        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate the cars that are in the lead based on the current ballots
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="exclude">Optionally remove any cars in the exclude box, eg cars that won other awards</param>
        private void TallyCurrentBallots([Optional] bool exclude)
            // generate a list of votes descending
            CurrentOrderedTally = _ballots.SelectMany(a => a.Top10).GroupBy(b => b).OrderByDescending(c => c.Count()).Select(d => d.Key).ToList();
            CurrentOrderedTally.RemoveAll(m => m == 0);

            // remove any cars in the exclude box, eg cars that won other awards
            if (exclude)
                WonOtherAward       = Array.ConvertAll(txt_Exclude.Text.Split(), int.Parse).ToList();
                CurrentOrderedTally = CurrentOrderedTally.Except(WonOtherAward).ToList();

            // Get the top 20
            string top20display = "";

            for (int i = 0; i < CurrentOrderedTally.Count; i++)
                //add to the string
                top20display += CurrentOrderedTally[i] + ", ";

                // insert a special character to denote that 20 cars have been selected.
                // Sometimes things are changed after calculation and it helps to have more than 10 cars displayed
                if (i == 10)
                    top20display += " | ";

            // add strings to the interface
            txt_curWinners.Text = top20display.Substring(0, top20display.Length - 2);
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate the cars that are in the lead based on the current ballots
        /// </summary>
        private void TallyCurrentBallots()
            // Get Bests/non top 10 votes
            List <int> bestInShowList = Ballots.Select(i => i.BestInShow).ToList()
                                        .GroupBy(j => j)
                                        .OrderByDescending(k => k.Count())
                                        .Select(l => l.Key)

            bestInShowList.RemoveAll(m => m == 0);

            if (bestInShowList.Count() > 2)
                BestInShow    = bestInShowList[0];
                ReserveInShow = bestInShowList[1];

            BestStreetRod    = GetTopValue(Ballots.Select(i => i.StreetRod).ToList());
            BestModern       = GetTopValue(Ballots.Select(i => i.Modern).ToList());
            BestImport       = GetTopValue(Ballots.Select(i => i.Import).ToList());
            BestRatRod       = GetTopValue(Ballots.Select(i => i.RatRod).ToList());
            BestClassicTruck = GetTopValue(Ballots.Select(i => i.ClassicTruck).ToList());
            BestBike         = GetTopValue(Ballots.Select(i => i.Bike).ToList());
            BestClassicCar   = GetTopValue(Ballots.Select(i => i.ClassicCar).ToList());
            BestFourWD       = GetTopValue(Ballots.Select(i => i.FourWD).ToList());

            // calculate car that is in the lead for general vote
            CurrentOrderedTally = Ballots.SelectMany(a => a.Top10).GroupBy(b => b).OrderByDescending(c => c.Count()).Select(d => d.Key).ToList();
            CurrentOrderedTally.RemoveAll(m => m == 0);

            string top10display = "";

            for (int i = 0; i < CurrentOrderedTally.Count; i++)
                // check to see if the current car has already won something, skip if true
                if (new int[] { BestInShow, ReserveInShow, BestStreetRod, BestModern, BestImport, BestRatRod, BestClassicTruck, BestBike, BestClassicCar, BestFourWD }.Contains(CurrentOrderedTally[i]))

                //add to the string
                top10display += CurrentOrderedTally[i] + ", ";

            // add strings to the interface
            txt_curWinners.Text          = top10display.Substring(0, top10display.Length - 2);
            txt_StreetRodWinner.Text     = BestStreetRod.ToString();
            txt_ModernWinner.Text        = BestModern.ToString();
            txt_ImportWinner.Text        = BestImport.ToString();
            txt_RatRodWinner.Text        = BestRatRod.ToString();
            txt_ClassicTruckWinner.Text  = BestClassicTruck.ToString();
            txt_BikeWinner.Text          = BestBike.ToString();
            txt_ClassicCarWinner.Text    = BestClassicCar.ToString();
            txt_FourWDWinner.Text        = BestFourWD.ToString();
            txt_BestInShowWinner.Text    = BestInShow.ToString();
            txt_ReserveInShowWinner.Text = ReserveInShow.ToString();