// Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
         * If the player clicks, and they are over the plane, then move their cube to the selected position
         * Then, create a new scriptable object to hold that position, and convert it to json data
         * prepend a packet id to identify the correct scriptable object to decode it as
         * Send it out over the network

        if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
            RaycastHit hit;
            Ray        ray = cam.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);

            if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit))
                Vector3 WorldPosition = hit.point;
                MyCube.transform.position = WorldPosition;

                CubePositionEvent cubeEvent = (CubePositionEvent)ScriptableObject.CreateInstance("CubePositionEvent");
                cubeEvent.Position = WorldPosition;
                string encoded = "cp|" + JsonUtility.ToJson(cubeEvent);
 public void RecievePosition(string message)
      * When a message is recieved from over the network, check if it starts with the correct packet id
      * If it does, then its a packet we want to listen to, so attempt to decode it into the correct scriptable object
      * Then use that scriptable object to move the cube position
     if (message.StartsWith("cp|"))
         message = message.Substring(3);
         CubePositionEvent createdEvent = (CubePositionEvent)ScriptableObject.CreateInstance("CubePositionEvent");
         JsonUtility.FromJsonOverwrite(message, createdEvent);
         OtherCube.transform.position = createdEvent.Position;