internal unsafe void AppendExtraBuffer(byte *buffer, int bufferLength) { // Then convert the bytes to chars int charLen = CurrentEncoding.GetMaxCharCount(bufferLength); char *charPtr = stackalloc char[charLen]; charLen = CurrentEncoding.GetChars(buffer, bufferLength, charPtr, charLen); // Ensure our buffer is large enough to hold all of the data if (IsUnprocessedBufferEmpty()) { _startIndex = _endIndex = 0; } else { Debug.Assert(_endIndex > 0); int spaceRemaining = _unprocessedBufferToBeRead.Length - _endIndex; if (spaceRemaining < charLen) { Array.Resize(ref _unprocessedBufferToBeRead, _unprocessedBufferToBeRead.Length * 2); } } // Copy the data into our buffer Marshal.Copy((IntPtr)charPtr, _unprocessedBufferToBeRead, _endIndex, charLen); _endIndex += charLen; }
public long AbsolutePosition() { // The number of bytes that the already-read characters need when encoded. int numReadBytes = CurrentEncoding.GetByteCount(_charBuffer, 0, _charPos); return(BaseStream.Position - _byteLen + numReadBytes); }
public override int Read() { var ch = base.Read(); _position += CurrentEncoding.GetByteCount(new char[] { (char)ch }); return(ch); }
/// <summary> /// Writes contents of toPrint with default encoding /// </summary> /// <param name="toPrint">Content to write</param> public void Print(string toPrint) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(toPrint)) { throw new ArgumentException("toPrint cannot be empty or null", "toPrint"); } Print(CurrentEncoding.GetBytes(toPrint)); }
public override string ReadLine() { string line = base.ReadLine(); if (line != null) { _position += CurrentEncoding.GetByteCount(line); } _position += CurrentEncoding.GetByteCount(Environment.NewLine); return(line); }
public void Read(TextReader stream) { if (stream == null) { // Error Message? Log? return; } string str = stream.ReadToEnd(); byte[] byteArray = CurrentEncoding.GetBytes(str); MemoryStream mstream = new MemoryStream(byteArray); mstream.Position = 0; //set just to make sure... this.Read(new BinaryReader(mstream, this.CurrentEncoding)); }
/// <summary> Reads the buffer in the raw mode. </summary> unsafe void ReadExtraBuffer() { Debug.Assert(IsExtraBufferEmpty()); byte *bufPtr = stackalloc byte[BytesToBeRead]; int result; Interop.CheckIo(result = Interop.Sys.ReadStdinUnbuffered(bufPtr, BytesToBeRead)); Debug.Assert(result > 0 && result <= BytesToBeRead); // Now we need to convert the byte buffer to char buffer. fixed(char *unprocessedBufPtr = _unprocessedBufferToBeRead) { _startIndex = 0; _endIndex = CurrentEncoding.GetChars(bufPtr, result, unprocessedBufPtr, _unprocessedBufferToBeRead.Length) - 1; } }
private void UpdatePreview() { try { using (FileStream aStream = File.OpenRead(FileName)) { aStream.Read(_Bytes, 0, _Bytes.Length); aStream.Close(); } Preview = CurrentEncoding.GetString(_Bytes); txtPreview.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black); } catch (System.Exception ex) { Preview = ex.Message + ex.StackTrace; txtPreview.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red); } }
private void DetermineUnitSizeAndEndianess() { Span <byte> span = stackalloc byte[4]; if (CurrentEncoding is null) { // unknown encoding, assume UTF-8 UnitSize = 1; _isBigEndian = false; return; } switch (CurrentEncoding) { default: throw new Exception($"Unsupported encoding type {CurrentEncoding.GetType()}"); case UTF7Encoding utf7Encoding: case UTF8Encoding utf8Encoding: case ASCIIEncoding aSCIIEncoding: _isBigEndian = false; UnitSize = 1; break; case UTF32Encoding utf32Encoding: CurrentEncoding.GetBytes("a", span); _isBigEndian = span[0] == 0; UnitSize = 4; break; case UnicodeEncoding unicodeEncoding: CurrentEncoding.GetBytes("a", span); _isBigEndian = span[0] == 0; UnitSize = 2; break; } }
public override void Write(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count) { string strBuffer = CurrentEncoding.GetString(buffer, offset, count); #region =如果不是HTML文档,不作处理= var bof = new Regex("<html", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (!bof.IsMatch(strBuffer.ToString())) { responseStream.Write(buffer, offset, count); return; } #endregion //Regex eof = new Regex("</html>", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); //if (!eof.IsMatch(strBuffer)) //{ // responseHtml.Append(strBuffer); //} //else //{ //} responseHtml.Append(strBuffer); string finalHtml = responseHtml.ToString(); finalHtml = _func(finalHtml); // Transform the response and write it back out byte[] data = CurrentEncoding.GetBytes(finalHtml); responseStream.Write(data, 0, data.Length); }
public override string ReadLine() { LineNumber++; string line = base.ReadLine(); if (line != null) { if (ToServerEncoding) { return(Extensions.ConvertEncoding(line, CurrentEncoding, SdeAppConfiguration.EncodingServer, _isUtf8)); } if (ToClientEncoding) { return(Extensions.ConvertEncoding(line, CurrentEncoding, EncodingService.DisplayEncoding, _isUtf8)); } if (_auto) { return(EncodingService.DisplayEncoding.GetString(CurrentEncoding.GetBytes(line))); } } return(line); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the actual position /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public long GetActualPosition() { // var numBytesLeft = CurrentEncoding.GetByteCount(_charBuffer, _charPos, _charLen - _charPos); // For variable-byte encodings, deal with partial chars at the end of the buffer var numFragments = 0; if (_byteLen <= 0 || CurrentEncoding.IsSingleByte) { return(BaseStream.Position - numBytesLeft - numFragments); } switch (CurrentEncoding.CodePage) { // UTF-8 case 65001: { byte byteCountMask = 0; while (_byteBuffer[_byteLen - numFragments - 1] >> 6 == 2 ) // if the byte is "10xx xxxx", it's a continuation-byte { byteCountMask |= (byte)(1 << ++numFragments); // count bytes & build the "complete char" mask } if (_byteBuffer[_byteLen - numFragments - 1] >> 6 == 3 ) // if the byte is "11xx xxxx", it starts a multi-byte char. { byteCountMask |= (byte)(1 << ++numFragments); // count bytes & build the "complete char" mask } // see if we found as many bytes as the leading-byte says to expect if (numFragments > 1 && _byteBuffer[_byteLen - numFragments] >> (7 - numFragments) == byteCountMask) { numFragments = 0; // no partial-char in the byte-buffer to account for } break; } // UTF-16LE case 1200: { if (_byteBuffer[_byteLen - 1] >= 0xd8) // high-surrogate { numFragments = 2; // account for the partial character } break; } // UTF-16BE case 1201: { if (_byteBuffer[_byteLen - 2] >= 0xd8) // high-surrogate { numFragments = 2; // account for the partial character } break; } } return(BaseStream.Position - numBytesLeft - numFragments); }
public void Print(string toPrint) { Print(CurrentEncoding.GetBytes(toPrint)); }
private void SetRtfIndex(RtfToken token, int controlStartIndex) { while (_rtfIndex < _rtfBytes.Length && IsControlCharValid(CurByte)) { _rtfIndex++; } int controlLength = _rtfIndex - controlStartIndex; string controlName = CurrentEncoding.GetString(_rtfBytes, controlStartIndex, controlLength); // If control sequence > MAX_CONTROL_LENGTH characters, invalid input. if (controlLength > MAX_CONTROL_LENGTH) { token.Type = RtfTokenType.TokenInvalid; } else { token.Type = RtfTokenType.TokenControl; token.RtfControlWordInfo = RtfControlWordLookup(controlName); if (_rtfIndex < _rtfBytes.Length) { if (CurByte == ' ') { _rtfIndex++; } else if (IsParameterStart(CurByte)) { bool isNegative = false; if (CurByte == '-') { isNegative = true; _rtfIndex++; } long parameter = 0; int paramStartIndex = _rtfIndex; while (_rtfIndex < _rtfBytes.Length && IsParameterFollow(CurByte)) { parameter = (parameter * 10) + (CurByte - '0'); _rtfIndex++; } int paramLength = _rtfIndex - paramStartIndex; // Following space is not part of text input if (_rtfIndex < _rtfBytes.Length && CurByte == ' ') { _rtfIndex++; } if (isNegative) { parameter = -parameter; } // If parameter is too long, invalid input. if (paramLength > MAX_PARAM_LENGTH) { token.Type = RtfTokenType.TokenInvalid; } else { token.Parameter = parameter; } } } } }
public String ByteToString(byte[] val) { return(CurrentEncoding.GetString(val)); }
//------------------------------------------------------ // // Private Methods // //------------------------------------------------------ #region Private Methods /// <summary> /// Called to process sequence of text and \'hh encoded bytes. /// </summary> /// <param name="token"></param> /// <returns></returns> private RtfToXamlError NextText(RtfToken token) { RtfToXamlError rtfToXamlError = RtfToXamlError.None; _rtfLastIndex = _rtfIndex; token.Empty(); token.Type = RtfTokenType.TokenText; int s = _rtfIndex; int e = s; bool bSawHex = false; while (e < _rtfBytes.Length) { if (IsControl(_rtfBytes[e])) { if (_rtfBytes[e] == (byte)'\\' && e + 3 < _rtfBytes.Length && _rtfBytes[e + 1] == '\'' && IsHex(_rtfBytes[e + 2]) && IsHex(_rtfBytes[e + 3])) { e += 4; bSawHex = true; } else { break; } } else if (_rtfBytes[e] == '\r' || _rtfBytes[e] == '\n' || _rtfBytes[e] == 0) { break; } else { e++; } } if (s == e) { token.Type = RtfTokenType.TokenInvalid; } else { _rtfIndex = e; if (bSawHex) { int i = 0; int n = e - s; byte[] bytes = new byte[n]; while (s < e) { if (_rtfBytes[s] == '\\') { bytes[i++] = (byte)((byte)(HexToByte(_rtfBytes[s + 2]) << 4) + HexToByte(_rtfBytes[s + 3])); s += 4; } else { bytes[i++] = _rtfBytes[s++]; } } token.Text = CurrentEncoding.GetString(bytes, 0, i); } else { token.Text = CurrentEncoding.GetString(_rtfBytes, s, e - s); } } return(rtfToXamlError); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the position of the internal <see cref="Stream"/>. /// </summary> /// <returns>The position in the stream.</returns> public virtual long Position() { return(BaseStream.Position + (_charPos > 0 ? CurrentEncoding.GetBytes(_charBuffer, 0, _charPos + 1).Length : 0)); }
//------------------------------------------------------ // // Internal Methods // //------------------------------------------------------ #region Internal Methods /// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="token"></param> /// <param name="formatState"></param> /// <returns></returns> internal RtfToXamlError Next(RtfToken token, FormatState formatState) { RtfToXamlError rtfToXamlError = RtfToXamlError.None; _rtfLastIndex = _rtfIndex; token.Empty(); if (_rtfIndex >= _rtfBytes.Length) { token.Type = RtfTokenType.TokenEOF; return(rtfToXamlError); } int rtfStartIndex = _rtfIndex; byte tokenChar = _rtfBytes[_rtfIndex++]; switch (tokenChar) { // GroupStart case (byte)'{': token.Type = RtfTokenType.TokenGroupStart; break; // GroupEnd case (byte)'}': token.Type = RtfTokenType.TokenGroupEnd; break; // Control Word case (byte)'\r': case (byte)'\n': token.Type = RtfTokenType.TokenNewline; break; case (byte)0: token.Type = RtfTokenType.TokenNullChar; break; case (byte)'\\': // Input ends with control sequence if (_rtfIndex >= _rtfBytes.Length) { token.Type = RtfTokenType.TokenInvalid; } // Normal control character else { if (IsControlCharValid(CurByte)) { int controlStartIndex = _rtfIndex; // Set _rtfIndex to get actual control SetRtfIndex(token, controlStartIndex); // Also provide actual control text - useful for unknown controls token.Text = CurrentEncoding.GetString(_rtfBytes, controlStartIndex - 1, _rtfIndex - rtfStartIndex); } // Hex character else if (CurByte == (byte)'\'') { _rtfIndex--; return(NextText(token)); } // Explicit destination else if (CurByte == '*') { _rtfIndex++; token.Type = RtfTokenType.TokenDestination; } // Quoted control character (be generous) - should be limited to "'-*;\_{|}~" else { token.Type = RtfTokenType.TokenTextSymbol; token.Text = CurrentEncoding.GetString(_rtfBytes, _rtfIndex, 1); _rtfIndex++; } } break; // Text or Picture data default: _rtfIndex--; if (formatState != null && formatState.RtfDestination == RtfDestination.DestPicture) { token.Type = RtfTokenType.TokenPictureData; break; } else { return(NextText(token)); } } return(rtfToXamlError); }
public void Print(string toPrint, IContentParameters parameters) { IContentReplacer replacer = new ContentReplacer(parameters); Print(replacer.Replace(CurrentEncoding.GetBytes(toPrint))); }