//借阅按钮事件 private void btEnter_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //首先判断是否存在已经借阅了此本书的情况 if (cbReader.Text != "" && cbBook.Text != "") { CtbLend cLend = new CtbLend(); CtbLendBLL cLendBll = new CtbLendBLL(); int readerID = int.Parse(cbReader.Text); int bookID = int.Parse(cbBook.Text); string sql = "bookID=" + bookID + " and readerID=" + readerID + " and lendNum>0"; if (cLendBll.GetModelList(sql).Count > 0) { MessageBox.Show("该读者已经借阅了此本书.请先归还现有数目!", "操作提示"); return; } else { if (tbLendNum.Text != "") { int lendNum = 0; try { lendNum = int.Parse(tbLendNum.Text); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("输入的数量不正确,请确定格式正确。详细异常信息:\n" + ex.Message, "出现异常"); return; } if (lendNum > int.Parse(lbTrueName1.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("借出数量不应该大于实际存书数量", "出现异常"); return; } CtbLendBLL lendBll = new CtbLendBLL(); CtbLend lend = new CtbLend(); lend.readerID = int.Parse(cbReader.Text); lend.bookID = int.Parse(cbBook.Text); lend.lendDate = dtkBorrowDate.Value; lend.lendYDate = dtkYReturnDate.Value; lend.lendSDate = null; lend.lendNum = int.Parse(tbLendNum.Text); CtbBookInformation cBook = new CtbBookInformation(); CtbBookInformationBLL cBookBll = new CtbBookInformationBLL(); cBook = cBookBll.GetModel(lend.bookID); cBook.bookLendNum = cBook.bookLendNum + lend.lendNum; cBookBll.Update(cBook); lendBll.Add(lend); MessageBox.Show("添加借阅信息成功!", "操作提示"); } else { MessageBox.Show("借出数量不能为空", "出现异常"); return; } } } }
/// <summary> /// 查询 /// </summary> private void btSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (cbGReaderID.Text != "" && cbGBookID.Text != "") { CtbLend cLend = new CtbLend(); CtbLendBLL cLendBll = new CtbLendBLL(); int readerID = int.Parse(cbGReaderID.Text); int bookID = int.Parse(cbGBookID.Text); string sql = "bookID=" + bookID + " and readerID=" + readerID + " and lendNum>0"; if (cLendBll.GetModelList(sql).Count > 0)//如果存在借阅信息,将信息赋值到相应控件 { cLend = cLendBll.GetModelList(sql)[0]; tbGLendNum.Text = cLend.lendNum.ToString(); dtkGLendDate.Value = cLend.lendDate; dtkGYreturn.Value = cLend.lendYDate; dtkSreturn.Value = DateTime.Now; //计算罚金 if (DateTime.Compare(dtkSreturn.Value, dtkGYreturn.Value) > 0) { TimeSpan ts = dtkSreturn.Value - dtkGYreturn.Value; Double unit = 0.50;//超过应归还日期一天罚0.50元 tbFmoney.Text = (ts.Days * unit).ToString(); } else { tbFmoney.Text = "0"; } IsExistLendInfo = true; } else { MessageBox.Show("没有此借阅信息!", "操作提示"); IsExistLendInfo = false; } } }
//归还图书 private void btGEnter_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (IsExistLendInfo) { int readerID = int.Parse(cbGReaderID.Text); int bookID = int.Parse(cbGBookID.Text); string sql = "bookID=" + bookID + " and readerID=" + readerID + " and lendNum>0"; CtbLendBLL cLendBll = new CtbLendBLL(); CtbLend cLend = cLendBll.GetModelList(sql)[0]; cLend.lendNum = 0;//将借出的书数量置为0 cLend.lendSDate = dtkSreturn.Value.ToString(); cLend.lendYDate = dtkGYreturn.Value; cLendBll.Update(cLend); MessageBox.Show("操作成功!", "操作提示"); } }