    private CubicSpline CreateCurve(double[] x, double[] y)
        //CubicSpline curve = CubicSpline.InterpolateNatural(x, y);
        // var curve = CubicSpline.InterpolateNaturalInplace(x, y);
        CubicSpline curve = CubicSpline.InterpolateNaturalSorted(x, y);

        * Constructors

        public NumericalRunningCoupling()
            : base(RunningCouplingType.NonPerturbative_ITP)
            ExtractValues("..\\..\\AlphaS_qQCD.txt", out double[] momenta, out double[] alphas);
            alphas = NormalizeToLOperturbative(momenta, alphas);

            AlphaInterpolator = CubicSpline.InterpolateNaturalSorted(momenta, alphas);
        private static IInterpolation GetInterpolator(ColorInterpolation interpolation, double[] x, double[] y)
            switch (interpolation)
            case ColorInterpolation.Akima:
                return(CubicSpline.InterpolateAkimaSorted(x, y));

            case ColorInterpolation.Spline:
                return(CubicSpline.InterpolateNaturalSorted(x, y));

            case ColorInterpolation.Linear:
                return(LinearSpline.InterpolateSorted(x, y));

                throw new ArgumentException("interpolation");
        public void TestCubicSplineInterpolation()
            double[] x = new double[13];
            double[] y = new double[13];
            Console.WriteLine($"X Y");
            for (int i = 0; i <= 12; i++)
                x[i] = i * Math.PI / 12;
                y[i] = Math.Sin(x[i]);
                Console.WriteLine($"{x[i]} {y[i]}");
            var    spline = CubicSpline.InterpolateNaturalSorted(x, y);
            double testX  = 1.5 * Math.PI / 12;
            double testY  = spline.Interpolate(testX);

            Console.WriteLine($"{testX} {testY}");
        public static TiltData CubicSplineNatural(TiltData raw, float spacing, int n)
            var xmin = raw.Distances.Min();
            var npt  = n;

            var newdistances = new float[npt];
            var newtilt      = new float[npt];

            var interpolator = CubicSpline.InterpolateNaturalSorted(Array.ConvertAll(raw.Distances, Convert.ToDouble), Array.ConvertAll(raw.Values, Convert.ToDouble));

            for (var i = 0; i < npt; i++)
                newdistances[i] = xmin + (i * spacing);
                newtilt[i]      = Convert.ToSingle(interpolator.Interpolate(Convert.ToDouble(newdistances[i])));

            return(new TiltData(raw.Title, npt, spacing, raw.X, raw.Y, raw.Bearing, newdistances, newtilt));
        /// <summary>
        ///     Gets the charge state (determined by AutoCorrelation algorithm) for a peak in some data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="peak">is the peak whose charge we want to detect.</param>
        /// <param name="peakData">is the PeakData object containing raw data, peaks, etc which are used in the process.</param>
        /// <param name="debug"></param>
        /// <returns>Returns the charge of the feature.</returns>
        public static int GetChargeState(ThrashV1Peak peak, PeakData peakData, bool debug)
            var minus      = 0.1;
            var plus       = 1.1; // right direction to look
            var startIndex = PeakIndex.GetNearest(peakData.MzList, peak.Mz - peak.FWHM - minus, peak.DataIndex);
            var stopIndex  = PeakIndex.GetNearest(peakData.MzList, peak.Mz + peak.FWHM + plus, peak.DataIndex);
            var numPts     = stopIndex - startIndex;
            var numL       = numPts;

            if (numPts < 5)

            if (numPts < 256)
                numL = 10 * numPts;

            // TODO: PattersonChargeStateCalculator does a lot of funny stuff around here.
            // variable to help us perform spline interpolation.
            // count is stopIndex - startIndex + 1 because we need to include the values at stopIndex as well
            // NOTE: This output is different from what the DeconEngineV2 code outputs; there are notes in that code
            //    wondering if there was a bug in the previous implementation imported from VB, of starting at startIndex + 1.
            //    That code performed interpolation on the range from startIndex + 1 to stopIndex, inclusive, and minMz set to PeakData.MzList[startIndex + 1].
            //    This code can produce output that more closely matches the DeconEngineV2 output by using
            //    "startIndex, stopIndex - startIndex + 2" as the parameters to "GetRange()", and setting minMz to PeakData.MzList[startIndex + 1].
            //    Since using startIndex and stopIndex directly produces output that mostly differs on fit score by a small amount,
            //    we are changing this code to use them.
            var interpolator = CubicSpline.InterpolateNaturalSorted(
                peakData.MzList.GetRange(startIndex, stopIndex - startIndex + 1).ToArray(),
                peakData.IntensityList.GetRange(startIndex, stopIndex - startIndex + 1).ToArray());

            var minMz = peakData.MzList[startIndex];
            var maxMz = peakData.MzList[stopIndex];

            // List to store the interpolated intensities of the region on which we performed the cubic spline interpolation.
            var iv = new List <double>(numL);

            for (var i = 0; i < numL; i++)
                var xVal = minMz + (maxMz - minMz) * i / numL;
                var fVal = interpolator.Interpolate(xVal);

            if (debug)
                for (var i = 0; i < numL; i++)
                    var xVal = minMz + (maxMz - minMz) * i / numL;
                    Console.Error.WriteLine(xVal + "," + iv[i]);

            // List to store the auto correlation values at the points in the region.
            var autoCorrelationScores = ACss(iv.ToArray());

            if (debug)
                Console.Error.WriteLine("AutoCorrelation values");
                for (var i = 0; i < autoCorrelationScores.Count; i++)
                    var score = autoCorrelationScores[i];
                    Console.Error.WriteLine((maxMz - minMz) * i / numL + "," + score);

            var minN = 0;

            while (minN < numL - 1 && autoCorrelationScores[minN] > autoCorrelationScores[minN + 1])
            var success = HighestChargeStatePeak(minMz, maxMz, minN, autoCorrelationScores, MaxCharge, out var bestAcScore, out _);

            if (!success)
                return(-1); // Didn't find anything
            // List to temporarily store charge list. These charges are calculated at peak values of auto correlation.
            // Now go back through the CS peaks and make a list of all CS that are at least 10% of the highest
            var charges = GenerateChargeStates(minMz, maxMz, minN, autoCorrelationScores, MaxCharge, bestAcScore);

            // Get the final CS value to be returned
            var returnChargeStateVal = -1;
            // TODO: PattersonChargeStateCalculator really doesn't match the following code.
            var fwhm = peak.FWHM; // Store a copy of the FWHM to avoid modifying the actual value

            if (fwhm > 0.1)
                fwhm = 0.1;

            for (var i = 0; i < charges.Count; i++)
                // no point retesting previous charge.
                var tempChargeState = charges[i];
                var skip            = false;
                for (var j = 0; j < i; j++)
                    if (charges[j] == tempChargeState)
                        skip = true;
                if (skip)
                if (tempChargeState > 0)
                    var peakA = peak.Mz + 1.0 / tempChargeState;
                    var found = peakData.GetPeakFromAllOriginalIntensity(peakA - fwhm, peakA + fwhm, out var isoPeak);
                    if (found)
                        returnChargeStateVal = tempChargeState;
                        if (isoPeak.Mz * tempChargeState < 3000)
                        // if the mass is greater than 3000, lets make sure that multiple isotopes exist.
                        peakA = peak.Mz - 1.03 / tempChargeState;
                        found = peakData.GetPeakFromAllOriginalIntensity(peakA - fwhm, peakA + fwhm, out isoPeak);
                        if (found)
                        peakA = peak.Mz - 1.0 / tempChargeState;
                        found = peakData.GetPeakFromAllOriginalIntensity(peakA - fwhm, peakA + fwhm, out isoPeak);
                        if (found && isoPeak.Mz * tempChargeState < 3000)
 public CubicInterpolation(double[] xPoints, double[] yPoints)
     _interpolator = CubicSpline.InterpolateNaturalSorted(xPoints, yPoints);
        public List <Tuple <DateTime, VolumeIndicator> > GetRangeOfVolumeIndicator(DateTime Start, DateTime End)
            List <Tuple <DateTime, VolumeIndicator> > oVolumeIndicatorData = new List <Tuple <DateTime, VolumeIndicator> >();

                DateTime StartWithOffset = Start;
                if ((int)(End - Start).TotalDays < 20)
                    StartWithOffset = Start.AddDays(-(20 - (int)(End - Start).TotalDays));
                var HistData = GetDataForRange(StartWithOffset, End);
                if (HistData.Count() == 0)

                double[] VolumeList   = HistData.Select(x => Convert.ToDouble(x.Volume)).ToArray();
                double   StdForVolume = VolumeList.StandardDeviation();
                double   StdForPrice  = HistData.Select(x => Convert.ToDouble(x.Close)).ToArray().StandardDeviation();

                CubicSpline oCSTotalData = CubicSpline.InterpolateNaturalSorted(
                    VolumeList.Select((s, i2) => new { i2, s })
                    .Select(t => Convert.ToDouble(t.i2)).ToArray(),

                var ListOfDiff = VolumeList.Select((s, i2) => new { i2, s })
                                 .ToList().Select(f => oCSTotalData.Differentiate(Convert.ToDouble(f.i2))).ToArray();

                int i = 0;
                foreach (var hqd in HistData)
                    VolumeIndicator oVi          = new VolumeIndicator();
                    bool            bHighVolume  = (ListOfDiff[i] > 0 && VolumeList[i] > StdForVolume);
                    bool            bLowVolume   = (ListOfDiff[i] <= 0 && VolumeList[i] < StdForVolume);
                    bool            bHighRange   = (Convert.ToDouble(hqd.Close - hqd.Open) > StdForPrice);
                    bool            bLowRange    = (-Convert.ToDouble(hqd.Open - hqd.Close) > StdForPrice);
                    bool            bUpBars      = (hqd.Close > hqd.Open);
                    bool            bNeutralBars = (hqd.Close.Equals(hqd.Open));

                    if (bHighVolume && bHighRange && bUpBars && !bNeutralBars)
                        oVi.VolumeIndicatorType = VolumeIndicatorType.VolumeClimaxUp;
                    else if (bHighVolume && bHighRange && !bUpBars && !bNeutralBars)
                        oVi.VolumeIndicatorType = VolumeIndicatorType.VolumeClimaxDown;
                    else if (bHighVolume && bHighRange && bNeutralBars)
                        oVi.VolumeIndicatorType = VolumeIndicatorType.VolumeClimaxPlusHighVolumeChurn;
                    else if (bHighVolume && !bHighRange)
                        oVi.VolumeIndicatorType = VolumeIndicatorType.HighVolumeChurn;
                    else if (!bHighVolume && bLowVolume)
                        oVi.VolumeIndicatorType = VolumeIndicatorType.LowVolume;
                        oVi.VolumeIndicatorType = VolumeIndicatorType.Unknown;
                    oVi.Strength = 100;
                    oVolumeIndicatorData.Add(new Tuple <DateTime, VolumeIndicator>(hqd.Date, oVi));

            }catch (Exception ex)
                ImperaturGlobal.GetLog().Error(string.Format("Error in GetRangeOfVolumeIndicator"), ex);
        /// <summary>
        /// configures the data points to run this model. Provide three arrays, which must be of identical length, containing
        /// recorded daytime temps, nighttime temps, and dates of those temps, which must all be of the same length and in
        /// sorted order. If only one of the temperature series has a valid value at a particular point then the other array at
        /// that position should be set to NoDataValue.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Max_Temps">Array of LST Day temperatures, one per MODIS file in the period e.g. one every 8 days</param>
        /// <param name="Min_Temps">Array of LST Night temperatures, one per MODIS file in the period e.g. one every 8 days.
        /// Must be for the same dates as LST_Day input.</param>
        /// <param name="TemperatureDatePoints">Array of DateTime objects representing the dates of the input temperatures.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool SetData(float[] Max_Temps, float[] Min_Temps, DateTime[] TemperatureDatePoints, float NoDataValue,
                            bool convertMaxTempsFromLST, bool convertMinTempsFromLST)
            // check inputs are of correct length
            if (Max_Temps.Length != Min_Temps.Length ||
                Max_Temps.Length != TemperatureDatePoints.Length)
            int nPoints = TemperatureDatePoints.Length;

            // check dates are sorted
            for (int i = 1; i < nPoints; i++)
                if (TemperatureDatePoints[i - 1] > TemperatureDatePoints[i])
            // Store the original input dates
            m_InputTemperatureDates = TemperatureDatePoints;
            var startDay = m_InputTemperatureDates.First();

            // For each of max and min temps, we will create a spline between time/value pairs but only for points where the
            // temperature was valid (the spline doesn't know about nodata). So first generate separate list of valid time stamps
            // for max and min.
            List <double> validminTemps, validmaxTemps, validminDatePoints, validmaxDatePoints;

            // we will create the lists at their max possible size (i.e. same as input, all values are valid) and trim later,
            // rather than grow as needed, this is an attempt to fix a garbage collector crash that was occurring here in an
            // old version of mono
            validminTemps      = new List <double>(nPoints);
            validmaxTemps      = new List <double>(nPoints);
            validmaxDatePoints = new List <double>(nPoints);
            validminDatePoints = new List <double>(nPoints);
            double minTemp, maxTemp;

            for (int i = 0; i < nPoints; i++)
                if (Min_Temps[i] != NoDataValue)
                    ConvertTemperature(Max_Temps[i], Min_Temps[i], TemperatureDatePoints[i].DayOfYear, out maxTemp, out minTemp);
                    // min temp calculation only depends on the night temp
                    if (convertMinTempsFromLST)
                        // for development only, allow to run the model against unconverted LST values rather than converted air temp
                    // create a copy of the input image date as seconds since the first one, as the interpolator needs doubles not dates
                    var dSeconds = (TemperatureDatePoints[i] - startDay).TotalSeconds;

                    // max temp calculation depends on both the day and night temp
                    if (Max_Temps[i] != NoDataValue)
                        if (convertMaxTempsFromLST)
            if (validmaxTemps.Count / TemperatureDatePoints.Length < modelParams.ValidDataProportion
                validminTemps.Count / TemperatureDatePoints.Length < modelParams.ValidDataProportion)

            // generate the spline interpolator objects to get daily temps from the 8-daily (or whatever) inputs
            // note we will use these splines for all days, rather than the original data on the days where they exist,
            // because splines don't have to pass through the data points and we don't want discontinuities
            // We are only storing (and splining from) the converted min/max air temps rather than the LST temps
            _MaxTempSpline = CubicSpline.InterpolateNaturalSorted(validmaxDatePoints.ToArray(), validmaxTemps.ToArray());
            _MinTempSpline = CubicSpline.InterpolateNaturalSorted(validminDatePoints.ToArray(), validminTemps.ToArray());

            // set the initial "previous" sunset temp to be the first day's max temp
            m_PreviousSunsetTemp = validmaxTemps.First();

            // set the flag for whether the temperatures are _ever_ suitable for sporogenesis
            if (validmaxTemps.Max() > modelParams.MinTempThreshold && validmaxTemps.Min() < modelParams.MosquitoDeathTemperature)
                // NB the Weiss code checked on the 1-daily splined temperature values for this; here we
                // are checking on the converted 8-daily (or whatever interval is provided) input values.
                // A spline can go outside the range of the input data, so this doesn't necessarily give
                // the same result in every case, but i think it's reasonable to not base our decisions on such cases.
                _PotentiallySuitableTemperature = true;

            _CanRun = true;