private void ShowCustomForm() { CustomForm customForm = new CustomForm(parent, food); customForm.ShowDialog(); }
// To start playing video and etc when form being maximized protected override void OnStart(CustomForm Sender) { }
public void Save(CustomForm entity) { Context.CustomForms.Add(entity); }
public CustomFormDialog(uint formId, BedrockFormManager parent, CustomForm form, InputManager inputManager) : base(formId, parent, inputManager) { Container.AddChild(new GuiTextElement() { Anchor = Alignment.TopCenter, Text = form.Title, FontStyle = FontStyle.Bold, Scale = 2f, TextColor = TextColor.White }); Form = form; GuiScrollableStackContainer stackContainer = new GuiScrollableStackContainer(); stackContainer.Orientation = Orientation.Vertical; stackContainer.Anchor = Alignment.Fill; stackContainer.ChildAnchor = Alignment.MiddleFill; var margin = new Thickness(5, 5); foreach (var element in form.Content) { switch (element) { case Label label: { stackContainer.AddChild(new GuiTextElement() { Text = label.Text, Margin = margin }); } break; case Input input: { GuiTextInput guiInput = new GuiTextInput() { Value = input.Value, PlaceHolder = input.Placeholder, Margin = margin }; guiInput.ValueChanged += (sender, s) => { input.Value = s; }; stackContainer.AddChild(guiInput); } break; case Toggle toggle: { GuiToggleButton guiToggle; stackContainer.AddChild(guiToggle = new GuiToggleButton(toggle.Text) { Margin = margin, Value = !toggle.Value }); guiToggle.DisplayFormat = new ValueFormatter <bool>((val) => { return($"{toggle.Text}: {val.ToString()}"); }); guiToggle.Value = toggle.Value; guiToggle.ValueChanged += (sender, b) => { toggle.Value = b; }; } break; case Slider slider: { GuiSlider guiSlider; stackContainer.AddChild(guiSlider = new GuiSlider() { Label = { Text = slider.Text }, Value = slider.Value, MaxValue = slider.Max, MinValue = slider.Min, StepInterval = slider.Step, Margin = margin }); guiSlider.ValueChanged += (sender, d) => { slider.Value = (float)d; }; } break; case StepSlider stepSlider: { stackContainer.AddChild(new GuiTextElement() { Text = "Unsupported stepslider", TextColor = TextColor.Red, Margin = margin }); } break; case Dropdown dropdown: { stackContainer.AddChild(new GuiTextElement() { Text = "Unsupported dropdown", TextColor = TextColor.Red, Margin = margin }); } break; } } SubmitButton = new GuiButton("Submit", SubmitPressed); stackContainer.AddChild(SubmitButton); Container.AddChild(stackContainer); }
// For overriding in forms to Stop something such as playing or etc protected virtual void OnStop(CustomForm Sender) { }
public CustomFormBuilder(CustomForm customForm) : base(customForm.FormConfig, customForm.KeyField) { _customForm = customForm; }
private async Task <IAdminResult> ExecuteCustomFormSubmitAction <TModel>(TModel entityObject, CustomForm customForm) where TModel : class { var formActionDelegate = customForm.SubmitActionExpression.Compile(); var result = await(dynamic) formActionDelegate.DynamicInvoke(_serviceProvider, entityObject) as IAdminResult; return(result); }
public void Setup() { _tenant = new AppTenant("Treeze", "localhost:43500", null, null); _customForm = new CustomForm("Novo formulário", _tenant.Id); }
// To start playing video and etc when form being maximized protected override void OnStart(CustomForm Sender) { axWindowsMediaPlayer1.URL = @"C:\Users\ok\Downloads\ok.mp4"; }
public String saveEmployee(FormCollection formData, HttpPostedFileBase file) { bool access = false; String dataPermissions = Session["Permissions"].ToString(); String dataPermissionsClient = Session["PermissionsClient"].ToString(); bool accessClient = false; access = validatepermissions.getpermissions("employee", "u", dataPermissions); accessClient = validatepermissions.getpermissions("employee", "u", dataPermissionsClient); //if (access == true && accessClient == true) if (true) { if (this.Request.IsAjaxRequest()) { formData = CustomForm.unserialize(formData); //use the method serialize to parse the string into an array String employeeID = (formData["employeeID"] == "null") ? null : formData["employeeID"]; //check insert new or update existing String EmployeeName = ""; JObject employee = new JObject(); //get employee if update if (employeeID != null) { String employeestring = employeetable.GetRow(employeeID); employee = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JObject>(employeestring); } /*check when update , employee exist or not*/ if (employeeID != null && (employee == null)) { return("{\"msg\":\"El id especificado no existe\", \"status\":\"error\"}"); } /*The selected emoloyee Id is already in use and is not the employee who has it*/ if (employeeExists(formData["employee"]) == "true" && (employeeID == null || employeetable.get("employee", formData["employee"])[0].GetElement("_id").Value.ToString() != employeeID)) { return("{\"msg\":\"El empleado ya está siendo utilizado\", \"status\":\"error\"}"); } //due that the Employee's id is unique we use it has the image's name, so we store only the extension in the db string ext = null; if (file != null) { ext = file.FileName.Split('.').Last(); //getting the extension } else if (employeeID != null) { try { ext = employee["imgext"].ToString(); } catch (Exception e) { } } //JArray listp = new JArray(); /* Format validations */ if (!Regex.IsMatch(formData["name"], "[A-ZÁÉÍÓÚÑa-záéíóúñ]+( [A-ZÁÉÍÓÚÑa-záéíóúñ]+){0,2}")) { return("{\"msg\":\"Formato incorrecto para: name\", \"status\":\"error\"}"); } else if (!Regex.IsMatch(formData["lastname"], "[A-ZÁÉÍÓÚÑa-záéíóúñ]+( [A-ZÁÉÍÓÚÑa-záéíóúñ]+){0,1}")) { return("{\"msg\":\"Formato incorrecto para: Apellido Paterno\", \"status\":\"error\"}"); } else if (!Regex.IsMatch(formData["motherlastname"], "[A-ZÁÉÍÓÚÑa-záéíóúñ]+( [A-ZÁÉÍÓÚÑa-záéíóúñ]+){0,1}")) { return("{\"msg\":\"Formato incorrecto para: Apellido Materno\", \"status\":\"error\"}"); } else if (!Regex.IsMatch(formData["employee"], "([a-zA-Z0-9-_.]){4,}")) { return("{\"msg\":\"Formato incorrecto para: ID Empleado\", \"status\":\"error\"}"); } ///check selected profile id exist or not /// else if (formData["profileId"] == "null") { return("{\"msg\":\"Elija El perfil\", \"status\":\"error\"}"); } else if (employeeprofileTable.getRow(formData["profileId"]) == null) { return("{\"msg\":\"El perfil especificado no existe\", \"status\":\"error\"}"); } else if (formData["type"] == "null") { return("{\"msg\":\"Elija El Tipo de Empleado\", \"status\":\"error\"}"); } else if (formData["area"] == "null") { return("{\"msg\":\"Elija El Área\", \"status\":\"error\"}"); } else { EmployeeName = formData["employee"]; } /* Format validations */ //Change name representation formData["name"] = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(formData["name"].ToString().ToLower().Trim()); formData["lastname"] = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(formData["lastname"].ToString().ToLower().Trim()); //there are fields that we know that exists so we set them into the json String jsonData = "{'employee':'" + formData["employee"] + "','name':'" + formData["name"].Replace("+", " ") + "','imgext':'" + ext + "','lastname':'" + formData["lastname"].Replace("+", " ") + "','motherlastname':'" + formData["motherlastname"].Replace("+", " ") + "','type':'" + formData["type"] + "','profileId':'" + formData["profileId"] + "','area':'" + formData["area"]; try //trying to set the creator's id { jsonData += "','creatorId':'"; jsonData += this.Session["_id"]; jsonData += "'"; } catch (Exception e) { /*Ignored*/ } //remove the setted data in the json from the formData formData.Remove("employeeID"); formData.Remove("employee"); formData.Remove("name"); formData.Remove("lastname"); formData.Remove("motherlastname"); formData.Remove("type"); formData.Remove("profileId"); formData.Remove("area"); jsonData += ", 'profileFields':{"; //foreach element in the formData, let's append it to the jsonData in the profileFields int cont = 0; foreach (String key in formData.Keys) { jsonData += "'" + key + "':'" + formData[key] + "'"; cont++; if (cont < formData.Keys.Count) { jsonData += ", "; } } jsonData += "}}"; //now that we have the json and we know the data is ok, let's save it string id = employeetable.saveRow(jsonData, employeeID); //Notify this action if (employeeID == null) { Notificate.saveNotification("Employees", "Create", "El empleado '" + EmployeeName + "' ha sido creado"); _logTable.SaveLog(Session["_id"].ToString(), "empleados", "Insert: " + EmployeeName, "Employee", DateTime.Now.ToString()); } else { Notificate.saveNotification("Employees", "Update", "El empleado '" + EmployeeName + "' ha sido modificado"); _logTable.SaveLog(Session["_id"].ToString(), "empleados", "Update: " + EmployeeName, "Employee", DateTime.Now.ToString()); } //TODO:Aqui se guarda la imagen if (file != null) { string relativepath = "\\Uploads\\Images\\"; string absolutepath = Server.MapPath(relativepath); if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(absolutepath)) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(absolutepath); } file.SaveAs(absolutepath + "\\" + id + "." + ext); Images resizeImage = new Images(absolutepath + "\\" + id + "." + ext, absolutepath, id + "." + ext); // If image bigger than 1MB, resize to 1024px max if (file.ContentLength > 1024 * 1024) { resizeImage.resizeImage(new System.Drawing.Size(1024, 1024)); } // Create the thumbnail of the image resizeImage.createThumb(); } return("{\"msg\":\"" + id + "\", \"status\":\"success\"}"); //returns the saved user's id } return(null); } else { return(null); } }
// To stop playing video and etc when form being minimized protected override void OnStop(CustomForm Sender) { axWindowsMediaPlayer1.URL = @""; }
private void ExecutePayVisa(Player player, SimpleForm form) { CustomForm customForm = new CustomForm(); customForm.Title = "Secure Payment Info - VISA"; customForm.ExecuteAction = ExecuteReviewOrder; customForm.Content = new List <CustomElement>() { new Label { Text = "Safe money transfer using your VISA card" }, new Input { Text = "", Placeholder = "Name - as it appears on card", Value = "John Doe" }, new Input { Text = "", Placeholder = "Credit card number", Value = "4242424242424242" }, new Dropdown { Text = "Expiration date (month)", Options = new List <string>() { "01 - January", "02 - February", "03 - March" }, Value = 0 }, new Dropdown { Text = "Expiration date (year)", Options = new List <string>() { "2017", "2018", "2019" }, Value = 2 }, new Input { Text = "", Placeholder = "Security code (3 on back)", Value = "111" }, new Toggle { Text = "Save payment info (safe)", Value = true }, new Label { Text = "§lWhat happens now?§r\nThis is step 1 of 2. After submitting payment information you will be able to review your order.\nWe will not bill you until confirm the order on next page (step 2)." }, }; player.SendForm(customForm); }
protected override void OnStop(CustomForm Sender) { ppPresentation.Close(); //opApp.Quit(); Process.Start("cmd", "/c taskkill /im POWERPNT.EXE"); }
public CustomControlCollection(VlufiForm pOwner) : base(pOwner) { Owner = pOwner; }
private void btnCustom_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { CustomForm form = new CustomForm(this); form.ShowDialog(); }
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { CustomForm form = new CustomForm(); form.ShowDialog(); }
/// <summary> /// 显示自定义窗体 /// </summary> /// <param name="control">显示的视图</param> /// <returns>返回窗口</returns> public static CustomForm ShowForm(UserControl control) { CustomForm newForm = new CustomForm(control, true, null); return(newForm); }
public CustomFormDialog(uint formId, BedrockFormManager parent, CustomForm form, InputManager inputManager) : base(formId, parent, inputManager) { Form = form; GuiScrollableStackContainer stackContainer = new GuiScrollableStackContainer(); stackContainer.Orientation = Orientation.Vertical; stackContainer.Anchor = Alignment.Fill; stackContainer.ChildAnchor = Alignment.MiddleFill; stackContainer.Background = Color.Black * 0.35f; var margin = new Thickness(5, 5); foreach (var element in form.Content) { switch (element) { case Label label: { stackContainer.AddChild(new GuiTextElement() { Text = label.Text, Margin = margin }); } break; case Input input: { GuiTextInput guiInput = new GuiTextInput() { Value = input.Value, PlaceHolder = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(input.Placeholder) ? input.Placeholder : input.Text, Margin = margin }; guiInput.ValueChanged += (sender, s) => { input.Value = s; }; stackContainer.AddChild(guiInput); } break; case Toggle toggle: { GuiToggleButton guiToggle; stackContainer.AddChild(guiToggle = new GuiToggleButton(toggle.Text) { Margin = margin, Value = !toggle.Value }); guiToggle.DisplayFormat = new ValueFormatter <bool>((val) => { return($"{toggle.Text}: {val.ToString()}"); }); guiToggle.Value = toggle.Value; guiToggle.ValueChanged += (sender, b) => { toggle.Value = b; }; } break; case Slider slider: { GuiSlider guiSlider; stackContainer.AddChild(guiSlider = new GuiSlider() { Label = { Text = slider.Text }, Value = slider.Value, MaxValue = slider.Max, MinValue = slider.Min, StepInterval = slider.Step, Margin = margin }); guiSlider.ValueChanged += (sender, d) => { slider.Value = (float)d; }; } break; case StepSlider stepSlider: { stackContainer.AddChild(new GuiTextElement() { Text = "Unsupported stepslider", TextColor = TextColor.Red, Margin = margin }); } break; case Dropdown dropdown: { stackContainer.AddChild(new GuiTextElement() { Text = "Unsupported dropdown", TextColor = TextColor.Red, Margin = margin }); } break; } } SubmitButton = new GuiButton("Submit", SubmitPressed); stackContainer.AddChild(SubmitButton); Background = Color.Transparent; var width = 356; var height = width; ContentContainer.Width = ContentContainer.MinWidth = ContentContainer.MaxWidth = width; ContentContainer.Height = ContentContainer.MinHeight = ContentContainer.MaxHeight = height; SetFixedSize(width, height); ContentContainer.AutoSizeMode = AutoSizeMode.None; Container.Anchor = Alignment.MiddleCenter; var bodyWrapper = new GuiContainer(); bodyWrapper.Anchor = Alignment.Fill; bodyWrapper.Padding = new Thickness(5, 0); bodyWrapper.AddChild(stackContainer); Container.AddChild(bodyWrapper); Container.AddChild(Header = new GuiStackContainer() { Anchor = Alignment.TopFill, ChildAnchor = Alignment.BottomCenter, Height = 32, Padding = new Thickness(3), Background = Color.Black * 0.5f }); Header.AddChild(new GuiTextElement() { Text = FixContrast(form.Title), TextColor = TextColor.White, Scale = 2f, FontStyle = FontStyle.DropShadow, Anchor = Alignment.BottomCenter, }); stackContainer.Margin = new Thickness(0, Header.Height, 0, 0); }
private static void Main() { Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); try { // may throw exception if its doesn' find a database voteAppEntities entities = DbUtils.AppEntities; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("NOT CONNECTED TO A DATABASE!", "MISSING DATA", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); Trace.WriteLine(ex.Message); return; } bool isLicensed = RegistryUtils.IsLicensed(); if (!isLicensed) { // check if app is already activated through windows registry using (LicenseForm enterLicense = new LicenseForm()) { //enterLicense.ShowDialog(); Application.Run(enterLicense); isLicensed = enterLicense.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK; } } // invalid license if (!isLicensed) { return; } // if there is at least one user (superadmin) show the login form if (DbUtils.AppEntities.Users.Any(user => user.Type == TypeUser.SuperAdmin) == false) { CreateAdminConfigurations configs = new CreateAdminConfigurations { Title = "Create super admin!", TypeUser = TypeUser.SuperAdmin }; bool showLoginForm = false; //User loginUser = null; using (CreateAdminForm formCreateSuperAdmin = new CreateAdminForm(configs)) { if (formCreateSuperAdmin.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { showLoginForm = formCreateSuperAdmin.User != null; } } if (showLoginForm) { using (CustomForm customForm = new CustomForm()) { customForm.ShowDialog(); } } } Application.Run(new LoginForm()); }
public void Start() { Console.WriteLine("Checking for update."); if (_client == null) { _client = new WebClient(); } _client.Proxy = null; Checking = true; try { #if BETA CustomForm form = new CustomForm() { Text = "Check for updates", StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen, ControlBox = false, Sizable = false, Icon = Icon.ExtractAssociatedIcon(Application.ExecutablePath), Size = new Size(350, 150), TopMost = true }; Label label = new Label() { Font = new Font("Segoe UI", 20, FontStyle.Regular), ForeColor = Color.White, Text = "Checking...", AutoSize = true, }; label.Location = new Point(form.Width / 2 - label.Width / 2 - 25, form.Height / 2 - label.Height / 2); label.Parent = form; form.Show(); Version checkedVersion = new Version(_client.DownloadString(new Uri(""))); if (checkedVersion > MainCore.MapVersion) { form.Close(); form = new CustomForm() { Text = "New updates available!", StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen, ControlBox = false, Sizable = false, Icon = Icon.ExtractAssociatedIcon(Application.ExecutablePath), Size = new Size(350, 150), TopMost = true }; label = new Label() { Font = new Font("Segoe UI", 20, FontStyle.Regular), ForeColor = Color.White, Text = "Updating...", AutoSize = true, }; label.Location = new Point(form.Width / 2 - label.Width / 2 - 25, form.Height / 2 - label.Height / 2); label.Parent = form; Task.Run(() => { string path = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), ""); if (File.Exists(path)) { File.Delete(path); } _client.DownloadFile("", path); string pathtoextract = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "map-beta"); if (Directory.Exists(pathtoextract)) { Directory.Delete(pathtoextract, true); } ZipFile.ExtractToDirectory(path, pathtoextract); Process p = new Process { StartInfo = { FileName = Path.Combine(pathtoextract, "EnhancedMap.exe"), UseShellExecute = false, Arguments = $"--source \"{Application.ExecutablePath}\" --pid {Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id} --action update" } }; p.Start(); Process.GetCurrentProcess().Kill(); }); form.ShowDialog(); } if (form != null && !form.Disposing) { form.Close(); } #else _client.DownloadStringCompleted += m_Client_DownloadStringCompleted; _client.DownloadStringAsync(new Uri("")); #endif } catch (WebException webEx) { Checking = false; MessageBox.Show("Failed to comunicate with server", "Error"); } catch (Exception ex) { Checking = false; MessageBox.Show("Failed to download new version.", "Error"); } }
// To stop playing video and etc when form being minimized protected override void OnStop(CustomForm Sender) { axWindowsMediaPlayer1.Ctlcontrols.pause(); }
public ICommandResult Handle(CreateCustomFormRequest command) { if (!command.IsValid()) { return(new CommandResult(false, "Request inválida", command)); } var customForm = new CustomForm(command.Name, _tenant.Id); AddNotifications(customForm.Notifications); if (command.Fields != null) { foreach (var fieldCommand in command.Fields) { var customField = new CustomField(fieldCommand.Name, fieldCommand?.Description, fieldCommand.Type, customForm.Id, fieldCommand.Mandatory, _tenant.Id); AddNotifications(customField.Notifications); if (customField.HasOptions()) { if (fieldCommand.Options == null || fieldCommand.Options.Count == 0) { AddNotification("Type", $"Campo {fieldCommand.Name} deve conter opções."); } } if (fieldCommand.Options != null) { foreach (var optionCommand in fieldCommand.Options) { var customFieldOption = new CustomFieldOption(optionCommand.Name, customField.Id, _tenant.Id); AddNotifications(customFieldOption.Notifications); customField.AddOption(customFieldOption); } } customForm.AddField(customField); } } else { AddNotification("Fields", "Os campos do formulário não foram inseridos."); } if (Valid) { _customFormRepository.Save(customForm); if (command.PageComponentId.HasValue) { var formPageComponent = new FormPageComponent(command.PageComponentId.Value, customForm.Id, _tenant.Id); AddNotifications(formPageComponent.Notifications); _formPageComponentRepository.Save(formPageComponent); } } if (Valid) { return(new CommandResult(true, "Formulário cadastrado com sucesso", new { Id = customForm.Id, Name = customForm.Name })); } else { return(new CommandResult(false, "Erro ao cadastrar formulário", Notifications)); } }
private void button5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var customForm = new CustomForm(); customForm.ShowDialog(); }
public void Update(CustomForm entity) { Context.Entry(entity).State = EntityState.Modified; }
/// <summary> /// This method saves a new list in the bd if not id is gived, or update an existing list if is gived /// </summary> /// <param name="formData"></param> /// <param name="id"></param> /// <author> /// Luis Gonzalo Quijada Romero /// </author> /// <returns> /// Returns the saved document's id /// </returns> public String saveList(FormCollection formData) { String dataPermissions = Session["Permissions"].ToString(); String dataPermissionsClient = Session["PermissionsClient"].ToString(); bool access = false; bool accessClient = false; // access = getpermissions("users", "r"); access = validatepermissions.getpermissions("lists", "u", dataPermissions); accessClient = validatepermissions.getpermissions("lists", "u", dataPermissionsClient); if (access == true && accessClient == true) { if (this.Request.IsAjaxRequest()) { try //trying to unserialize the formcollection gived { formData = CustomForm.unserialize(formData); } catch (Exception e) { return(null); } String listID = (formData["listID"] == "null") ? null : formData["listID"]; //is this an insert or an update?, converting null in javascript to null in c# if (listID != null) { char[] delimiters = { ',', '[', ']' }; string[] changedElements = formData["changedElements"].Split(delimiters); foreach (string element in changedElements) { removeElement(formData["listID"], element); } } BsonDocument list = listTable.getRow(listID); //validating listName if (!Regex.IsMatch(formData["listName"], "[A-Za-z_]+[A-Za-z0-9.-_]*")) { return("El nombre de la lista tiene un formato incorrecto"); } //validating listDisplayName else if (!Regex.IsMatch(formData["listDisplayName"], "")) { return("El nombre para mostrar de la lista tiene un formato incorrecto"); } else if (listNameUsed(formData["listName"]) && (list == null || formData["listName"] != list.GetElement("name").Value.ToString())) { return("El nombre de la lista ya está siendo utilizado"); } JObject jsonData = new JObject(); try { jsonData.Add("name", formData["listName"]); jsonData.Add("displayName", formData["listDisplayName"]); } catch (Exception e) { return(null); } try //trying to set the creator's id { if (listID == null) { jsonData.Add("creatorId", this.Session["_id"].ToString()); } else { try { jsonData.Add("creatorId", list["creatorId"].ToString()); } catch (Exception e) { /*Ignored*/ } } } catch (Exception e) { /*Ignored*/ } /*setting dependency*/ try { String dependency = formData["dependency"]; //checking dependency of this list BsonDocument dependencyDocument = BsonDocument.Parse(dependency); if (listHasElement(dependencyDocument.GetElement("listID").Value.ToString(), dependencyDocument.GetElement("elementName").Value.ToString())) { jsonData.Add("dependency", formData["dependency"]); } } catch (Exception e) { /*Ignored*/ } /*** Creating elements ***/ JObject listElements = new JObject(); JArray unorderElements = new JArray(); try //trying to create the unorder elements { BsonDocument uoElements = BsonDocument.Parse(formData["unorderElements"]); foreach (BsonElement element in uoElements) { if (Regex.IsMatch(element.Name.ToString(), "[A-Za-z0-9.-_]+") && Regex.IsMatch(element.Value.ToString(), "[A-Za-z0-9._-áéíóúÁÉÍÓÚñÑ]*")) { JObject newElement = new JObject(); newElement.Add(element.Name.ToString(), element.Value.ToString()); unorderElements.Add(newElement); } } if (listID != null) { BsonDocument oldElements = list.GetElement("elements").Value.ToBsonDocument(); foreach (BsonDocument document in (BsonArray)oldElements.GetElement("unorder").Value) { BsonElement element = document.First(); JObject newElement = new JObject(); newElement.Add(element.Name.ToString(), element.Value.ToString()); unorderElements.Add(newElement); } } } catch (Exception e) { /*Ignored*/ } listElements.Add("unorder", unorderElements); JArray orderElements = new JArray(); try //trying to create the unorder elements { BsonDocument uoElements = BsonDocument.Parse(formData["orderElements"]); int index = 0; foreach (BsonElement element in uoElements) { if (Regex.IsMatch(element.Name.ToString(), "[A-Za-z0-9.-_]+") && Regex.IsMatch(element.Value.ToString(), "[A-Za-z0-9._-áéíóúÁÉÍÓÚñÑ]*")) { JObject orderElement = new JObject(); orderElement.Add(element.Name.ToString(), element.Value.ToString()); orderElement.Add("position", index); orderElements.Add(orderElement); ++index; } } } catch (Exception e) { /*Ignored*/ } listElements.Add("order", orderElements); jsonData.Add("elements", listElements); String jsonString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jsonData); String savedID = listTable.saveRow(jsonString, listID); _logTable.SaveLog(Session["_id"].ToString(), "Listas", "Insert: guardar lista", "List", DateTime.Now.ToString()); jsonData.Add("client-name", "cinepolis"); jsonData.Add("innerCollection", "list"); jsonData.Add("auxId", listID); jsonData.Add("idInClient", savedID); jsonString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jsonData); jsonString = jsonString.Replace("\"", "'"); String jsonAgent = "{'action':'spreadToFather','collection':'ObjectReference','document':" + jsonString + ",'Source':'cinepolis'}"; // initAgent(); // agent.sendMessage(jsonAgent); return(savedID); } return(null); } return(null); }
public String saveObject(FormCollection data, HttpPostedFileBase file, IEnumerable <HttpPostedFileBase> files, String parentCategory = "null", String id = null) { if (id == "null" || id == "") //differents ways to receive null from javascript { id = null; } bool access = getpermissions("objects", "u"); if (access == true) { data = CustomForm.unserialize(data); JObject objectArray = new JObject(); try //name must be gived { if (data["txtserie"] == null || data["txtserie"] == "") { return("ingrese un numero de serie"); //name is wrong } objectArray.Add("serie", data["txtserie"].ToString()); data.Remove("txtserie"); } catch (Exception e) { //what to do if name is wrong return("Ha ocurrido un error"); } try //name must be gived { if (data["name"] == null || data["name"] == "") { return("ingrese un nombre"); //name is wrong } objectArray.Add("name", data["name"].ToString()); data.Remove("name"); } catch (Exception e) { //what to do if name is wrong return("Ha ocurrido un error"); } objectArray.Add("hardware_reference", parentCategory); JObject profileFields = new JObject(); //foreach element in the formData, let's append it to the jsonData in the profileFields foreach (String key in data.Keys) { profileFields.Add(key, data[key]); } objectArray.Add("profileFields", profileFields); String jsonData = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(objectArray); String auxid = id; id = _hardwareTable.SaveRow(jsonData, id); return("Guardado Correctamente"); } else { return(null); } }
public static void FormBordersColor(this CustomForm form, Color color) { form.InvokeSafe(() => form.FormBorders.Color = color); form.InvokeSafe(form.Invalidate); }