getCsoundMessage() public method

public getCsoundMessage ( ) : string
return string
  * Print the Csound output to the Unity message console. No need to call this manually, it is set up and controlled in the CsoundUnity Awake() function.
 void logCsoundMessages()
     //print Csound message to Unity console....
     for (int i = 0; i < csound.getCsoundMessageCount(); i++)
  * Print the Csound output to the Unity message console. No need to call this manually, it is set up and controlled in the CsoundUnity Awake() function.
 void logCsoundMessages()
     //print Csound message to Unity console....
     for (int i = 0; i < csound.getCsoundMessageCount(); i++)
         Debug.Log(csound.getCsoundMessage() + "\n");