private void cbRace_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { //do this if an existing character file was open OR if a new character was built if (CurrentCharacter != null) { CurrentCharacter.SetRace((Race)cbRace.SelectedValue); CreatureBuilder cb = new CreatureBuilder((Race)cbRace.SelectedItem); Creature nc = cb.NewCreature; rtbRaceDescription.Text = nc.GetDescription(); ShouldSave = true; return; } //do this if CurrentCharacter is null, but the Race combobox is having its options cycled through if (cbRace.SelectedItem != null) { Race race = (Race)cbRace.SelectedItem; CreatureBuilder cb = new CreatureBuilder(race); Creature nc = cb.NewCreature; rtbRaceDescription.Text = nc.GetDescription(); ShouldSave = true; } else { return; } //if all else fails, clear the race description rtb rtbRaceDescription.Clear(); }