public bool Run(TestInfo test, int pass, int testNumber) { if (_showStatus) { Log("#@ Running {0} ({1})...\n", test.TestMethod.Name, Language.TwoLetterISOLanguageName); } if (_buildMode) { Log("{0,3}. {1,-46} ", testNumber, test.TestMethod.Name); } else { var time = DateTime.Now; Log("[{0}:{1}] {2,3}.{3,-3} {4,-46} ({5}) ", time.Hour.ToString("D2"), time.Minute.ToString("D2"), pass, testNumber, test.TestMethod.Name, Language.TwoLetterISOLanguageName); } // Create test class. var testObject = Activator.CreateInstance(test.TestClassType); // Set the TestContext. TestContext.Properties["AccessInternet"] = AccessInternet.ToString(); TestContext.Properties["RunPerfTests"] = RunPerfTests.ToString(); TestContext.Properties["TestSmallMolecules"] = TestSmallMolecules.ToString(); TestContext.Properties["LiveReports"] = LiveReports.ToString(); if (test.SetTestContext != null) { var context = new object[] { TestContext }; test.SetTestContext.Invoke(testObject, context); } // Switch to selected culture. var saveCulture = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture; var saveUICulture = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture; LocalizationHelper.CurrentCulture = LocalizationHelper.CurrentUICulture = Language; LocalizationHelper.InitThread(); long crtLeakedBytes = 0; // Run the test and time it. Exception exception = null; var stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); stopwatch.Start(); try { if (test.TestInitialize != null) { test.TestInitialize.Invoke(testObject, null); } if (CheckCrtLeaks > 0) { CrtDebugHeap.Checkpoint(); } test.TestMethod.Invoke(testObject, null); if (CheckCrtLeaks > 0) { crtLeakedBytes = CrtDebugHeap.DumpLeaks(true); } if (test.TestCleanup != null) { test.TestCleanup.Invoke(testObject, null); } } catch (Exception e) { exception = e; } stopwatch.Stop(); LastTestDuration = (int)(stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000); // Restore culture. Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = saveCulture; Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = saveUICulture; MemoryManagement.FlushMemory(); const int mb = 1024 * 1024; var managedMemory = (double)GC.GetTotalMemory(true) / mb; if (exception == null) { // Test succeeded. Log( "{0,3} failures, {1:F2}/{2:F1} MB, {3} sec.\r\n", FailureCount, managedMemory, TotalMemory, LastTestDuration); if (crtLeakedBytes > CheckCrtLeaks) { Log("!!! {0} CRT-LEAKED {1} bytes", test.TestMethod.Name, crtLeakedBytes); } using (var writer = new FileStream("TestRunnerMemory.log", FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read)) using (var stringWriter = new StreamWriter(writer)) { stringWriter.WriteLine(TotalMemory.ToString("F1")); } return(true); } // Save failure information. FailureCount++; if (FailureCounts.ContainsKey(test.TestMethod.Name)) { FailureCounts[test.TestMethod.Name]++; } else { FailureCounts[test.TestMethod.Name] = 1; } var failureInfo = "# " + test.TestMethod.Name + "FAILED:\n" + exception.InnerException.Message + "\n" + exception.InnerException.StackTrace; if (ErrorCounts.ContainsKey(failureInfo)) { ErrorCounts[failureInfo]++; } else { ErrorCounts[failureInfo] = 1; } Log( "{0,3} failures, {1:F2}/{2:F1} MB\r\n\r\n!!! {3} FAILED\r\n{4}\r\n{5}\r\n!!!\r\n\r\n", FailureCount, managedMemory, TotalMemory, test.TestMethod.Name, exception.InnerException.Message, exception.InnerException.StackTrace); return(false); }
public void Run(TestInfo test, CultureInfo culture, Stopwatch stopwatch = null) { // Delete test directory. int testDirectoryCount = 1; while (Directory.Exists(_testDir)) { try { // Try delete 4 times to give anti-virus software a chance to finish. // ReSharper disable AccessToModifiedClosure TryLoop.Try <IOException>(() => Directory.Delete(_testDir, true), 4); // ReSharper restore AccessToModifiedClosure } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("\n\n" + e.Message); _testDir = SetTestDir(_testContext, ++testDirectoryCount, Process.GetCurrentProcess()); } } // Create test class. var testObject = Activator.CreateInstance(test.TestClassType); // Set the TestContext. if (test.SetTestContext != null) { var context = new object[] { _testContext }; test.SetTestContext.Invoke(testObject, context); } // Switch to selected culture. LocalizationHelper.CurrentCulture = culture; LocalizationHelper.InitThread(); // Run the test and time it. Exception exception = null; if (stopwatch != null) { stopwatch.Start(); } long totalLeakedBytes = 0; try { if (test.TestInitialize != null) { test.TestInitialize.Invoke(testObject, null); } if (pass > 1 || repeatCounter > 1) { CrtDebugHeap.Checkpoint(); } test.TestMethod.Invoke(testObject, null); if (pass > 1 || repeatCounter > 1) { long leakedBytes = CrtDebugHeap.DumpLeaks(true); totalLeakedBytes += leakedBytes; } if (test.TestCleanup != null) { test.TestCleanup.Invoke(testObject, null); } } catch (Exception e) { exception = e; } if (stopwatch != null) { stopwatch.Stop(); } // Restore culture. Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = saveCulture; Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = saveUICulture; var managedMemory = GC.GetTotalMemory(false) / mb; process.Refresh(); var totalMemory = process.PrivateMemorySize64 / mb; if (exception == null) { // Test succeeded. info = string.Format( "{0,3} failures, {1:0.0}/{2:0.0} MB{3}, {4} sec.", _failureCount, managedMemory, totalMemory, totalLeakedBytes > 0 ? string.Format(" *** LEAKED {0} bytes ***", totalLeakedBytes) : "", stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000); Console.WriteLine(info); log.WriteLine(info); } else { // Save failure information. _failureCount++; failureList[testName]++; info = testName + " {0} failures ({1:0.##}%)\n" + exception.InnerException.Message + "\n" + exception.InnerException.StackTrace; if (errorList.ContainsKey(info)) { errorList[info]++; } else { errorList[info] = 1; } Console.WriteLine("*** FAILED {0:0.#}% ***", 100.0 * failureList[testName] / pass); log.WriteLine("{0,3} failures, {1:0.0}/{2:0.0} MB\n*** failure {3}\n{4}\n{5}\n***", _failureCount, managedMemory, totalMemory, errorList[info], exception.InnerException.Message, exception.InnerException.StackTrace); } log.Flush(); if (totalLeakedBytes > 0) { Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("\n*** {0} leaked ***\n", testName)); } }