public static List <GetLeads_Result> SavedLeadSearch <T>(string pstatus, string puser) where T : class { var sb = new Cust_SilcoEntities(); List <GetLeads_Result> svld = sb.GetLeads(puser, pstatus).ToList(); return(svld); }
public static List <UpdateLeadUsingDept_Result> UpdateLeadUsingDept(string leadhdrid, string prospectno, int status, int assgn, string puser, string source) { var sb = new Cust_SilcoEntities(); List <UpdateLeadUsingDept_Result> upddept = sb.UpdateLeadUsingDept(leadhdrid, prospectno, status, assgn, puser, source).ToList(); return(upddept); }
public JsonResult GetPayHistory(int leadhdrid, int prospectno) { try { string puser = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["sessionLoginName"].ToString(); using (Cust_SilcoEntities db = new Cust_SilcoEntities()) { //string isearchtext = "BEAR"; // int psearchcode = 1; // List<GetProspects_Result> srch = Leads.Models.Helper.ProspectList<GetProspects_Result>(pstatus, puser); List <GetPayHistory_Result> payhst = Leads.Models.Helper.GetPayHistory <GetPayHistory_Result>(leadhdrid, prospectno); return(Json( new { sEcho = 1, iTotalRecords = payhst.Count(), iTotalDisplayRecords = payhst.Count(), aaData = payhst }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } } catch (Exception ex) { Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest; List <string> errors = new List <string>(); errors.Add("Session Time Out-No connecttion to controller. Close the browser and Log In Again"); return(Json(errors)); } }
public JsonResult UpdateLeadUsingDept(LeadUsingDept leadDept) { try { leadDept.actioncreatedby = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["sessionLoginName"].ToString(); using (Cust_SilcoEntities db = new Cust_SilcoEntities()) { // if (pr.ldcustsystem > 0) // { // int holdsystem = pr.ldcustsystem; var uleadupd = Leads.Models.Helper.UpdateLeadUsingDept(leadDept.leadhdrid, leadDept.prospectno, leadDept.status, leadDept.assgn, leadDept.actioncreatedby, leadDept.source); var ul = (from p in uleadupd select p).First(); // SendProspectEmail(ul.prospectno.ToString(), ul.NewAssignTo, ul.OldAssignTo, ul.LeadCreator, ul.emailassigntochange, Convert.ToInt16(ul.leadhdrid), ul.oldassgnemail, ul.leadno.ToString(), ul.ProspectDesc); SendEmailUpdateLeadUsingDept(ul.leadhdrid, ul.prospectno, ul.oldassignto, ul.newassignto, ul.LeadCreator, ul.depthead); } return(Json(new { success = true, responseText = "Successfully submitted a Lead" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } catch (Exception ex) { Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest; List <string> errors = new List <string>(); errors.Add("Session Time Out-No connecttion to controller. Close the browser and Log In Again"); return(Json(new { success = false, responseText = "Session Time Out-No connecttion to controller. Close the browser and Log In Again" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } }
public JsonResult GetProspectSM(string pstatus) { try { string puser = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["sessionLoginName"].ToString(); using (Cust_SilcoEntities db = new Cust_SilcoEntities()) { List <GetProspectsSM_Result> srch = Leads.Models.Helper.ProspectSMList <GetProspectsSM_Result>(pstatus, puser); return(Json( new { sEcho = 1, iTotalRecords = srch.Count(), iTotalDisplayRecords = srch.Count(), aaData = srch }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } }catch (Exception ex) { Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest; List <string> errors = new List <string>(); errors.Add("Session Time Out-No connecttion to controller. Close the browser and Log In Again"); return(Json(new { success = false, responseText = "Session Time Out-No connecttion to controller. Close the browser and Log In Again" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } }
public static List <GetSilcoSystemsServices_Result> GetSilcoSystemServices <T>() where T : class { var sb = new Cust_SilcoEntities(); List <GetSilcoSystemsServices_Result> systems = sb.GetSilcoSystemsServices("1").ToList(); return(systems); }
public static List <GetTaxGroups_Result> GetTaxGroups <T>(string branchid) where T : class { var sb = new Cust_SilcoEntities(); List <GetTaxGroups_Result> taxgroup = sb.GetTaxGroups("N", branchid).ToList(); return(taxgroup); }
public static List <GetProspectsSM_Result> ProspectSMList <T>(string pstatus, string puser) where T : class { var sb = new Cust_SilcoEntities(); List <GetProspectsSM_Result> proplist = sb.GetProspectsSM(puser, pstatus).ToList(); return(proplist); }
public static List <GetProspectsDtlSM_Result> ProspectDtlSMList <T>(string puser, int leadhdrid, int prospectno) where T : class { var sb = new Cust_SilcoEntities(); List <GetProspectsDtlSM_Result> proplist = sb.GetProspectsDtlSM(puser, leadhdrid, prospectno).ToList(); return(proplist); }
public static List <GetProspectNotes_Result> GetProspectNotes <T>(int leadhdrid, int prospectno) where T : class { var sb = new Cust_SilcoEntities(); List <GetProspectNotes_Result> proplist = sb.GetProspectNotes(leadhdrid, prospectno).ToList(); return(proplist); }
public static List <InsertLeadPay_Result> InsertLeadPay <T>(int leadhdrid, string custsystemcode, decimal qualsalesamt, string ldpaynotes, decimal leadfeeamt, int prospectno, int leadno, string newjob, string jobno, string doubleleadfee, string user) where T : class { var sb = new Cust_SilcoEntities(); List <InsertLeadPay_Result> pay = sb.InsertLeadPay(leadhdrid, custsystemcode, qualsalesamt, ldpaynotes, leadfeeamt, prospectno, leadno, newjob, jobno, doubleleadfee, user).ToList(); // List<GetProspectsDtl_Result> proplist = sb.GetProspectsDtl(puser, leadhdrid).ToList(); return(pay); }
public static List <GetLeadFee_Result> GetLeadFee <T>(decimal amount) where T : class { var sb = new Cust_SilcoEntities(); List <GetLeadFee_Result> leadfee = sb.GetLeadFee(amount).ToList(); // List<GetProspectsDtl_Result> proplist = sb.GetProspectsDtl(puser, leadhdrid).ToList(); return(leadfee); }
public static List <SelectSystemsforAddedProspects_Result> SelectSystemsforAddedProspects <T>(int prpprospectno) where T : class { var sb = new Cust_SilcoEntities(); List <SelectSystemsforAddedProspects_Result> addprop = sb.SelectSystemsforAddedProspects(prpprospectno.ToString()).ToList(); return(addprop); }
public static List <SelectSiteDtlsforMasterLookupContact_Result> SelectSiteDtlsforMasterLookupContact <T>(int siteid, int customerid) where T : class { var sb = new Cust_SilcoEntities(); List <SelectSiteDtlsforMasterLookupContact_Result> contacts = sb.SelectSiteDtlsforMasterLookupContact(siteid, customerid).ToList(); return(contacts); }
public static List <GetYTDLeadsByDept_Result> GetYTDLeadsByDept <T>() where T : class { var sb = new Cust_SilcoEntities(); List <GetYTDLeadsByDept_Result> deptleadsYTD = sb.GetYTDLeadsByDept().ToList(); return(deptleadsYTD); }
public static List <GetBranch_Result> GetBranch <T>() where T : class { var sb = new Cust_SilcoEntities(); List <GetBranch_Result> branch = sb.GetBranch("N").ToList(); return(branch); }
// pr.leadhdrid, pr.prospectno, pr.status, pr.lastupdatedby, pr.prospectnote, pr.prospaction, pr.source, pr.actiondate public static List <UpdateLeadActionUsingHome_Result> UpdateLeadActionUsingHome(int leadhdrid, int prospectno, string lastupdatedby, int prstatus, string note, int action, string actiondate) { var sb = new Cust_SilcoEntities(); List <UpdateLeadActionUsingHome_Result> updleadnote = sb.UpdateLeadActionUsingHome(leadhdrid, prospectno, lastupdatedby, prstatus, note, action, actiondate).ToList(); return(updleadnote); }
public static List <GetTypesCustomer_Result> GetCustomerType1 <T>() where T : class { var sb = new Cust_SilcoEntities(); List <GetTypesCustomer_Result> custtype = sb.GetTypesCustomer("N").ToList(); return(custtype); }
public static List <GetYTDProspectsByEmp_Result> GetYTDProspectsByEmp <T>() where T : class { var sb = new Cust_SilcoEntities(); List <GetYTDProspectsByEmp_Result> empleadsYTD = sb.GetYTDProspectsByEmp().ToList(); return(empleadsYTD); }
public static List <FindSecurity_Result> FindSecurity <T>(int appid, string title, string dept, string account) where T : class { var sb = new Cust_SilcoEntities(); List <FindSecurity_Result> seclist = sb.FindSecurity(appid, title, dept, account).ToList(); return(seclist); }
public static List <SelectSiteDtlsforMasterLookupInv_Result> SelectSiteDtlsforMasterLookupInv <T>(int siteid, int customerid) where T : class { var sb = new Cust_SilcoEntities(); List <SelectSiteDtlsforMasterLookupInv_Result> invlist = sb.SelectSiteDtlsforMasterLookupInv(siteid, customerid).ToList(); return(invlist); }
public static List <SelectSiteforPRLookupGeneralManager_Result> SelectSiteforPRLookupGeneralManager <T>(string puser) where T : class { var sb = new Cust_SilcoEntities(); List <SelectSiteforPRLookupGeneralManager_Result> PRlookuplist = sb.SelectSiteforPRLookupGeneralManager(puser).ToList(); return(PRlookuplist); }
public static List <UpdatePRListLog_Result> UpdatePRListLog <T>(string account, int siteid, int customerid) where T : class { var sb = new Cust_SilcoEntities(); List <UpdatePRListLog_Result> updlog = sb.UpdatePRListLog(account, siteid, customerid).ToList(); return(updlog); }
public static List <SelectSiteforMasterLookupServManager_Result> SelectSiteforMasterLookupServManager <T>(string puser) where T : class { var sb = new Cust_SilcoEntities(); List <SelectSiteforMasterLookupServManager_Result> sitelookuplist = sb.SelectSiteforMasterLookupServManager(puser).ToList(); return(sitelookuplist); }
public static List <GetCCLeadsEmail_Result> GetCCLeadsEmail <T>(int leadhdrid) where T : class { var sb = new Cust_SilcoEntities(); List <GetCCLeadsEmail_Result> cc = sb.GetCCLeadsEmail(leadhdrid).ToList(); return(cc); }
public static List <SelectSiteDtlsforMasterLookupRMR_Result> SelectSiteDtlsforMasterLookupRMR <T>(int siteid, int customerid) where T : class { var sb = new Cust_SilcoEntities(); List <SelectSiteDtlsforMasterLookupRMR_Result> rmrs = sb.SelectSiteDtlsforMasterLookupRMR(siteid, customerid).ToList(); return(rmrs); }
public static List <GetOrigin_Result> GetOrigin <T>(string ptype) where T : class { var sb = new Cust_SilcoEntities(); List <GetOrigin_Result> origin = sb.GetOrigin(ptype).ToList(); return(origin); }
public JsonResult SelectSiteforPRLookup() { //JsonResult.maxJsonLength = int.MaxValue; try { string puser = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["sessionLoginName"].ToString(); using (Cust_SilcoEntities db = new Cust_SilcoEntities()) { if (System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["title"].ToString().Contains("Fire Salesperson") || // System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["title"].ToString().Contains("Kitchen Salesperson") || System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["title"].ToString().Contains("Security Salesperson") || System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["title"].ToString().Contains("Service Manager")) { List <SelectSiteforPRLookupServManager_Result> sitelkup = Leads.Models.Helper.SelectSiteforPRLookupServManager <SelectSiteforPRLookupServManager_Result>(puser); var jsonResult = Json(new { sEcho = 1, iTotalRecords = sitelkup.Count(), iTotalDisplayRecords = sitelkup.Count(), aaData = sitelkup }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); jsonResult.MaxJsonLength = int.MaxValue; return(jsonResult); } else //if (System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["title"].ToString().Contains("General Manager") // || // System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["title"].ToString().Contains("President") // ) { List <SelectSiteforPRLookupGeneralManager_Result> sitelkup = Leads.Models.Helper.SelectSiteforPRLookupGeneralManager <SelectSiteforPRLookupGeneralManager_Result>(puser); var jsonResult = Json(new { sEcho = 1, iTotalRecords = sitelkup.Count(), iTotalDisplayRecords = sitelkup.Count(), aaData = sitelkup }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); jsonResult.MaxJsonLength = int.MaxValue; return(jsonResult); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest; List <string> errors = new List <string>(); errors.Add("Session Time Out-No connecttion to controller. Close the browser and Log In Again"); return(Json(new { success = false, responseText = "Session Time Out-No connecttion to controller. Close the browser and Log In Again" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } }
public static List <GetAuthorizationForLeads_Result> GetAuthorizationforLeads <T>(string username, int appid) where T : class { var db = new Cust_SilcoEntities(); List <GetAuthorizationForLeads_Result> authorizations = db.GetAuthorizationForLeads(username, appid).ToList(); return(authorizations); }
public static List <GetSilcoSystemsSubmitted_Result> GetSilcoSystemsSubmitted <T>(int leadhdrid, string customernumber, string sitenumber, string strsystems, int strstatus) where T : class { var sb = new Cust_SilcoEntities(); List <GetSilcoSystemsSubmitted_Result> existsystems = sb.GetSilcoSystemsSubmitted(leadhdrid, customernumber, sitenumber, strsystems, strstatus).ToList(); return(existsystems); }