//Case 30293: This is not intended to provide the most rubust SQL Param massage possible;
        //rather, it handles only a few edge cases. This should be refactored as more robust SQL mechanics are implemented.
        private static string _getParamVal(string Param)
            string Ret    = "";
            Int32  IntVal = CswConvert.ToInt32(Param);

            if (Int32.MinValue != IntVal)
                Ret = IntVal.ToString();
                Ret = CswTools.SafeSqlParam(Param);

        } // getViews()

        public CswNbtViewId getViewIdByName(string ViewName, CswEnumNbtViewVisibility Visibility, CswPrimaryKey VisibilityRoleId, CswPrimaryKey VisibilityUserId)
            CswTableSelect ViewsTable  = _CswNbtResources.makeCswTableSelect("CswNbtViewSelect_viewExists_select", "node_views");
            string         WhereClause = "where viewname = '" + CswTools.SafeSqlParam(ViewName) + "'";

            if (Visibility == CswEnumNbtViewVisibility.Role)
                WhereClause += " and visibility = 'Role' and roleid = " + VisibilityRoleId.PrimaryKey.ToString();
            else if (Visibility == CswEnumNbtViewVisibility.User)
                WhereClause += " and visibility = 'User' and userid = " + VisibilityUserId.PrimaryKey.ToString();
                WhereClause += " and visibility = '" + Visibility.ToString() + "'";
            return(new CswNbtViewId(Convert.ToInt32(ViewsTable.getTable(new CswCommaDelimitedString("nodeviewid"), WhereClause).Rows[0]["nodeviewid"])));
        /// <summary>
        /// Get a DataTable with a single view, by name and visibility
        /// </summary>
        public DataTable getView(string ViewName, CswEnumNbtViewVisibility Visibility, CswPrimaryKey VisibilityRoleId, CswPrimaryKey VisibilityUserId)
            CswTableSelect ViewsTable  = _CswNbtResources.makeCswTableSelect("CswNbtViewSelect_viewExists_select", "node_views");
            string         WhereClause = "where viewname = '" + CswTools.SafeSqlParam(ViewName) + "'";

            if (Visibility == CswEnumNbtViewVisibility.Role)
                WhereClause += " and visibility = 'Role' and roleid = " + VisibilityRoleId.PrimaryKey.ToString();
            else if (Visibility == CswEnumNbtViewVisibility.User)
                WhereClause += " and visibility = 'User' and userid = " + VisibilityUserId.PrimaryKey.ToString();
                WhereClause += " and visibility = '" + Visibility.ToString() + "'";
        } // getViews()
 public CswNbtMetaDataObjectClassProp getObjectClassProp( Int32 ObjectClassId, string ObjectClassPropName, CswDateTime Date = null )
     return (CswNbtMetaDataObjectClassProp) _CollImpl.getWhereFirst( "where objectclassid = " + ObjectClassId.ToString() + " and lower(propname) = '" + CswTools.SafeSqlParam( ObjectClassPropName.ToLower() ) + "'", Date );
 public CswNbtMetaDataNodeType getNodeTypeLatestVersion(string NodeTypeName)
     // Get any nodetype matching by name
     // (which is guaranteed to have the same version history as any other nodetype matching by name)
     // Then fetch the latest version of that nodetype
     return((CswNbtMetaDataNodeType)_CollImpl.getWhereFirst(@"where nodetypeid = (select max(nodetypeid) maxntid
                                                                                      from nodetypes 
                                                                                     where firstversionid = (select firstversionid 
                                                                                                               from nodetypes
                                                                                                              where lower(nodetypename) = '" + CswTools.SafeSqlParam(NodeTypeName.ToLower()) + "'))"));
 /// <summary>
 /// Get the first nodetype matching by name (which is guaranteed to have the same version history as any other nodetype matching by name).
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="NodeTypeName">The name of the NodeType</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public CswNbtMetaDataNodeType getNodeTypeFirstVersion(string NodeTypeName)
     return((CswNbtMetaDataNodeType)_CollImpl.getWhereFirst(@"where nodetypeid = (select firstversionid from nodetypes where lower(nodetypename) = '" + CswTools.SafeSqlParam(NodeTypeName.ToLower()) + "')"));
        private string _makeNodeSql()
            string CurrentUserIdClause = string.Empty;

            if (null != _CswNbtResources.CurrentNbtUser && null != _CswNbtResources.CurrentNbtUser.UserId)
                CurrentUserIdClause = " and f.userid = " + _CswNbtResources.CurrentNbtUser.UserId.PrimaryKey;
            IEnumerable <string> SafeLikeClauses = _makeSafeLikeClauses();
            string Query = string.Empty;

            if (SafeLikeClauses.Any())
                Query += @" with props as ( select p.nodetypeid, p.objectclasspropid, p.nodetypepropid, p.propname, f.fieldtype, nl.nodetypelayoutid, nl.display_row, op.propname as objectclasspropname
                                              from nodetype_props p
                                              join field_types f on p.fieldtypeid = f.fieldtypeid
                                              left outer join nodetype_layout nl on (nl.nodetypepropid = p.nodetypepropid and nl.layouttype = 'Table')
                                              left outer join object_class_props op on p.objectclasspropid = op.objectclasspropid
                                             where ( nl.nodetypelayoutid is not null 
                                                     or f.fieldtype in ('Image', 'MOL') 
                                                     or ( f.searchable = '1'
                                                          and p.nodetypepropid in (select nodetypepropid 
                                                                                     from jct_nodes_props j ";
                Query += "                                                          where ( ";
                bool first = true;
                foreach (string SafeLikeClause in SafeLikeClauses)
                    if (false == first)
                        Query += "                                                     or ";
                    Query += "                                                             j.gestaltsearch " + SafeLikeClause + " ";
                    first  = false;
                Query += @"                                                               )

                                 jctnd as ( select jnp.nodeid, jnp.gestaltsearch
                                              from jct_nodes_props jnp
                                              join nodetype_props p on (jnp.nodetypepropid = p.nodetypepropid)
                                              join nodetypes t on (p.nodetypeid = t.nodetypeid)
                                              join field_types f on (p.fieldtypeid = f.fieldtypeid)
                                              where f.searchable = '1'";
                if (false == _SingleNodetype)
                    Query += @"                   and t.searchdeferpropid is null";
                    Query += @"                   and t.searchable = '1'";
                Query += @"                UNION
                                            select rn.nodeid, jnp.gestaltsearch
                                              from nodes n
                                              join jct_nodes_props jnp on jnp.nodeid = n.nodeid
                                              join nodetype_props p on (jnp.nodetypepropid = p.nodetypepropid)
                                              join field_types f on (p.fieldtypeid = f.fieldtypeid)
                                              join nodetypes t on t.nodetypeid = p.nodetypeid
                                              join nodetype_props r on t.searchdeferpropid = r.nodetypepropid
                                              join jct_nodes_props rj on (r.nodetypepropid = rj.nodetypepropid and rj.nodeid = n.nodeid)
                                              join nodes rn on rj.field1_fk = rn.nodeid
                                             where f.searchable = '1'

                                pval as (select j.nodeid, op.propname, j.field1_fk
                                           from object_class_props op
                                           join nodetype_props p on op.objectclasspropid = p.objectclasspropid
                                           join jct_nodes_props j on j.nodetypepropid = p.nodetypepropid
                                          where op.propname in ('Location', 'Inventory Group', 'Report Group', 'Mail Report Group')
                                permgrp as ( " + _makePermissionGroupSQL() + @" ),
                                obsoleteprops as ( " + _makeMaterialObsoleteFilterSQL() + @" ),
                                  srch as ( select n.nodeid,
                                                   n.relationalid, n.relationaltable,
                                                   nvl(n.iconfilename, t.iconfilename) iconfilename,
                                                   lower(n.nodename) mssqlorder,
                                                   propval.gestaltsearch as gestalt,
                                              from nodes n
                                              join nodetypes t on (n.nodetypeid = t.nodetypeid)
                                              join object_class o on (t.objectclassid = o.objectclassid)
                                              left outer join favorites f on n.nodeid = f.itemid " + CurrentUserIdClause + @"
                                              left outer join permgrp i on (n.nodeid = i.nodeid)
                                              left outer join props on (props.nodetypeid = t.nodetypeid)
                                              left outer join obsoleteprops oprops on (oprops.nodeid = n.nodeid)
                                              left outer join jct_nodes_props propvaljoin on (props.nodetypepropid = propvaljoin.nodetypepropid and propvaljoin.nodeid = n.nodeid)
                                              left outer join jct_nodes_props propval on (propval.jctnodepropid = propvaljoin.jctnodepropid)
                                             where n.istemp = '0' ";
                //If we have access to disabled module MetaData, we should have access to their Nodes as well
                if (_CswNbtResources.MetaData.ExcludeDisabledModules)
                    Query += "                 and t.enabled = '1' ";
                // case 31056
                if (_OnlyMergeableNodeTypes)
                    Query += "                 and t.mergeable = '1' ";
                // BZ 6008
                if (!_IncludeSystemNodes)
                    Query += "                 and n.issystem = '0' ";
                //case 27862
                if (false == _IncludeHiddenNodes)
                    Query += "                 and n.hidden = '0' ";

                Query += "                     and ( ";
                first  = true;
                foreach (string SafeLikeClause in SafeLikeClauses)
                    if (false == first)
                        Query += "                     and ";
                    Query += "                             n.nodeid in (select nodeid from jctnd where gestaltsearch " + SafeLikeClause;
                    if (CswTools.IsInteger(_SearchTerm))
                        Query += @"                                      union select " + _SearchTerm + " from dual";
                    Query += "                                         ) ";
                    first  = false;
                Query += @"                        ) ";
                if (false == _SingleNodetype)
                    Query += @"                    and t.searchable = '1'";
                    Query += @"                    and t.searchdeferpropid is null";
                Query += @"                    and ( n.searchable = '1' or ( props.fieldtype = 'Barcode' and propval.field1 = '" + CswTools.SafeSqlParam(_SearchTerm) + @"' ) )";
                // CIS-52280
                Query += @"                    and ( oprops.obsolete is null or oprops.obsolete = '0' or oprops.obsolete = 'N')";
                Query += _ExtraWhereClause;
                // Case 31351: Exclude specific nodes
                if (_ExcludeNodeIds.Count > 0)
                    Query += "                     and n.nodeid not in (" + _ExcludeNodeIds.ToString() + ") ";
                Query += @"               )
                                   select *
                                     from srch";

                // Handle result limits by looking at unique nodeids in the results
                Query += @"         where srch.nodeid in ( select nodeid 
                                                             from ( select nodeid, rownum as rnum
                                                                      from (select distinct nodeid from srch))
                                                            where rnum <= " + _CswNbtResources.TreeViewResultLimit + @")
                                    order by srch.userid, lower(srch.nodename), srch.nodeid, lower(srch.propname), srch.display_row ";
        } //_makeNodeSql()
        public void threadCallBack(ICswResources CswResources)
            _LogicRunStatus = CswEnumScheduleLogicRunStatus.Running;

            if (CswEnumScheduleLogicRunStatus.Stopping != _LogicRunStatus)
                CswNbtResources _CswNbtResources = (CswNbtResources)CswResources;
                    const Int32 MaxRowsToProcessPerThread = 1000; //This number must not exceed the amount of importing we expect to be able to do in _CswScheduleLogicDetail.MaxRunTimeMs
                    const Int32 MinNumberToProcess        = 100;  //CIS-53123 - we should process at least this many rows at a time (because committing is expensive) - this number must not exceed 1000 (because we're using an IN clause)
                    Int32       NumberToProcess           = CswConvert.ToInt32(_CswNbtResources.ConfigVbls.getConfigVariableValue(CswEnumConfigurationVariableNames.NodesProcessedPerCycle));
                    NumberToProcess = NumberToProcess < MinNumberToProcess ? MinNumberToProcess : NumberToProcess;
                    Int32        NumberOfCommits = MaxRowsToProcessPerThread / NumberToProcess;//CIS-53123 - process MaxRowsToProcessPerThread rows per rule iteration, committing every NumberToProcess rows
                    const string QueueTableName  = "nbtimportqueue";
                    const string QueuePkName     = "nbtimportqueueid";

                    for (int c = 0; c < NumberOfCommits; c++)
                        string Sql = "select nbtimportqueueid, state, itempk, pkcolumnname, sheetname, priority, importorder, tablename, coalesce(viewname, tablename) as sourcename, nodetypename from "
                                     + QueueTableName + "@" + CAFDbLink + " iq"
                                     + " join " + CswNbtImportTables.ImportDefOrder.TableName + " io on ( coalesce(viewname, tablename) = iq.sheetname )"
                                                                                                    //TODO - remove ignoring Delete rows when we support Importing deleted nodes
                                     + " where state != '" + State.E + "' and state != '" + State.D //Much faster than (I or U)
                                     + "' order by decode (state, '" + State.I + "', 1, '" + State.U + "', 2) asc, priority desc, importorder asc, nbtimportqueueid asc";

                        CswArbitrarySelect QueueSelect = _CswNbtResources.makeCswArbitrarySelect("cafimport_queue_select", Sql);
                        DataTable          QueueTable  = QueueSelect.getTable(0, NumberToProcess, false);
                        if (QueueTable.Rows.Count > 0)
                            Collection <String>     ImportQueuePKs = new Collection <string>();
                            CswCommaDelimitedString ItemPKs        = new CswCommaDelimitedString();
                            string  ImportOrder = QueueTable.Rows[0]["importorder"].ToString();
                            DataRow QueueRowDef = QueueTable.Rows[0];

                            CswNbtImporter Importer = new CswNbtImporter(_CswNbtResources.AccessId, CswEnumSetupMode.NbtExe);
                            foreach (DataRow QueueRow in QueueTable.Rows)
                                string CurrentTblNamePkCol = CswConvert.ToString(QueueRow["pkcolumnname"]);
                                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(CurrentTblNamePkCol))
                                    throw new Exception("Could not find pkcolumn in data_dictionary for table " + QueueRow["tablename"]);
                                if (QueueRow["importorder"].ToString() != ImportOrder)
                                    break;//We've changed NodeTypes - we'll pick them up next time around
                                ItemPKs.Add("'" + QueueRow["itempk"] + "'");

                            string ItemSql = "select * from " + QueueRowDef["sourcename"] + "@" + CAFDbLink +
                                             " where " + QueueRowDef["pkcolumnname"] + " in(" + ItemPKs + ")";

                            CswArbitrarySelect ItemSelect = _CswNbtResources.makeCswArbitrarySelect("cafimport_queue_select", ItemSql);
                            DataTable          ItemTable  = ItemSelect.getTable();
                            for (int i = 0; i < ItemTable.Rows.Count; i++)
                                DataRow ItemRow      = ItemTable.Rows[i];
                                string  NodetypeName = QueueRowDef["nodetypename"].ToString();
                                bool    Overwrite    = QueueRowDef["state"].ToString().Equals("U");

                                string Error = Importer.ImportRow(ItemRow, DefinitionName, NodetypeName, Overwrite);
                                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Error))
                                    // record success - delete the record
                                    _CswNbtResources.execArbitraryPlatformNeutralSql("delete from " + QueueTableName + "@" + CAFDbLink +
                                                                                     " where " + QueuePkName + " = " + ImportQueuePKs[i]);
                                    // truncate error to 2000 chars
                                    string SafeError = CswTools.SafeSqlParam(Error);
                                    if (SafeError.Length > 2000)
                                        SafeError = SafeError.Substring(0, 2000);
                                    // record failure - record the error on nbtimportqueue
                                    _CswNbtResources.execArbitraryPlatformNeutralSql("update " + QueueTableName + "@" + CAFDbLink +
                                                                                     "   set state = '" + State.E + "', " +
                                                                                     "       errorlog = '" + SafeError + "' " +
                                                                                     " where " + QueuePkName + " = " + ImportQueuePKs[i]);
                                _CswScheduleLogicDetail.LoadCount = _CswScheduleLogicDetail.LoadCount - 1;

                            //CIS-53123 - Commit every NumberToProcess rows (performes better than spawning a new thread every NumberToProcess rows)
                            c = NumberOfCommits;//We're done importing!

                    _CswScheduleLogicDetail.StatusMessage = "Completed without error";
                    _LogicRunStatus = CswEnumScheduleLogicRunStatus.Succeeded; //last line
                catch (Exception Exception)
                    _CswScheduleLogicDetail.StatusMessage = "CswScheduleLogicNbtCAFImport::ImportItems() exception: " + Exception.Message + "; " + Exception.StackTrace;
                    _CswNbtResources.logError(new CswDniException(_CswScheduleLogicDetail.StatusMessage));
                    _LogicRunStatus = CswEnumScheduleLogicRunStatus.Failed;
                } //catch
            }     //if we're not shutting down
        }         //threadCallBack()
        } // loadRelationshipRecursive()

        private CswArbitrarySelect _makeNodeSql(CswNbtViewRelationship Relationship, IEnumerable <CswPrimaryKey> ParentNodeIds = null)
            string CurrentUserIdClause = string.Empty;

            if (null != _CswNbtResources.CurrentNbtUser && null != _CswNbtResources.CurrentNbtUser.UserId)
                CurrentUserIdClause = " and f.userid = " + _CswNbtResources.CurrentNbtUser.UserId.PrimaryKey;
            CswCommaDelimitedString With = new CswCommaDelimitedString();
            string Select  = @"select n.nodeid,
                                     n.relationalid, n.relationaltable,
                                     nvl(n.iconfilename, t.iconfilename) iconfilename,
            string From    = @"from nodes n
                            left join favorites f on n.nodeid = f.itemid " + CurrentUserIdClause + @"
                            join nodetypes t on (n.nodetypeid = t.nodetypeid)
                            join object_class o on (t.objectclassid = o.objectclassid) ";
            string OrderBy = string.Empty;

            // Nodetype/Object Class filter
            string Where;

            if (Relationship.SecondType == CswEnumNbtViewRelatedIdType.NodeTypeId)
                Where = " where (t.firstversionid = " + Relationship.SecondId + ") ";
            else if (Relationship.SecondType == CswEnumNbtViewRelatedIdType.ObjectClassId)
                Where = " where (o.objectclassid = " + Relationship.SecondId + ") ";
            else if (Relationship.SecondType == CswEnumNbtViewRelatedIdType.PropertySetId)
                From += @" join jct_propertyset_objectclass jpo on (o.objectclassid = jpo.objectclassid) 
                           join property_set ps on (jpo.propertysetid = ps.propertysetid) ";
                Where = " where (ps.propertysetid = " + Relationship.SecondId + ") ";
                throw new CswDniException(CswEnumErrorType.Error, "Invalid View", "CswNbtTreeLoaderFromXmlViewByLevel got a relationship with an unrecognized SecondType: " + Relationship.SecondType.ToString());

            //If we have access to disabled module MetaData, we should have access to their Nodes as well
            if (_CswNbtResources.MetaData.ExcludeDisabledModules)
                // case 26029
                Where += " and t.enabled = '1' ";

            // Parent Node
            if (Relationship.PropId != Int32.MinValue && null != ParentNodeIds)
                bool   first       = true;
                string parentsWith = "parents as (";
                foreach (Int32 ParentNodeId in ParentNodeIds.Select(key => key.PrimaryKey))
                    if (first)
                        first = false;
                        parentsWith += " union ";
                    parentsWith += "select " + ParentNodeId + " nodeid from dual ";
                parentsWith += ")";

                Select += ",parent.parentnodeid ";

                if (Relationship.PropOwner == CswEnumNbtViewPropOwnerType.First)
                    From += @"            join (select jnp.nodeid parentnodeid, jnp.field1_fk thisnodeid
                                                  from jct_nodes_props jnp
                                                  join nodetype_props p on (jnp.nodetypepropid = p.nodetypepropid) ";
                    if (Relationship.PropType == CswEnumNbtViewPropIdType.NodeTypePropId)
                        From += @"               where p.firstpropversionid = " + Relationship.PropId;
                        From += @"                join object_class_props op on (p.objectclasspropid = op.objectclasspropid)
                                                 where op.objectclasspropid = " + Relationship.PropId;
                    From += @"                ) parent on (parent.thisnodeid = n.nodeid)";
                    From += @"          join (select jnp.nodeid thisnodeid, jnp.field1_fk parentnodeid
                                                from jct_nodes_props jnp
                                                join nodetype_props p on (jnp.nodetypepropid = p.nodetypepropid) ";
                    if (Relationship.PropType == CswEnumNbtViewPropIdType.NodeTypePropId)
                        From += @"             where p.firstpropversionid = " + Relationship.PropId;
                        From += @"              join object_class_props op on (p.objectclasspropid = op.objectclasspropid)
                                               where op.objectclasspropid = " + Relationship.PropId;
                    From += @"        ) parent on (parent.thisnodeid = n.nodeid)";
                From += " join parents on (parent.parentnodeid = parents.nodeid) ";
            } // if( Relationship.PropId != Int32.MinValue )

            CswCommaDelimitedString OrderByProps = new CswCommaDelimitedString();

            // Grouping
            if (Relationship.GroupByPropId != Int32.MinValue)
                CswNbtSubField GroupBySubField = _getDefaultSubFieldForProperty(Relationship.GroupByPropType, Relationship.GroupByPropId);
                Select += " ,g." + GroupBySubField.Column + " groupname";
                OrderByProps.Add("g." + GroupBySubField.Column);
                if (Relationship.GroupByPropType == CswEnumNbtViewPropIdType.ObjectClassPropId)
                    From += @" left outer join (select j.nodeid, " + GroupBySubField.Column + @" 
                                                    from jct_nodes_props j 
                                                    join nodetype_props p on j.nodetypepropid = p.nodetypepropid 
                                                    where p.objectclasspropid = " + Relationship.GroupByPropId.ToString() + @") g
                                on (g.nodeid = n.nodeid)";
                    From += @" left outer join (select j.nodeid, " + GroupBySubField.Column + @" 
                                                    from jct_nodes_props j 
                                                    where j.nodetypepropid = " + Relationship.GroupByPropId.ToString() + @") g 
                                on (g.nodeid = n.nodeid)";
            } // if( Relationship.GroupByPropId != Int32.MinValue )

            // Handle sort order
            Int32  sortAlias     = 0;
            String OrderByString = String.Empty;

            foreach (CswNbtViewProperty Prop in Relationship.Properties)
                if (Prop.SortBy)
                    // Case 10530
                    if (null != Prop.MetaDataProp)
                        CswEnumNbtPropColumn SubFieldColumn = Prop.MetaDataProp.getFieldTypeRule().SubFields.Default.Column;
                        string aliasName = "mssqlorder" + sortAlias;
                        Select += ",(select ";
                        if (SubFieldColumn == CswEnumNbtPropColumn.Field1_Numeric ||
                            SubFieldColumn == CswEnumNbtPropColumn.Field1_Date ||
                            SubFieldColumn == CswEnumNbtPropColumn.Field2_Numeric ||
                            SubFieldColumn == CswEnumNbtPropColumn.Field2_Date)
                            Select += SubFieldColumn.ToString();
                            Select += "lower(" + SubFieldColumn.ToString() + ")";
                        Select += " from jct_nodes_props where nodeid = n.nodeid and ";
                        if (Prop.Type == CswEnumNbtViewPropType.NodeTypePropId)
                            Select += "nodetypepropid = " + Prop.NodeTypePropId;
                            Select += "nodetypepropid in (select nodetypepropid from nodetype_props where objectclasspropid = " + Prop.ObjectClassPropId + ")";
                        Select += ") as " + aliasName;

                        // Case 10533
                        if (SubFieldColumn == CswEnumNbtPropColumn.Gestalt ||
                            SubFieldColumn == CswEnumNbtPropColumn.ClobData)
                            OrderByString = "lower(to_char(" + aliasName + "))";
                        else if (SubFieldColumn == CswEnumNbtPropColumn.Field1_Numeric ||
                                 SubFieldColumn == CswEnumNbtPropColumn.Field1_Date ||
                                 SubFieldColumn == CswEnumNbtPropColumn.Field2_Numeric ||
                                 SubFieldColumn == CswEnumNbtPropColumn.Field2_Date)
                            OrderByString = aliasName;
                            OrderByString = "lower(" + aliasName + ")";

                        if (Prop.SortMethod == CswEnumNbtViewPropertySortMethod.Descending)
                            OrderByString += " desc";

                        Int32 OrderByOrder = Prop.Order;
                        if (OrderByOrder != 0 && (OrderByProps.Count <= OrderByOrder || OrderByOrder < 0))
                            if (OrderByProps.Count == 0)
                                OrderByOrder = 0;
                                OrderByOrder = OrderByProps.Count - 1;

                        OrderByProps.Insert(OrderByOrder, OrderByString);
                } // if( Prop.SortBy )
            }     // foreach( CswNbtViewProperty Prop in Relationship.Properties )

            // case 29193: always fall back on name sort
            Select += ",lower(n.nodename) mssqlorder" + sortAlias;

            OrderBy = " order by " + OrderByProps.ToString() + " ";
            // for property multiplexing
            OrderBy += ",n.nodeid";
            if (Relationship.PropId != Int32.MinValue && null != ParentNodeIds)
                OrderBy += ",parent.parentnodeid ";

            // Properties for Select
            if (Relationship.Properties.Count > 0)
                CswCommaDelimitedString NTPropsInClause = new CswCommaDelimitedString(0, "'");
                CswCommaDelimitedString OCPropsInClause = new CswCommaDelimitedString(0, "'");
                foreach (CswNbtViewProperty Prop in Relationship.Properties)
                    if (Prop.Type == CswEnumNbtViewPropType.NodeTypePropId && Prop.NodeTypePropId != Int32.MinValue)
                    else if (Prop.ObjectClassPropId != Int32.MinValue)

                // This will multiplex the results by the number of properties!
                if (NTPropsInClause.Count > 0 || OCPropsInClause.Count > 0)
                    // Properties
                    // We match on propname because that's how the view editor works.
                    Select += @" ,props.nodetypepropid, props.objectclasspropid, props.propname, props.objectclasspropname, props.fieldtype ";

                    string propsWith = "props as (";
                    if (NTPropsInClause.Count > 0)
                        propsWith += @"  select p2.nodetypeid, p2.nodetypepropid, p2.objectclasspropid, p2.propname, f.fieldtype, ocp2.propname as objectclasspropname
                                from nodetype_props p1
                                join nodetype_props p2 on (p2.firstpropversionid = p1.firstpropversionid or p1.propname = p2.propname)
                                left outer join object_class_props ocp2 on p2.objectclasspropid = ocp2.objectclasspropid
                                join field_types f on f.fieldtypeid = p2.fieldtypeid
                                where p1.nodetypepropid in (" + NTPropsInClause.ToString() + @")";
                        if (OCPropsInClause.Count > 0)
                            propsWith += @" UNION ALL ";
                    if (OCPropsInClause.Count > 0)
                        propsWith += @" select ntp.nodetypeid, ntp.nodetypepropid, ntp.objectclasspropid, ntp.propname, f.fieldtype, op.propname as objectclasspropname
                                from object_class_props op
                                join nodetype_props ntp on (ntp.objectclasspropid = op.objectclasspropid or ntp.propname = op.propname)
                                join field_types f on f.fieldtypeid = ntp.fieldtypeid
                                where op.objectclasspropid in (" + OCPropsInClause.ToString() + @")";
                    propsWith += @"   )";

                    From += " left outer join props on (props.nodetypeid = t.nodetypeid)";  // intentional multiplexing

                    // Property Values
                    Select += @" ,propval.jctnodepropid, propval.gestalt, propval.field1, propval.field2, propval.field1_fk, propval.field1_numeric, propval.hidden, propval.field1_big ";
                    From   += @"  left outer join jct_nodes_props propvaljoin on (props.nodetypepropid = propvaljoin.nodetypepropid and propvaljoin.nodeid = n.nodeid) "; // better performance from indexes if we do this first
                    From   += @"  left outer join jct_nodes_props propval on (propval.jctnodepropid = propvaljoin.jctnodepropid) ";
                } // if( NTPropsInClause.Count > 0 || OCPropsInClause.Count > 0 )
            } // if(Relationship.Properties.Count > 0)

            // Property Filters
            Int32  FilterCount = 0;
            string FilterWhere = string.Empty;
            Dictionary <string, string> FilterParameters = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            foreach (CswNbtViewProperty Prop in Relationship.Properties)
                foreach (CswNbtViewPropertyFilter Filter in Prop.Filters)
                    if (Filter.FilterMode == CswEnumNbtFilterMode.Null ||
                        Filter.FilterMode == CswEnumNbtFilterMode.NotNull ||
                        Filter.Value != string.Empty)
                        FilterCount += 1;
                        ICswNbtFieldTypeRule FilterFieldTypeRule = _CswNbtResources.MetaData.getFieldTypeRule(Prop.FieldType);
                        string FilterValue = string.Empty;
                        if (null != FilterFieldTypeRule)
                            FilterValue = FilterFieldTypeRule.renderViewPropFilter(_RunAsUser, Filter, FilterParameters, FilterCount);
                        if (false == string.IsNullOrEmpty(FilterValue))
                            CswNbtSubField FilterSubField = FilterFieldTypeRule.SubFields[Filter.SubfieldName];

                            //if( FilterSubField.RelationalTable == string.Empty )
                            string FilterClause = string.Empty;    // @"select z.nodeid, '1' as included from nodes z where ";
                            if (Filter.FilterMode == CswEnumNbtFilterMode.Null ||
                                Filter.FilterMode == CswEnumNbtFilterMode.NotEquals ||
                                Filter.FilterMode == CswEnumNbtFilterMode.NotContains)
                                FilterClause += @"select z.nodeid, '1' as included 
                                                        from nodes z ";

                                if (Relationship.SecondType == CswEnumNbtViewRelatedIdType.NodeTypeId)
                                    FilterClause += @" join nodetypes t on z.nodetypeid = t.nodetypeid
                                                          where (t.firstversionid = :filt" + FilterCount + "relid) ";
                                else if (Relationship.SecondType == CswEnumNbtViewRelatedIdType.ObjectClassId)
                                    FilterClause += @" join nodetypes t on z.nodetypeid = t.nodetypeid
                                                           join object_class o on t.objectclassid = o.objectclassid
                                                          where (o.objectclassid = :filt" + FilterCount + "relid) ";
                                else if (Relationship.SecondType == CswEnumNbtViewRelatedIdType.PropertySetId)
                                    FilterClause += @" join nodetypes t on z.nodetypeid = t.nodetypeid
                                                           join object_class o on t.objectclassid = o.objectclassid
                                                           join jct_propertyset_objectclass jpo on (o.objectclassid = jpo.objectclassid) 
                                                           join property_set ps on (jpo.propertysetid = ps.propertysetid) 
                                                          where (ps.propertysetid = :filt" + FilterCount + "relid) ";
                                FilterClause += @"      and (z.nodeid not in (
                                                           select jnp.nodeid
                                                             from jct_nodes_props jnp
                                                             join nodetype_props p on (jnp.nodetypepropid = p.nodetypepropid) ";

                                if (Prop.Type == CswEnumNbtViewPropType.NodeTypePropId)
                                    FilterClause += @"  where (lower(p.propname) = :filt" + FilterCount + @"ntpname)) ";
                                    FilterClause += @"   join object_class_props op on (p.objectclasspropid = op.objectclasspropid)
                                                            where op.objectclasspropid = :filt" + FilterCount + @"ocpid)";
                                FilterClause += @" or z.nodeid in (select n.nodeid from nodes n ";
                                FilterClause += @"select n.nodeid, '1' as included from nodes n ";

                            if (Prop.Type == CswEnumNbtViewPropType.NodeTypePropId)
                                FilterClause += @"            join nodetype_props p on (lower(p.propname) = :filt" + FilterCount + @"ntpname) ";
                                FilterParameters.Add("filt" + FilterCount + "ntpname", CswTools.SafeSqlParam(Prop.NodeTypeProp.PropName.ToLower()));
                                FilterClause += @"            join object_class_props op on (op.objectclasspropid = :filt" + FilterCount + @"ocpid)
                                                                  join nodetype_props p on (p.objectclasspropid = op.objectclasspropid) ";
                                FilterParameters.Add("filt" + FilterCount + "ocpid", Prop.ObjectClassPropId.ToString());
                            FilterClause += @"                join jct_nodes_props jnp on (jnp.nodeid = n.nodeid and jnp.nodetypepropid = p.nodetypepropid) ";

                            FilterParameters.Add("filt" + FilterCount + "relid", Relationship.SecondId.ToString());
                            if (Relationship.SecondType == CswEnumNbtViewRelatedIdType.NodeTypeId)
                                FilterClause += @" join nodetypes t on n.nodetypeid = t.nodetypeid
                                                        where (t.firstversionid = :filt" + FilterCount + "relid) ";
                            else if (Relationship.SecondType == CswEnumNbtViewRelatedIdType.ObjectClassId)
                                FilterClause += @" join nodetypes t on n.nodetypeid = t.nodetypeid
                                                        join object_class o on t.objectclassid = o.objectclassid
                                                        where (o.objectclassid = :filt" + FilterCount + "relid) ";
                            else if (Relationship.SecondType == CswEnumNbtViewRelatedIdType.PropertySetId)
                                FilterClause += @" join nodetypes t on n.nodetypeid = t.nodetypeid
                                                        join object_class o on t.objectclassid = o.objectclassid
                                                        join jct_propertyset_objectclass jpo on (o.objectclassid = jpo.objectclassid) 
                                                        join property_set ps on (jpo.propertysetid = ps.propertysetid) 
                                                        where (ps.propertysetid = :filt" + FilterCount + "relid) ";

                            FilterClause += @" and " + FilterValue + @"";
                            if (Filter.FilterMode == CswEnumNbtFilterMode.Null ||
                                Filter.FilterMode == CswEnumNbtFilterMode.NotEquals ||
                                Filter.FilterMode == CswEnumNbtFilterMode.NotContains)
                                FilterClause += "))";

                            With.Add("filt" + FilterCount.ToString() + " as (" + FilterClause + ")");

                            From += "left outer join filt" + FilterCount.ToString() + " f" + FilterCount.ToString() + " on (f" + FilterCount.ToString() + ".nodeid = n.nodeid)";
                            if (Filter.ResultMode == CswEnumNbtFilterResultMode.Disabled)
                                Select += ",f" + FilterCount.ToString() + ".included as included" + Filter.Conjunction.ToString() + FilterCount.ToString();
                            if (Filter.ResultMode == CswEnumNbtFilterResultMode.Hide)
                                if (FilterWhere != string.Empty)
                                    FilterWhere += Filter.Conjunction.ToString().ToLower();
                                FilterWhere += " f" + FilterCount.ToString() + ".included = '1' ";

                            //} // if( FilterSubField.RelationalTable == string.empty )
                            //else if( false == string.IsNullOrEmpty( FilterValue ) )
                            //    FilterWhere += Filter.Conjunction.ToString().ToLower() + " " + FilterValue;
                        } // if we really have a filter
                    }     // if we have a filter
                }         // foreach( CswNbtViewPropertyFilter Filter in Prop.Filters )
            }             // foreach( CswNbtViewProperty Prop in Relationship.Properties )
            if (FilterWhere != string.Empty)
                Where += "and (" + FilterWhere + ")";

            if (Relationship.NodeIdsToFilterOut.Count > 0)
                string inclause = "";
                bool   first    = true;
                foreach (CswPrimaryKey NodeId in Relationship.NodeIdsToFilterOut)
                    if (NodeId != null)
                        if (first)
                            first = false;
                            inclause += ",";
                        inclause += NodeId.PrimaryKey.ToString();
                if (inclause != string.Empty)
                    Where += " and n.nodeid not in ( " + inclause + " ) ";
            if (Relationship.NodeIdsToFilterIn.Count > 0)
                string inclause = "";
                bool   first    = true;
                foreach (CswPrimaryKey NodeId in Relationship.NodeIdsToFilterIn)
                    if (NodeId != null)
                        if (first)
                            first = false;
                            inclause += ",";
                        inclause += NodeId.PrimaryKey.ToString();
                if (inclause != string.Empty)
                    Where += " and n.nodeid in ( " + inclause + " ) ";

            // BZ 6008
            if (false == _IncludeSystemNodes)
                Where += " and n.issystem = '0' ";
            if (false == _IncludeHiddenNodes)
                Where += " and n.hidden = '0' ";
            if (false == _IncludeTempNodes)
                Where += " and n.istemp= '0' ";

            string Sql = string.Empty;

            if (With.Count > 0)
                Sql = "with " + With.ToString(false);
            Sql += " " + Select + " " + From + " " + Where + " " + OrderBy;

            CswArbitrarySelect Ret = _CswNbtResources.makeCswArbitrarySelect("TreeLoader_select", Sql);

            foreach (string Parameter in FilterParameters.Keys)
                Ret.addParameter(Parameter, FilterParameters[Parameter]);
        } //_makeNodeSql()
 public CswNbtMetaDataNodeTypeTab getNodeTypeTab( Int32 NodeTypeId, string NodeTypeTabName, bool BypassModuleCheck = false )
     return (CswNbtMetaDataNodeTypeTab) _CollImpl.getWhereFirst( "where nodetypeid = " + NodeTypeId.ToString() + " and lower(tabname) = '" + CswTools.SafeSqlParam( NodeTypeTabName.ToLower() ) + "'", null, BypassModuleCheck );
 public Int32 getNodeTypePropIdByObjectClassProp( Int32 NodeTypeId, string ObjectClassPropName )
     return _CollImpl.getPksFirst( "where nodetypeid = " + NodeTypeId.ToString() + " and objectclasspropid in (select objectclasspropid from object_class_props where lower(propname) = '" + CswTools.SafeSqlParam( ObjectClassPropName.ToLower() ) + "')" );
 public Int32 getNodeTypePropId( Int32 NodeTypeId, string PropName )
     return _CollImpl.getPksFirst( "where nodetypeid = " + NodeTypeId.ToString() + " and lower(propname) = '" + CswTools.SafeSqlParam( PropName.ToLower() ) + "'" );
 public CswNbtMetaDataNodeTypeProp getNodeTypeProp( Int32 NodeTypeId, string NodeTypePropName, CswDateTime Date = null )
     return (CswNbtMetaDataNodeTypeProp) _CollImpl.getWhereFirst( "where nodetypeid = " + NodeTypeId.ToString() + " and lower(propname) = '" + CswTools.SafeSqlParam( NodeTypePropName.ToLower() ) + "'", Date );
        /// <summary>
        /// Compares this prop's Text value with all existing values that share the same NodeTypePropId and changes it until it becomes unqiue.
        /// </summary>
        public void makeUnique()
            bool           isUnique          = false;
            CswTableSelect JctNodePropSelect = _CswNbtResources.makeCswTableSelect(NodeTypePropId + "_matching select", "jct_nodes_props");
            int            PropNum           = 2;
            string         NewText           = Text;

            while (false == isUnique)
                DataTable MatchingPropsTable = JctNodePropSelect.getTable("where nodetypepropid = " + NodeTypePropId + " " +
                                                                          "  and nodeid <> " + this.NodeId.PrimaryKey +
                                                                          "  and lower(" + _TextSubField.Column + ") = '" + CswTools.SafeSqlParam(NewText).ToLower() + "'");

                if (MatchingPropsTable.Rows.Count > 0)
                    NewText = Text + " " + PropNum;
                    isUnique = true;
            Text = NewText;
        } // makeUnique()