         * <summary>
         * This method deletes record from the DB
         * </summary>
         * @method CsgoGridView_RowDeleting
         * @returns {VOID}
         * */
        protected void CsgoGridView_RowDeleting(object sender, GridViewDeleteEventArgs e)
            int selectedRow = e.RowIndex;                                                           // store which row was called
            int gameID      = Convert.ToInt32(CsgoGridView.DataKeys[selectedRow].Values["gameID"]); // get game ID

            if (HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)                                  // check to see if user is logged in
                //connect to db to remove row

                using (GameTrackerConnection db = new GameTrackerConnection())
                    Csgo removedGame = (from gameRecords in db.Csgoes where gameRecords.gameID == gameID select gameRecords).FirstOrDefault();



         * <summary>
         * This method connects to db and pulls out existing info for an existing game
         * </summary>
         * @method @getGameDetails
         * @return {void}

        protected void getGameDetails()
            // populate the form with existing data from the data base
            int gameID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["gameID"]);

            //connect to db
            using (GameTrackerConnection db = new GameTrackerConnection())
                Csgo updatedDetails = (from gameRecords in db.Csgoes where gameRecords.gameID == gameID select gameRecords).FirstOrDefault();

                //map the game properties to the form

                if (updatedDetails != null)
                    Team1TextBox.Text          = updatedDetails.team1;
                    Team2TextBox.Text          = updatedDetails.team2;
                    RoundsForTeam1TextBox.Text = updatedDetails.roundsWon.ToString();
                    RoundsForTeam2TextBox.Text = updatedDetails.roundsWonTeam2.ToString();
                    PointsForTeam1TextBox.Text = updatedDetails.totalPoints.ToString();
                    PointsForTeam2TextBox.Text = updatedDetails.totalPointsTeam2.ToString();
                    MapPlayedTexBox.Text       = updatedDetails.mapPlayed;
                    SpectatorsTextBox.Text     = updatedDetails.spectators.ToString();
                    WinnerTextBox.Text         = updatedDetails.winner;
                    //WeekTextBox.Text = updatedDetails.weekOfGame.ToString();
         * <summary>
         *  This method takes all the inputs on the csgo details page and inserts it to the fields in the table
         * </summary>
         * @method SaveButton_Click
         * @returns {void}
         * */

        protected void SaveButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            using (GameTrackerConnection db = new GameTrackerConnection())
                //creating new csgo object based on the model
                Csgo csgoGameDetails = new Csgo();

                int gameID = 0;

                if (Request.QueryString.Count > 0)// our url has a gameID in it
                    gameID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["gameID"]);

                    //get the current game from EF DB
                    csgoGameDetails = (from csgo in db.Csgoes where csgo.gameID == gameID select csgo).FirstOrDefault();
                string   week      = weekNumber.Text;
                string[] weekArray = null;
                char[]   splitChar = { 'W' };
                weekArray = week.Split(splitChar);
                string weekNum = weekArray[1];

                //add form data to the new game record
                csgoGameDetails.team1            = Team1TextBox.Text;
                csgoGameDetails.team2            = Team2TextBox.Text;
                csgoGameDetails.roundsWon        = int.Parse(RoundsForTeam1TextBox.Text);
                csgoGameDetails.roundsWonTeam2   = int.Parse(RoundsForTeam2TextBox.Text);
                csgoGameDetails.totalPoints      = int.Parse(PointsForTeam1TextBox.Text);
                csgoGameDetails.totalPointsTeam2 = int.Parse(PointsForTeam2TextBox.Text);
                csgoGameDetails.mapPlayed        = MapPlayedTexBox.Text;
                csgoGameDetails.spectators       = int.Parse(SpectatorsTextBox.Text);
                csgoGameDetails.winner           = WinnerTextBox.Text;
                //csgoGameDetails.weekOfGame = int.Parse(WeekTextBox.Text);
                csgoGameDetails.weekOfGame = int.Parse(weekNum);

                //use LINQ to ADO.NET to insert record to DB
                if (gameID == 0)

                //save all changes in the DB

                //redirect to csgo stats page