// transfer model to data and update // links: // docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/658fda50-2ad3-414e-9299-2b399d17a057 public void Update(CrudeClientModel model) { var data = new CrudeClientData(); ModelToData(model, data); data.Update(); }
// transfer model to data and update, on a transaction // links: // docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/aa07e05b-edc8-4e09-bf93-bf2a40c93c09 public void Update(CrudeClientModel model, SqlConnection connection, SqlTransaction transaction) { var data = new CrudeClientData(); ModelToData(model, data); data.Update(connection, transaction); }
// transfer model to data and insert // links: // docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/17cd8423-3c78-459f-a45b-773fcfbc3b7d public void Insert(CrudeClientModel model) { var data = new CrudeClientData(); ModelToData(model, data); data.Insert(); }
// fetch by Search key into current object // links: // crud definition: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Create,_read,_update_and_delete // docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/ad2dd952-e3ec-471a-9e34-f5fc965b8b37 // parameters: // FirstName: key of table CrudeClientData public CrudeClientModel FetchByFirstName(string firstName) { var dataAccessLayer = new CrudeClientData(); var model = new CrudeClientModel(); dataAccessLayer.FetchByFirstName(firstName); DataToModel(dataAccessLayer, model); return(model); }
// fetch by Primary key into current object // links: // crud definition: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Create,_read,_update_and_delete // docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/fdcc33b4-08f1-43c3-ae28-95fbf029c3bd // parameters: // CrudeClientData: primary key of table CrudeClientData public CrudeClientModel FetchByClientId(System.Guid clientId) { var dataAccessLayer = new CrudeClientData(); var model = new CrudeClientModel(); dataAccessLayer.FetchByClientId(clientId); DataToModel(dataAccessLayer, model); return(model); }
// transfer data list to model list // links: // crud definition: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Create,_read,_update_and_delete // docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/b8ab5693-f2f2-494f-883e-89b617113511 // parameters: // CrudeClientData: key of table CrudeClientData public static List <CrudeClientModel> DataListToModelList(List <CrudeClientData> dataList) { var modelList = new List <CrudeClientModel>(); foreach (CrudeClientData data in dataList) { var model = new CrudeClientModel(); DataToModel(data, model); modelList.Add(model); } return(modelList); }
// fetch all from table into new List of class instances, filtered by any column // links: // docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/db27658d-4d23-46d7-9970-7bbaef8634b0 public List <CrudeClientModel> FetchWithFilter(System.Guid clientId, string firstName, string middleName, string lastName, System.Guid addressId, System.Guid defaultUserId, string passengerTypeRcd, string nationalityRcd, string genderRcd, string titleRcd, string clientTypeRcd, System.Guid userId, System.DateTime dateTime) { var list = new List <CrudeClientModel>(); List <CrudeClientData> dataList = CrudeClientData.FetchWithFilter(clientId, firstName, middleName, lastName, addressId, defaultUserId, passengerTypeRcd, nationalityRcd, genderRcd, titleRcd, clientTypeRcd, userId, dateTime); foreach (CrudeClientData data in dataList) { var crudeClientBusinessModel = new CrudeClientModel(); DataToModel(data, crudeClientBusinessModel); list.Add(crudeClientBusinessModel); } return(list); }
// fetch all rows from table with an offset, and limit of rows // links: // docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/a87e5c54-b47e-4031-bc3b-837b4cf9f692 public List <CrudeClientModel> FetchAllWithLimitAndOffset(string limit, string offset) { var list = new List <CrudeClientModel>(); List <CrudeClientData> dataList = CrudeClientData.FetchAllWithLimitAndOffset(int.Parse(limit), int.Parse(offset)); foreach (CrudeClientData crudeClientBusiness in dataList) { var model = new CrudeClientModel(); DataToModel(crudeClientBusiness, model); list.Add(model); } return(list); }
// copy all rows from a List of serialized data objects in CrudeClientData to a List of SOAP Contracts // links: // docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/3d3e60c3-69e4-43d6-8bd5-14a67a6ecf58 public List <CrudeClientModel> FetchAll() { var list = new List <CrudeClientModel>(); List <CrudeClientData> dataList = CrudeClientData.FetchAll(); foreach (CrudeClientData crudeClientBusiness in dataList) { var model = new CrudeClientModel(); DataToModel(crudeClientBusiness, model); list.Add(model); } return(list); }
// transfer data object to model object // links: // docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/43d57600-5ff5-4ef8-9330-123773d100d3 public static void DataToModel(CrudeClientData data, CrudeClientModel model) { model.ClientId = data.ClientId; model.FirstName = data.FirstName; model.MiddleName = data.MiddleName; model.LastName = data.LastName; model.AddressId = data.AddressId; model.DefaultUserId = data.DefaultUserId; model.PassengerTypeRcd = data.PassengerTypeRcd; model.NationalityRcd = data.NationalityRcd; model.GenderRcd = data.GenderRcd; model.TitleRcd = data.TitleRcd; model.ClientTypeRcd = data.ClientTypeRcd; model.UserId = data.UserId; model.DateTime = data.DateTime; }
// transfer model object to data object // links: // docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/95875d99-b7f7-4a9e-baa4-3fbe9925d8a2 public static void ModelToData(CrudeClientModel model, CrudeClientData data) { data.ClientId = model.ClientId; data.FirstName = model.FirstName; data.MiddleName = model.MiddleName; data.LastName = model.LastName; data.AddressId = model.AddressId; data.DefaultUserId = model.DefaultUserId; data.PassengerTypeRcd = model.PassengerTypeRcd; data.NationalityRcd = model.NationalityRcd; data.GenderRcd = model.GenderRcd; data.TitleRcd = model.TitleRcd; data.ClientTypeRcd = model.ClientTypeRcd; data.UserId = model.UserId; data.DateTime = model.DateTime; }
public CrudeClientModel CrudeClientUpdate([Bind()] CrudeClientModel client) { new CrudeClientBusiness().Update(client); return(client); }
public CrudeClientModel CrudeClientCreate([Bind()] CrudeClientModel client) { new CrudeClientBusiness().Insert(client); return(client); }