// fetch all rows from the SOAP layer and populate the ComboBox with it public void PopulateCombo() { if (!DesignMode && cboRef.DataSource == null) { CrudeProductExposeSetTypeRefServiceClient productExposeSetTypeRef = null; try { productExposeSetTypeRef = new CrudeProductExposeSetTypeRefServiceClient(); List <CrudeProductExposeSetTypeRefContract> contracts = productExposeSetTypeRef.FetchAll(); cboRef.DataSource = contracts; cboRef.DisplayMember = "ProductExposeSetTypeName"; cboRef.ValueMember = "ProductExposeSetTypeRcd"; } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex != null) { } } finally { if (productExposeSetTypeRef != null) { productExposeSetTypeRef.Close(); } } } }
// shows the form in edit modus // links: // docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/49afd26c-4f21-4992-967b-be190eacef77 public void ShowAsEdit(string productExposeSetTypeRcd, System.Guid userId) { var service = new CrudeProductExposeSetTypeRefServiceClient(); _isNew = false; try { _contract = service.FetchByProductExposeSetTypeRcd(productExposeSetTypeRcd); textBoxProductExposeSetType.Text = _contract.ProductExposeSetTypeRcd; textBoxProductExposeSetTypeName.Text = _contract.ProductExposeSetTypeName; _contract.UserId = userId; _contract.DateTime = DateTime.UtcNow; dateTimePickerDateTime.Text = _contract.DateTime.ToString(); Show(); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex == null) { } else { System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break(); } } finally { service.Close(); } }
// saves the form // links: // docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/c9522930-91f8-4468-a936-8030bb2a6482 private void buttonSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var service = new CrudeProductExposeSetTypeRefServiceClient(); try { _contract.ProductExposeSetTypeRcd = textBoxProductExposeSetType.Text; _contract.ProductExposeSetTypeName = textBoxProductExposeSetTypeName.Text; if (_isNew) { service.Insert(_contract); } else { service.Update(_contract); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex == null) { } else { System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break(); } } finally { service.Close(); } Close(); }
// refresh the grid // links: // docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/a90065e7-8ace-4de7-9367-d4653a7c637f public void RefreshCrudeProductExposeSetTypeRef() { var productExposeSetTypeRef = new CrudeProductExposeSetTypeRefServiceClient(); try { var bindingSource = new BindingSource(); bindingSource.DataSource = productExposeSetTypeRef.FetchWithFilter( textBoxProductExposeSetType.Text , textBoxProductExposeSetTypeName.Text , Guid.Empty , DateTime.MinValue ); dataGridViewCrudeProductExposeSetTypeRef.AutoGenerateColumns = false; dataGridViewCrudeProductExposeSetTypeRef.DataSource = bindingSource; dataGridViewCrudeProductExposeSetTypeRef.AutoResizeColumns(); dataGridViewCrudeProductExposeSetTypeRef.Refresh(); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex == null) { } else { System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break(); } } finally { productExposeSetTypeRef.Close(); } }