Inheritance: MonoBehaviour
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        csound = this.GetComponent <CsoundUnity>();

        var opcodeList = csound.GetOpcodeList();

        var count = 0;

        foreach (var opcode in opcodeList)
            var types = "";
            foreach (var argumentType in opcode.Value)
                types += "[<color=blue>in: </color>" + argumentType.intypes + "] [<color=red>out: </color>" + argumentType.outypes + "] [<color=purple>flags: </color>" + argumentType.flags + "] ";
            Debug.Log($"[{count}] [<b>{opcode.Key}</b>] {types}");

        var namedGens = csound.GetNamedGens();

        Debug.Log($"<b>NAMED GENS: {namedGens.Count}</b>");
        foreach (var gen in namedGens)
            Debug.Log($"<b>{gen.Key}</b>: {gen.Value}");

        Debug.Log("<b>CSOUND ENVIRONMENT</b>: \n<b>OPCODE6DIR64:</b> " + csound.GetEnv(CsoundUnity.EnvType.OPCODE6DIR64) +
                  "\n<b>SADIR:</b> " + csound.GetEnv(CsoundUnity.EnvType.SADIR) +
                  "\n<b>SSDIR:</b> " + csound.GetEnv(CsoundUnity.EnvType.SSDIR) +
                  "\n<b>SFDIR:</b> " + csound.GetEnv(CsoundUnity.EnvType.SFDIR));
    void OnEnable()
        csoundUnity = (CsoundUnity)target;

        m_csoundFileName         = this.serializedObject.FindProperty("_csoundFileName");
        m_csoundAsset            = this.serializedObject.FindProperty("_csoundAsset");
        m_csoundFileGUID         = this.serializedObject.FindProperty("_csoundFileGUID");
        m_csoundString           = this.serializedObject.FindProperty("_csoundString");
        m_csoundScore            = this.serializedObject.FindProperty("csoundScore");
        m_processAudio           = this.serializedObject.FindProperty("processClipAudio");
        m_mute                   = this.serializedObject.FindProperty("mute");
        m_logCsoundOutput        = this.serializedObject.FindProperty("logCsoundOutput");
        m_loudVolumeWarning      = this.serializedObject.FindProperty("loudVolumeWarning");
        m_loudWarningThreshold   = this.serializedObject.FindProperty("loudWarningThreshold");
        m_channelControllers     = this.serializedObject.FindProperty("_channels");
        m_availableAudioChannels = this.serializedObject.FindProperty("_availableAudioChannels");

        m_drawCsoundString  = this.serializedObject.FindProperty("_drawCsoundString");
        m_drawTestScore     = this.serializedObject.FindProperty("_drawTestScore");
        m_drawSettings      = this.serializedObject.FindProperty("_drawSettings");
        m_drawChannels      = this.serializedObject.FindProperty("_drawChannels");
        m_drawAudioChannels = this.serializedObject.FindProperty("_drawAudioChannels");
        //if (m_csoundFileName.stringValue.Length > 4)
        //    Debug.Log($"csoundFile is {m_csoundFileName.stringValue} (guid {m_csoundFileGUID.stringValue}), has channels size: {m_channelControllers.arraySize} csoundString: \n{m_csoundString.stringValue}");
    // private uint ksmpsIndex = 0;

    #endregion PRIVATE_FIELDS

    private void Awake()
        if (csoundUnityGameObject)
            csoundUnity = csoundUnityGameObject.GetComponent <CsoundUnity>();
            if (!csoundUnity)
                Debug.LogError("CsoundUnity was not found?");

        AudioSettings.GetDSPBufferSize(out bufferSize, out numBuffers);

        audioSource = GetComponent <AudioSource>();
        if (!audioSource)
            Debug.LogError("AudioSource was not found?");

        audioSource.velocityUpdateMode = AudioVelocityUpdateMode.Fixed;
        audioSource.spatialBlend       = 1.0f;

        if (selectedAudioChannelIndexByChannel == null)
            selectedAudioChannelIndexByChannel = new int[2];
        // TODO: force doppler level of the AudioSource to 0, to avoid audio artefacts ?
        // audioSource.dopplerLevel = 0;
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     myRB        = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>();
     myAnim      = GetComponent <Animator>();
     csound      = GetComponent <CsoundUnity>();
     wheelVar    = 0;
     drumVar     = 0;
     platformVar = 0;
    IEnumerator Start()
        isInitialized = false;

        // wait for csound to be initialized
        while (!csoundUnity.IsInitialized)
            yield return(null);

        csoundUnity.SetChannel("BPM", BPM);

        var count = 0;

        foreach (var clip in clips)
            var name = "Samples/" +;

            Debug.Log("loading clip " + name);
            var samples = CsoundUnity.GetSamples(name, CsoundUnity.SamplesOrigin.Resources);
            Debug.Log("samples read: " + samples.Length);
            if (samples.Length > 0)
                var nChan = clip.channels;
                var tn    = 900 + count;
                var res   = csoundUnity.CreateTable(tn, samples);
                //Debug.Log($"creating table: sampletable{tn}");
                csoundUnity.SetChannel($"sampletable{tn}", tn);
                Debug.Log(res == 0 ? $"<color=green>Table {tn} created, set channel sampletable{tn} = {tn} </color>" : $"<color=red>Error: Couldn't create Table {tn} </color>");
            yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame());

        if (showSequencerGUI)
            pads = new GameObject[numpads];
            for (int voice = 0; voice < numberOfVoices; voice++)
                for (int beat = 0; beat < numberOfBeats; beat++)
                    GameObject gObj = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube);
                    gObj.transform.position   = new Vector3(beat - numberOfBeats + 8f, numberOfVoices - voice - 4f, 0);
                    gObj.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.1f);
                    double enabled = csoundUnity.GetTableSample(voice + 1, beat);
                    gObj.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = (enabled == 1 ? new Color(1, 0, 0) : new Color(.5f, .5f, .5f));
                    gObj.AddComponent <PadController>();
           = padIndex++.ToString();
                    pads[beat + (voice * numberOfBeats)] = gObj;
        //padScale = pads[0].transform.localScale;

        isInitialized = true;
        Debug.Log("start end!");
 void Awake()
     //assign CsoundUnity component
     csoundUnity = GetComponent <CsoundUnity>();
     if (!csoundUnity)
         Debug.LogError("Can't find CsoundUnity");
    private void Awake()
        csound = GetComponent <CsoundUnity>();

        freqMinValue.text = frequencySlider.minValue.ToString();
        freqMaxValue.text = frequencySlider.maxValue.ToString();

        ampMinValue.text = ampSlider.minValue.ToString();
        ampMaxValue.text = ampSlider.maxValue.ToString();
    void OnEnable()
        csoundUnity        = (CsoundUnity)target;
        channelControllers = new List <CsoundChannelController>();
        controllerValues   = new List <float>();

        //parse Csound files for CsoundUnity descriptor
        if (csoundUnity.csoundFile.Length > 4)
            //deals with Csound files found the CsoundFiles folder
            string dir = Application.dataPath + "/Scripts/CsoundFiles";
            if (Directory.Exists(dir))
                parseCsdFile(dir + "/" + csoundUnity.csoundFile);
                parseCsdFile(Application.dataPath + "Scripts/" + csoundUnity.csoundFile);
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        csoundUnity = GameObject.Find("CsoundUnity").GetComponent <CsoundUnity>();
        if (!csoundUnity)
            Debug.LogError("Can't find CsoundUnity?");

        var name = "Samples/" +;

        var samplesStereo = CsoundUnity.GetSamples(name, CsoundUnity.SamplesOrigin.Resources, 1, true);
        var samplesMono   = CsoundUnity.GetSamples(name, CsoundUnity.SamplesOrigin.Resources, 1, false);

        if (csoundUnity.CreateTable(9000, samplesStereo) == -1)
            Debug.LogError("Couldn't create table");
        if (csoundUnity.CreateTable(9001, samplesMono) == -1)
            Debug.LogError("Couldn't create table");
    void Start()
        // Retrieves and initialises the Csound component

        #region CSound Initialisation

        csoundUnity = GetComponent <CsoundUnity>();


        // Calculate frequencies relative to bottom c

        #region Delta Frequencies

        deltaCC  = (c - c);
        deltaCSC = (cs - c);
        deltaDC  = (d - c);
        deltaEFC = (ef - c);
        deltaEC  = (e - c);
        deltaFC  = (f - c);
        deltaFSC = (fs - c);
        deltaGC  = (g - c);
        deltaGSC = (gs - c);
        deltaAC  = (a - c);
        deltaBFC = (bf - c);
        deltaBC  = (b - c);


        // Initialise Csound channels

        #region Channels

        csoundUnity.setChannel("temp", baseTemp);
        csoundUnity.setChannel("osc", baseToggle);

        csoundUnity.setChannel("sin1", baseToggle);
        csoundUnity.setChannel("sin2", baseToggle);
        csoundUnity.setChannel("sin3", baseToggle);
        csoundUnity.setChannel("sin4", baseToggle);

        csoundUnity.setChannel("sin1Ampl", baseAmpl);
        csoundUnity.setChannel("sin2Ampl", baseAmpl);
        csoundUnity.setChannel("sin3Ampl", baseAmpl);
        csoundUnity.setChannel("sin4Ampl", baseAmpl);

        csoundUnity.setChannel("sin1Freq", baseFreq);
        csoundUnity.setChannel("sin2Freq", baseFreq);
        csoundUnity.setChannel("sin3Freq", baseFreq);
        csoundUnity.setChannel("sin4Freq", baseFreq);

        csoundUnity.setChannel("att", baseAtt);
        csoundUnity.setChannel("dec", baseDec);
        csoundUnity.setChannel("sus", baseSus);
        csoundUnity.setChannel("rel", baseRel);


        // Initialise oscillator values

        #region Sine Osc 1

        sin1Active    = baseToggle;
        sin1Frequency = baseFreq;
        sin1Amplitude = baseAmpl;


        #region Sine Osc 2

        sin2Active    = baseToggle;
        sin2Frequency = baseFreq;
        sin2Amplitude = baseAmpl;


        #region Sine Osc 3

        sin3Active    = baseToggle;
        sin3Frequency = baseFreq;
        sin3Amplitude = baseAmpl;


        #region Sine Osc 4

        sin4Active    = baseToggle;
        sin4Frequency = baseFreq;
        sin4Amplitude = baseAmpl;


        // Initialise Envelope values

        #region Envelope

        attack  = baseAtt;
        decay   = baseDec;
        sustain = baseSus;
        release = baseRel;


        // Initialise master values

        #region Master

        masterActive     = baseToggle;
        instrumentActive = true;

        tempo  = baseTemp;
        octave = baseOctave;

 private void Awake()
     csoundUnity = GetComponent <CsoundUnity>();
     //Create A singleton
     instance = this;
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     csound = GetComponent <CsoundUnity>();
     csound.setChannel("tempo", tempo);
 public void Init(CsoundUnity csound)
     this.csoundUnity           = csound;
     this.csoundUnityGameObject = csound.gameObject;
     zerodbfs = csoundUnity.Get0dbfs();