// Use this for initialization void Awake() { _currentColor = CurrentColor.None; _characterText = GetComponentInChildren <Text>(true); _characterCardSprite = GameObject.Find("CharacterCardSprite").GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>(); //_characterCardBackdrop = GameObject.Find("CharacterCardBackdrop").GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>(); }
private void rgbSlider_ValueChanged(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (((UIElement)e.Source).IsFocused) { CurrentColor.SetFromRGB((byte)sldR.Value, (byte)sldG.Value, (byte)sldB.Value); } }
private void rgbfSlider_ValueChanged(object sender, RoutedPropertyChangedEventArgs <double> e) { if (((UIElement)e.Source).IsFocused) { CurrentColor.SetFromRGB(sldRf.Value, sldGf.Value, sldBf.Value); } }
private void hslSlider_ValueChanged(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (((UIElement)e.Source).IsFocused) { CurrentColor.SetFromHSL((int)sldHslH.Value, (double)sldHslS.Value / 100, (double)sldHslL.Value / 100); } }
public void Show() { gameObject.SetActive(true); switch (_currentColor) { //Go to the next color case CurrentColor.GreenFemale: _currentColor = CurrentColor.BlueMale; LoadBlueMale(); break; case CurrentColor.BlueMale: _currentColor = CurrentColor.GreenMale; LoadGreenMale(); break; case CurrentColor.GreenMale: _currentColor = CurrentColor.BlueFemale; LoadBlueFemale(); break; case CurrentColor.None: case CurrentColor.BlueFemale: default: _currentColor = CurrentColor.GreenFemale; LoadGreenFemale(); break; } }
private void lstboxLast_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { if (lstboxLast.SelectedIndex != -1) { CurrentColor.SetColor(lastColors[lstboxLast.SelectedIndex]); } }
void Start() { healthMesh.text = health.ToString(); CuP = GM.GetComponent <CurrentPoints> (); CuC = GM.GetComponent <CurrentColor> (); CuS = GM.GetComponent <CurrentSpeed> (); }
private void Border_MouseDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { if (!(sender is Border border)) { e.Handled = true; return; } if (Editable && Keyboard.IsKeyDown(Key.LeftCtrl)) { border.Background = new SolidColorBrush(CurrentColor); if (border.DataContext is ColorSwatchItem data) { data.Color = CurrentColor; data.HexString = CurrentColor.ToHexString(); } if (!(ColorPickerControl is null)) { ColorPickerControl.CustomColorsChanged(); } } else { PickingColor?.Invoke(((SolidColorBrush)border.Background).Color); } }
private void ProcessToken(MUDToken token) { if (token.TokenType == MUDTokenType.Text) { Run run = new Run(token.Content.ToString()); run.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(CurrentColor.ForegroundColor); run.Background = new SolidColorBrush(CurrentColor.BackgroundColor); this.Interface.OutputConsole.AddRun(run); // parse the line now that new text has been added to it. LineParser.ParseLine(this.Interface.OutputConsole.LastParagraph(), this); } else if (token.TokenType == MUDTokenType.Color) { CurrentColor.Update(token); } else if (token.TokenType == MUDTokenType.NewLine) { this.Interface.OutputConsole.AddNewParagraph(); } else if (token.TokenType == MUDTokenType.EraseLine) { this.Interface.OutputConsole.ClearLastParagraph(); } else if (token.TokenType == MUDTokenType.CursorBackward) { // do nothing for now. Maybe forever. } CurrentParseState = CurrentParseState.Execute(token, this); }
private void txtHEX_TextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e) { if (!(e.Source as Control).IsFocused) { return; } CurrentColor.SetFromHex(txtHEX.Text); }
private void Update() { CurrentColor = Color.Lerp(CurrentColor, targetColor, lerpFactor * Time.deltaTime); // CurrentColor = targetColor; if (CurrentColor.Equals(targetColor)) { this.enabled = false; } }
public void Update() { ElapsedTimeSinceColorChange += Time.Delta; if (ElapsedTimeSinceColorChange >= 1.0f) { SwitchToNextRandomColor(); } window.BackgroundColor = CurrentColor.Lerp(NextColor, ElapsedTimeSinceColorChange); }
private void setColorFromHistory() { if (lstHistory.SelectedIndex != -1) { if (colorHistory[lstHistory.SelectedIndex] != CurrentColor.WpfColor) { CurrentColor.SetColor(colorHistory[lstHistory.SelectedIndex]); } } }
private void SelectCommand_Executed(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e) { System.Windows.Forms.ColorDialog cd = new System.Windows.Forms.ColorDialog(); cd.FullOpen = true; if (cd.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { CurrentColor.SetFromRGB(cd.Color.R, cd.Color.G, cd.Color.B); colorHistory.Insert(0, CurrentColor.WpfColor); } }
public void Update(IInvalidator invalidator, LiveSplitState state, float width, float height, LayoutMode mode) { CurrentColor = state.Settings.GlobalHotkeysEnabled ? Settings.HotkeysOnColor : Settings.HotkeysOffColor; Cache.Restart(); Cache["IndicatorColor"] = CurrentColor.ToArgb(); if (invalidator != null && Cache.HasChanged) { invalidator.Invalidate(0, 0, width, height); } }
private void Grid_TextChanged(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (!(e.Source as Control).IsFocused) { return; } int rVal = 0, gVal = 0, bVal = 0; if (int.TryParse(txtR.Text, out rVal) && int.TryParse(txtG.Text, out gVal) && int.TryParse(txtB.Text, out bVal)) { CurrentColor.SetFromRGB((byte)Math.Min(255, rVal), (byte)Math.Min(255, gVal), (byte)Math.Min(255, bVal)); } }
private void CMYK_TextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e) { if (!(e.Source as Control).IsFocused) { return; } if (int.TryParse(txtCyan.Text, out int c) && int.TryParse(txtMagenta.Text, out int m) && int.TryParse(txtYellow.Text, out int y) && int.TryParse(txtKey.Text, out int k)) { CurrentColor.SetFromCMYK(Math.Min(c, 100) / 100.0, Math.Min(m, 100) / 100.0, Math.Min(y, 100) / 100.0, Math.Min(k, 100) / 100.0); } }
public void TextToColor(string r, string g, string b) { Color textColor = new Color { A = 255, R = (byte)Int32.Parse(r), G = (byte)Int32.Parse(g), B = (byte)Int32.Parse(b) }; // We don't need to rotate if the same color. Even the new Hue is different from old Hue. if (CurrentColor.Equals(textColor)) { return; } EnterColor(textColor, true); }
internal void Update(float inElapsedTimeInSeconds) { _timeToLive -= inElapsedTimeInSeconds; IsAlive = _timeToLive > 0; if (IsAlive) { float decay = (_lifeTime - _timeToLive) / _lifeTime; CurrentColor = CurrentColor.WithAlpha(1 - MathF.Pow(decay, .25f)); } else { foreach (BoltData bd in BatchInfos.Values) { bd.IsReady = false; } } }
internal void MakeMove(int i, int j) { fields[i, j] = CurrentColor.ToFieldState(); for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++) { if (CheckSelectionDir(CurrentColor, i, j, di[k], dj[k])) { ChangeColor(CurrentColor, i, j, di[k], dj[k]); } } CurrentColor = CurrentColor.Other(); int selectableFields = RevalidateSelectableFields(); if (selectableFields == 0) { CurrentColor = CurrentColor.Other(); GameOver = RevalidateSelectableFields() == 0; } SignalUpdate(); }
private void capture_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { imgScreen.Source = msc.CaptureBitmapImage; CurrentColor.SetColor(msc.PointerPixelColor); lblScreenCoord.Content = String.Format("X: {0} | Y: {1}", msc.MouseScreenPosition.X, msc.MouseScreenPosition.Y); }
public void SetColor(int state) { Material[] tempMaterials = new Material[7]; switch (state) { case 0: for (int m = 0; m < tempMaterials.Length; m++) { tempMaterials[m] = matList[0]; } for (int i = 0; i < RightColorIndicators.Length; i++) { RightColorIndicators[i].material = matList[2]; LeftColorIndicators[i].material = matList[1]; } player.materials = tempMaterials; player.gameObject.layer = redLayer; color = CurrentColor.red; break; case 1: for (int m = 0; m < tempMaterials.Length; m++) { tempMaterials[m] = matList[2]; } for (int i = 0; i < RightColorIndicators.Length; i++) { RightColorIndicators[i].material = matList[0]; LeftColorIndicators[i].material = matList[1]; } player.materials = tempMaterials; player.gameObject.layer = blueLayer; color = CurrentColor.blue; break; case 2: for (int m = 0; m < tempMaterials.Length; m++) { tempMaterials[m] = matList[0]; } for (int i = 0; i < RightColorIndicators.Length; i++) { RightColorIndicators[i].material = matList[1]; LeftColorIndicators[i].material = matList[2]; } player.materials = tempMaterials; player.gameObject.layer = redLayer; color = CurrentColor.red; break; case 3: for (int m = 0; m < tempMaterials.Length; m++) { tempMaterials[m] = matList[1]; } for (int i = 0; i < RightColorIndicators.Length; i++) { RightColorIndicators[i].material = matList[0]; LeftColorIndicators[i].material = matList[2]; } player.materials = tempMaterials; player.gameObject.layer = GreenLayer; color = CurrentColor.green; break; case 4: for (int m = 0; m < tempMaterials.Length; m++) { tempMaterials[m] = matList[2]; } for (int i = 0; i < RightColorIndicators.Length; i++) { RightColorIndicators[i].material = matList[1]; LeftColorIndicators[i].material = matList[0]; } player.materials = tempMaterials; player.gameObject.layer = blueLayer; color = CurrentColor.blue; break; case 5: for (int m = 0; m < tempMaterials.Length; m++) { tempMaterials[m] = matList[1]; } for (int i = 0; i < RightColorIndicators.Length; i++) { RightColorIndicators[i].material = matList[2]; LeftColorIndicators[i].material = matList[0]; } player.materials = tempMaterials; player.gameObject.layer = GreenLayer; color = CurrentColor.green; break; } }
private void OutputThreadMethod(TextWriter output) { Stopwatch stopWatch = new Stopwatch(); stopWatch.Start(); _messageDelay = 0; while (ThreadAlive) { try { Thread.Sleep(25); Commands command; if (stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds <= _messageDelay && _state == IRCConnectionState.Connected) { continue; } lock (_commandQueue) { if (_commandQueue.Count == 0) { continue; } command = _commandQueue.Dequeue(); } if (command.CommandIsColor() && CurrentColor.Equals(command.GetColor(), StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { continue; } output.WriteLine(command.Command); output.Flush(); stopWatch.Reset(); stopWatch.Start(); _messageDelay = _isModerator ? MessageDelayMod : MessageDelayUser; _messageDelay += (command.CommandIsColor() && _isModerator) ? 700 : 0; } catch { AddTextToHoldable("[IRC:Disconnect] Connection failed."); _state = IRCConnectionState.Disconnected; } } TwitchGame.EnableDisableInput(); try { if (_state == IRCConnectionState.Disconnecting) { Commands setColor = new Commands($"PRIVMSG #{_settings.channelName} :.color {ColorOnDisconnect}"); if (setColor.CommandIsColor()) { AddTextToHoldable("[IRC:Disconnect] Color {0} was requested, setting it now.", ColorOnDisconnect); while (stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds < _messageDelay) { Thread.Sleep(25); } output.WriteLine(setColor.Command); output.Flush(); stopWatch.Reset(); stopWatch.Start(); while (stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds < 1200) { Thread.Sleep(25); } } _state = IRCConnectionState.Disconnected; AddTextToHoldable("[IRC:Disconnect] Disconnected from chat IRC."); } lock (_commandQueue) _commandQueue.Clear(); } catch { _state = IRCConnectionState.Disconnected; } if (!gameObject.activeInHierarchy) { AddTextToHoldable("[IRC:Disconnect] Twitch Plays disabled."); } }
void Start() { CuC = GM.GetComponent <CurrentColor> (); CuB = GM.GetComponent <CurrentButton> (); }
private void PalWindow_ColorChanged(object sender, ColorChangedEventArgs e) { CurrentColor.SetColor(e.NewColor); }