizedString,
                    if (DialogResult.No == MessageBox.Show(this, msg, GlyssenInfo.kProduct, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo,
                                                           MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2))
            foreach (var row in rowsToChange)
                row.Cells[e.Column.Index].Value = shouldCheck;
                if (e.Column.Index == m_includeInScriptColumnIndex)
                    SetCorrespondingMultivoiceCell(row.Index, e.Column.Index, grid);