        static void Main(string[] args)
            string errorMessage = "";

            if (!File.Exists(MovieTitlesPath))
                errorMessage += $"Failed to find file ${MovieTitlesPath} - please update variable ${nameof(MovieTitlesPath)} or create that file.\n";
            if (!File.Exists(UserRatingsTrainingPath))
                errorMessage += $"Failed to find file ${UserRatingsTrainingPath} - please update variable ${nameof(UserRatingsTrainingPath)} or create that file.\n";
            if (!File.Exists(UserRatingsTestPath))
                errorMessage += $"Failed to find file ${UserRatingsTestPath} - please update variable ${nameof(UserRatingsTestPath)} or create that file.\n";
            if (errorMessage != "")
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
                Console.WriteLine("Not all files available - not running!");
                Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue...");

            var startTime = DateTime.Now;

            Console.WriteLine("Parsing the input files...");
            Dictionary <int, string> movieTitles = CsvParserUtils.ParseCsvAsList <Movie>(MovieTitlesPath).ToDictionary(n => n.MovieId, n => n.Title);
            UserCache trainingSetCache           = UserCache.BuildUserCache(UserRatingsTrainingPath);
            UserCache testingSetCache            = UserCache.BuildUserCache(UserRatingsTestPath);

            Console.WriteLine("Initializing predictors...");
            PearsonCoefficientCalculator pearsonCalculator = new PearsonCoefficientCalculator(trainingSetCache);
            MovieScorePredictor          predictor         = new MovieScorePredictor(pearsonCalculator);

            // NOTE: feel free to comment out any of the lines below depending on what you want to execute
            MakePredictionsOnTestFileAndCalculateError(predictor, testingSetCache);
            MakeMovieRecommendationsForUser999999InTrainingSet(predictor, trainingSetCache, movieTitles);

            var endTime = DateTime.Now;

            var totalMinutes = (endTime - startTime).TotalMinutes;

            Console.WriteLine("Took {0} minutes.", totalMinutes);
            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to quit...");
        public void TestMethod1()
            string s =
                @"/000/025 ham don 2 fw 1 35 1 jeff 2 dave 2 lynn 2 over 1 jones 2 thread 2 40 1 year 2 correlator 1 california 1 williams 2 mon 2 copyright 1 168 1 content 4 2 2 1 1 price 1 5 1 9 1 privileged 1 go 2 frank 4 19 1 harris 2 john 8 use 3 kevin 2 11 1 12 1 current 1 ferc 1 classes 1 g 2 may 2 e 1 kimberly 2 markets 1 09 2 a 3 05 1 smith 2 m 1 produced 1 w 1 new 1 u 1 shelley 2 s 4 v6 1 part 1 comments 1 2001 3 week 1 x 3 to 7 bob 4 basis 1 110 1 change 3 terms 1 mike 4 smtpsvc 1 has 2 allen 2 ken 2 any 2 michelle 2 jan 2 follow 1 be 2 index 1 text 1 electric 1 likely 1 strictly 1 and 10 that 2 urn 1 make 1 natural 1 1600 1 58 1 bill 2 steven 4 well 1 corp 3 area 1 complete 1 tom 2 corman 2 above 1 65 1 plain 1 chris 2 confidential 1 mail 1 as 3 blair 2 sheila 2 which 1 prohibited 1 michael 6 an 1 there 2 off 2 for 3 tim 2 of 6 are 3 page 1 only 1 on 3 exchange 1 kay 2 topic 1 information 1 transfer 1 or 3 msmbx01v 1 4418 1 questions 1 distribution 1 gas 3 rob 2 http 4 will 2 eric 2 disclosure 1 david 2 mime 1 some 1 scott 4 binary 1 subject 1 tnef 1 nahou 4 version 2 karen 2 craig 2 larry 4 encoding 1 thomas 2 end 1 ms 2 return 1 0500 2 attach 1 laura 2 but 1 mimeole 1 last 2 type 1 192 1 2195 1 enron 82 inc 1 january 2 power 2 miller 2 robert 2 class 1 market 2 contain 1 this 2 call 1 june 1 watson 2 one 1 was 1 steve 6 order 1 if 1 path 1 stephen 2 attachments 2 is 4 with 3 rick 2 stephanie 2 your 2 into 2 susan 2 the 12 msmbx03v 3 in 7 prices 4 discussed 1 also 1 energy 9 lisa 2 changes 1";

            File.WriteAllText("temp.txt", s);
            List <EmailExample> emailExamples;
            var example = CsvParserUtils.ParseEmailExamples("temp.txt", out emailExamples);

            emailExamples[0].WordsInEmail.Should().HaveCount(c => c > 2);

        // For recommendations, the following movies were used
        //17622, 999999, 5.0
        //10362, 999999, 5.0
        //5448, 999999, 5.0
        //14, 999999, 4.0
        //21, 999999, 1.0
        //69, 999999, 2.0
        //68, 999999, 4.0
        //209, 999999, 1.0
        //215, 999999, 5.0
        //731, 999999, 1.0
        //6205, 999999, 5.0
        //12293, 999999, 5.0
        //12298, 999999, 1.0
        //12311, 999999, 1.0
        //12954, 999999, 1.0
        //11726, 999999, 5.0
        //13501, 999999, 5.0
        //13595, 999999, 1.0
        //13617, 999999, 1.0
        //13638, 999999, 2.0
        //7624, 999999, 4.0

        // NOTE: Only used for testing
        private void RunLocalTests(MovieScorePredictor predictor)
            List <UserRating> testingUserRatings = CsvParserUtils.ParseCsvAsList <UserRating>(UserRatingsTestPath);
            double            prediction         = predictor.PredictScore(testingUserRatings[0].UserId, testingUserRatings[0].MovieId);

            UserCache testingSetCache = UserCache.BuildUserCache(UserRatingsTestPath);

            var allScores = predictor.PredictAllScores(testingUserRatings[0].UserId,
                                                       testingSetCache.GetUserMovieRatings(testingUserRatings[0].UserId), K);

            var allErrors = new List <double>();

            foreach (var keyValuePair in allScores)
                var    realScore = testingSetCache.GetUserMovieRatings(testingUserRatings[0].UserId)[keyValuePair.Key];
                double error     = Math.Abs(keyValuePair.Value.Prediction - realScore);
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string errorMessage = "";

            if (!File.Exists(TrainingDataPath))
                errorMessage += $"Failed to find file ${TrainingDataPath} - please update variable ${nameof(TrainingDataPath)} or create that file.\n";
            if (!File.Exists(TestDataPath))
                errorMessage += $"Failed to find file ${TestDataPath} - please update variable ${nameof(TestDataPath)} or create that file.\n";
            if (errorMessage != "")
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
                Console.WriteLine("Not all files available - not running!");
                Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue...");

            var startTime = DateTime.Now;


            List <EmailExample>            trainingEmails;
            Dictionary <string, WordCount> trainingCounts = CsvParserUtils.ParseEmailExamples(TrainingDataPath, out trainingEmails);
            List <EmailExample>            testEmails;

            CsvParserUtils.ParseEmailExamples(TestDataPath, out testEmails);

            double probabilitySpam = 1.0 * trainingEmails.Count(t => t.IsSpam) / trainingEmails.Count;

            Console.WriteLine("Making predictions...");
            uint hits = 0, misses = 0;
            uint falsePositives = 0, falseNegatives = 0;

            foreach (var emailExample in testEmails)
                //double probabilityOfSpam = NaiveBayesCalculator.ObtainProbabilityOfSpam(emailExample.WordsInEmail, trainingCounts, probabilitySpam);
                //bool isSpamPrediction = probabilityOfSpam > 0.5;

                var  probabilityOfSpam = NaiveBayesCalculator.ObtainProbabilityOfSpam(emailExample.WordsInEmail, trainingCounts, probabilitySpam, trainingCounts.Count);
                bool isSpamPrediction  = probabilityOfSpam.Item1 > probabilityOfSpam.Item2;
                if (isSpamPrediction && emailExample.IsSpam)
                else if (!isSpamPrediction && !emailExample.IsSpam)
                else if (isSpamPrediction && !emailExample.IsSpam)
                else if (!isSpamPrediction && emailExample.IsSpam)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException();

            Console.WriteLine("Score: {0}%. Hits: {1}, Misses: {2}", 100.0 * hits / (misses + hits), hits, misses);
            Console.WriteLine("FalsePositives: {0}. FalseNegatives: {1}", falsePositives, falseNegatives);

            var endTime = DateTime.Now;

            var totalMinutes = (endTime - startTime).TotalMinutes;

            Console.WriteLine("Took {0} minutes.", totalMinutes);
            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to quit...");
        public static UserCache BuildUserCache(string path)
            List <UserRating> trainingUserRatings = CsvParserUtils.ParseCsvAsList <UserRating>(path);

            return(new UserCache(trainingUserRatings));