public TLCGenSettingsModel() { CustomData = new CustomDataModel(); DefaultControllerSettings = new TLCGenDefaultControllerSettings(); DefaultFaseCyclusSettings = new TLCGenDefaultFaseCyclusSettings(); }
CustomDataModel CreateCustomDataModel() { var customDataModel = new CustomDataModel(); foreach (var dataItem in CreateDataItems()) { customDataModel.Add(dataItem); } return(customDataModel); }
public SolidifyConfiguration(CustomDataModel model) { var config = model.CustomData as dynamic; Engine = new EngineConfiguration(); Engine.Path = config.engine.path; Source = new SourceConfiguration(); Source.Path = config.source.path; Output = new OutputConfiguration(); Output.Path = config.output.path; }
public void ConstructorTest() { var model = new CustomDataModel(); model.Id = ConfigurationService.CONFIGURATION_FILE; model.ContentRaw = _config; model.Parse(); var config = new SolidifyConfiguration(model); Assert.AreEqual("engine", config.Engine.Path); Assert.AreEqual("src", config.Source.Path); Assert.AreEqual("www", config.Output.Path); }
/// Loads settings for a given TLCGen addin, such as a generator or importer. The settings are retrieved from /// the instance of CustomDataModel parsed, which is searched for the name of the addin. /// The settings are applied to the addin by loading the properties of the Type parsed, and calling /// SetValue for the properties that have the TLCGenCustomSetting attribute, and for which settings are found. /// </summary> /// <param name="addin">An instance of ITLCGenAddin</param> /// <param name="addintype">And instance of Type, indicating the type of the addin. This is used to read its properties (through reflection).</param> /// <param name="customdata">Instance of CustomDataModel to read settings from.</param> public static void LoadAddinSettings(ITLCGenPlugin addin, Type addintype, CustomDataModel customdata) { // Cast the addin to ITLCGenAddin so we can read its name var iaddin = addin as ITLCGenPlugin; // Loop the settings data, to see if we have settings for this Generator foreach (AddinSettingsModel addindata in customdata.AddinSettings) { if (addindata.Naam == iaddin.GetPluginName()) { // From the Generator, real all properties attributed with [TLCGenGeneratorSetting] var dllprops = addintype.GetProperties().Where( prop => Attribute.IsDefined(prop, typeof(TLCGenCustomSettingAttribute))); // Loop the saved settings, and load if applicable foreach (AddinSettingsPropertyModel dataprop in addindata.Properties) { foreach (var propinfo in dllprops) { // Only load here, if it is a controller specific setting TLCGenCustomSettingAttribute propattr = (TLCGenCustomSettingAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(propinfo, typeof(TLCGenCustomSettingAttribute)); if (propinfo.Name == dataprop.Naam) { if (propattr != null && propattr.SettingType == TLCGenCustomSettingAttribute.SettingTypeEnum.Application) { try { string type = propinfo.PropertyType.ToString(); switch (type) { case "System.Double": double d; if (Double.TryParse(dataprop.Setting, out d)) { propinfo.SetValue(addin, d); } break; case "System.Int32": int i32; if (Int32.TryParse(dataprop.Setting, out i32)) { propinfo.SetValue(addin, i32); } break; case "System.String": propinfo.SetValue(addin, dataprop.Setting); break; default: throw new InvalidCastException("False IGenerator property type: " + type); } } catch { System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Error load generator settings."); } } } } } } } }
public TLCGenSettingsModel() { CustomData = new CustomDataModel(); }
public CustomDataModel CustomerProvider_GetCustomData(CompanyModel Customer, string ProviderPublicId) { List <System.Data.IDbDataParameter> lstParams = new List <IDbDataParameter>(); lstParams.Add(DataInstance.CreateTypedParameter("vCustomerPublicId", Customer.CompanyPublicId)); lstParams.Add(DataInstance.CreateTypedParameter("vProviderPublicId", ProviderPublicId)); ADO.Models.ADOModelResponse response = DataInstance.ExecuteQuery(new ADO.Models.ADOModelRequest() { CommandExecutionType = ADO.Models.enumCommandExecutionType.DataSet, CommandText = "IP_CustomerRedirect_GetAll", CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure, Parameters = lstParams, }); Models.Integration.CustomDataModel oReturn = new CustomDataModel(); if (response.DataSetResult.Tables[0] != null && response.DataSetResult.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { oReturn.CustomField = (from af in response.DataSetResult.Tables[0].AsEnumerable() where !af.IsNull("AditionalFieldId") select new Models.Integration.CustomFieldModel() { AditionalFieldId = af.Field <int>("AditionalFieldId"), AditionalFieldType = new ProveedoresOnLine.Company.Models.Util.CatalogModel() { ItemId = af.Field <int?>("AditionalFieldTypeId") != null ? af.Field <int>("AditionalFieldTypeId") : 0, ItemName = af.Field <string>("AditionalFieldTypeName"), }, AditionalFieldTypeInfo = new ProveedoresOnLine.Company.Models.Util.CatalogModel() { ItemId = af.Field <int?>("AditionalFieldTypeInfoId") != null ? af.Field <int>("AditionalFieldTypeInfoId") : 0, ItemName = af.Field <string>("AditionalFieldTypeInfoName"), }, Label = af.Field <string>("Label"), Enable = af.Field <UInt64>("Enable") == 1 ? true : false, LastModify = af.Field <DateTime>("LastModify"), CreateDate = af.Field <DateTime>("CreateDate"), }).ToList(); } if (response.DataSetResult.Tables[1] != null && response.DataSetResult.Tables[1].Rows.Count > 0) { oReturn.CustomData = (from ad in response.DataSetResult.Tables[1].AsEnumerable() where !ad.IsNull("AditionalDataId") group ad by new { AditionalDataId = ad.Field <int>("AditionalDataId"), ProviderId = ad.Field <int>("ProviderId"), AditionalFieldId = ad.Field <int>("AditionalFieldId"), AditionalDataName = ad.Field <string>("AditionalDataName"), AditionalDataEnable = ad.Field <UInt64>("AditionalDataEnable"), AditionalDataLastModify = ad.Field <DateTime>("AditionalDataLastModify"), AditionalDataCreateDate = ad.Field <DateTime>("AditionalDataCreateDate"), } into adg select new ProveedoresOnLine.Company.Models.Util.GenericItemModel() { ItemId = adg.Key.AditionalDataId, ItemName = adg.Key.AditionalDataName, ItemType = new ProveedoresOnLine.Company.Models.Util.CatalogModel() { ItemId = adg.Key.AditionalFieldId, }, Enable = adg.Key.AditionalDataEnable == 1 ? true : false, LastModify = adg.Key.AditionalDataLastModify, CreateDate = adg.Key.AditionalDataCreateDate, ItemInfo = (from adinf in response.DataSetResult.Tables[1].AsEnumerable() where !adinf.IsNull("AditionalDataInfoId") && adinf.Field <int>("AditionalDataId") == adg.Key.AditionalDataId select new ProveedoresOnLine.Company.Models.Util.GenericItemInfoModel() { ItemInfoId = adinf.Field <int>("AditionalDataInfoId"), ItemInfoType = new ProveedoresOnLine.Company.Models.Util.CatalogModel() { ItemId = adinf.Field <int?>("AditionalDataInfoType") != null ? adinf.Field <int>("AditionalDataInfoType") : 0, }, Value = adinf.Field <string>("AditionalDataInfoValue"), LargeValue = adinf.Field <string>("AditionalDataInfoLargeValue"), Enable = adinf.Field <UInt64>("AditionalDataInfoEnable") == 1 ? true : false, LastModify = adinf.Field <DateTime>("AditionalDataInfoLastModify"), CreateDate = adinf.Field <DateTime>("AditionalDataInfoCreateDate"), }).ToList(), }).ToList(); } oReturn.RelatedCompany = Customer; return(oReturn); }