public string GetScript(int mainId)
            using (var newArcAgt = new ArchiveAgent())
                //Setting the Parameters
                var archiveColumns = new string[]
                    Keyid, Contactid, Name, Department, Namedepartment
                    , StreetaddressLine1, StreetaddressLine2, StreetaddressLine3
                    , StreetaddressCounty, StreetaddressCity, StreetaddressZip
                    , PostalAddressLine1, PostalAddressLine2, PostalAddressLine3
                    , PostalAddressCounty, PostalAddressCity, PostalAddressZip
                    , Country
                //Parameter - restriction - Archive restrictions
                var archiveRest = GetArchiveRestrictionInfos(mainId);

                //Parameter - page - Page number, page 0 is the first page
                int page = 0;

                //Parameter - pageSize – Number of records displayed per page
                const int pageSize = 10;

                // Get a page of results for an archive list, explicitly specifying
                // the restrictions, orderby and chosen columns
                ArchiveListItem[] arcLstItm = null;
                var script = "function initializeMarkers() {\n";

                var placedCompanies = new HashSet <int>();                      // Because we only want to register a place once.

                    arcLstItm = newArcAgt.GetArchiveListByColumns(
                        Archive, archiveColumns, new ArchiveOrderByInfo[0],
                        archiveRest, null, page++, pageSize);

                    foreach (ArchiveListItem archiveRow in arcLstItm)
                        int contactId = CultureDataFormatter.ParseEncodedInt(archiveRow.ColumnData[Contactid].DisplayValue);
                        if (!placedCompanies.Contains(contactId))
                            string address = string.Empty;

                            address = address.Add(archiveRow.ColumnData[StreetaddressLine1].DisplayValue, ", ");
                            address = address.Add(archiveRow.ColumnData[StreetaddressLine2].DisplayValue, ", ");
                            address = address.Add(archiveRow.ColumnData[StreetaddressLine3].DisplayValue, ", ");
                            address = address.Add(archiveRow.ColumnData[StreetaddressZip].DisplayValue, ", ");
                            address = address.Add(archiveRow.ColumnData[StreetaddressCity].DisplayValue, ", ");

                            if (address.IsNullOrEmpty())
                                address = address.Add(archiveRow.ColumnData[PostalAddressLine1].DisplayValue, ", ");
                                address = address.Add(archiveRow.ColumnData[PostalAddressLine2].DisplayValue, ", ");
                                address = address.Add(archiveRow.ColumnData[PostalAddressLine3].DisplayValue, ", ");
                                address = address.Add(archiveRow.ColumnData[PostalAddressZip].DisplayValue, ", ");
                                address = address.Add(archiveRow.ColumnData[PostalAddressCity].DisplayValue, ", ");

                            address = address.Add(archiveRow.ColumnData[Country].DisplayValue, ", ");
                            string lat, lng;
                                                      out lat,
                                                      out lng

                            var tooltip = System.Web.HttpUtility.JavaScriptStringEncode(archiveRow.ColumnData[Namedepartment].DisplayValue);

                            script += string.Format("AddMarker(map, '{0}', {1}, {2} );\n", tooltip, lat, lng);
                } while(arcLstItm.Length != 0);

                script += "}";
